Tamoxifen and hair thinning
Looking for anyone who shares this side effect. Just completed my first year of tamoxifen - with little side effects but noticed within the past month, significant hair thinning. Had double mastectomy in January 2012 with recon.; BRCA positive. Anyone have any tips or advice? Did you change to another medication?
Another side effect of cancer treatment.
So previously I had whined about some side effect from the treatments. Sore raw throat, headaches, nausua. MRI's showed no cancer, praise God. So I did take some advice from you ladies and I went to and ENT and found out my whole throat is still burnt all the way down into my stomach from the chemo. It has caused me to…
Info. about Tykerb
I am getting ready to finish up on my Herceptin treatments, and now my oco. is talking about putting me on Tykerb, he says he is using this, because of the type of breast cancer I have, more often than not goes to the brain, and that this medicine works as a barrier, to help keep my cancer from possibly spreading to the…
3 month check
I had my 3 month check up today and doc says all good! yah! happy dance. Praise God! Hugs Annie
reverse tram flap
ok i know i cant get my tram flap reversed but i wanted to put this out there to so many ladies that have experienced breast cancer and let me know what you think. i had breast cancer in 1996 then i had a lot of crazy things happening to me the last couple of years so i oped to have both my breast removed. i was tired of…
Vaginal dryness
This is a topic you don't just talk to anyone about over tea so I am typing it. I am now in menopause and have such vaginal dryness that sex is very painful and Pap tests are difficult. My closest survivor friend has the same problem but worse. Has to have several days of Replens just to have an internal exam. No sex at…
Drying out....
Alright ladies, chemo over now since July. I think I am healing at decent rate and learning how to tolorate the Tomoxifen. My skin and my hair are soooooooooo dry. What do you find best for these situations? Hugs and a prayer for a better and blessed new year, Annie
tamoxifen sexdrive
Hello, I met my wife a little over a year ago. 2 weeks into dating she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She gave me an out but I stayed, I knew she was the one. We got married July 21st and I couldn'tbe happier. She is amazing, beautiful, smart and a great wife and mother. The problem we have is sex or the lack of sex…
Chemo Induced Neuropathy
Hi I am new to this forum even though I registered in 2014 when I first began treatment. Survived stage 1 breast cancer which was HER+. Did 6 weeks chemo Taotere, Radiatiom & Hormone therapy. Within a a week after 1st treatment began having weakness in legs. Doctor recommended changing my meds but I decided not to based on…
Breast Cancer Survivors Inspiration. <3
Hello ladies, I am lucky that I joined this forum site and to meet new people with the same interest. I hope that we are doing all good here and coping up with what loss we are facing right now. Just be strong and hold on, never give up. Sooon.. it will end. Better days are coming ladies. Thank you so much. Best, Laura
Paget's disease of the Nipple.
I have just been diagnosed with this and apparently it is quite rare. Has anyone out there any experience with this?
Tamoxifen Brain - true or made up
I used to be able to remember everything, multitask and keep my entire schedule in my head. It was easy to keep track of life. Now I feel as if I am falling apart. I have whiteboards on the back door to see what I am doing that day before I walk out of the door. I have forgotten appointments, etc. You get the drift. I have…
Perforated Diverticulitis as Side Effect
I was being treated with Taxotere and Cytoxan for breast cancer. After my 3rd of 4 treatments I developed extreme abdominal pain and presented in the emergency room. After a CAT scan, which showed a Perforated Diverticulitis and Peritonitis, I underwent surgery to remove the damaged portion of my intestine, my appendix and…
What is your experience with these methods?
Hey warriors :) So, this is my third post here and I just wanted to ask lovely people over here, what are your alternatives to that nasty chemo? I mean, I'm not looking for some magical cure or something, but a viable solutions that would help my mom. That is, to ease her pain, at least. I went through the Budwig, some…
Breast cancer
Mamogram and ultra sound and mom had breast cancer Thu, 01/11/2018 - 4:39am — Jodigail My left breast findings on Mamogram and ultra sound Is as is ? A faint puncatate calcifications associated. With the mass ! Hypoechonic solid mass their is internal echogenic regions and area of posterior shadowing . Margins are…
HELP! I am taking Tamoxifen after having a lumpectomy and 10 clean lymph nodes removed.I am looking for information re: HOT FLASHES from taking Tamoxifen. I have 10-12 a day. They are much worse than going through menopause.
Curing breast cancer the natural way.....
What are the odds of doing the natural way...... And what do i have to do... Does it really work? I really don,t to do chemo and radiation..... Did anyone out there cure their cancer the natural way............I have eight days to make up my mind, Plz help me!!
Feeling so overwhelmed
Hey fellow warriors Although I'm not used to share my problems (I prefer to help others), but I've been feeling really overwhelmed and alone and this seems like a good place to vent a bit. Recently, I've signed up my mom for a clinical trial. While it looked promising at first, the bills started piling up and we got to the…
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger. Do you agree?
I saw a music video with a focus on "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." It got me thinking. I used to believe this was true but now I just don't know. I mean, looking back on the struggle I've gone through to help my mom with her cancer, yes - there's truth in this cliche. One must never give up, no matter how hard…
Living in Fear … Here is my Plan when My Cancer Recurs
Background: 6 years ago, at age 40, I went for my first ever mammogram to learn that I have Breast Cancer . I quickly had a lumpectomy followed by 7 weeks of radiation (did not have time to think or feel really, was all rushed!). I’ve had a lot of reactions from the radiation as the years have gone by. Too many to list.…
to go for chemo or not?
I am a healthy 61 year old woman diagnosed 11/2017 with Invasive lobular carcinoma; right breast lumpectomy performed 12/2017 tumor size 2.5cm; nodes 0/3 negative; margins clean;LVI not identified; ER+, PR +, Her2-; Ki-67 is over 25. Oncotype DX score 19. BRCA 1 and 2 result shows no gene mutation. this test was performed…
Anastrozole: hot flashes and weight gain
i take 1mg Anastrozole daily, and (whereas during menopause, i'd get relatively harmless Warm Flashes) i am having really tough Hot Flashes. They hit like clockwork about 30-45min after my 12noon dosing time, then irregularly; luckily, not bad. while sleeping. Activity will trigger them... i get awful overheated, sweaty,…
Intramammary node....
ok... so recently I found out the 1cm mass they found in my breast was not just "standard" tumor, but an abnormal intramammary node. Instantly they diagnosed it as Birads II, which I've read online is the standard instant diagnosis when mass is intramammary node. Mine is 3cm from nipple in lower outer quadrant around 8…
Thank you for my ornament, Grandma x 6!
Received a lovely and special pink ribbon ceramic angel ornament from Grandma x 6 -- thank you so much! And the extra treats were such a nice surprise. I've posted a picture on my Expressions page for all to see -- check it out! Traci
Wonderful Christmas Goodies
I received a beautiful Lenox ornament, Candy dish And a box of yummy Sees Chocolates thank you 1Surfermom Everyone have a healthy happy New Year's
Hearing loss from chemo
Back Pain
I'm currently on week 7 of 12 weekly Taxol treatments. The fatigue is killing me. It's worse than A/C I went through. All the side effects seem to be worse or more noticable to me on Taxol. The main thing I'm dealing with is severe lower back pain that intensifies as I walk. The further I walk, the more pain and the more…
Poor Kidney function not on dialylsis MRI refused
Due to poor Kidney funtion( I am not on dialysis,). Technician refused to do MRI. Awaiting Dr. to return from vacation. Just diagnosed with Breast Cancer. How will the lack of MRI affect me. Had sterodatioc needle which tested two cancer suspects.