The new plan...I flunked out of the clinical trial....lol
Long story short....my CT scan on Monday showed this drug is not working...soooo....I start radiation next Tuesday..the two clavicle nodes have to be shrunk as they are pressing on a blood vessel and nerves....causing my hand and arm to swell and considerable pain in the arm and breast...Taking Cumadin....and...I will also…
off topic...The Most Dangerous Chocolate Cake in the World
5 MINUTE CHOCOLATE MUG CAKE 4 tablespoons flour 4 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons cocoa 1 egg beaten 3 tablespoons milk 3 tablespoons oil 3 tablespoons chocolate chips or small amt. nuts (optional) A small splash of vanilla extract 1 large coffee mug (Micro Safe) Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well. Add the egg and…
Thinking of you Marsha Mulvey and wondering how you are doing
It has been some time since you posted and just want you to know that your pink sisters are all thinking of you and praying for you. If you see this, please share with us how you are. Big hugs, Angie
Found out yesterday that both my daughters that tested to see if my BRCA1 gene mutation was handed to them were NEGATIVE!!! WOOHOO HOO!!!! Had to share with you all that can understand what this means!!! Like I said before, I can handle this beast, but I really can't even imagine them going through it, especially if I…
Just got the call from the doctor at 4:53 p.m. Everything is perfect. Who can understand the markers???? I am sure that my doctor will take the CA 27.29 test again in October for a comparison. She has my baseline. I wrote to all you on the first posting, but once more I want to thank each one of you for your support and…
Diagnostic Tests are FINALLY completed
Well, after what seems like months worth of testing, the diagnosis is finally made. I had 2 liver biopsies and the first one was benign; however, the second one shows a small tumor that is consistent with my breast cancer. So, I was offered to take part in a clinical trial but have decided not to, at least in this one. The…
We do what we have to do, so we can do what we want to do....again! :-)
My news was not so good today...but also not a complete surprise. OF COURSE the chronic cough is cancer related! I have actually known that for too many months now. I have pleural effusion and BC cells on the lining of my lung, and over a year ago I had my right lung aspirated due to fluid build up and discomfort. I am so…
Taxol questions again....
Last week after Taxol I puked an entire day well I guess that was my pain meds not the Taxol. So treatment Thursday and now I have the spacey chemo brain going on.....did others experience that too? I also have a real dull headache. Certainly better than puking but still annoying!!
My prayers have been said and my candles are burning in our Circle of Love. May our prayers reach the heavens, and our bright burning candles enfold all of us Pink Sisters in Peace, Healing-Light, Comfort and Love. Amen.
Circle of Love-Light a candle and say a Prayer
This news lately has been so overwhelming. I'd like to form a circle of love around all the sisters on perhaps this Friday at 9PM EST, 6PM PST. Would you all be willing to light a candle and say the prayer of your choice for everyone fighting this beast. I suggestd Friday because that would give everyone time to plan to do…
Hello from Berlin!
We just arrived at the hotel, and I thought I'd make a quick post... The last time I posted, I think, was in Rome. Since then, we left Rome and traveled by train to Venice. The train was good, not great...not too much to see, and fairly expensive.... Venice was grand!!!! We moved around by vaporetto....a series of boats…
Anyone experience breast abscess after radiation?
About 3 weeks after radiation my breast started to swell and get purplish red. I had an appt with the onc that week so I discussed it with him. He immediately put me on antibiotics and said to call him if there was no improvement in 3 days. Well there was some improvement but not that much. I'm supposed to see the breast…
anyone else have problems with mind fog during and after chemo?
Hi every one. I was dx with stage 3 or 4 her2 pos breast cancer with mets to a lymph node near my collar bone in october. the qusetion of wether it is stage 3 or 4 is my oncologist and surgeon conld never agree on this point but i liked them both and didnt want to change doctors. I went thru 6 rounds of high dose cytoxin,…
Xegeva/Faslodex Bone Mets After 6 years
Hi ! I am new here and have never posted and was searching for people with bone mets (breast cancer 2005) and some questions about Xgeva and Faslodex. I did see a post from a lady asking about both !!! I just found out that I have bone mets in my sacrum/pelvis area - had all the tests and scans this last couple of weeks. I…
Today is Mixtymotions Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MIXTY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you all the best on your special day & throughout the year! ♥ Cat
Today is AustinsMom's Birthday!
