New, Unsure, and Scared to make the Wrong Choice in Treatment
Hi Everyone! I've spent the day lurking around here and reading numerous posts. I've never joined a discussion board before but from what I've seen, you are all so supporting of one another, despite differences in opinions, choices, and cancer expereinces. I'm hoping you can give some advice as I'm terrified of making the…
Taxol Neuropathy/Joint pain from taxol
I'm experiencing very bad hand pain at night and in the morning, which keeps me awake. I cannot use utensils or write, etc. in the morning and driving is not easy. During the day either it gets better or worse. I finished chemo August 16th. I had some slight numbness at that time but not joint pain. Now weeks after…
pain and lump in nipple 2yrs after nipplesparing mast
Has anyone had a nipplesparing mastectomy? In 2014 I was dx with dcis/lcis and chose to have a mast. Since no cancer cells showed up in the nipple during surgery, the surgeon left my nipple during reconstruction. 7 mos. Ago I began having acne like bumps and discoloration under my nipple so I started using cortisone 10.…
How have others dealt with tightness in the chest following double mastectomy?
I'm 3 months out from surgery and currently in chemo. I just graduated from the camisole to a bra with prosthesis. I've found a few exercises on youtube, but I still seem quite "tight". The surgeron and oncologist say I am recovering beautifully on my chest, but I would like to know if others have had success with certain…
Camul! CVS messed up again!
I won't go into the details but I wind up having to contact them every month not because they mess up my scrips, but because the process of accomplishing that is a mess. The website is horrible and really incomplete and on the phone they say will do something and the next month it wasn't done sometimes reesulting in an…
Stage 3b now, fear of future metastasis
I was diagnozed in May 2017 with stage 3b invasive ductal carcinoma. My tumor was large and so I far I know that I have one positive lymph node in my armpit and another possible positive lymph node in my chest wall where they can't biopsy. Chemo seems to be working. The tumor is no longer detectable by breast exam, which…
The things people say....good article
I received this article in an email from Healthline today. I can really relate to it and I thought I would share it. I know people mean well, but it can be maddening to hear the things people say ......…
Anybody use/used vaginal estrogen post menopause?
I was one of the 20% women who had severe post menopausal vaginal pain. As a matter of fact it also affected my bladder/ urethra causing burning pain and incontinence. I was allergic to something in pharmaceuticals, so a compounding pharmacist made me a special blend with a base I wouldn't be allergic to. Here is my…
Employment rights
I’m a Cancer Survivor and live in NJ, I diagnosed with breast cancer about 3 years ago, I finished Mastectomy, chemotherapy, radiation and reconstruction as well. All of my lymph nodes were removed during surgery. After surgeries, I experience numbness, swelling, weakness, or tingling in the arm and shoulder area on the…
Radiation Options
I amd 53 and just diagnosed with ILC, which they believe is stage 1 but won't know for sure until I have Lumpectomy. My head is spinning. Believe it or not, I had a different cancer in past treated successfully twice. This was last thing I expected and whole new ballgame. They said I will need radiation after and I've…
Aromosin VS. Femara
Hello Ladies, I am hoping I am not alone. I was on Aromosin for a few months after my bilateral mysectomey. The side affects got worse and worse as time went on. I could have been the poster child for the side affect list. Bone pain and lethargic being the worse. I am now on Femara. It's only been a week. The bonne pain is…
Tamoxifen after menopause
I have been on Tamoxifen for a couple of months now. I am still considered perimenopausal but I believe I am going through natural menopause now. When I eventually become post-menopausal, is there another hormone therapy medication that would work better than Tamoxifen? I will ask my oncologist at my next follow-up visit…
Nervous, Can Anybody Tell Me What to Expect During Radiation??
Hello! I begin radiation next Monday (May 22nd) and I am really nervous. Can anybody give me an idea of what to expect? I know that it is not as tough as chemo, but it is new and overwhelming to me... I would appreciate any pointers!
Hepatic cyst or liver cyst
Hi guys, I'm new here. My mom is a breast cancer survivor(Stage2a triple neg), 3 years and coun5ing. She just had her 6month routine checkup and as per ultrasound she have 3 hepatic cyst in her liver all less than 1cm. The doctor was concerned because it was 3. Is it something to be concerned about? I'm afraid its a liver…
Tumor Markers CA 15.3
What is considered normal?
