Newbie from Tampa

PatB01 Member Posts: 20
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Hi ladies. I am a newbie from the Tampa Florida area (if you live near by), and just learned about this board. I have spent a whopping 3-4 hours reading the posts, and am jumping right in!

You girls are amazing!

My BC short story is:
1st diagnosis in 2007 - invasive Ductal cell - minimal stage 2. Had a lumpectomy, followed by holistic treatment. Turned down the chemo and rads treatment recommended by the MDs. My reason was -- in 1998, my late husband died after a 1 year battle using chemo, rads, and surgery for a sarcoma which later evolved into stage 4 melanoma. After caring for him the entire year, I promised myself -- never would I let someone put me thru what he went thru. Thus, I chose holistic versus normal BC treatment.

This Spring (2010), my BC reoccurred -- still stage 2, no mets - thank God. So I am following the traditional MDs recommendations this time around -- duh!! I had a double mastectomy in July (cancer in Right, none in Left), along with expander implants for reconstruction. I just got the last drain out this past week -- Yippie!!!

Now starting chemo right after Labor Day. My coctail will be: Taxotere, Carboplatin, and Herceptin, with Arimidex for 5 yrs. I see many of you ladies on these drugs. After the chemo ends, I am told rads will be next, but I have not spoken to a rads onc yet. Then after all that is finished, the PS will complete the reconstruction. So I am thinking somewhere around Summer 2011 this treatment will be complete -- Ugh!

Because of my experience with my late husband, I am REALLY terrified of chemo and rads. I just remember how terribly sick and weak he was; he could barely walk 40 ft. from the LR to the BR. But you all seem to be doing much better. I am hoping/planning to be able to continue my volunteer work 2 days a week; I retired from real IT work 3 years ago and LOVE volunteering! Any pointers/help you can give on how to continue this would be much appreciated. Food? Head covering? Gotcha's? Issues with a dog? Etc. Etc. Etc. I have a million questions and 1.5 weeks to get answers.

I am still working on my Shopping/To Do List. Got the wig, and a couple of scarfs and summer hats. Had my hair cut to match the wig - it's shorter than my photo now, about 3" all over. Today I got Ensure to start in advance of chemo, based on a friend's recommendation. But I am poking about for a good list of how to prepare.

If there is any site with a To Do/Shopping List, I would be sooo grateful find it. Or if any of you girls have a list you could email me it would be wonderful.

Thank you in advance for being there, and for all your help. I look forward to getting to know all you better over the next year!

Hugs, and God's blessings. YOU ARE WONDERFUL.



  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Hi Pat, welcome. I hate to
    Hi Pat, welcome. I hate to be the first one especially for you, as my chemo was not great. however like the weight adds, "results not typical" Dont put the picture of your husband in your mind as all chemos are different. My friend had chemo for sarcoma, and it was so much worse than what people receive for breast cancer. sarcoma is usually very aggressive and they hit it really hard. Many people do really well on chemo and manage their symptoms really well. My doc was perplexed by me and said I was the worst patient he had in a year. Therefore many more people do really well!!! Everyone is different on how it affects them. the key is to hydrate. Mama G says to chew ice chips during chemo to avoid mouth sores. and to keep ahead with the prescribed meds for nausea, dont wait. people here have so many great ideas, and if you have any problems someone has had it and can give good advice. people are generous with their answers, love and prayers. Its such a good group. so welcome to the group people wish they never had to join, sorry you are here but glad you found us. You are ahead of the game you sound proactive and positive, we will help.
  • sea60
    sea60 Member Posts: 2,613
    Welcome Pat!
    It's so good to meet you despite the unfortunate reason. First let me express my sincere condolences at the loss of your husband. It must have been very difficult seeing him suffer so much.

    Everyone reacts to meds differently. I had the same cocktail you're having. I wish it would have come in a salted rimmed glass with an umbrella!

    You might have read what's pretty common as far as how you feel during treatment. I personally felt fine the day of treatment. However, by the 3rd day, I needed to rest. That's when I felt fatigued the most. I would gradually feel better after a day or two.

    It looks like you have pretty much all the essentials. I would add Biotene mouthwash and I used tea tree oil every now and then for my nails.

    As far as food, I ate more stuff that wasn't spicy during that time. I think more because your taste buds get all whacked out and I would get frustrated when pizza didn't taste like pizza so I stuck to pretty bland stuff...pasta, rice, pinto beans, veggies and lean meats.

