I was asked to post this occasionally~ the start of a New Year seems like the right time for our New
Welcome to Hogwarts~ A Primer for the New Ones to our Family So many new ones have joined our family of Kindred Spirits lately~we sigh that you have had to find us, but of course welcome you with open ♥ You may have noticed, or even posted about the fact that many of our friends, family members, co-workers and neighbors…
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Has anyone been treated by CTCA or researched them at all?
She's Topless
Donna officially retired the wig. She has been out without it many times, but works as an teacher's aid, and was reluctant to go to work without it. She started Tamoxifen and has no noticable side affects. My sister (stage IV lung cancer) is doing well. All tumors got smaller; chemo is affective. Don't know how long that…
Good Luck On Friday Faith_Luck_And_A_Little_Bit_ Of_Chemotherapy
I read on another post that you were being deported this Friday, the 21st. So, I wanted to wish you good luck. And, do you think you might put it on your key chain too? LOL ♥ Noel
Haven't heard from Smalldoggroomer in a while
Or have we? Seems like she's gone missing. I get nervous when that happens:) xoxo Victoria
Hey everyone, I'm new here, just tripped over the site 3 minutes ago! Stage IV breast cancer, I'm 38 years old, and first chemo starts Monday. EEEEEK! Very scared, but ready to go. Will be getting Avastin and Ixempra. Weekly infusions as part of a clinical trial. Any, any, any encouragement stories desperately needed!…
I am not "officially" back on the boards, but I have news which I hope will make the Kindred Spirits
Mission accomplished, CSN family! I "adopted" an Emperor Penguin for our sweet Heidi, and had enough left over to make an additional donation to the World WildLife Fund to honor both Heidi and Lisa! Thank you again for your loving generosity~ you are the best Kindred Spirits anywhere! ((((hugs))))) Don't give up on me...I…
? for those with day sleeves and gloves
Do you put the top of your glove over or under your sleeve?
Another Dutch morning!
Today is Friday. Every Friday we start the same way. After breakfast, showering and dressing, we get in the car (or on the bikes in summer) and make our way downtown to the market. This market has been there since the 1500's. Stalls for anything and everything you could or do need. Fresh fruits and vegies. Handmade…
Today is Pinkflutterby's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR LIBBY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Libby-our thoughts, prayers, & arms are wrapped around you today as you have your surgery. Please let us know how you are as soon as you are able. Sending you Loads of Love, Cat
Too much weight LOSS and muscle atrophy
Jan. 19th, 2011 While in Chemo I started losing weight fast and lost Too Much and my muscles just wasted away. I consulted a Dietician and have tried to follow her advice but cannot seem to gain weight or rebuild my muscles. If anyone can give me some advice it will be greatly appreciated. I'm NEW here and just want to…
~~~Let's Share Recipes~~~
Cheesy Chili Hash Brown Bake 1 1/2 lb lean ground beef or turkey 1 ( 15.5-oz. ) can original sloppy joe sauce 1 ( 15-oz. ) can chili with beans 1/2 ( 30 oz. ) package frozen country-style shredded hash browns ( about 4 cups ) 2 cups ( 8 oz. ) shredded Cheddar cheese Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Brown ground beef in a large…
Linda .. Gaby n Abby's Mom .. How are you doing after surgery?
Linda, We are thinking about you, and hope all went well with your surgery. Hoping and praying that recoverying is right on track. Strength, Courage and Prayers, Vicki Sam
Air travel and new normal
Tuesday I will be flying back to Mexico for several weeks. My husband will be coming also so the airport TSA encounter could be interesting. He has s/s clamps in his chest from 7 bypasses, and I will be wearing my prosthesis, and taking my lymphedema pump and all its wires and hoses in carry on baggage. I can hardly wait…
Thought This Might Be Fun - What Is Your Favorite Color And Why Is It?
I know that all of us pink sisters have a favorite color. I thought it might be fun to see what color we all love and if there is a reason for it. So, what is your favorite color and why?
