Has anyone taken Tamoxifen for 5 yrs & had no gynecological issues? I need some reassurance...

TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Many of you know that I finished chemo and radiation several months ago, and have been on Tamoxifen for 6 months. Other than moderate hot flashes at night, I'm doing well on it.

I saw my gynecologist for the first time since treatment last week, and of course we talked about the possible risk of endometrial cancer from Tamoxifen, watching for any spotting between periods, what tests we would do, etc.

Right now, my periods are perfectly regular and normal, I'm having absolutely no symptoms at all, and there's no reason to expect that I will -- but now I'm obsessing about the "what-ifs." I keep imagining the worst -- I've caught myself envisioning the hysterectomy I'm going to have to have, and even peeked at the uterine cancer board on this site, which was just a bad, bad idea for my stress level....

I really need to hear from some women who've taken Tamoxifen for the full 5 years and have had no bleeding or other gynecological problems, I need some reassurance that some women do just fine on it. Anyone?



  • cruf
    cruf Member Posts: 908
    I took Tamoxifen for 5 years and had no real problems other than hot flashes which I still have. My period stopped the 2nd month I was on it. I've had no bleeding or any problems. I did have a discharge while taking the meds but once I stopped it it stopped too! I do go for an ultrasound(uterine) every 6 mos. to monitor for changes but no problems here! Good luck. HUGS!!! Cathy
  • Sher43009
    Sher43009 Member Posts: 602 Member
    cruf said:

    I took Tamoxifen for 5 years and had no real problems other than hot flashes which I still have. My period stopped the 2nd month I was on it. I've had no bleeding or any problems. I did have a discharge while taking the meds but once I stopped it it stopped too! I do go for an ultrasound(uterine) every 6 mos. to monitor for changes but no problems here! Good luck. HUGS!!! Cathy

    Hi Traci. I've been on
    Hi Traci. I've been on tamoxifen for 4 months now. Before I started I saw my gyn to go over all the side effects etc. When she first found my breast lump last year, she had me have a uterine ultrasound to get a baseline. She had me have another one before I started tamoxifen--no changes since last year. I was also worried about getting cancer again and she told me in the 25 years she's been treating women on tamoxifen she's only had 1 woman get it. The benefit far outways the risk. She is keeping close tabs on me and I have to see her every 6 months while I'm on it. I don't know how often I will have to have the ultasounds but better to be on the safe side. I hope this helps calm your fears.
  • dottie68
    dottie68 Member Posts: 31
    Hi went to my oncologist, he is starting me on Tamoxifen. I was worried about taking this, because I had heard about uterine cancer, he said in 500 women he had not one case of this happening. So I will take it for now, blood clots scare me.
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    4 years and counting.....
    No side effects other than a few hot flashes and occasional mild joint pain.

    BUT, with my first cancer (rectal, if you remember), I had a total hysterectomy along with the bowel resection. I was a 50 year old woman, just slipping into menopause, so it was different than with you young ladies!

    I guess I would suggest staying vigilant on the gyn checkups, and share that you are a bit nervous about it with the doctor. My mom took tamoxifen for 5 years also without trouble, and has had no reoccurance, just like me.

    Hugs, Kathi
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    KathiM said:

    4 years and counting.....
    No side effects other than a few hot flashes and occasional mild joint pain.

    BUT, with my first cancer (rectal, if you remember), I had a total hysterectomy along with the bowel resection. I was a 50 year old woman, just slipping into menopause, so it was different than with you young ladies!

    I guess I would suggest staying vigilant on the gyn checkups, and share that you are a bit nervous about it with the doctor. My mom took tamoxifen for 5 years also without trouble, and has had no reoccurance, just like me.

    Hugs, Kathi

    I have known 4 women on it
    I have known 4 women on it without any issues. I am nervous too as J will be starting it soon. My rads onc says it is more important than chemo as it is a targeted therapy. I have thought about taing an aspirin with the tamoxifen to help witht he blood clots.