    Drink lots of water. Rent some funny movies or read humorous books. Stay hopeful and keep a positive attitude. Allow yourself "venting days"(that's what we're here for). I think you'll be fine and I personally feel your volunteer work will help you. I was blessed in that I was able to work since I didn't have a strenuous job that required physical movement. Try and take walks, this will help you.

    Best wishes and God's blessings to you Pat. Keeping you in prayer,

  • sbmly53
    sbmly53 Member Posts: 1,522
    No, YOU are wonderful!
    A planner, a determined lady, stong. You will do great. When you have questions, are not feeling so hot, ask these ladies anything - such a wealth of information and personal experiences are hard to comeby, but not here. Here, love and generosity shine through.

  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    sbmly53 said:

    No, YOU are wonderful!
    A planner, a determined lady, stong. You will do great. When you have questions, are not feeling so hot, ask these ladies anything - such a wealth of information and personal experiences are hard to comeby, but not here. Here, love and generosity shine through.


    Hi pat
    Welcome, glad you found us. You can do this. I know your scared, we all are afraid of the treatment. We all react different to the chemo. This might not be as bad as you think. Rads for me was easier than chemo. I am at the end of my treatment with herceptin. Herceptin was really easy for me. No side affects for me. Wishing you well, and again welcome.
  • SamuraiMom
    SamuraiMom Member Posts: 295
    me too! me too!
    Hi There!

    I am a Tamapanian as well!

    If you ever need anything please shoot me an email.

    I'd be glad to help!

  • jo jo
    jo jo Member Posts: 1,175 Member
    Pat...welcome to the board
    Pat...welcome to the board just sorry you have to be here and it would be great to get to know you....and im realy sorry about your husband.
    Everyone is different with there experience with chemo and theres going to be alot of different answers and also different side effects for each.
    Keep us posted on your progress.
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    Kat11 said:

    Hi pat
    Welcome, glad you found us. You can do this. I know your scared, we all are afraid of the treatment. We all react different to the chemo. This might not be as bad as you think. Rads for me was easier than chemo. I am at the end of my treatment with herceptin. Herceptin was really easy for me. No side affects for me. Wishing you well, and again welcome.

    Welcome Pat! Sorry to read
    Welcome Pat! Sorry to read of your recurrence. I think everyone is afraid of the treatments, but, you just have to look at it as it is saving your life. There are so many new medicines out there now to help you through chemo and so many on here can offer lots of advice and tips. Good luck to you!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Welcome Pat!
    Sorry about your reoccurence, but glad that you found us. Everyone's chemo is different. I had my last one last Wednesday. I actually didn't have too bad a time. This past Saturday was probably the worst. It was my crash day and I felt like crap. However, much better today. Hope all goes well for you and make sure to keep posting to let us know how you do. Hugs, Jean
  • Pinkpower
    Pinkpower Member Posts: 437
    Welcome Pat... I went thru
    Welcome Pat... I went thru the chemo combo you are about to start and finished in March 2010, except Im on Tamoxifen for 5rs. I was dx stage2, HER, estrogent & progest. positive. I had a lumpectomy, chemo then 6 wks of radiation. Im not going to say it was easy, but just like all of us on this chat we did it, survived and here we are and thankfully with all the meds they can give you to help now a days I was still able to maintain my full time job. The only times I missed work were on the day of the chemo which were every 3wks on a Wednesday and I would take the nxt 2 days just in case. It is amazing how strong we really are when we are fighting for our life. Here you will find that you can post anything! And we will all try to be here for you.
    Lupe (Cape Coral Florida, outside of Fort Myers)
  • padee6339
    padee6339 Member Posts: 763
    Welcome Pat
    From another Pat. I too had carboplaten/taxotere. I cannot use Arimedex or herceptin because I was triple negative - those drugs would do nothing for me. As the ladies say, all reactions are different but while I was on C/T I lost my hair about 3 weeks in after the first infusion. I also lost my taste buds and appetite. My family had to practically force feed me broth and mashed up veggies because I'd get nauseous trying to chew anything. It all tasted like cardboard. This gradually went away after my last chemo and I'm happy to say that in about a month I will be a 2 year Cancervivor. You sound like a strong woman and I know you will be able to handle it, but if you have any problems you can always find us here. I am sorry about your husband, it must be hard to have to face this without him.
    Hugs - the other Pat
  • PatB01
    PatB01 Member Posts: 20
    Thank you all
    I am so happy to have found you girls. What a comfort you've been already. I feel more prepared and able to handle this thing now. And I made the appointment for my first chemo session -- next Thursday, Sept. 9. I will definitely be giving you all a shout the day before for extra prayers and moral support. It is sooooo good to know you are here to answer questions, fears, venting, etc. What a wonderful service you are providing. I am looking forward to getting to know you better and being able to help too.

