ROLL CALL: Friday the 13th weekend plans?!
Although it's supposed to be beautiful this weekend, it is raining and cold right now in DC. Just had my 3-month oncology check-up and blood draw, so that's out of the way. This weekend will probably be pretty quiet for us. Tonight we'll probably just grab a bite to eat. I'm planning to peruse the Going Out section of the…
Thanksgiving recipes
I know it's last minute, but do any of you have any special recipes you'd like to share that is a family tradition?
In a slump today
Hi all my new favorite friends! This is my chemo weekend. I had my 2nd treatment on Thursday. I like to plan it that way so that I have the weekend to recover and hopefully not miss any more time from work other than my treatment day, which is every 21 days. All of my weekends have been downers since I started my…
Is anyone still scared?
I had surgery, rads and sometimes still get so scared. Does anyone else? I guess the fear is that it will come back. There seem to be so many just on here with recurrences that it is hard to forget. Kylez ♥
got my name for the ornament exchange today.Ya Thanks chenheart.
I am so excited,I can not wait to find the perfect ornament.I know the one i get will have a special meaning to me on my tree when I get it.chenheart what a wonderful thing to do for all of us.Thank you.Love and Prayers.(Pat).
Path report
Tubule formation score 3 Nuclear pleomorphism score 3 Mitotic count score 3 Estroge/progestern receptor 0% Her-2/Neu 0 Ki-67 92% Done a bit of research and don't think this bodes well. I have a lump in my right breast and a swollen lymph node on the right also. Will see the oncologist on Monday.
One Flaw In Women
One Flaw In Women Women have strengths that amaze men..... They bear hardships and they carry burdens, but they hold happiness, love and joy. They smile when they want to scream. They sing when they want to cry. They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous. They fight for what they believe in... They stand…
Lose your fingernails?
Ok...all ready prepped that I will lose my hair. Just read a blog that talked about losing your fingernails! Is there any other wierd things that I should know about before chemo next week?
Starting chemo the week after Thanksgiving
I have to do a P.E.T. scan this Tuseday and the Oncologist will talk with me on Friday about the results. I done the mascetomy and good with that just the chemo is scaring me. What is the first treatment like?
Linda since you liked what I said and wish to revisit it periodically I have created this just for you, to give you hope! In the upper right hand corner of this screen you should see the words "add to favorites" click there and this will be saved to your favorites where you can easily access it at anytime. JUST REMEMBER…
Maybe you can relate
I want to fall in love. Just needed to get that out...
PET Scan Results
Im so exited and somewhat aggrivated at the same time. Ill start with what I know is good news. My last scan showed breast lesion to be 10.5cm. This scan after 3 rounds of AC now measures 1.9cm x 2.6cm. Much smaller. They would not make a comment on my liver since I went to a different facility until they have the actual…
Rookie could use some advice
I'm new to this site, and new to the experience. I've read all of these postings - some have frightened the fool out of me, others have provided an insight I desparately need. Ok, veterans, can you give a rookie a hand? I have been diagnosed with ILC (Invasive Lobular) and am scheduled for a bilateral mastectomy next…
Done with rads today!
I finished rads today. I started my Tamoxifen last night - so far, so good.
Excruciating Pain in the legs
Mom (72 and is at a Rehab Center for the past 3 weeks is now 5 minutes from my house, she was not eating or taking her meds, she lives 70 miles away) had one treatment of chemo last Friday (Cytoxan and Taxotere) . She has T2 N2 M1 Tumor Shape 3. She has been flushed, hot with NO temperature, nausea, sugar is low so meds…
This is a blog I posted on the Expression's Gallery, I decided to post it here as well and ask where or what some of you do to renew your inner selves. Today I was sitting with my husband enjoying one of the National Parks series on PBS (we had recorded it previously.) I love this series by the way as it is our desire to…
Started Taxol - feeling really lousy!
