Has anyone taken Tamoxifen for 5 yrs & had no gynecological issues? I need some reassurance...
Many of you know that I finished chemo and radiation several months ago, and have been on Tamoxifen for 6 months. Other than moderate hot flashes at night, I'm doing well on it. I saw my gynecologist for the first time since treatment last week, and of course we talked about the possible risk of endometrial cancer from…
Ok we've all been told to avoid stress, it's bad for cancer patients. So what do you do when stress hunts you down, glares in your eye, and says, "not so fast sweetheart, I ain't done with you"? My husband has been diagnosed with an alzheimers-type ailment that makes him easily frustrated. He takes it out on me. It's the…
Wondering how your surgery went yesterday? When do you get pathology results? Thinking of you...
Yo, anyone from Canada???? (hockey)
Hey, just wanted to let you know that the Philadelphia FLYERS are going to woup you butt! This city will be rocking. For those that do not follow sports, Philadelphia Flyers are a hockey team and are advancing on to play the Canadians on the road for the Stanley Cup. First game is tonight, so let me hear you hollar for the…
Surgery length?
I forgot to ask the Surgeon how long I would be in surgery. Having a bilaterial mastectomy with no reconstruction. How long were you in surgery?
Sister diagnosed with IBC - How can I help?
My sister was just diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer and is meeting with her doctor to discuss the next steps? There has never been any breast cancer or cancer of any sort in our family, so this is very new to me. I'm not sure what she will need? I am a teacher, so I will be off work for the next 2 months, so I can…
sleep, tissue expanders, pain medication
Weel, 4 weeks ago today I had my bi-lateral mastectomy with breast reconstruction started with the tissue expanders. I have not had a full nights sleep during the 4 weeks. I have stopped taking the pain medication because of the fear of getting addicted to it. How long can you take the medication without it becoming a…
What should I do?
I had breast cancer, had a lumpectomy, chemo, and radiation. I finished my radiation in July of last year. My doctor started me on tamoxiphen and then changed to arimidex. I've been on it for about 6 months.This weekend I noticed the coloration on my breast had changed dramatically. The skin had faded to a suntan before.…
Today is the "Relay for Life"
I have made 29 hats, caps, rastas and berets during the last week and a half. I have already sold 11 of them and will try and sell the remainder at the relay. All proceeds of course will go to ACS. Wish me luck in the relay. Hugs to all. Donna P.S. My new pic is of some of my hats.
fat replacement as part of breast reconstruction - anyone know of risks?
Has anyone's plastic surgeon recommended fat replacement as part of breast reconstruction? I'm on my 3rd recontstructive surgery after a right breast mastectomy in September. All is going really well and I'm happy with the result - even happier that I had my first MRI last month with no evidence of disease :-) I had a…
DX one year ago today
One year ago today the surgeon told me what I already knew. 11 months later my mammogram came up NED even though I have a large red lump just above the lumpectomy scar which has been there since March. My Oncologist said he wasn't concerned and had me watch it to see if it changed. He then gave me antibiotics but nothing…
Chemo is getting harder--Radiation Do's and Don'ts? Please help.
Hi everyone: I just entered this site yesterday. I was diagnosed with Stage 3, Grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma, with 10 out of 23 lymph nodes involved on Nov. 17, 2009. I had a lumpectomy, axial node dissection and another surgery to get clean margins in December. I started aggressive chemo in January (TAC) and just had…
I know
I know that everyone gets scared when going to their first chemo session. I have handled everything with humor, but, now with the reality of starting chemo on Thursday, I am truly afraid, getting mre afraid as each day dawns. It is like the reality is setting in. Thanks to the wonderful lady who posted the site for the…
Help! I got a dog
I think I got a dog for all the wrong reasons. I wanted something to love and cuddle when I was feeling blue and tired. But now that my energy levels are coming back, I want my freedom. I feel awful about this. Has anyone made crazy decisions while on this journey that they regretted later? Could use some advice.
Do you all know how Special you are??????