Dancing with NED!!!
Do you hear the music? NED and I are dacing up a storm. Love that rock 'n roll music! I got the all clear on my mammogram today! I want to thank all of you for being with me today. I felt all of your positive thoughts and hugs. It was so crowded in the room that they made my husband stay in the waiting area...lol. Hugs,…
SoCal gathering - this Sunday, 1/23 @ noon - please confirm
Hello, all - It seems that Panini Café has changed its policies since I've last hosted events there and will not accept any reservations, even for a group our size, so I've instead made our reservation at Maggiano's for this Sunday, January 23rd, at noon: Maggiano’s Little Italy 6100 Topanga Canyon Boulevard, #1330 (inside…
went well & I was able to come home already!!!
thank you all so much for the circle around me it was great!!! I felt each and every one of you there with me. I did so well he let me come home today! So I am resting at my mom's tonight, AND thank you all so much for the wonderful bday wishes, makes me feel so special. Will post more later going to rest.... Love each &…
Today is Grandmasueb's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SUE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Hoping your day is filled with all the things you love most! ♥ Cat
WooHoo I finished my last Treatment
I can't believe the day has finally come, I will say this last treatment was the hardest, my hands and feet were burned so bad and my hands and arm swelled up. I'm courious if anyone else has gone through this. I'm just thankful it is over and nhopefully ever have to do this again. It was a very long road and I feel like…
All done with Chemo !!
As of 2:30 today, I'm finished with Chemo. This last treatment was 6.5 hours...but hopefully never again! When I started 9/24 I never thought that I would reach this point. I go for a baseline mammo on 1/14 and will speak with the radiologist that week to set up 33 sessions of rads (I think--that was the plan in…
Still dancing
With all the bad news here lately, I'm happy to post some good. Another mammogram this morning and still dancing with NED. Thanks to everyone here, fighting the fight. marge
anyone have breast to liver cancer
I have breast to liver cancer and now only have to do Herceptine every 3wks. anyone out there doing herceptine for more than a year????
arm survived flight as did pump equipment!
I put on expression page a pix of my husband and myself upon arrival to our villa on the beach in Mexico....you can tell I was happy to be back here! But I wanted to let you know that flying with the lymphedema was not a problem. I was a bit concerned...my first flight since all this. I had put on the kinesio tape on the…
A little down--long story
Many of you know that I am a neonatal nurse practitioner and I work 24 hour shifts. The up side of that is that I usually get to sleep because my hospital is a small, community one and I only work about 6 shifts a month and that keeps me at full time--with full benefits and good health care. The bad side of the 24 hour…
Has anybody heard from RE???
The "Kindred Spirits" on Facebook have been asking about RE. Has anybody heard from her?
3 year old w/BC
Just saw on the Today Show, a 3 year old with BC..had a radical modified mastectomy...had a very rare form called Juvinile Carcinoma...excellent prognosis as it was slow growing but the tumor was large by the time she was diagnosed...doctors did not suspect BC.. God bless her! Youngest I had heard of before this was a…
Interesting Night at the Bowling Alley
Last night was our bowling night so off we went. Upon arrival I noticed we were playing a team of folks that I always enjoy bowling with. One gentleman on the team has been bowling for at least as long as we have. He is aware of my cancer battles and on occasion has lent an understanding ear to my husband explaining to him…
Has anyone else had any bruising on their breast? I seem to be getting them and don't know why. ??
I had a lumpectomy in 09 followed by rads, and, had another lumpectomy a few months ago to remove a lump that was found. They didn't think it was cancer, and, it wasn't. Thank you God! But, I have noticed that I am getting bruises on that breast now, and, don't know why. I didn't before. Could it just be that my breast is…
Dont'cha just love it when
you get to meet one of our sisters? I do! I'm having lunch with Joyce (JK1952) on Saturday. And, it's actually not supposed to snow - how fortuitous! Sue