Can't tolerate Chemo - Radiation recomended
Mom is 72 and “fragile” she has been struggling to handle all the stuff… surgery, excess fluid building up on the chest wall and having it drained, having a port, etc…. Oncologist said if she can’t tolerate the1st treatment of chemo this week, that he will recommend stopping and doing just the radiation with oral chemo.…
Bald Headed Dictator
As I was preparing for the arrival of my son and his family, I became quite exhausted, told my husband, and asked him to do 4 or 5 minor things. He doesnt mind doing things of his choosing as long as it's done in his time frame. When we got to making the bed, he called me a dictator, and I just broke out in tears. He was…
Concerned-been waiting 3 months to begin rads!
I was diagnosed with breast cancer March 2009. In July, had quadrectomy to remove the tumor and lymph nodes checked. Result: T1A NO MO. Also had PET, thank God all ok. I'm taking Femara but still waiting to be called in for the rads. I'm concerned. Oncologist says my case is not urgent therefore the delay won't change…
Wonderful weekend with Brooke
There is much going on today with so many of you warriors. Prayers to all you ladies. I'm having a bit of a reprieve this week, and wanted to share that my beautiful 8 month old granddaughter Brooke visited with me 2 days this past weekend from NC. I'm absolutely in love with her. It was wonderful to monopolize her time…
i am a four year suvivor take one day at atime talk to family and friends helps a lot
Starting Taxol
Saw Chemo Dr. today (first time since surgery) and Thursday will be starting Taxol weekly for 12 weeks. As it stands now, to be followed by rads and Femara. It's IBC and was quite large and involved though had shrunk (4 doses of A/C) a lot and there were nodes involved. Guess I'd bettered get busy making/getting more warm…
Veterans' Day
Please take a moment today to think about all Veterans but give a little extra thought for our women veterans who have fought, are fighting and will in the future be fighting this very nasty beast. Susan
prayers for me tomorrow
I will be having my tissue expanders out and silicone implants put in tomorrow around 10:20am EST. Keep me and Jake in your thoughts and prayers. It is just as hard this time as it was in February--Mind is going crazy. I will let you all know how I did on either Wednesday or Thursday. Hugs to all. Margo
newbie here
Hi, I found a lump about 3 weeks ago and things have moved very quickly since then. I am looking for some place to turn for questions and support, my family and friends are very support but it is hard to talk to them. I have a question about the catheter that was put in me on monday, it has one tube running from it, can…
hair,help please
Hi,My hair is growing back thank goodness.But it is only like a half inch now.It sticks straight up.The thing is it hurts when i lay down to sleep.It feels like a porky pine.I tryed putting a conditioner on it thinking that would soften it up.but that didn,t help.Does anyone have suggestions.I know it might sound silly to…
breast cancer
Just had my first chemo treatment yesterday and everything went fine. I was expecting more side effects today, but so far I am feeling fine. I will have to have 3 more treatments within the next 3 months. Anyone out there in my situation!
trouble with breast reduction
I had my permant implant done and the other side reduced to match. My incision has opened in two places on the reduced breast. My doctor says that is common and I do not have anything to worry about, just keep covered (changing daily). But I think it is harder emotionally. I was just getting to like the new changes. I was…
North Carolina
Curious if any of you are from NC. I live in the Charlotte area.
Waiting rant
So, 2 days shy of a month after my lumpectomy I finally met with my medical oncologist. Since my tumor was small (1.3 cm) and no lymph node involvement, I knew, mostly from information and links I got from coming to this board, that I would be a good candidate for the Oncotype DX. My surgeon had also mentioned it, but said…
Looking good class
I'm going to the Looking Good Feeling Better class tonight. Has anyone been there? Did it help? My hair is almost gone and I'm suffering from constant face flushing from the steroids. My skin is very dry and flakey on my face. Will they help me deal with these? I'm starting to feel like people are staring at me all the…
ixempra and avastin side effects
I have stage IV breast cancer and I am participating in a study where I receive ixempra and avastin once a week for three weeks, then one week off. I just finished the second round and I am having the worst week yet of side effects. I anticipated some side effects being cumulative in effect, but not stuff like diarhea,…
Arimidex and Sleep
A strange (but good) thing is happening to me. I've been on AI's for 17 months and had many problems with my joints, muscles, and insomnia. Then it happened. I read an article about arthritis and fibromyalgia which said that sleep, particularly REM sleep, was helpful for persons suffering with fibromyalgia. I don't have…
Ok, calling Chemo Chicks!!!
