spring break & rest
I am a teacher and am dealing with chronic fatigue from anemia and terrible bone & joint pain from frmara and tamoxifen. I am trying to cope with both, but it has been so hard. Last night, the sadness for "what used to be" set in and I had a little pity party for myself . Thanks to you all who are honest enough to say that…
? About Cysts
I have very dense fibrocystic breasts. They cause me alot of pain! Needless to say, this creates a whole new level of anxiety & fear now that I have the "history". It weighs heavy on my mind every time they ache & I feel the lumps, that it may be back. After reading over the results of my Ultrasound, it says that they…
Update about my mom
Since I have posted on this board before, I though I have to update you about my mom's diagnosis. Unfortunately, her second oncologist ruled out the breast cancer possibility and none of her tests could lead to the primary tumor. She is going to be treated now for cancer of unknown primary. She is starting radiotherapy on…
~~~An Irish HA HA~~~
Two Irish mothers, Kate and Lorna were talking about their sons. Kate says, 'My Patrick is such a saint. He works hard, doesn't smoke, and he hasn't so much as looked at a woman in over two years.' Lorna responds, 'Well, my Francis is a saint himself. Not only hasn't he not looked at a woman in over three years, but he…
just back from Mx...TSA always an adventure
Returned last night from the latest Mexico trip. Security in Mexico was uneventful...even with the lymph pump in the carry on. However, Miami TSA was time consumping this time. Each time it is different! Both carry ons caused concern to them.... I had the garment and wires in one, and husband had the pump machine. They…
Hospital and Doctor Diagnosis'- Funny For The Day
This was just sent to me by a friend who is in the medical field, and she swears she has seen similar notes on patients records: No wonder so many people die in the hospitals. They're as bad as everything else! HOSPITAL CHART BLOOPERS (Actual writings from hospital charts) 1 . The patient refused autopsy. 2. The patient…
Finish Rads in 2 days!!
Can't wait to finish my 33 rad sessions on Tuesday! It has been more of an inconvenience having to travel there everyday before work then the rads themselves. Thanks for all your help with the cream suggestions, etc. I found that Xclair cream has worked the best for me. It is by prescription only but definately works. I am…
Idiot sightings
I handed the teller @ my bank a withdrawal slip for $400.00 I said "May I have large bills, please" She looked at me and said "I'm sorry sir, all the bills are the same size." When I got up off the floor I explained it to her.... IDIOT SIGHTING When my husband and I arrived at an automobile dealership to pick up our car,…
Anybody do implants after radiation? I've talked to 2 different docs. One wants to do Lattisimus flap with silicone implants underneath (one surgery, no expanders). The other wants to do expanders then silicone implants with xenoderm. I really believed I wanted the 2nd one but can't seem to stay off the internet and now…
Our sisters in harms way
I am sitting here on the east coast watching the "news" that is threatening several of our sisters and brothers. I hope you are all safe and taking any precautions necessary. Let us know when you can. Take care!!
Another update....ugh
I went in to have a new power port put in, well when they took the old port out they were unable to put a new one in. They said that my veins were too deteriated and there may be clots, also they think the cancer may have spread to my lungs or a tumor is growing! So off i went for ct scan on Thursday. I will get the…
Pity Party
Hi! Haven't been on in a while, but... I need to know if this is "normal" or if I'm losing it. I have been done with active treatment since January 7th. I'm taking Arimidex for the next 5 years. I I'm feeling okay, except tired and my joints ache, but nothing horrendous. I'm down, and I'm not sure why. I would hate to…
Went to the ER yesterday.....
