Hi...just saw about making a blog on this website and can't figure out how to do it...I emailed the main site over a week ago with no response and didn't know if any of you all know how...I was thinking about creating a blog to keep everyone filled in on how my mom is doing her treatments, etc. and post some pictures a few…
It crept up - my 40th High School reunion
Yep, me - out of school these many years agreed to go. And I really want to go! I'm certainly not going to win any Hot Pants contests or wear a micro mini, but I think I look pretty good considering the last few years. I need to brush up on the Hustle. & I will get my hair done, though! Vanity, thy name is .... Susan! Sue
Food ideas???
I haven't been this sick to my stomach since I was pregnant. I've had lots of different chemos but holy moly!! If I eat one more bowl of soup, eat one more cracker or taste one more turkey sandwich I KNOW I will barf. What foods have helped you through the nausea? I take anti-nausea meds but they just don't help, I still…
Breast Center
I had the run around with my doctor about doing a excisional biospy then he said he knew nothing about it.Well why would I be in the office if I wasn't called for a consultation for that. He was changing to a needle biopsy suddenly.Called the breast center and that nurse is on it and told me what to do. So phone calls from…
I don't understand why a Hematology Oncologist Denies a Side Effect
For the life of me I am trying to understand why a doctor who supposedly knows all the side effects to the hormone therapy drugs denies that you are having side effects. My first hematology oncologist poo pooed my question that what I was experiencing were side effects to Arimidex. My side effects were spreading like a…
My confidence is in the toliet, I hate chemo side effects.....
Ever since I started Taxol 3 weeks ago I have become a hermit. I don't have the energy to go out and do much of anything. I can't seem to even get it together to go buy groceries. I just loaded the dishwasher and felt like I was drunk doing it. I have had other chemos and sure a day or so of "chemo brain" but I feel like I…
Bye Bye hair!
After 52 years of blow dryers, hair products and such, maybe I won't miss my hair all that much. It came out in handfuls this morn, but on this journey, that is the norm. So after a tear fell...I figured what the hell. Things could always be worse, I always say, so wigged or bald, I will go out and proudly face the day!!
blog help
Hi...I really need help...don't know if any of you all can help but I saw an ad in a breast cancer magazine ( my mom has stage 2 her2neu positive ductual bc and it said about creating a blog that your friends and family can follow about how they're doing... emailed the main contact over a week ago with no response but I'm…
drug shortage ? really ?
http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/07/us-cancer-drugs-shortages-idUSTRE75653V20110607 Sad state of affairs...... all about profits!
New song by Martina Mcbride - I'm gonna love you through it
This song is too beautiful not to share. A song dedicated to those of us battling breast cancer and our loving partners who stand by our side. Be aware tissue alert... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5MyWK1j-rE&feature=player_embedded
Our new baby
Hi everyone. August 3rd was a BIG day for our family. At 1:44 am our first grandbaby, Quentin Wilde, was born. Later that day, I had a six month check up and "Hello, NED." Life is good. xoxoxo Lynn
Let's repeat another fun game....
Change one word to still have a two word thought. ICE BLOCK
I am a semi colon and need information
My friend was DX 8 months ago with BC and she informed me today the Taxol was being done away with...Is this true ? She is doing that very regimen and was wondering as she is what will be the replacement..Thank you in advance..buzz
New picture...
