Pink Sisters - Looks Like We Need The Pink Bus Tomorrow For Natly 15! Let's Go!
Natly 15 has scans tomorrow and is asking for our prayers. So pink sisters, let's hop aboard the new pink bus and support her. Hugs, Leeza
Has anyone heard from Meena?
Please let me know if anyone has heard from dear Meena. The last post I saw was the end of May. Worried about her. Thanks, Wanda
Has anyone heard anything from Shortscake? It has been so long since she posted.
It seems like forever that she posted, and, I know she was having a really rough time. I just wondered if anyone had heard from her or knew how to contact her. Shortscake, praying for you and would love an update from you. Lex
Blood Transfusions
I have a question... my last chemo (doxil) kicked my butt and the doc made me get a blood transfusion....Hemo was 8.6 I never felt better (everyone said I would just leave the hospital glowing feeling so great) had two bags and it took 13 hours!!! I think I "recovered" at about a 9.5 but again never felt like the boost I…
Soooooooooooooooooo Happy I found US a new Big Pink Bus.
Plenty of room for everybody. It's a double decker. Hugs Donna
I love my port !!!!
I know I've said this a bunch of times ... but I love my port! I could never have gone through chemo without it. I'm a real weenie when it comes to needles and the thought of poking and prodding looking for a vein almost made me pass out... just thinking about it. Anyhoooooo ... I've been having problems with acid reflux,…
Did your hair or nails start growing before taxotere treatment was over?
I've had 4 A/C treatments and tomorrow will be my 4th and last taxotere treatment. My hair started growing back a few weeks ago, along with my nails....Has this happened to anyone else? Thanks Renee
You will survive
http://you.be/ZJb4pTNcocQ or www.pinkwell.org An inspiring video.
Still dancin' with NED
Thank you ladies for the pink bus ride to the MO this morning. It was comforting to hear the rumble from the parking lot (and I don't mean the bus engine). Everything is good (what a relief). He's hoping that in a few years I'll be "considered" cured; but suggested that I try going back on the anastrozole. So I'm gonna be…
does 'mild' really mean 'mild'?
Hi. I am on TC (taxotere/cytoxan) chemo. Just had my second treatment. The nurses keep telling me that it is a mild form of chemotherapy. The first round wasn't bad at all. This time, I am having a much harder time getting through the exhaustion and bone pain. The sweating is worse and my mental state is worse. Is this…
I have arrived!!!!
Hello Ladies, I got here no problem. I actually quiet enjoyed the ride, my kitties were so good. I am somewhat settled and now am waiting to see if they will accept my offer on my new home. Keep your fingers crossed for me. On my way here, I had some very emotional moments. During my treatment I was desperately wishing to…
Went to see a specialist today because my arm swelling has been increasing. I have had PT for lymphedema before but this is the first time they have wrapped it, it will remain wrapped for a week then we will see if the swelling has reduced. She is also giving me several exercises to do. I'll let you know how it goes. I…
Just need to unload!
I have been a member for a couple of years and participated as much as I could, but never really said much about myself. Hope you will jjust let me unload for a few moments and then I know I will walk away renewed. Diagnosed with IBC late 2008. 8 rounds of chemo, followed by lumpectomy and the radiation. All going well…
I've been MIA but never stop thinking about all of you.
I took a nasty fall off the top step of my brick patio and ended up in the ER for 5 hours. My left arm and half of my mastectomy chest is black, purple & red. I had a hematoma in my arm so stopped taking baby aspirin. Thank goodness I didn't break anything. My thigh is bruised as well as low spine area. The ER dr think my…
I am a Rad Grad :0 )
Pull up the bus and pass the dance partner!
I had my mammo on May 20th and I'd like a dance with NED. It took a little bit longer to get the results because they were running behind and I didn't wait around for them to get caught up. And you guys that are drinking that yuky stuff for the booty cam, don't get it mixed up with the good stuff for the rest of us, OK?…
Please Help: Question About Knee and Hip pains after Chemo
Hi sisters-- Hope you're all doing well. I am trying to help my friend, who was also dignosed with bc last year - stage 2a. She finished chemo last February. She had 4 AC/4 Taxol treatments, and had a mastectomy. She is now experiencing pain in her hips, which comes and goes. Her knees hurt when she bends. She is not…
Race for the Cure this weekend in Seattle!