    And now I feel a little retail therapy is needed -- for scarfs, bandanas, et al! Next week, I guess I'll need to figure out the food thing -- at least what to have on hand for after the first session.

    Great big hugs and blessings,

  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Hi Pat,
    First My condolences for the loss of your Husband, I can't imagine loosing my Husband. God bless you. I am on the same cocktail you will be on. I do drink the ensure, I also take Vit d-3. Oscal, for bones. Biotin for skin, hair, nails. women's one-a-day with 100% daily ration of iron, for blood. I use Visine tears dry eye relief. For dry eyes. Tylenol arthritis for pain. The DR prescribes pain meds but I don't like to take narcotics unless I have to. I have been doing very well. It is very manageable. I wish you all the best. We are all here to help you all the way through your journey with Breast cancer. You can do this and win! I have not gone through Rads yet so I can't comment on that. I still have surgery and rads to do after chemo.
    Take care Kay
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762

    Hi Pat,
    First My condolences for the loss of your Husband, I can't imagine loosing my Husband. God bless you. I am on the same cocktail you will be on. I do drink the ensure, I also take Vit d-3. Oscal, for bones. Biotin for skin, hair, nails. women's one-a-day with 100% daily ration of iron, for blood. I use Visine tears dry eye relief. For dry eyes. Tylenol arthritis for pain. The DR prescribes pain meds but I don't like to take narcotics unless I have to. I have been doing very well. It is very manageable. I wish you all the best. We are all here to help you all the way through your journey with Breast cancer. You can do this and win! I have not gone through Rads yet so I can't comment on that. I still have surgery and rads to do after chemo.
    Take care Kay

    You're at the right place!
    Everyone is giving you great advice, especially the one about every one being different.
    You can't really prepare too much until you see how YOU handle it. I was in the same boat as you as I watched my 18 yr old brother suffer so much with chemo and die 3 years later.
    My dad got kidney cancer (FROM SMOKING they say) 7 years after my brother died and he just let himself die, He would NOT do chemo! He died 2 weeks later! I was petrified, but made it through and worked all year long as a 5th gr teacher! So YES you can do your 2 days volunteering. DRINK plenty of water the day before chemo, like you're preparing for a race! Then chew on ice chips when they administer the red drug. That helps you prevent the mouth sores. I tried with and without it and it was true!
    Good luck and God bless from another Florida girl, but I'm eastcoast!!! Sebastian, Fla
  • lizziejane
    lizziejane Member Posts: 69
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    Pat welcome to a wonderful
    group of bc sisters. I'm sorry for the loss of your husband. I too watched a dear friend (uterine cancer), sister-in-law (ribs, lung & brain) and brother-in-law (throat & mouth) struggle through chemo & rads only to lose their battles. However I have an aunt and 2 sisters who are bc survivors :-)

    I prepared myself for all scenarios before 1st chemo. My only side effect was mild diarrhea taken care of by Immodium. I use Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash. I also use plastic utensils and tastebuds haven't changed. Drink lots of water as it helps flush everything through your system. I am ER+/PR+/HER2-. My coctail is Taxotere/Cytoxan. I get 2nd treatment tomorrow morning. I also get the Neulasta shot the day after which gives me bone pain 3 days later and lasts 3 days. I take pre chemo meds (Dexa & Emend). The Dexa causes abdominal bloating, gas, some ankle swelling and 2 weeks after treatment my face broke out. My hair starting falling out 15 days after treatment. I don't like wigs so I bought cotton knit hats.

