A Poem For Meena
Garden In Heaven There Was A Special Garden In Heaven Waiting For Someone As Wonderful As You So, The Master Took Your Hand And Gave You Eternal Life, Brand New The Angels, We Can Hear Them Singing Small Children Are Telling Jesus The News There Is A New Rose In Heaven Picked By God, That Precious Rose Is You It’s Hard For…
Make room for one more on the dance floor.
I had my Petscan today, and got good news. I am ready with my dancing shoes on. Remission. so lets play my song ( If your going through Hell) i made it to the other side. I need to thank you all, when i was in having the Petscan, i was praying and praying and at one point i thought oh God this isnt going to go well and i…
All Aboard The Pink Bus For Laurissa On Thursday 7-28-11 For Her Pet Scan
Laurissa, we've got the pink bus gassed up for you tomorrow for your PET scan. Wishing you good luck and praying for you. Post to let us know how it goes. Hugs, Megan
My ned is getting tired of dancing
Catscan shows 20 lesions on my liver. I went to ER Friday night with alot of pain and vomited bile. I love their drugs. I was pain free in 10 minutes. The ER doc pulled up my catscan results and told me about the lesions. I go for a petscan Thursday, doctor on Monday then a biopsy probably next week. What a kick in the…
Gotta ask!
There are so many cat lovers on this board. How about a What's your cat's name round??? Mine's LUCCI :) !
Some happy news....
I kind of hate to post in the middle of the MB's sad news, but, hopefully, my news will bring relief to some others as well. My bone and pet scans show no change at all--this is great news! In fact, the one rib that is still hypermetabolic (used to be 4 ribs that were) is less hypermetabolic than it was in February. The…
Abraxane and Avastin
Dear All My wife has Stage IV secondary breast cancer ( http://www.clairefaulkner.co.uk ) We have come all the way over from England as the NHS ( National Health Service ) back there have basically told her that there is nothing else they can do, to the Burzynski clinic here in Houston, Texas. The doctors have put together…
"Our Lost WARRIORS", What I know .....
Our hearts are sad, our lives a little empty -- losing a beloved Sister here on our boards is devastating, and makes no sense in my world. I try to concentrate on this milestones achieved by so many Kindred Spirits here, and memorialize those that have departed our earth, far too soon. I think of these Sisters daily. What…
Today is KathiM's birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR KATHI HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you Health, Happiness, & Love on your special day & always! ♥ Cat
On this site, you can light a candle for Meena too. We have done this before for Moopy & Heidi.
This is the link that will take you directly to the site where you can light a candle also for Meena and write a message. We did this before for some of our other pink sisters that are now angels. It is a pretty site and gives a moment of peace when you light your candle. It works! I hope you all will light a candle &…
Young mother of 3 boys
Please remember a young mother of 3 boys who lost her battle to lung cancer today.I was expecting it just over the weekend. I was called today about the arrangements. She fought a hard battle. Her cancer was Stage 4 and in the bones.She never gave up and had the support of family and friends.Now a husband is without his…
Tamoxifen and bones aching?
I've been on tamoxifen for about a month now and have just started to notice that my bones ache. I had knee surgery almost 2 years ago and my knee actually throbs at times. The rest of me just feels "old". Has anyone else felt like this? Not too many hot flashes yet, so I guess that's good:)It's just the rest of my body…
Has anyone taken TAC? TC? How do I decide which chemo regime?
My doctor has given me a choice of TAC or TC. I have triple negative medullary stage 2 grade 3 negative lymph node involvement. Bone scan and cat scan negative for metastasis. Doc said with TAC I will not be able to work for 6 months. That would bankrupt me literally and also I am very concerned about the potential heart…
What makes you smile, just to think of it?????
I have several. My great niece when she smilles. She is 2 now and as cute as a button. I posted a couple more pics of her on my expressions page. She smiles with her whole body. Hugs Donna
Dog raises $20,000+ for BC research
Just woke up in time to see on TV a story (but wasn't alert enough to get the whole story straight) about a dog named Dozer (or maybe Doser) who ran in a 1/2 Marathon that was a fund raiser for a Cancer Care Center. The 1/2 Marathon started somewhere near his house and when the people ran past it he took off and ran with…
Remember the Butterfly and Be encouraged!