For cat lovers: Laughs
This will make you laugh (please remove the asterisks): www.gifbin.com/bin/082011/1312218275_cat_gets_up_and_walks.gif
Hershey, Pennsylvania meeting
Just a reminder that a lot of the northeast girls are meeting in Hershey, PA on Saturday, October 20th. Some are doing the Chocolate Spa during the day, others are shopping and some are just going to chill. However, we are all getting together for dinner Saturday evening. Some of us plan on going to the Hershey chocolate…
Hello All, I am scheduled for an MRI as some of you know I have had tummy issue for about a month now. I had a CT last week that came back okay, however my doctor (not onco) said he does not like that CT place that they are hired NOT to find anything....oh great!!! So he ordered an MRI with and without contrast for…
Reconstruction and Lymphedema
My quetsion is im looking into having reconstructive surgerie done i had a double mastectomy done and i just got diagnosed with lymphedema in my left arm where they took 15 lymphnodes can it Make your lymphedema worse after having surgerie ?
unrelated to cancer, news story
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/aug/03/lesbian-couple-norway-utoya-massacre An amazing story of courage!
info for a friend
Hi All, I just found out a friend of a friend has a rare form of breast cancer called phyllodes tumor. I am looking for any kind of positive information I can pass on. I am usually on the colorectal cancer site as that is what my husband has been battling so I know how helpful the info can be on these sites. My friend who…
The other day my hubby asked me if I could possibly be depressed. At first I said NO. Now, I'm trying to take a good look at myself and he may be correct. I don't want to go out and do things. I rather sit in my room and watch tv. I can't get out of bed in the mornings and most don't until noon. I find myself snapping at…
NEWS: Does anyone remember this post? "Chemo Gone Terribly Wrong?"...
Hi sisters -- I sometimes visit other forums here, and yesterday I came across a post called "Chemo Gone Terribly Wrong", and I remember this post from this forum so I thought I would share with all of you a response from the daughter. I don't find her post from the bc forum, but I am praying it is the same person…
FOOD! Tell us what you like!
I saw where some pink sisters are talking about food, so, let's talk. And if we are talking Italian, bring on the spaghetti and meatballs! YUM!
I wasn't going to post, then changed my mind.
I am a second time survivor. For the first cancer, I was so positive prior to hearing the results, that when I was told I had cancer, and then with each surgical biopsy to again be told that my margins were not clear...all because of one speck of cancer, a calcification...I felt like my face had been slapped. I had 0…
Put on your pink running shoes
I've got 3, yes 3 dr appts scheduled for Thursday 8/4. Start with my rheumatologist for my RA (whom I have not seen for 1 year since he turned me over to oncs), then 4 week check up with Radiation Oncologist, then 1st appt with new gyno (doesn't deliver babies, understands middle aged, menopausal ladies)....each appt 2…
Chest exercises and mastectomy
Two and half years ago I had a right mastectomy Chemo rad and was told at that time and one year later by my plastic surgeon that I should not do any chest specific exercises. I have been trying to find out online periodically if this means NEVER being able to do chest specific exer. (plastic surgeon said never). At the…
So confused......what the h*** just happened to me???????
Hi all. Surgery is over, breast is gone, still have tube with about 100cc of stuff coming out, and my surgeon told me Friday he 'got it all'. Then told me I'm a 'stage 2'. Then told me I should be ready to go to work in a week.....and no pain meds. It's been 10 days since my mastectomy. I haven't seen the oncologist…
Infections that don't go away
Ok, so I finished rads May 31st...my breast had a few pimple like sores and had some soreness around the nipple. I used polysporin and it seemed to go away...I did not notice any problems in the last month or so. I went up to the cottage this past week and by mid week I had yellow hard chrystal like discharge. The nipple…