18 hrs till 1st chemo.....SCARED!!
I really didn't think I was going to be this scared! To be honest, I really think that the whole BC DX (I hope dx means diagnosis?) is FINALLY becoming REALITY!!?? I have had my masectomy, yes, that did not bother me too much at all.....now when it comes to chemo, I am scared?? I really don't know why because I keep…
My mom passed away...
I'm very sad to let you all know that my mom passed away last night. She was 62 years old and had been battling a rare and aggressive uterine sarcoma for the past two years. Those of you who already know me from this discussion group will recall the trials I've had trying to make my two young daughters understand the…
Thank God for???????????
Thank God for all of you ladies..... May the Lord give you all the strength you need..... next, What do you want to Thank God for????
Happy ornament hunting,
Ornament another one in the mail . this is a little eary but everyone have a great thankgiving
I know what Ki-67 is
Ki-67 is a test that shows them how active the cancer cells are on reproducing. If you have one hundred cells and 5 of them are reproducing your score is 5%. My two tumors are at 92% and 87%.
Just want to say hello
Hi everyone, I have been getting to know everyone for the past few days just reading the discussion board. What a nice group of people. Thought I should introduce myself and say HI! I was diagnosed with ductal invasive breast cancer in July. I had a double mastectomy with DIEP immediate reconstruction. That went very well.…
Help, need name
We are forming a team for the Relay For Life and I can not come up with a good team name, ANY IDEAS.
Confused :(
I had my appointment with my surgeon today to fill me in on some details, since I am newly diagnosed. I have Invasive Lobular Carcinoma and I am HER-2/neu. I really have no idea what this is...can ayone help? Also, he wants to schedule surgery for me the week after Thanksgiving. I'm just not sure what to do lumpectomy or…
Advanced diagnosis scaring me to death, plus CA 15-3 is up
Hi everyone. I'm new. Linda, 48 years old. Story in a nutshell: Mastectomy, chemo in 2004. Tamoxifen until March 2009. Off meds until new lump found 9/09. "Routine scan" a month ago, after lumpectomy shows liver mets, sub-centimeter. Ooopherectomy two weeks ago, Arimidex now. I can barely get through the day with this…
Bilateral Mastectomy w/o Reconstruction
Hi all~ I'm scheduled for a bilateral mastectomy w/o reconstruction on 12/1 and have a couple of questions. I live alone and have no family (or none that are able/willing to help), so was wondering how difficult it is to manage emptying the drains, etc. I believe that I will have a visiting nurse for at least a few days…
Social Security disability
Have been told I should look into ss disability. Does anyone know if breast cancer qualifies. I definitely am not going to find a job now, so I have stopped my job search.
Here we go again.....
Hi all, am a little nervous just was hoping for some positive thoughts! Had a mammo thursday, doc asked for more pictures, then did ultrasound, then core biopsy. Suspicious area close to chest wall in opposite good breast. Doc will call w/results monday after 5pm. The whole day went exactly the same as my 1st…
Should my daughter demand a mamogram?
My daughter is very high risk for BC.I have it,i lost a sister of it at 32.I have a sister that had it at 56,my mother had it.My daughter is 31yrs. old,her doctor will not order one till she is at least 35.I don,t want to stear her wrong but I would like for her to start having them.What do you think.Thanks for your…
Was diagnosed as DCIS with no lymph node involvement in early August. Had bi-lateral mast.with DIEP free flap reconstruction. Going good until the pathology came back. Stage I, good news, but hormone negative and HER2 positive. Evidently if the HER2 count is 2 or higher, chemo is next. Mine is 7.2. Last summer Bobby and I…
second expander
Hey Ladies! Guess I am feeling sorry for myself and I really am having a rough time tonight but I know someone out there may have gone through what I'm going through AGAIN!! Had right side masectomy Feb. 2008 with expander -- had to be removed in April 2008 because of infection. Had another expander @ Latimuss Dorsi Flap…
Monday Blues
Hi new friends, I am at the computer when I should be in the shower. My three girls are asleep and I've got to get them up, too. I am stuck in front of this screen with tears. I've got to get it together to get us all to school this morning. Onc says wait one more month to see if the Arimidex is working . . . then chemo if…
credit card
Ive posted a little on how sick Ihave been was in the hospital and in pain. i pay my credit cards on line and ended up too sick to pay on time. Got a notice that becuase i paid late a couple days two months in a row, that my interest rate went from 7 percent to 29.9 percent. I called and told them I was IN ThE hospital .…
Another newbie here!!
