Off subject: Praying for pink sisters
Ok since I am serious about praying for others who are in this battle with me, I was wondering how you all keep track of who you are praying for. This is harder for people you haven't actually met before. How do you keep it all striaght? Since I have ADD I try to pray for people right off the bat, right when I write…
Libby -- How are you doing? Prayers coming in your direction, dear Sister
Libby, please let us know .. how things are going. Strength, Courage, Love and Hope. VickiSam
implants are too low
I went to my PS and he said my foobs are too low. They do sometimes bother my ribs. The procedure is called thoracoabdominal flap procedure. My understanding is that they go through the mast. scar and attach something (maybe the pocket) to the rib cage. PS said it is a very painful surgery (Yah). I was wondering has anyone…
Pink Sisters - Don't Forget
to Spring Forward tonight! Set those clocks up! So, we lose an hour of sleep :( but we gain an extra hour of daylight :) Lex
Off the subject but who is watching American Idol this year?
Who is watching? Danny and I are enjoying it a lot more than last year. Who are your favorites?
never seen this subject
Just curious-about having the wire locators ( think that is what it was called) just prior to breast surgery I was taken to a room sitting in chair right up to machine like mammo machine to wires pushed in breat. THen afterwards all taped up and could not move until post surgery. I wanted to be loopy but I was told I could…
tomorrow, tomorrow, i love ya tomorrow
Tomorrow at 1020 A.M. I receive the last dose of taxol/neulasta! yipeee! That is, if my WBC came down from where it was last week which was 37.5 I'm betting the farm on this one! I just know it's a go! It will be so good not to have to crawl off to bed for 3 or 4 days with bone pain. I truly hated the taxol much worse than…
Pain a month after biopsy
I had two biopsies last month, and now I am having pain where the biopsies were. Has anyone else had this? I am going for a lumpectomoy in a week (biposy results not clear), and very worried about this new pain.
Cancer may be back
Does anybody feel like they do not want to talk to the family when cancer re-occurs?
Free to Female Cancer Survivors. Please Inform each other about Hello Gorgeous - http://www.hello-g
Nominate those strong women you love for the free services of Hello Gorgeous. http://www.hello-gorgeous-of-indiana.org/
Gas prices
I know we've all been feeling the pinch. How much is gas in your city? It's 3.39 here in San Antonio, Texas. I better get a horse!
I've started going topless.
So I have about 1/4 of hair now...same mousy brown with a little bit of gray. And the weather has been mostly co-operating, so I have pretty much stopped wearing my hats. The last few times I've left the house, my wonderful hubby said "Where is your hat?". I'm not so sure he approves of my skinhead look.
Gauntlets vs gloves (Lymphedema garments)
Which do you use, which do you like better and why? Since I've gotten good results with my FlexiTouch as my hand gets back to close to 'normal' my gloves are cutting in (causing pain) between the 2 middle fingers - I'm weird and there is webbing there (if that doesn't make sense I'll try to explain better). After looking…
It's been too long since I last saw you post. Just want you to know, I worry and think about you still. Hugs, Ayse
Fears after treatment
Hello, I am 33 years old going through breast cancer. I am not going to lie. This stinks! I am done with treatment and thought for sure I'd be feeling great. I think everyone else in my family expects me to just bounce right back and forget everything that happened. I can't and it is so hard! Every day I am terrified that…
Lymphedema/Seroma effecting possible recon?
Recon was not an option when I had my mod. rad. mast. ov er a year ago - was told had to wait a year to 'talk' about it. Well, I've waited my year+ - will be seeing Surgeon April 11 - 1 1/2 yr post mast. Have requested my Pa to send the referral - she will - last time I saw her for my annual she said that when/IF I wanted…
Advice from my gynecologist
Hello Ladies, My gynecologist suggested to try vaginal dilator set along with personal lubricant for Vaginismus, or similar painful conditions. Chemo Induced menopause or aromatase inhibitors patients could you share your experience if you have tried? Please do not be shy, it is a very serious problem for many, please tell…
Coping After Treatment...
I was thinking today, something I believe I have too much time to do these days, about what my life is going to look like when my cancer treatments are done? I have two more chemo treatments to go, a break for a month, then more surgery to clear my margins, another break for about a month, then radiation therapy for about…
New game .. 2 word phase 'game' ...
Word game .. Person 1: Dog Pound Person 2: Pound Cake Person 3: Cake Flour Person 4: Flour Sack So Let's Start with Flour Sack.
Joke of the day
We can all probably relate to this woman's reaction... While conducting some business at the Court House, I overheard a lady, who had been arrested for assaulting a Mammogram Technician, say, "Your Honor, I'm guilty but ... there were extenuating circumstances." The female Judge said, sarcastically, "I'd certainly like to…
Sweat Lodge and Retreat
Just found out the dates for the Spring Sweat Lodge and Retreat - 2nd weekend in April. I'm #13 signed up for it so taking that as a positive! The Sweat Lodge is an option you can do (if health allows) in the morning before the official start of the Retreat (noon). It is done by Lakota Veterans and is a very Spiritual…
halfway through rads today
11 days down, 11 more to go. But let me tell you, this twice a day stuff is pretty tedious. My skin is doing pretty good so far, only red and a little itchy. And the expected fatigue has kicked in. But when those 11 days are done, I will be done with treatments and will only have follow up stuff to deal with. Hugs and…
Estrogen + Question
Hi Ladies! Just had a curiosity. My tumor was rich in estrogen (99%). I know many women have the same case. I was suggested I take the chemo treatment from my Dr., as well as the 5-year pill to help stop the estrogen. Now, what happens after this period? I am 32, and will probably continue to have my periods by the time…
Weight Loss - WARRIORS, How we doing???? Checking in
.. It's been a while, just wanted to make sure that we have our head, mind and spirits in the game of getting healthy, trim and fit. Life throws many obstacles in our path - weather, family, children, work obligations or self pity parties. We either flourish during these times, or, we turn to food for comfort. I am walking…
My mom just got diagnosed with Breast cancer
Hi the diagnose of my mom is: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with Medullary features Can someone kind of explain it to me...I do know it is the most aggresive one... but what will happen... what do they mean by "with medullary features"? Is that really bad etc.. Please help!
Thanks to all my Pink Warriors
My chemo yesterday went off without a hitch!! I can't believe it, I'm finally done! I wanted to thank all of you wonderful ladies for the support and comraderie. Sorry, I'm having a chemobrain day. Everything I write or type comes out wrong. You know what I mean, don't you? I go today for my LAST NEULASTA shot!! Whoppeee!…
Shout Out to Meena
Meena havent heard from you in a few days. Know you were feeling low but please post when you feel up to it. You are very special to all us pink sisters and you are in our thoughts and prayers. Lots of love and (((((((((HUGS))))))))))
NED is doing the Texas 2 step!!
Sorry ladies but NED is busy tonight!! I had my first mammo since chemo ended this morning and is was all clear. God Bless (((hugs))) Janice
Boki had a stereo-tactic biopsy....
Hi everyone, I finally had my stereo-tactic biopsy this past Wednesday....I had a really bad experience...the anesthesia didn't work well, I felt a huge pain and I passed out in the middle of procedure. Dr stopped immediately and said she didn't get as much samples as she wanted, but I am waiting on results now. I called…
tumor marker tests
I have had breast cancer twice. The drs said they were not related, they were 2 separate cancers. I had one 7 yrs ago and one 1 yr ago. When I go back for check ups, my doctor doesn't do any blood tests on me. Is this normal? Many of my friends who have had breast cancer say they have a tumor marker blood test every time.…