Hey, Re and others - this was on the uterine cancer board: from CancerWatch "The effects of chemotherapy greatly weaken the liver's detoxification abilities. For example, chemotherapy and radiotherapy kill cells. Some cancer cells, some normal cells. And the dead cells pass to the liver, which has to work hard to break…
Calling all Sisters in Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Indiana & Michigan
Finally, finding sisters and Joe who live in the midwest. I do believe we have an adequate number of us for bonding, laughing, drinking and eating. Who would like to meet in Chicago for lunch. I was thinking the 3rd Saturday in October. Depending on who is coming and where you are coming from would determine location for…
Has anyone heard of this/?
I was checking back at old posts here on BC for info on raising wbc. Has anyone heard of taking BOVINE COLOSTRUM? It's the first milk of mammels, it's a natural immune booster. I will ask my onc. but I thought some of my pinksisters have heard of this booster or someone has taken it? The sister that posted it (2001) said…
2 Years and Counting -- Getting my life, my pretty and my groove back!!
August 14, 2011 ... I had breast cancer, but breast cancer no longer defines me. I am a breast cancer SURVIVOR! Another year has passed ... There is hope for getting back to our 'normal', or my new normal as many of us will never look at life thru those rose colored glasses. I no longer take anyone, or anything for…
OT-Cold Tuna Noodle Salad/Casserole
Sorry for the way off topic post but as disgusting as I may think it is, my wonderful partner has put in a request for a cold tuna noodle casserole/salad for when we go camping next week. I remember it having tuna (of course), maybe mayo/salad dressing, peas, medium shell noodles and peas. I don't have a recipe and am not…
No treatment today
My 2nd treatment of the second cycle has been cancel because my pallet level is not high enough to get the treatment. So I will not get another treatment until Aug 30th the start of the 3rd cycle. I hope all of the reports will be good then. Thanks for the letting me share this with some of you who listen to me.
Reconstruction by implants.
Hello sisters..... Has anyone had a double mastectomy with reconstruction by saline implants? That is the path I chose. I am done with the reconstruction (except the tatooing of the aereola) and am finding the implants very uncomfortable. Has anyone else experienced this? There has been some encapsulation, which the…
To Cahjah and her angel wings...
Heres wishing you the best outcome for you as you go in and get your wings removed.You will still be angel to me, even if you are wingless...
So I'm here at the hospital waiting to get my port put in so I started to read suzanne somers book breakthrough...mistake...in her book an oncologist states that if you have IDC (invasive) than chemo is basically a waste time (he didn't say it in those exact words) blah blah blah...that book gave me a scare...anyone else…
Treatment “flashbacks”: Isn’t it crazy what our minds do?
Earlier this week, I found myself ruminating incessantly on “what-ifs”: What if I have a recurrence? Will I have to do chemo again? I wonder if it would be the same chemo drugs, or different ones? Would I still be able to work? I should take more time off work next time.... I should ask friends to help drive me to…
Recommendations for books.
Any recommendations for books on after the treatment? I am guessing I will be worried for quite some time of recurrance. Just wondering if any suggestions?
Feeling Better
Hi Everybody, I'm finally beginning to feel a little better. I don't have a lot of breath yet but it's coming back. maybe I will have some good days before my next treatment. I could not have gotten through this latest crises without Andie's untiring help and support. I was really was down for the count and she was right…
invasive ductal carcinona
Hi - my sister called me to let me know that she has breast cancer. Did a 2nd check of the other breast and the radiation oncologist could not find any lunps. Needless to say the doctor wants to remove both her breasts. How do we find a good doctor in the NY-NJ area for a 2nd opinion? Thank you, Julie
So upset!
Please help me. I just called for my blood test results and I was hoping and praying that my WBC and nutraphils went up. Well they DID NOT! I am so dissappointed I could cry. I have been taking all the right vitamins. I always eat healthy and I was sure it was going to be OK. She told me the WBC is still 2.9 and nutriphils…
Bus trip for Char on the 17th?
