Memorial Weekend Wig Removal
So, the weather in the DC area is getting to our summer normal - 90 degrees, sticky, hot and humid. With my hair beginning to grow back - slowly - I think this will be the "Ditch the Wig" weekend! Question - how long after your hair started growing did you stop wearing wigs, hats, scarves, etc.? Bonnie
Hi Everyone!
Haven't been on here in a while, I do try to read as much as I can. I Have been trying to get on with my life and get back to normal as much as Possible. I am almost to the end of my treatment Whew!! It has been a long year.. My mother is still in bad shape she no longer can get out of bed and her mind is gone now from the…
found a lump in my left breast again
Sorry I have not been on here for a while I was hoping all this was behind me. I found a lump in my left breast a month ago and was hoping for the best. Today I went and seen my oncologist, he tells me to not worry that we will do some test, CT scan, Bone scan and mammogram. Sorry but when I am told not to worry, I…
National Cancer Survivors Day
Anyone else having a program in your home town? Are you going to participate? We have what sounds like a great program today so my husband and I are going. Let me know what is happening aroudn the country.
Tamoxifen - or Tamoxifiend? Need some supportive friends that can understand....
Hi there! This is my first post....it's nice to find a place to talk and hopefully learn from others who have already been there. I am now in the Tamoxifen phase. At first, it was okay, just a hot flash now and then...now, it seems like the effects are worsening. More emotions, forgetfulness, and general air-headedness. I…
BC Blogs
Does anyone here follow any of the many breast cancer blogs that are out there? If so, what are some of your favorites? I enjoy Ann's "But Doctor I Hate Pink". There are others I look at from time to time, but if I regularly read all of them, I'd never get anything else accomplished! "The Pink Ribbon Blues" is eye-opening.…
Plastic Surgery
I got my appointment with the plastic surgeon next tuesday. Everyone is very excited about it because first I didnt want to talk about implants... Well, I'll see. Now there is another thing, most of the people tell me that if Iam having an implant I should get both, even when my cancer is in the right one only... so far.…
Man faked cancer
I am so angry right now! A man in the town next to mine faked having cancer ( I don't know what type yet). The people of the town had a car show to raise thousands of dollars for him and then they found out that he faked this disease. The police in every town are looking for him. I want to go to the police station when…
Are there any other nuns out there?
Imagining that I'm probably not the only nun out here who has had this dx...and I'd be grateful to hear your stories, and to hear how your inner lives have been changed. I'm Buddhist, not Catholic, but don't really think the difference matters so much as far as this is concerned...we share similar priorities. I've got…
blood clot on port
Hi everyone. I am a new member of this wonderful group. I have been reading your posts hoping to find something about this. Over the weekend my left upper shoulder, chest, arm, and hand have swollen like a ballon animal. I called the dr over the weekend and he suspected it might be a blood clot. So, long story short, I had…
OT...but something that calms me, and makes me smile....
I bought a multi-station bird feeder! It's right outside my window! Filled with all sorts of different treats (well, seeds, anyway). I LOVE watching the birds...Because it's spring, there are even little ones, always begging for a meal...*smile*. And there are some birds that I don't recognize that just come occasionally,…
june 28th
I just realized in less then 3 wks it will be 3 yrs since I finished my radiation...JUNE 28, 08...I remember this day more then any other day....(JUNE 22 will be our 26th anniversary) I go back to oncologist (3 wks post hysterectomy) wed...I am sure i'll be put back on tamoxifen (since nothing left to harm with side…
Hair yesterday gone today......
Ok ladies I've been through this before with my hair loss and it didn't scar me last time and nor will it scar me today. But darn it I cried for a minute looking at my bald head and then I thought....screw you hair didn't like you all that much anyway and I am going to buy some hats! It's 100 degrees here today...who the…
What is oncotype?