I am so happy I found this site!!! I was recently diagnosed with DCIS, and have undergone a ductogram and 2 lumpectomies. I will be meeting with the radiation doc tomorrow to get my measurements and marked, and whatever else they do there. I am told I will have 6 weeks of daily radiation, then some sort of drug therapy.…
New Mammo Ruling
I can't believe the new ruling regarding mammo's. This is not acceptable. For years we fought for early detection, now they've decided we don't need it. Ladies, it's time to stand up and be heard. I don't know who we need to contact about this new ruling but we need to stand together with all the othe breast cancer…
TINY FLOWER (a poem)
TINY FLOWER (a poem) i looked down but it was too late my left foot crushed a tiny purple flower lying on the sidewalk i was struck by the notion how fleeting beauty can be how fragile i remembered how crushed Audrey had been when doctors took the breasts she deemed such a cornerstone of her beauty but she was wrong she…
starting chemo
Hello and how is everyone? I will be starting chemo on monday Nov23,09 I was told that i will be there for 3hrs and to bring a bag of things to do for that time period.My question is what to bring. I dont know if i can sit that long with out loseing my mind.Wondering what i should take with me?
Just Diagnosed at 29
Ok, I just found out I have cancer on 11/09 and I am sooooooo scared! I wasn't expecting to hear this at age 29. I am trying to stay very positive, hoping that I caught it very early. I have my appointment tomorrow to find out what kind it is and what my options are. My huge problem is, is that I am a full time student and…
Questions from a basket case
I admit it. My mastectomy is scheduled from Dec. 4 and I am indeed a basket case. The surgery itself doesn't scare me so much as the anesthesia. I'm a nurse and "know too much" about the things that can go wrong with anesthesia. Since this is something I have no control over, its the one thing that I have been focusing on.…
free silk headband
Hi everyone I can't remember who told me on this site about this site where you can get a free silk (100 %) head band) I ordered mine today, so thank you to whoever told me . (they are gorgeous!) here is the website for anyone else who may be interested take care xxxooo Lisa…
3 more treatments of a/c
Will I feel any worse for my next treatment? I lived through my first one, but I am a little scared moving forward. It has been 10 days and thank G-d, I still have hair with minimal loss. What is in store for me? Peace, Love, Light and Healing !!!
try again
I am going to try again with this question. Last time I posted, when I went back to check responses my question was gone. Lets see if this works. Here's a brief background: Bilat. mastectomy in Dec. 08. Reconstruction with DIEP in July. Complications with healing. Now ready to schedule phase 2 of recon: revise abdominal…
No Radiation or Chemo!
Just got the news yesterday that I don't need to have chemo. I am doing the happy dance. I was already told that I don't need rads. I just have to take Tamoxifen for 5 years. I do however have to have a mastectomy on Dec. 11, but after that I am home free! Thanks for all of your prayers and good wishes - they worked! You…
additional cancers??????????
Am I overly scared about having a recurrence? Made one year of survival, and now going this week for some testing!! Is there ever a time we can relax, and not worry?
Much needed advice
I will be having my left side mastectomy 1 week from today. I met with the plastic surgeon on Friday to see what my options where for reconstruction. I will be having my right breast mastectomy done for prophylactic on a later date. Because I will be having radiation after surgery, implants were not an option because of…
I'm the mom of a 24, 5 month pregnant daughter who had a mastectomy last week. Can you tell me what she can do about wearing a bra? I keep hearing about a $45 dollar bra and padding but don't know where to find one. Thanks!