In her post about losing her angel wings Char asked if the bus was free. Who's on board! I'll bring the dip and some fudge.
1 down....11 more to go
I had my first chemo (taxol/herceptin) today. I feel pretty good so far, just really tired. I think mainly due to the fact that is was such a long day. We were there from 9:30 to almost 4:00. Had a double dose of herceptin and they started the taxol super slow to allow my body to get used to it. I hoping the side effects…
Lab reports
this past Tues was too low for me to get my Chemo Gemzar. The hemogloblin was a 6 and they said that my white count and red count were to low also. So I ended up getting the shot to boost your white count 3 days in a row and and on Wed sent me to the hospital to get two units of blood for the first time. I real say I do…
Please check in Cypress Cynthia aka CC .. How are you doing after your first injections of 'xgeva an
We are thinking and praying for you, dear Sister. Holding you close to my heart ... Vicki Sam
May I
please get you ladies to come with me Monday Aug 15. Another lump found. Not time for my first mamo, but dr's are not sure if it is a tumor or not. would be wonderful if I could get a ride there on the pink bus. I would like it if some of you would go in the clinic with me. Hugs Judy
arimidex and swelling
I started Arimidex 3 weeks ago. I have noticed in the last few days, that my feet and hands are swelling. For LE, I am suppose to drink a lot of water. Is that the same for this swelling? I know for some fluid retention, you are not suppose to drink too much. It is all very confusing. I did email my doctor but she has not…
Shout out to Chen
Haven't seen you post, but I hope you're feeling better and back on your feet (or should I say knees?) Miss you. Chickadee
Cypress Cynthia...
I belong to breastcancer.org and there is a thread about hot flashes. You had written a wonderful thread on tips to handle hot flashes. I tried looking but can't seem to find it one here to post the tips over there. If you have it, could you bump it up or repost it for us? Plus, I would like to have a second look at it…
Cancer Insurance
I believe that the insurance agencies who sell cancer insurance are taking advantage of people's fear of getting cancer in the selling phase and then taking advantage of the stress of cancer patients in the settlement phase. I was sold a Cancer policy on three premises: 1) there are many expenses associated with a cancer…
There is a new ACS web site that you may find interesting. It is much different from CSN and has its own feel. You can list your story there in segments (kind cool format) and you can post questions and will be linked to others with a like dx. Check it out if you think you may be interested. Several CSNers are there now,…
Just wanted you two to know, we're " with you"....perhaps not physically, but in spirit and wishing you better days.... Post when you're up to it to keep us posted....we care.. Hugs, Nancy
Pink bus for Pam 5?
Hop on board quickly her scan is at 6! Good thing the police can't see us, but if you read her post "I think I'm in trouble" you'll know this scan is a good thing and that she needs our support.
what's your opinion?
Okay folks... This is the news I got: invasive ductal carcinoma,er &pr positive, grade 1 stage 1.. less than 5mm.. I am scheduled for breast MRI next week, assuming that this is clear doctor says lumpectomy with radiation would be appropriate. She said that I had one of the best scenarios she has seen in a long time. She…
I was to have one more surgery, now I am afraid to leave again. They demoted me, and I have been at the same job for over 5 years with new employer and over 12 years with employer before her. I am crushed, pissed and feel like I am being punished for being sick. I want to find a new job, with someone who will allow me to…
Just took my #1 Tamoxifen pill (third weapon)
Hi sisters-- Just wanted to let you all know that I just took my first pill of tamoxifen.
ANy experience wiht this doctor in the Los Angels area?
Dear Friends, I am seeking a second opinion on my DCIS treatment options. My husband made an appointment with Dr. Michael Galitzer who runs the American Health Institute in Los Angeles. He is also a Dr of integrative medicine. If any of you have had experience with this Dr, I hope you can share your thoughts about him and…