Last year when I was going thru a difficult time I felt so bad I was wondering how I would get thru it all. Then I ran across a card with a gorgeous butterfly on it. Inside it read, "Just when the caterpillar thought her world was over, She became a butterfly." It continued, "Don't give up five minutes before the miracle!"…
I am weak in the knees
It all started during chemo. When I would get the shot the day after chemo, my knees would ache for a week or so and get better. By the time I finished chemo, one of my knees still ached. I figured that it was something that needed a little time. I then took 2 months of radiation. Knee still hurt, but I had other things to…
Videos/Literature on self massage for lymphedema
Does anyone know where to find/purchase a video or literature explaining self massage for lymphedema? Saw my internist yesterday, he thought the very minute swelling was not cause enough to see a specialist or wear compression garment. Can't find a lymphedema massage specialist in my area, the only one close by quit,…
Today is MsSunshine & Elm3544's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR EDNA & MsS HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Hope your birthday is just the beginning of a year full of happiness! ♥ Cat
Can't sleep-went back on Tamoxifen
Anyone else have same issue on MED? I was off it for about 3 mths while prepping for hysterectomy and now back on it! This TIME I am paying more attention to side effects! Denise
ARTICLE: Survival of stage IV breast cancer patients improves with stem cell treatment, study finds
Just wanted to share this article: http://medicalxpress.com/news/2011-07-survival-stage-iv-breast-cancer.html
Marker test
We all have been talking about this.Just a couple months ago I wondered if I should get one and discussed it on the Board.Some doctors order them, some patients are told they have a non invasive cancer and don't need the marker test and some doctors don't order them because they are unreliable.Well I am getting one since 2…
I hesitate to post this, as it's so trivial compared with what many of you are going through right now, and the loss of our dear Meena....but maybe a little bit of good news is okay? Many of you know I was diagnosed with high blood pressure just as I was starting to feel like myself again after treatment, and it was a…
a funny
Fried Chicken Our teacher asked us what our favorite animal was, and I said, "Fried chicken." She said I wasn't funny, but she couldn't have been right, because everyone else in the class laughed. My parents told me to always be truthful and honest, and I am. Fried chicken is my favorite animal. I told my dad what…
PET/CT Scan results
phone call just came in from Oncologist........I can breathe now........and looking for those darn dancing shoes!!!!! Please send NED over tonight....I will be gentle so he can keep going for all the others that need him to dance with. I thought I was going to have to wait til next week for my appointment...I kept busy so…
First chemo done!!
I have to say I went in there this morning with a positive attitude and surprising to me no fear. They did the bloodwork and everything looked great,so they started me on benadryl then on Herceptin.I will get the herceptin every 3 weeks. When it was done they gace me more benadryl,steriods,pepcid then started the Taxol. I…
Two time survivor - third diagnosis
Hi Everyboy, My name is Pam and my loving partner of 21 years, Andie, has been posting on the board to all of you, trying to help me through this. I was diagnosed 26 years ago with stage one bc on the left side - lumpectomy and 6 weeks of radiation ensued. I was diagnosed 16 years ago with one aggressive site and two…
juggled 5 appts yesterday
I had blood appt , oncologist, dentist etc...I called for mammo appt and was just short of one year for my insurance to cover it. So I had to back up onocloist to fit in mammo , which meant change my dentist appt (only opening onoclogist could change to) then move blood work so no longer then week away from oncologist…
If you need any $ help with meds
My cancer pharmacy has imparted some helpful info for those who may be struggling to pay for their prescriptions. Log on to www.rxoutreach.org. You must meet the financial criteria, and if you do, it has 90 and 180 day supplies of femara/lotrizole, blood pressure meds, and other meds for a fairly nominal price.
Today is Outdoor Girl's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR PATTY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! You are very special & you deserve the best-wishing you a day/year filled with love & happiness! Hope all is well with you! We miss you! ♥ Cat