l who has breast cancer that spread to the lung ?
I would like to find any person with breast cancer that has spread to the lungs. Help
Interesting, please read.
Good morning lovely ladies: I received this email from a co-worker who is a chemical engineer. Thought it might interest you. Friends and Colleagues, This message has nothing to do with any of the things about which we usually communicate. Every once in a while people come across things that they feel obligated to share…
Anyone find benign cysts after treatment?
I had my 1 year mammo/ultra sound after completing treatment for IDC Stage 1C Triple Negative with no node involvement (had 2 lumpectomies--2nd to get clear margins--completed 6 rounds of chemo and 33 rads on 4/1/11) and was called back for closeup pics and another ultra sound. Now I have a sterotactic biopsy scheduled for…
Stage 1 - invasive ductual carcinoma
I was told my sister has stage 1 carcinoma. Can anyone tell me if a lumpectomy worked instead of having the breast removed with this type of cancer? Thanks for your input.
Pink bus postponement
My surgeon's nurse called this morning to say he had to assist in a big case tomorrow so my "angle wings" won't be removed til Aug 31st. Bummer! Char
OT - Last Survivor of the Bataan Death March died.
The last survivor of the Bataan Death March (1942) died at 105. After Dr. Albert Brown was freed in i945, he was told that he probably wouldn't live to 50 - he showed them. For the younger ones, in 1942 the Bataan Death March happened. It was a 65 mile forced march of prisioner by the Japanese. During the march 10,000…
OT - Taking onions to a Fair?
Yeah OT - our Fair starts on Friday so I have to take my 'stuff' in on Thursday. My Bougainvillas as about 2 weeks from being ready (bad weather all summer) so I only have my Cactus grown from seeds and my Pineapple plant grown from a Hawaiian pineapple Hubby bought in probably March. I was looking at my Walla Walla Sweets…
OT - ever just want to kick your car?!! :)
No, really...so I go out to the car. I get in despite the 100+ degrees it is inside, put the key in the ignition and then...nothing. The key no longer turns the ignition. Now, NOW, I find that it's a somewhat common feature with these cars! It's not like I can go to the dealer or anything...can you guess what kind of car I…
Financial assistace
I will soon be having trouble paying my bills since we are both out of work, husband gets partial disability from his work and I'm now applying for ssdi, which I'm eligible. Anyway, does anyone know of any organizations that could help me. For power, food, and will credit card companies accept lower payments or put a…
can somebody tell me when it stops hurting
hello wondering if anyone can tell me when pain stops cause i had surgery april6 another april23rd finished radiation july 21 and i still have tremendous amount of discomfort pain going to underarm and just sometimes stabbing throbbing pains in entire breast and along incision lines had partial mastectomy of left breast…
Confused, need some advice, input - someome tell me what to do!
Okay, had appt with medical oncolo yesterday. I am 4 weeks post op for lumpectomy, came back grade 1 no lymph involvement estrogen/proges positive, herm negative. A week after surgery, the surgeon gave us the lab results and told us that considering my results, he thought IV chemo was "overkill". Well the doc yesterday…
mouth sores
I'm starting to get mouth sores and discomfort. Never had these before with cytoxin and taxotere., just with this new carbo/gemzar I'm on. What should I do about them? It even hurts to open my mouth for a spoon. I used a waterpik on gentle and bled from that. It hurts to brush my teeth like its stabbing my gums. Just…
Tomorrow's the day the "games" begin...:(
New treatment plan starts tomorrow.....Xeloda twice a day and radiation once a day, ...both for 6 weeks....now....aren't I going to be a real peach to live with? I feel so bad for my sweet husband....At least my kids and grands won't have to be around me on a daily basis! I see me turning into a real bi@@h.......but if…
How do you keep positive?
I forgot after being off regular chemo that the days following can be "Debbie downers" yesterday I needed half a xanax just to turn off the "how much longer do I really have left?" thoughts. I don't want to think like that but when does it just become what is true? I feel like I have more cancer cells in my body than…
Have you ever asked your Dr. to prescribe...
