Lola - How's It Going? And You Too Angie?
Hey First Timers - How have the side effects been? I have had some weird miagraine type flashing in my eyes and headache - as well as the slight nausea. I made it through work today. They greeted me with a garbage can full of chemo gags - eye brow pencil, false eyelashes, a long blond fake wig, hand sanitizer, etc. They…
Feeling overwhelmed
Hey everyone. I was diagnosed with BC Dec. 19, 2009. It was very aggressive and had become IBC. The whole ordeal has been a roller coaster ride. I had 5 months of chemo which was interrupted for a hemorrhoidectomy because the AC caused such severe bowel problems. Mastectomy was July 22, removed 23 lymph nodes and 12 were…
Need to share...
Yesterday was a milestone. I had my two year check-up and full mammogram...NED. Yeah! I'm so happy. Plus, my carotid arteries were clear. When I was diagnosed on November 7, 2007, I was hit with a double whammy. Breast cancer and a serious blockage of my right carotid artery. Now, two years out, after two surgeries, chemo…
Is anybody from Georgia?
Just wondering..............
Wish me luck tomorrow,please.
Hi everyone.Well tomorrow is a new road to travel in this journey of BC.I meet with the radiation Dr. and have cat scan for them to mark me to start radiation.I still have some hives on me from the allergic reaction to the Chemo.I hope it don,t set me back any.I am a little nervous about it.but nothing like when I started…
4 days in the hospital.
I haven't been on the board lately. Was in the hospital. My wbc tanked 3.9 to 1.7 in three days. Fever over 100. I am finally home. wbc 33.0 now. I am still tired this whole ordeal has worn me out. I will be getting shots now after chemo as standard plan. Wasn't part of my original protocol. I thought about all of you and…
Ovary thriving on chemo???
Hi to everyone, Well lets see. I have stage 3 her+ DCIC and 18/20 lymph node involvement. Chemo cocktails #1 cytoyoxen/Adimycin, done that. Chemo cocktails #2 Taxol/Herceptin, done that. Now just had my first round of Herceptin for killing anything that's even thinking about growing! I had a partial hysterectomy in 05'.…
My daughter in law is newly diagnosed with IBC
Last Friday my daughter in law was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer. Tomorrow she is getting a shunt put in to be able to start the chemo. They don't have very good Internet access, so I think right now, it would probably be more of an aggravation than getting verbal knowledge. Today, she and my son are telling…
prayers and positive vibes
for all of ou wishing for prayers and good thoughts you have them. Peace, good results, feeling good, sucessful surgeries and treatments. !!!!
prayers and positive vibes
for all of ou wishing for prayers and good thoughts you have them. Peace, good results, feeling good, sucessful surgeries and treatments. !!!!
Say a Prayer for Me
I was diagnosed Aug 2009 with triple positive breast cancer with liver mets. I have taken 3 treatments of Adriamycin/Cytoxen. I go this Monday the 9th for a repeat PET scan to see how effective the chemo has been. Keep me in your thoughts and prayers for good results. Deb
Cancer recurs in dense breasts.. BBC Health today
Just read about this. It's not very good news for those of us who have dense breasts. bbcnews/health Jxxxxxxxxxxxx
Just started taking Femara after taking Arimidex for a year.. Does anyone know the side effects and when they usually start... Angie
BlownAway - Donna - How you doing?
Donna - Haven't seen you on line - hope you are doing well. You were a bit under the weather. I'm sending prayers and positive health vibes your way! Lori
Almost finished with RADS!
Had #21 this morning. Each Monday they take films before radiation, so Mondays take a few minutes. I always wind up with tingling fingers on Monday from having my hands above my head for so long. Today they had to re-do my X and put a new sticker over it. I have a really itchy rash that is spreading towards my neck. The…
Just keep staring...
Last week I finally finished 11 months of treatment and Sat. I received a letter from my surgeon saying it was time for my MRI. I just keep staring at the piece of paper knowing I need to call and make this appointment, but can't make myself pick up the phone and do it. I dread it. Beth
Tamoxifen confusion fyi: hope this helps
Many posts reveal a lack of understanding re tamoxfen. Tamoxifen does not lower estrogen levels. Tamoxifen fits into a receptor site on your breast estrogen that cancer must use in order to feed on the estrogen. Thus the cancer may literally starve because it can not access your estrogen. Tamoxifen has side effects that…
I had a mastectomy two years ago, stage 2B, no lymph node involvement. I've been taking Tamoxifen, a horrible drug and I stopped it for a couple of months because it makes me feel horrible. For the past couple of months, I have noticed some pale blood on the tissue after urination. Sometimes tea-colored, sometimes rosey,…
Hormonal therapy drug comparison chart
One drain out
Saw Surgeon yesterday (2 weeks 1 day post) and he took 1 of the 2 drains out. Barring any changes, he plans on taking the other out next Wed. Really 'good looking' drainage but still quite a lot but it's in the area where he had to take the most out so he's pleased. Susan
Chemo #1 went well!
Lori, I told you I'd let you know how it went today and it went really well. They had to slow down the taxotere about halfway thru, I got queasy a couple of times and downright nauseous towards the end of the cytoxan so they gave me ativan. I consider it an excellent beginning to this leg of the journey. Hope you're still…
Lola - How's it Going?
How did the weekend go? And the neulasta - not a big deal, right? It's been easier than I had feared! Hope the same for you. I am off to a naturalist to see what kind of immune support they can offer! Check in with you all later! Lori
i am a four year suvivor take one day at atime talk to family and friends helps a lot
i am a four year suvivor take one day at atime talk to family and friends helps a lot
made it thru taxol
was so afraid of reaction, but didnt have any. thank god. 3 more to go then finished chemo,
Potato prostitute
Two little potatoes are standing on the street corner. One is a prostitute. How can you tell which one is the prostitute? You're gonna love it... It's the one with the little sticker that says... I - DA - HO
Got my port in last Thursday
Thursday I get a pet scan and and then the following week I start my chemo. This is going to sound wierd but I can't wait to get it started. Once I decide what I want to do I want to do it immediately. Maybe all of this will teach me to have more patience but I doubt it. Learned something today. Thought I was trying to get…
I got it all cut off today!
Ok ladies!! I've had long curly hair for the last 26 years. I did it, I went out and got my hair cut today. Was a bit emotional, but lived through this stage of this horrible game I've been introduced to. Go to my expressions page and give me your opinion. It's kinda dark, but the hair color is actually Sharon Ozborne…
3 Books That Look Good
I went online to order "Nana, What is Cancer?" and I found two others that looked good. One is about how chemo can affect the brain - and what we can do to help regain our edge. The other is a cookbook for cancer treatment patients. In the comments about it, A Speech Pathologist commented how successful it has been with…
Now he thinks he's gay?
6 years together! Someone calls him a f a g. on yahoo and he calls me into the room to ask if I think he might be???????????? For Goodness Sake, How much more? Sigh Jxxxxxxxxxxx