info for a friend
Hi All, I just found out a friend of a friend has a rare form of breast cancer called phyllodes tumor. I am looking for any kind of positive information I can pass on. I am usually on the colorectal cancer site as that is what my husband has been battling so I know how helpful the info can be on these sites. My friend who…
The other day my hubby asked me if I could possibly be depressed. At first I said NO. Now, I'm trying to take a good look at myself and he may be correct. I don't want to go out and do things. I rather sit in my room and watch tv. I can't get out of bed in the mornings and most don't until noon. I find myself snapping at…
NEWS: Does anyone remember this post? "Chemo Gone Terribly Wrong?"...
Hi sisters -- I sometimes visit other forums here, and yesterday I came across a post called "Chemo Gone Terribly Wrong", and I remember this post from this forum so I thought I would share with all of you a response from the daughter. I don't find her post from the bc forum, but I am praying it is the same person…
FOOD! Tell us what you like!
I saw where some pink sisters are talking about food, so, let's talk. And if we are talking Italian, bring on the spaghetti and meatballs! YUM!
I wasn't going to post, then changed my mind.
I am a second time survivor. For the first cancer, I was so positive prior to hearing the results, that when I was told I had cancer, and then with each surgical biopsy to again be told that my margins were not clear...all because of one speck of cancer, a calcification...I felt like my face had been slapped. I had 0…
Put on your pink running shoes
I've got 3, yes 3 dr appts scheduled for Thursday 8/4. Start with my rheumatologist for my RA (whom I have not seen for 1 year since he turned me over to oncs), then 4 week check up with Radiation Oncologist, then 1st appt with new gyno (doesn't deliver babies, understands middle aged, menopausal ladies)....each appt 2…
Chest exercises and mastectomy
Two and half years ago I had a right mastectomy Chemo rad and was told at that time and one year later by my plastic surgeon that I should not do any chest specific exercises. I have been trying to find out online periodically if this means NEVER being able to do chest specific exer. (plastic surgeon said never). At the…
So confused......what the h*** just happened to me???????
Hi all. Surgery is over, breast is gone, still have tube with about 100cc of stuff coming out, and my surgeon told me Friday he 'got it all'. Then told me I'm a 'stage 2'. Then told me I should be ready to go to work in a week.....and no pain meds. It's been 10 days since my mastectomy. I haven't seen the oncologist…
Infections that don't go away
Ok, so I finished rads May 31st...my breast had a few pimple like sores and had some soreness around the nipple. I used polysporin and it seemed to go away...I did not notice any problems in the last month or so. I went up to the cottage this past week and by mid week I had yellow hard chrystal like discharge. The nipple…
What are Radiation Boosters?
Hi sisters! I had my first rad today. Felt emotional, but overall it went OK. I was told I had to have 5 boosters at the end of treatment (16 + 5). Are they stronger than standard radiation or less strong? Thanks!
her2neu breast cancer positive
hi...my mom has been diagnosed with her2neu positive breast cancer and we're looking to talk with anyone that has had it or experience with it...It's more uncommon that estrogen dependent so it kinda feels like wow is anybody out there...has anyone survived it! Thank you all and God bless you
follow up tests after breast cancer therapy
what kind of tests do you have after breast cancer therapy and how often do you have them? i had a triple negative breast cancer and my oncologist recommends to have for the first 2 years a PET CT once a year, and once a year mammo and Breast MRI. I want to avoid the unnecessary radiation exposure and im worry about the…
Neulasta shot
what have ya'lls reactions been to this shot?????
Arimidex? Femara Anyone?
I am new to this online forum as of today, so hello to anyone who reads this ! I have been on Arimidex for 1 year and have common side effects such as joint and muscle stiffness, and worst of all insomnia. Yesterday my oncologist changed my meds to Femara but said I will probably have the same side effects but maybe not.…
Let's just say.....