Have you ever asked your Dr. to prescribe diet pills so you can lose some of the weight gained from their 'treatment' it SEEMS like a no brainer. So, I'm thinking of doing just that. I have zero experience with weight loss. All my (adult) life, up until I began being treated for breast cancer I've always weighed 103lbs.…
feel like I am going insane
Hi all: Ever since my pathology report came back almost a month ago, I have been tortured by aanxiety, depression, crazy thoughts, etc. I can;t get out of the loop of continually thinking about cancer, thinking about dying, trying to turn it over, trying to get it out of my head, praying about it, trying not to think about…
life changing
As i'm sitting here getting my first chemo treatment i realize my life will never be the same...even though i have the best husband and family in the whole world i will always live with the fact that i had cancer and it can come back..i pray to god for strength and faith and fighting eveyday that my mental state gets…
Feeling down
Hi all, i am feeling down today. My pain had been really decreasing, even had one or two normal days pain free. Don't know if it is me over doing it, doing more without the nerve block shots and cortisone, etc etc. My scar tissue feels just awful tight, pinches, pulls, etc. My old pain stuff is back...I called the pain…
Dex Scan?
I am new here. I am a fairly new survivor too, less than year. I am taking the med. "anastrozole"(been on it for the past 5 mos) - which makes me feel nauseous, extremely tired, aching feet &/or extremely hungry-- weird eh? Got a appt. card from my oncologist, that I have a Dex scan scheduled. Can anyone tell me why I…
Is this real?
So I finished my last radiation treatment on May 20th (the day before my 20th birthday) and this entire summer has been so incredible. I have been working out a ton and training to run a 15K in October in addition to enrolling in classes for the fall. It sounds a little too good to be true, right? Well thats because it is.…
Alcaline phosphatase during hemoterapy
If anyone has experience about alcaline phosphatase during hemoterapy. I have breast cancer and metastases on bones , and I received three hemo, but my alcaline phosfatase is eleveted. It was 160 before hemo , and now is 280. Does that mean that chemotherapy is not working?
#2 chemo today.
Its been a rough week. And I don't get the neulasta shot. I can't imagine having that too. I've had more nausea, constipation and weakness. This week I get one of the two drugs, next week off. I worry what my bloodwork says today, if its better. My nodes feel much smaller anyway. I'm more forgetful too. Spelling words…
Last RAD Treatment This Morning and...
Hello Ladies. This morning marks my last RAD treatment, #28. I'm both happy and anxious. I'm also not feeling well. I developed a summer head cold over the weekend and feel just awful this morning. I have my annual mammogram scheduled for September 15th, one day before my 43rd birthday. Last year, on September 17th, one…
so scared
Just got results from my biopsy. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma. Nottingham grade 3 of 3, score 9 of 9. Associated DCIS: present. Grade of DCIS: 3 Estrogen and progesterone analysis are still pending. The grading and scoring don't sound very good. I have an appointment with a surgeon on Tuesday, the nurse that gave me my…
Day 3 after 1st chemo dose...
I had my first chemo Taxoter on Wednesday. I have felt a little tired yesterday and today and had insomnia both nights. Now I am starting to feel a little queasy and a little more fatigued. Hope this is as bad as it gets! Day 3: Doing ok. It is manageable. Tired, some nausea off and on. Cracker seem to help. Have been able…
Today is Lifewhatatrip's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR LWAT HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May each candle on your cake become a wish that comes true! Have a great day! ♥ Cat
Remind me....this is a good thing.....
I am trying to work some this week to get things ready for my students but starting next week I am taking short term disability. I only worked half day because I was so tired this morning I just couldn't even work on schedules or lesson plans. I came home and took a nap but woke up feeling sad. It's so humbling that I can…
Pink Bus For Kya911 - Judy Monday - August 15th
Let's all get on the pink bus for Judy Monday please as a new lump was found and she sees her doctor tomorrow. Thanks, Lex
Gassing up our Pink 'Support' bus .. for HOOTIE GIRL / Kat -- Monday, 8/15
Kat, Thinking of you, and we will all be there with you for your biopsy. Prayers and positive thoughts coming your way, Dear YOUNG WARRIOR. Sisters: I will be sporting my pink 'bling - bling' flashy, ostentatious jogging suit - pink flip flops, sun glasses and a X large Starbucks coffee mocha -- so I am ready to go! Please…
Sister in PINK -- having chemo // procedure, biopsy, or testing today 8/15 -- = roll call Kari, L
We are thinking about you all. High hopes that this posting finds everyone a little bit better, than yesterday. :) ) Positive results .. Positive thoughts ! Prayers, Courage, Strength, and Hope. Vicki