Breast Cancer after Hodgkins Disease

Ljean Member Posts: 4
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I am searching for someone who has had a similar experience with breast cancer dx after Hodgkins treatment. I was treated for hodgkins in 1988 with lots of radiation (no chemo). All was well until 2003 when I was diagnosed with a very early stage 1 bc. I was treated with masectomy on affected side. Two weeks ago I was again diagnosed with a new primary on the same side - despite the masectomy! The upside is that it is still very early - less than 1 cm and low grade this time instead of high and weakly (14%) ER positive. The previous bc was not ER/PR positive. Anybody else out there with a story like this. I think that there must be as they are now saying that anyone radiated to the degree I was before the age of 21 (I was 20) has a 32% of BC that never decreases.


  • wendybia
    wendybia Member Posts: 73
    I can't help, but hang in there and I'm sure someone will respond soon.
    Keep your head up...Wendy
  • cathyp
    cathyp Member Posts: 376 Member
    IDC after HD
    I had rads in 1989 for HD and chemo in 1994. In 2008 I had a double mastectomy for IDC stage 1, no other treatment. It was ER/PR +, low grade.

    So my story isn't quite the same as yours. How did you catch the BC recurrence? I'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop but my docs seem to think I can put the BC behind me. How is your heart and pulmonary function? Unfortunately, we HD survivors need to be vigilant for those issues and others as well.

    What treament is recommended for you at this point?
    Best wishes to you,