Some Good News

emamei Member Posts: 146 Member
Hello Ladies.

I met with my surgeon today to go over the pathology from the mastectomy surgery that I had on June 1st.

The good news is that all margins are clear. So after a lumpectomy (Oct. 2010), chemo (Dec. 2010-Mar. 2011), re-excision surgery to clear margins (Apr. 2011) where residual cancer was found, then the mastectomy (June 2011) where an additional bit of cancer was found - ALL MARGINS ARE NOW CLEAR!

Thank God.

Now I get a month off to heal from surgery and then it will be on to radiation treatments, probably the beginning to middle of July.

I've asked both my oncologist and surgeon the following question -

Given that residual cancer was found post-chemo, how do we know whether or not there could be rogue cells floating around elsewhere in my body that also survived?

I asked this question because I had 2 out of 18 lymph nodes test positive for cancer when I had the lumpectomy back in October 2010 - on the pathology report it was worded as "lymphovascular infiltration identified positive".

Both my oncologist and surgeon have told me that there is no way to know for sure whether there is or not. Fair enough. However, there is a blood test being developed that should be available in about a year's time that will be able to test the blood for rogue cancer cells.

So, I will be followed very closely medically, especially given that I'm TNBC. I will also be extremely diligent in self checking and in changing lifestyle.

So I'm hoping my stomach will settle down now and I'll be able to get some good sleep over the weekend.


  • Mitzi333
    Mitzi333 Member Posts: 511 Member
    That's Fantastic!!!
    Excellent to receive that news!!! Now time to Enjoy some R&R!!!

    Congratulations on the Results!!!

    Have a GREAT Weekend!!!

    Mitzi ;0)
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Mitzi333 said:

    That's Fantastic!!!
    Excellent to receive that news!!! Now time to Enjoy some R&R!!!

    Congratulations on the Results!!!

    Have a GREAT Weekend!!!

    Mitzi ;0)

    Good news!
  • Ticky
    Ticky Member Posts: 117
    Mitzi333 said:

    That's Fantastic!!!
    Excellent to receive that news!!! Now time to Enjoy some R&R!!!

    Congratulations on the Results!!!

    Have a GREAT Weekend!!!

    Mitzi ;0)

    We are all smiling with you. This is the kind of new we like to hear.


  • Ticky
    Ticky Member Posts: 117
    Mitzi333 said:

    That's Fantastic!!!
    Excellent to receive that news!!! Now time to Enjoy some R&R!!!

    Congratulations on the Results!!!

    Have a GREAT Weekend!!!

    Mitzi ;0)

    We are all smiling with you. This is the kind of new we like to hear.


  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    Ticky said:

    We are all smiling with you. This is the kind of new we like to hear.



    Oh Maria,
    I was thinking about you today. What a fantastic anniversary present you got there my friend. This is good news indeed and now find a way to celebrate this weekend. See you do have so much you are blessed for. I heard about this new blood test about four months ago, Johnson & Johnson partnered with some organization and it's still in the infancy stages. I have a feeling this will be a breakthrough future screening for all of us.

    Enjoy your weekend and get some much needed sleep...
  • linpsu
    linpsu Member Posts: 747
    So happy to hear your good news! Now relax and enjoy your weekend!
  • kya911
    kya911 Member Posts: 157
    linpsu said:

    So happy to hear your good news! Now relax and enjoy your weekend!

    Awesome news!!!!!!!!!
  • renee616
    renee616 Member Posts: 181
    kya911 said:

    Awesome news!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats! I asked my Dr that question way of knowing.....So I'll just take the good news that I get! Hoping you can rest now! Thats one thing that this has did to me is wreck havoc on my stomach and sleep! Prayers & hugs, Renee H
  • mollyz
    mollyz Member Posts: 756 Member
    renee616 said:

    Congrats! I asked my Dr that question way of knowing.....So I'll just take the good news that I get! Hoping you can rest now! Thats one thing that this has did to me is wreck havoc on my stomach and sleep! Prayers & hugs, Renee H

    Great News
    Thats great news. ~hugs~ Mollyz
  • ladyg
    ladyg Member Posts: 1,577
    So glad for
    your good news. Have a wonderful relaxing weekend.

  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    ladyg said:

    So glad for
    your good news. Have a wonderful relaxing weekend.


    Happy news. And Happy Anniversary!

  • sinee
    sinee Member Posts: 196 Member
    Wonderful News
    Join us in the radiation room, when you start of even before so you can get some insight. So many of us are going through the radiation right now...hope you got that good sleep. The best of luck to you..I had 5 out of 17 lymph nodes test positive! So a little more work to do to get those little roamers. Keep going, one foot in front of the other~Cindy
  • LoveBabyJesus
    LoveBabyJesus Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    This GREAT news!
    Congrats! I love good news. Yes, they don't know for certain about what's left, IF (a big "IF"). But we have to keep our faith going and live. I have already started to change my diet and already feel good, while still undergoing chemo. I was ER pos so I know foods with hormomes may not be a good choice - some people don't mind. But I will try not to have these believing that it will help.

    There are good books on amazon about eating healthy. I have one I bought for chemo called "Cancer-Fighting Kitchen". This book is great because it lists what veggies,fruits, eat and why. Also, natural juices are great! I have this book called "The big book of juices" - this too tells you about what drinks to make, how, and why...these I can suggest for you. But there are others too. Good luck.

    Please kepp us posted on your recovery and I hope you recover sooooon!

    God bless you.
  • poplolly
    poplolly Member Posts: 346
    Congratulations on that
    Congratulations on that great news! You deserve a rest.