I am so excited to walk in the Race for the Cure this weekend! I dedicate this walk to all of you on the network! I was diagnosed last July and looking forward to being a 1 year survivor! To all of you beginning this journey...I will be thinking of you this weekend when I am with thousands of other "Breast Friends"! This…
1st chemo treatment on Tues
Well, I saw my MO for the 1st time yesterday and he is awesome. He was informative and took time to answer all of our (DH and I) questions. He was very understanding with my concerns, especially with the child bearing issues. He has me taking 4 cycles (1 every 3 weeks) of T/C followed by years of Tamoxifen. I had my port…
See what happens when we travel on the Pink Bus together????
The GOOD news is ...after a long afternoon of breathing tests, results and comparisons with what is the norm and how I compared with them~ and a physician who actually spent 45 minutes with me~ his conclusion is my cough is NOT cancer related!!! Another reason to change oncologists? Upon checking the CT scan from March,…
New to this site
Hi, I'm new to this site. I was diagnosed 3-3-11 with breast cancer. I had a lumpectomy and node biopsy on 3-30-11. Stage 1.. no nodes. but because of gene testing results I am now undergoing chemo with radiation to follow. I am getting cytoxin and taxotere with the neulasta injection 24 hours later. I had my first…
Today is MJ Jones 453's Birthday!
Best Wishes for a wonderful day - filled with happy surprises and lots of love! -Jenny
Has anyone else been hearing the news about this drug? It is supposedly most effective on triple negative diagnoses when given in conjunction with Herceptin. Just wondering what anyone else has heard or experienced. I have e-mailed my MO about it. My PCP actually called me when he read an article. Bonnie
hi everyone, been so long
Never estimate the power of prayer. Another good dr report on Tuesday, he said my liver has been back to norma. I also met Lauara and she is a doll, so haopy and positive! and she loves Philly. We did not get time together, i had a ride in that day and he had to leave, but a hug and a kiss are enough for me.! Hope everyone…
Against the tide 2011
Against the Tide is a one-mile recreational or competitive swim, two-mile kayak, three-mile fitness walk, and/or 5k fun run to benefit Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition (MBCC). Participants may enroll in one, two, or three of the five components of the events. This family friendly and inspirational statewide event…
I just thought of something....
I woke up with this in mind: cancer is a decease of the meat, not the soul. It may seem obvious, but when I thought of it this morning, it had a different tone in my head. Our souls are strong and powerful - I believe that. This means we can control our thoughts. Faith is also powerful and this power belongs to our soul.…
The Pink Bus is headed your way!!!All Aboard!
Sorry for the short notice, ladies~ I have an appointment with a pulmonary specialist this afternoon and could sure use the company and encouragement!!! The BC which is taking up space in the lining of my lung is causing me such shortness of breath along with this chronic, sounds like a 3 pack a day smoker's cough, that I…
Need to be lifted....not about "me" my son....
Insomnia owned me last night again and now I must take my 3 1/2 year old son to get tubes in ears and adnoids out. He has Down syndrome, hole in heart and only one working kidney. He's had two surgeries in his short life but anything hospital, "being under" makes me the craziest mama in the world. I won't be alone, hubby…
New to this Board...
Hello Ladies... I am a poster from the Uterine Board... My close friend was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on Friday. No idea of what type or staging as of yet. She has her surgical consult tomorrow. I am going with her and want to go as prepared as possible for her. Can anyone of you please share questions I should ask…
Taxol/Herceptin ??
I just finished the AC chemo combo last week. Today I go for my muga test to see how it measures to the first one. My question to anyone out there is this. I am scheduled to have the Taxol/Herceptin combo every week for 12 weeks. Last week my MO suggested IF I wanted to I could have it once every 3 weeks. I am unsure if…