Update on Lumps On and Near Collar Bone...and a message at the bottom... Thanks to those who responded and sent words of encouragement regarding my earlier post, and God Bless All of You! The lumps on Mom's (stage 4 Breast cancer w/mets dx'd "06) collar bone were quite small to start with. They became three, were quite…
Seeing the surgeon again tomorrow
Well Guys, I get to see the breast surgeon tomorrow am. I still am very sick. Thrush(can't believe it)a bad cough and bronchitis. Plus allergist says no MRI with contrast. When first saw her after my diagnosis. We had a plan lumpectomy with radiation. Now I am worried that this will change the plan. Sick for a week now.…
Tamoxifen & bleeding, increased thickness uterin walls
Hello, ladies. Question for you. I have been taking Tamoxifen for almost 2 years now. I developed bleeding (just once) and the lining of my uterin wall thickened by 3x. Doctor said Tamoxifen can do that. I see him (Dr) Monday and he will be asking if I want to change this medication. Has anyone else had this happen to…
Today is Greyhoundluvr's Birthday!!
4th expansion....owwweeee!
Had my 4th fill yesterday....ouch! Was only gonna go for a 40ml top up this time but when she asked me how it felt at 40,i said fine.Before you know it,i'd got the full 60 in! LOL I now have a grand total oooffffff.........330 ML!!!That a full can of Coke!! =D I started stretching withing 10 mins of my fill,and have…
Questions to ask
Hi Everyone, I am new to this forum and newly diagnosed with breast cancer. I was diagnosed in April and had surgery on May 4th. It was not in my lymphnodes and it is er/pr positive and HER2 negative, which they say is good. They are doing the oncogene testing to see if I need to have chemo or not, but the results won't be…
Vitamin E and hotflashes
Many of you have said that you take a Vitamin E supplement to ward off hot flashes. What is the dosage that you are taking? I'll check with my onco before I start, but was curious what most of you are doing. Blessings to all!! Patti
back to chemo on Monday 5/10/10
well as some of you know i have been out of treatment for 3 1/2 weeks went from chemo to rads and now back to chemo doctor gave me so much time off being that rads stay in the body for so long and he wanted me back on chemo and didn't want to burn my insides..lol..right now i don't know what i will be taken till Monday…
Had lumpectomy today
I had my sentinel node biopsy, wire localization, and lumpectomy today. WOW did it hurt when they put the dye in. It didn't hurt for long, just when the needle went in. After that, the day was 'cake'. The wire localization didn't hurt at all (and I thought it looked kind of cool just hanging out my bosom..). I'm not even…
drainage of post Breast Cancer Surgery
I had right Breast cancer surgery last March 31, 2010. Twice the doctor removed the drainer of my breast but the drainer had to be put back due to excess of fluid. Last week my drain fell out of place and the doctor decided to keep off to see if it was dry. Next day I experienced swelling under my armd showing signs of…
thursday second round
Hi to all. Im okay firts round of chemios knocked me out for four days but the monster was not as bad like when I got them in 2006.Even the doctor told me they where stronger so I got ready mentaly and said to mayself Hey ! Im okay I did it ! thursday is my second round. Hair is falling out, I think this is the worst of…
I finally get to say these words "I'm Dancing With NED"!
Doc said there is a one millimeter spot on my lung but she said it's not uncommon and these tiny little spots can show up and mean nothing, which they do all the time. She said she isn't going to lose any sleep over it and neither should I. She has officially told me that at this point I'm cancer free :) Plus I did the…
2010 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure
I just uploaded 3 pictures from the Komen Race for the Cure that I participated in yesterday on the Expressions Gallery. It was really a moving and inspirational event. I had about 20 member in my team, and one of the pictures is part of my team. It was a beautiful day for a walk and I almost made the whole 5k. Next year…
I am medium rare
Yay! I finished radiation today 33 treatments, I am pink but did very well. This is wonderful considering I had a tough time with chemo. I am amazed at how strong we all are. You sisiters held me up!!!!! Thank YOU!!!! Penny
I'm Ready to Dance With NED Too!!
I just met with my oncologist today and he assured me I was cancer free and to start enjoying life again. I had so many questions and he answered them all with a thumbs up. It feels almost surreal to be thinking about being cancer free. Thanks to all the strong women that have supported me. You all are blessings to me! I'm…
Surgery date set
Surgery date set for the 26th of this month. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers on the 26th. I am having a double mastectomy. Cancer is only in the right breast. don't know yet if the insurance will pay for the left breast yet.