You would think after all this time that I would know all our lingo! :) Thanks, Wanda
I Feel Frozen
Hello Ladies. Emotionally I've been all over the map since my mastectomy surgery this past Wednesday. Physically, I'm healing well, still sore and painful. Mentally I'm in a fog. I've been taking pain and sleep meds since surgery so I'm sure they play a big role in feeling so dazed. I can't help but think what life is…
Breast Cancer Survivor Dance Tribute
http://youtu.be/ZJb4pTNcocQ or www.pinkwell.org Please look at this and pass on to friends and family. Hugs, Ticky
Mammogram Cone Downs (MAG VWS)
Mkay, I give up..What is a Mammogram Cone Downs (MAG VWS)? For some wacky reason, I have this visual imagery of them sending in the clowns, clowns with cones and big red noses pasting those thingies that go over your nipples on everything everywhere, just a hilarious pandemonium. =) But, I'd hazard a guess to say I'm…
A great day!
Hi all.....just wanted to make my good, positive feelings last a little longer and share how wonderful the Race for the Cure was today in Seattle! We had bright sunshine, awesome support/volunteers and true sisterhood. I've been doing the walk for many years, but only two as a survivor. I feel blessed and proud to walk in…
OT - I need some input
Could I please get some input. This morning something happened that I'm not sure what i should try to do about or just leave it alone. At 6:15, someone was banging on the door - I was going to ignore it but she kept on and I thought that maybe there was something wrong and a child needed help so I answered it. The woman…
OT - Amber Alert worked!
Sorry for another OT but this did have as good of an out come as it could - the child was found and is safe. This morning about 6:30 - 6:45 - there was an Amber Alert activated for our area. A 2 y/o boy was missing and believed to be with his father. The Mother had been found murdered last night in Green, Iowa - father is…
Sleep thing again....ambien vs. ambien ER
Ok still going through steriods....one more week. Last Friday oncologist gave me Ambien worked a couple night slept 6 hours...then boom nothing lucky if I crash out and sleep maybe 4 up, wired and shaky all day. So yesterday I asked about extended relief knocks you out and keeps you to sleep...I had CRAZY dreams, slept 3…
Port removal
My port comes out tomorrow. I have finished with chemo since sept and been cancer free for 1 yr and 4 months. I want to thank all of you for your support and advise through my journey. I know I could not have done it without all of your words of wisdom and encouragement.
We need a mascot named NED
I think we need some good looking guy or a cute dog named NED to show up here with a cool picture every once in a while. It just might make some of us smile and giggle a little...
Funny story; husband cares
So, last night I am lying in bed and hubby comes home from work. He's looking at me weird and says " I was driving home and listening to John Tesh on the radio" Here goes, I thought. He continues " He was talking about signs and symptoms like always being tired. I thought it sounds like you. Here is a number to call about…
feels different than last time
feels different than last time... found the lump in the same breast as last time but I have a quick question for all of you.. last time I do not remember the lump hurting when I touched it or bumped it.. well this lump hurts and it moves a little which is also something new.. have any of you had this as well?
simptoms has any one had theese simptoms
am worried, i had a routine mommo in dec lasy year and told to come back in 6 months as disturbing changes found, went 3 weeks ago and mentioned to girl at desk about the changes in my right brest, she told me that she would enter in to computor and that it would go to a doctor, havent heard anything yet my own gp is quite…
Heaven Can Wait Cancer Wallk
Tomorrow I will be doing the Heaven Can Wait 5K Cancer Walk. It is to support breast cancer in our area. I will be walking as a survivor! I just want everyone to know that I am taking all of my my pink sisters with me. We will also have the pink fire trucks that RE posted about. I will try to post some pictures tomorrow…
Go to www.pinkwell.org to see our group of survivors dancing. Ticky
Underwire - no wire Bras
Tuesday I got my new bras. I've always worn underwire basically all my life. The bras I got when I got my pros were no wire as it was suggested at that time (I hated them) - that's over a year ago now. Well I went in close to 2 weeks ago and underwire bras were ordered in for me to try. Went in Tuesday and there was 1…
Comparing hot flashes with tamoxifan to surgical hysterectomy
Hello All. Has anyone had a hysterectomy after taking tamoxifan? I am currently on tamoxifan and have been for about 6 weeks...I now may need a hysterectomy and since my breast cancer was estrogen positive, I won't be able to take estrogen. Just wondering if the symptoms will be really worse after the hysterectomy. So far,…