Camul! Open your eyes!
I opened my eyes this morning and took your advice , and making my way through the day, HOWEVER! I have been unable to find the motivation to vacuum, BUT I DID change the linens. So the guilt is a bit less than yesterday. But The Don got me Granny Smiths because I thought...well, thinking it is easy for me, but the pie…
Breast reconstruction
Hey all, a few years ago I had reconstruction and had an implant put in well, it busted! Thank the Lord it was just saline. I'm having my breast fixed but, no more implants. I was thinking of getting the tram flap done. It's come a long way since I first heard about 10 years ago. There is a new one called the DIEP flap…
Newbie with a question
Hello All! I have mucoepidermoid carcinoma, so I'm already on the head and neck cancer specific forum. I had a PET Scan done this week, and it found a "small focus of uptake in the upper outer right breast, mid depth, with SUV 1.9 is indeterminate." The recommendation of the radiologist a mammogram and if needed an…
Arm neuropathy or lymphedema before surgery
Hi. I have what feels like nerve damage in my elbow but shoulder aches also and my hand get tingly and/or numb at times. Just in my right arm, cancer side. Anyone have full arm neuropathy from taxol? Or anyone have lymphedema painbefore surgery from cancer damaged lymph nodes? My arm has had this issue on and off for a few…
My skin burns after mastectomy...is that normal?
I had my bi-lateral mastectomy with reconstruction (expanders) 2 weeks ago. My skin around my breast and under arms is so sensitive. It feels like a really bad sunburn. My cloths hurt to the touch. It's funny because it still feels numb too. Is this normal? Someone please help! Thanks so much, Genie
Ever since my first chemo treatment I've been having terrible insomnia. It's not that I'm not tired - I'm fatigued and exhausted - just can't sleep. Dr told me I can take Benadryl - doesn't work. I've tried over the counter sleep aid - but all I get is about 2 hours and then I'm wide awake again. I'm going to bring it up…
AI vacation anyone?
I have been on an AI (first Armidex, then Femara) for a little over a year now. Since school started back in September I have had severe pain in my hands and feet. I would say that it feels more tendon than bone as it is on the top of both extremities. i decided to take a vacation from the Femara until after my daughter's…
1st Chemo on Thursday
OK, so I got my purple power port this past Wednesday and I go for my first chemo treatment this Thursday. To say that all of this has been going quickly would be an understatement. And I'm just bursting with questions. I have all my meds for home set up, including clairitin, numbing cream for my port, 2 anti-nausea meds…
Did you wear a "fitness" heart-rate monitor prior to diagnosis?
After being diagnosed, we all wonder how we could "get" breast cancer. Both myself, and my "Breast Friend," had surgery the same day. We were both diagnosed with same stage, node neg, estrogen positive tumors. After some conversation, we both realized we'd been wearing heart-rate monitors for the previous two years. We…
Camul A new hurty
Now we can only feel guilt declawing our cats. Even after 6 decades of using their alternatives that never worked, and spending a fortune replacing furniture, I figure they choose their scratching place by scent. So I suppose I should have started pissing on the scratching posts from the beginning Maybe that approach could…
pain after treatment
I would like to know if anyone is experiencing any joint and muscle pain after chemo treatment it has been about six months and i am still having severe pain. I am being told this may go on for ever !!!!!i am also on tamoxifen for five years.
Body ache or Bone Pain and Headaches
I was diagnosed with stage 3b invasive ductal carcinoma in May. My tumor was large and I also had one lymph node that was cancerous (per biopsy) and one suspicious internal mammary lymph node (per PET scan). The PET scan showed no sign of cancer anywhere else in my body. I did not have a bone scan. The oncologist…
Hip pain
Hello everyone, i have been on arimidex since November. I hadn't had much for bone pain or hip/back pain since my hysterectomy and being put on arimidex. I had more pain on tomoxifen. Anyway the last month I have been having bad bone pain in the tops of my feet and in my hips. Hurts to walk. Could it be the arimidex even…
Early 40's Starting TC Chemo
I just finished a re-exision to get good margins and I will be starting TC chemo due to my oncotype/age. I'm curious about anyone who is pre-menopausal going through the same thing? What are your side effects? What did you decide for birth control? Thank you in advance!! I know I will be getting my Mirena IUD removed, I…