WHERE DO YOU WANT ME TO MAIL THE INVITATIONS TO??? Let's see if you figure this one out (: I am still in disbelief!!! And don't spill this on Facebook... I haven't even told my family yet. They may get offended... but to me you too are family and I couldn't wait!! They will get their version in the morning!! Love, Ayse
Pinks Please Accept My Apology
I posted last week naming and thanking some of the people on the boards. I'm so sorry if I offended anyone by ommission. My intention was never to be insensitive, ommissive or offensive, that is why I asked others to list names that came to mind. My last paragraph indicated that we are all special and that I appreciated…
Possible Lymphedema after breast cancer
Has anyone in here from having breast Cancer developed Lymphedema after having a Mastectomy ? The reason i was wondering My lymphnodes were removed on my left side and im having heavyness and sharp pain in my left arm and my hand and fingers swell up and i feel tightness all over my left arm when it happens , Hope to hear…
two angels brightened my day
RE and Natly15 brightened my day. How you ask? Well, they sent me lovely notes of support and love. RE included a little angel, a special dad cross for Den and a pink ribbon. The messages from each of them are what really warmed my heart and lifted my spirits. I had just returned from my breast check up which was good…
Today is BlownAway60's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DONNA HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Best wishes on your special day & throughout the coming year! ♥ Cat
Does anyone have a good remedy for mouth sores during chemo?
I am getting ready for my second cycle of chemo and one of the biggest annoyances for me were those pesky mouth sores. I drank almost a gallon of water during the entire first infusion. I drank plenty more over the next weeks. That didn't work. I tried lemon drops and they tasted so nasty, I threw the whole bag out. I've…
My apology to Natly
It was probably my comment that made you feel badly. I apologize to you publicly, because I know that your list had nothing to do with you personally--or me!! Since my DX and surgery, I have felt so much less of a person in so many ways. I am overly sensitive about most things. You are a wonderful support person, as is…
Ready for some 'FOOTBALL' !!
I am sooooooo excited and giddy! All the free agent trades -- all the drama, it doesn't get any better than this! Players reporting to camp on Saturday ... and pre-season games in 2 weeks -- my day is filled with happiness, smiles and tonight I will be dreaming about football. It's the little things in life that make my…
Appointment coming July 29th
I have an appointment July 29th with my oncologist. The last time I saw her was after I finished all treatments. I asked her at that time what we were going to do in terms of recurrence. She said I'd have a lung x-ray in a year and do a mammogram on the other breast, etc.. I told her I didn't want to wait a year for a lunc…
OT - Just posted some photos of my animals under Expressions
I just posted some photos under "My Expressions" page. I wish I had more animals.
Challenges Ahead...
I haven’t felt much like writing the last little while. I’ve been exhausted, in discomfort, and not sleeping well at all. I’ve had so much on my mind and have felt extremely emotional. I had my 18th radiation treatment on Friday. I also met with my psychiatrist at the cancer agency afterward. Her name is Donna and she’s…
RO appointment - had to chuckle
I had a follow up appointment with my RO yesterday and everything is healing up nicely. My original doctor was out of the office my graduation week so this was the first time I've seen him in a month. He pulls a sheet out of my file that the "Substitute Dr." had written upon my discharge describing all my owies. He read…
Cancerversary! How many years everyone?
Hi all, I was so busy this week, I forgot to post...but the day was in my thoughts all day long. Thursday (July 28) was my TWO year cancerversary! I am so thankful that I can post this, and hope to experience many more cancerversaries! Yay for all of us and our cancerversary years....How many years are you all out from…
Back ache
Has anyone had a back ache during rads or after chemo. or from just being lazy??? Renee
Today is Filimu & PattiAnne's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR FILI & PATTI HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you both a very blessed day & a year filled with happiness! ♥ Cat
anti-cancer medications, hysterectomies, and hormones, oh my!
Evening everyone :) My question is about medications (post cancer, like tamoxifen, arimidex, etc.) . Here's my situation, Her2-, so no herceptin for me. ER - so no tamoxifen. I'm only slightly (1-5%) positive for PR. I'm 35, so I'm still pre-menopausal. But, I'm having a complete hysterectomy in early September. So my…