    Check out the free websites. The scarfs, headcovers and Lydia Project bag are beautiful.
    Good luck with your first treatment next week and continue to post.
  • filimu
    filimu Member Posts: 74
    cahjah75 said:

    Pat welcome to a wonderful
    group of bc sisters. I'm sorry for the loss of your husband. I too watched a dear friend (uterine cancer), sister-in-law (ribs, lung & brain) and brother-in-law (throat & mouth) struggle through chemo & rads only to lose their battles. However I have an aunt and 2 sisters who are bc survivors :-)

    I prepared myself for all scenarios before 1st chemo. My only side effect was mild diarrhea taken care of by Immodium. I use Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash. I also use plastic utensils and tastebuds haven't changed. Drink lots of water as it helps flush everything through your system. I am ER+/PR+/HER2-. My coctail is Taxotere/Cytoxan. I get 2nd treatment tomorrow morning. I also get the Neulasta shot the day after which gives me bone pain 3 days later and lasts 3 days. I take pre chemo meds (Dexa & Emend). The Dexa causes abdominal bloating, gas, some ankle swelling and 2 weeks after treatment my face broke out. My hair starting falling out 15 days after treatment. I don't like wigs so I bought cotton knit hats.

    Check out the free websites. The scarfs, headcovers and Lydia Project bag are beautiful.
    Good luck with your first treatment next week and continue to post.

    Pat, welcome here...
    You sound like a very positive, organized lady, and I'm sure you're going to do well with your treatments. All these ladies have offered great suggestions, to which I can add nothing, since for my situation, I didn't require chemo or rads, just a double masectomy, reconstruction and starting 5 years worth of meds. I'm just shy of one year into the meds now, and have one last surgery to go (a "touchup" to quote my plastic surgeon) sometime later this year.

    I'm so sorry to hear about your husband, and I empathize. I lost mine 5 years ago to amyloidosis. I understand what you went through nursing him through his illness, and how that experience can impact you.

    I live in Pasco county - not far away. If you ever want to chat, give me a shout.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Mama G said:

    You're at the right place!
    Everyone is giving you great advice, especially the one about every one being different.
    You can't really prepare too much until you see how YOU handle it. I was in the same boat as you as I watched my 18 yr old brother suffer so much with chemo and die 3 years later.
    My dad got kidney cancer (FROM SMOKING they say) 7 years after my brother died and he just let himself die, He would NOT do chemo! He died 2 weeks later! I was petrified, but made it through and worked all year long as a 5th gr teacher! So YES you can do your 2 days volunteering. DRINK plenty of water the day before chemo, like you're preparing for a race! Then chew on ice chips when they administer the red drug. That helps you prevent the mouth sores. I tried with and without it and it was true!
    Good luck and God bless from another Florida girl, but I'm eastcoast!!! Sebastian, Fla

    Hello Pat and welcome!
    Hello Pat and welcome! Everyone has given you great tips and advice. So, just know that we are all here to encourage and help you. Post updates when you can.
  • sparkle1
    sparkle1 Member Posts: 242
    Welcome Pat. Sorry to hear
    Welcome Pat. Sorry to hear about your Husband. You've come to the right place to get support and a wealth of information. I drink Ensure as well and did very well with my chemo treatments. My last treatment was August 18th. I liked to get the vanilla ensure and make smoothies using fresh fruits. Be careful though with your regular meals I did put on some extra pounds.
  • mwallace1325
    mwallace1325 Member Posts: 806
    Welcome to the site, and sorry you have to be here
    Welcome, and I'm truly sorry you have to be here. As others have said, don't judge your chemo experience by your husband's. I'm sure the drugs are totally different and your results will be too. Keep hydrated. See your dentist for a check up before chemo and have whatever you need done. Get biotene from them -- it helps with mouth sores that may come. Keep hydrated, eat popsicles, get lots of rest and be good to yourself. I have 2 teen granddaughters (who live with us), 2 80+ pound dogs and 4 cats who all live with my husband and I and everyone did just fine. I continued to work, taking off only the day of treatment (different combination as mine included adryamiacin) and an occassional day here and there if I really felt crappy.
    Everyone is different. Keep your onc team posted on anything that is going on with you, even if you don't think it relates cause you'd be surprised what's relevant. They'll try to keep you as comfortable as possible. Exercise when you can. Keep coming here. We're all at different stages of this journey and this site is a wealth of information from those who truly "know" what you're feeling. It's also the best place in the world to vent when you need to do so.
    Good luck and keep us posted on your progress. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Hi Pat so happy you found
    Hi Pat so happy you found us. I'm in Orlando but get all my treatment at Moffitt south. Where are you getting treatment? You look like a familiar face and I'm wondering if I saw you at Moffitt?