I did really well with the A/C treatments (4 treatments over 8 weeks). Had some fatigue, etc., but for the most part felt pretty well. On Monday I had the first of 12 Taxol treatments. I feel like I've been run over by a bus. Anyone else feel lousy with the Taxol? I wonder if it could just be the cumulative affect of…
Declining Eyesight
Yes eyes get worse with age, but it seems my eyesight is much worse since I started chemo. My eyes are dry and crusty and I think I need a stronger pair of glasses. Has anyone else experienced this?
Advice on Mastectomy Aftercare
I am scheduled for a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction on Dec 5. Would those of you who have been through this procedure share with me what happens afterward? I do not know what to expect. Will I be in a lot of pain? I don't have anyone to be with me during the day once I get home and to be honest... I'm scared.…
Anyone taking Lyrica for nerves misfiring?
My Dr. put me on Lyrica yesterday because my breast has been hurting a lot lately. If anything rubbed against me it was painful, aven my t-shirt at night. Doc said that my nerves are misifring all the time and he put me on Lyrica. Has anyone had this problem and/or been on this medicine?
Mail call!! It wasn't me...
I just wanted to say thank you to Green Eyed Girl (Melanie) for announcing that the secret recipient of her Christmas ornament should recieve it on Friday. I had fun watching for the mailman all day like a child looking for Santa on Christmas Eve. However, even a bribe to my mailman did not produce any results! So, all I…
Time to Vent Again
Maybe I'm being too whiney, but I just need to let off some steam. I have a brother who lives 2 states away from me. He is "retired", living on food stamps, welfare, medicare and all that good stuff because his legs and knees are bad from his old job. He also has a girlfriend who is an unemployed nurse (can't find a job?)…
need advice about what to expect in recovery from bilateral mastectomy
Hi - I'm a nurse with a dear friend scheduled for surgery 12/21/09. She is trying to plan the type of help and supplies she will need in recovery and asked me to post this topic for her and monitor the responses. We'd like advice from anyone who has gone through her type of procedure on the nitty gritty day by day recovery…
I mailed my ornament today~
And the post office said that my "ornament buddy" should receive it by Friday of this week. So watch the mail.....for a package from "GreeneyedGirl". Happy ornament hunting, mailing, and receiving!! Melanie
Springfield, MO
Is anyone on here in or close to Springfield, MO. Would like to meet some friends. Is there a good support group I can attend?
After My Surgery
I had my mastectomy done at the end of July. It went fairly well except that my drain had to stay in longer than usual and I had a large hematoma. I have had so much trouble coming to terms with the loss of my breast. My right breast and nipple were much more sensitive and pleasurable than the one that was left. That has…
There's this funny stuff falling from the sky!!! Is the sky falling??????
I woke up here in 'sunny' Southern California to this wierd, clear stuff falling from the sky....could anyone help me with what it might be????? LMAO...of course, out of a dim memory, it's something you call 'rain'.... Happy fall to all!!!! We need rain soooooooooooo badly!!! Hugs, Kathi
I Hope I sent all who asked for a SECRET Ornament Sister their name and address today!!!!!
If you sent me your name/address to be in the ornament exchange, you should have received your Secret Sister's info today. If, for some reason you have NOT gotten an ornament buddy, please let me know! The response to this has been amazing...I had to try and remember how, or even if, I was even slightly organized! So, if…
a story only you ladies can appreciate... how people just don't think...
I was at work today.. and for the first time at work I went with no scarf or wig on. I was waiting by the elevator with my fuzzy head.. (its starting to grow back) and a fellow co-worker who is very aware of the situation says to me..... "Oh I love your new hair cut".. okay maybe its me.. I would never say that to someone…
pet scan results
My oncologist's nurse called and said that my results from my pet ct scan shows the mass in my right breast (which I knew about) and in my lymph nodes, she said that I will meet with my doctor on monday to discuss this. Now that they know its in my lymph nodes how does that change my treatment plan. thanks betty