I guess it's time for me to join!~ First appt. w/onc on Monday. I guess that's when I find out the cocktails & schedule. I had IDC, left breast only and no node involvement. I had a bilateral mastectomy w/expanders & port placement. Help! What do I need to ask? I've heard all the horror stories of the different cocktails…
Abraxane and Carboplation
I will be starting chamo on Nov16,09 and will be on Abraxane and carboplation had anyone taken this before and if so how did you do?
Chemo #3 coming up
Hoping all you #3 girls will do ok this coming round. Mine will be Monday, the halfway point. After #4 I'll get another petscan to see whats happening. So far, my two lumps have shrunk completely. I'm staying positive. My face did break out this week for some reason but is clearing up. My tastebuds are returning! Hope…
Pathology Report In!
I had my bilateral mastectomy on Friday 10/30. Just got the news....Sentinel Node was completely clear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so relieved! I can't express all the emotions running through my mind! I did cry like a baby! A special thanks to this board and all it's members. You all have gotten me where I am…
Soups on
My sister just brought me some cheese broccoli soup from the Bread Co. So good! Next week is my "chemo week" and I feel better eating soup during that time. Do any of you have a favorite soup that makes you feel better at that time? Morsie, I'm looking forward to the your chicken and dumplings next week! My tastebuds are…
Is this a Chemo s/e?
The tips of my fingers on one hand have become numb & on one of my fingers and also the ball of one of my feet are red, swollen, & feel like they are blistered. Is this a s/e and what can I do? Strangest things.... Thanks for your help! Cathy
Visit with Medical Onc today - Need extra prayers!
Well, here it is 2:20am (alarm due to go off in 3 1/2 hours) and I am wide awake. Anxious about seeing my Onc today. Getting there will not be an easy trip for me as I am still in quite a bit of pain (1 1/2 hr ride). I am hoping she will step in and do some further checking into this situation with my abdomin and healing.…
Didn't get drain out
Well, I saw surgeon earlier but he didn't take the last drain out. Still draining too much for him to be happy about taking it out now so it'll be in til sometime next week. He is going to take it out next Thurs even if still draining a lot as it'll be 4 weeks post. No signs of infection just that it was a large area…
Nutrition for surgery
Hello ladies (and Gents, if you are there) I just wanted to share something I have learned the hard way. I have had reconstruction surgery (DIEP procedure) and have had some complications with recovery. Each visit to the Dr. he kept asking me how my nutrition was, and if I was getting enough protein. Being a layperson and…
revision after DIEP
Hey, ladies, I am finally getting completely over the DIEP procedure I had done in July. The next step will be breast revision and revision of the abdominal scar. Have any of you had experience with this? How does it compare to the DIEP surgery? How long in the hospital, how long recovering at home, how long till you can…
Ok, I'm starting to freak out
Surgery on Thursday (11/12). DCIS in 3 lumps (6mm, 7mm, 1.3cm), likely stage 1, unilateral mastectomy with sentinel node biopsy. After much discussion, I decided to have immediate reconstruction (extender put in). The thing is, I'm still not sure that is what I want. I'm pretty unhappy about the additional recovery time…
new to this
I am new to this i was told on nov5,09 that i have breast cancer and everything has been going so fast, went to day and had my port put in nov9,09 and start chymo on nov16,09 two days before i turn 44. my family has been there for me so much we are not close but they have been calling me everyday just to check up on me i…
Eating Issues
I wonder if I am unusual. I just cant eat much, I have finished the 4 ac and had one taxol. but have lots of GI issues constiaption/diahrea. lower body part problems and pain. I see the posting on recipes and I look forward to eating but cant imagine doing it now. I am worried sick about my nutrition, just started boost.…