I just wasn't feeling quite right yesterday...well, actually I was feeling a lot not right yesterday! I was unsure of myself, didn't trust that I could even take a shower without falling down (never a good thing!!) shaky, light-headed, and short of breath with a dry cough . I finally called Reggie to come home from playing…
Going in again after lumpectomy
I just met with my surgeon for a post-op appt. I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy last Monday. Although the good news is that my lymph nodes were clean, he wants to go back in and get clearer margins. I know this is common from my reading on this site but I am so annoyed right now. Basically he said he got all the…
Chemo Angels
I just got my person to send to through Chemo Angels - so Happy! Any one interested in findout about this organizeation to participate as a recievee or sendee go to www.chemoangels.net Susan
So, when all this started....
we had just moved into a new home. It's been a year and a half, I need to finish up the little things that were left undone - a little molding here, a mirror there, shelves in the closets, etc. Probably about 2 days work for the contractor, but a weeks worth for me -hauling out the closets & countertops, all the stuff I…
mailed my box today :)
Mailed my junk swap box today! Hope the receiver enjoys my stuff!!!
abdominal and lower back pain should i be worried
I'm 6 weeks out of chemo just started radiation as of today i have had 9 treatments and in the last week my abdomen and back has been hurting i had port flushed today and onc.Dr. took a urine sample has anyone ever had this? really nervous!! radiation only to the left side where mastectomy is.MOLLYZ
Securing the pocket -strange post op
Recap: exchange surgery 12/29/2010. Both sides slipped to underarm. Revision surgery to secure pocket Feb.11. It's been a rough 3 weeks. Having the chest tissue stitched to reinforce, feels just like the description. Yuck! Every move you make tugs and pulls at the stitching. Just the thought makes me queasy. I have been…
still feel sick
1st chemo last thurs tried to go to work today came home at noon felt sick so frustrated. I have 7 more to go and just already tired of feeling like crap. Taking the meds trying to eat but no matter what either feel sick after eating or stomach aches and the urge to get sick. Not sure what to do. Di
Sex question
I am going to assume that my (very out of the ordinary, for me) vaginal dryness is a Tamoxifen side effect. But, I am bleeding a lot from a normal, average encounter. Is there anything I should do tonight to reduce my chance for infection? I'll be calling my doc in the a.m. Jeeez!!
20th colonscopy Thurs
Tomorrow is my great PREP day for my annual colonscopy... gotta love it.. Between my very bad veins, dehydrated from cleaning myself out & only being able to use ONE arm for blood, IV, BP...not loving it..but what cha gonna do!???!!! (ulcertive colitis 18 yrs) Denise
Breaking news--prices
they'd better put them into the grocery stores too--getting that way there quickly. they said on the news "have you noticed your toilet paper is getting thinner?" along with all the prices that are going up within the next month or so. Breaking News: CNN reports: Beginning in early April, 2011, gas stations will start…
Taleena... How are you doing
You have been on my mind. I hope things are ok on your end. When you have a chance, let us know how things are going for you. Take care, God bless. BL
need advice on hair loss preparation
So it's 13 days since my first chemo and my hair is supposed to start falling out soon. I keep checking but so far, not... except maybe a little extra in the shower. They say not to order a wig until it really starts to fall out, but there are other items I wonder if I should jump on. Like - the net to catch my hair in…
Just got home from my Mammo and all is good.
Just got home from my Mammo and all is good. Next one is scheduled in another 6 months. That will put me back on track for my annuals. Hugs to all Donna
why cant I just be a miracle case?!?!?!?! :(
My markers went up again highest ever, now 182!!! My oncologist still seems optomistic, always does. She said "honestly she is surprised I am still here that there is not much study on cases with cancer cells in the CF fluid because patients dont usually last more than a couple of months" Her words!!!! Kinda set me back in…
Pet scan tomorrow
Having my pet scan tomorrow, she, my onc, expects to see more signs of disease due to the lack of medication and my set back in November. My apointment is at 9:45 in the am. My next appt is the 15th and I will get results then. Ya'll coming with me? Need to reserve some ROOM :) ♥
Thoughts and Prayers
Even though I'm supposed to be working, I took a few minutes to look at the recent posts. There a several ladies who are having tests, diagnosis', etc. I don't have time to post to each individually, so I want to let everyone know that I am keeping the individuals and all people on this board in my thoughts and prayers.…
My boss wants to meet me this afternoon... She said she can't tell me till I get there. I am worried to say the least. Wish me luck. Hugs, Ayse