is my grandson and I signing the Wall of Hope at Relay for Life. First time I've been and it was beautiful. Hugs, Wanda
3B- what does that mean
After srugery- they did the pathology reprot on my mom and relaized the cancer was at stage3B. They believe ti is begining to metatastize. I blog for my mom- as she doesnt speak English. She was diagnosed January of this year. She had it on her left breast and lymp nodes. They believe they took it out- but may have…
Gallstone Saga Update
Doctor appt. Update: Okay folks here is the current scoop, my surgeon says the gallbladder must come out and he is going to try to do it sometime next week. He too said he cannot definitively tell me it is not cancer until it is out and tested and ye olde lab. He did tell me it is rare to have gallbladder cancer that it is…
Interesting to know what others are enjoying. Maybe we can try new products from here. Favorite Brands that you purchase often Cereal Cookies ice cream crackers cakes frozen dinners snacks milk (non fat, 1or2% or whole?) butter or margerine fruits bread
You ladies have been here for me when I've been upset... today is a great day to be alive
I have appreciated all of the care,concern and advice that I have received here from all of my pink sisters and have been sorry that I did not find this site sooner in my journey. Sometimes I feel like since you all "get it" I have really taken advantage of you and unloaded. Today I want to say that this was a GREAT day,…
my first Amoxifin
I just took my first Amoxifin or the Generic one anyways called Anastrozole, sounds like a pasta, doesnt' it. Anyway, I procrastinated for 2 weeks. Just anxious about all the potenial side effects. I want to feel good again, I hope that is not to much to ask. I am starting to alienate the ones I love. And I imagine it is…
Shout out to Renee16
Want to congratulate you on tomorrow being your last rads treatment.....YEAH YEAH AND YEAH! Pat yourself on the back, job well done! I am so happy for you.....it's such a milestone in this long journey... Best wishes as you regain your good health and getting your life back.... Big hugs, Nancy
~~ Did You Miss Me ~~
Hi pink sisters! I have been MIA from the boards for awhile because my wonderful hubby and I have been on vacation. We rented a beautiful home on the beach and had so much fun. I don't even know where to begin. We played in the water, laid on the beach, took long walks along the shore every morning and ate wayyyyyyyyyyyy…
Started tomaxafin about two weeks ago. So far only somewhst side affect is my fsce is so broken out. I am fifty years old and have more zits now then when I wad a teenager. Anyone ever hear of this being a side affects. Didnt read that st all.
Pinkkari09, how is chemo going for you? Check in please!
Kari, I didn't know if you had started chemo yet or not, so, I wanted to see how you are doing incase you have started already. If you have started, I am praying that you are doing well on it with no side effects. Hugs, Lex
Home. It was FANTASTIC, but 2 weeks of traveling is WORK!!!
The cruise was great, except the first day and night was high surf and wind...more time for Bingo! *smile* We had first-class service, champagne on boarding and little snacks each afternoon. On my birthday, the servers sang to me and gave me a delicious chocolate cake, part I took back to our cabin. In the elevator, which…
burning skin
Hi, have not been on the board for awhile just wondering if anyone has trouble when they start sweating, it feels like the skin is itchy or burning. Have 6 rounds of TAC and finished in April and finished Rads July 1 and 2 weeks of Tamoxifen. Thank you for anyones input, feel like I am crazy...
Charlie horses
I'm probably getting dehydrated from vomiting 3 times a day, mostly bile comes up, then I feel so much better. Can't keep much down. I've drank ensure today and that stayed down. Now the leg cramps are starting in my right calf when I get up in the morning. Whats a good way to get rid of them? I know bananas help. Is a…
Pink Garden Vege Bus Coming to a Town Near You
Was out in my garden today picking peas, beans, cukes, lettuce,and zucchini. Was thinking about all of you on here and thought I would drive the Pink Bus from town to town dropping off fresh veges from my garden to you all. Then as the heat was getting to me, I was thinking, I needed you all to help me with the strength to…
"Today is a Good Day to Have a Great Day!"
Yesterday someone posted about having a great day I'm hoping that today is another great day. So many times we focus on the bad days, and its so great to celebrate these good normal days in our lives. One of our dear friends was dying from cancer but he saw fit to come to a gettogether we were having. Sort of a retreat…
Nerve Block Shots Worked!!!!
I have had a series of nerve block shots in my right neck for my PMPS Neuropathy. My right side after my node dissection was so bad. I have not been able to use my arms normally since I woke up from my BMX. I was in such severe pain and now realize it was NOT normal. The pain clinic I went to was awesome!! That in…
I've had enough of this gray curly hair!
I made a hair appt for Aug 13 and will post a new pic afterwards. Gray hair makes me look old not that 62 is young. LOL I wish I could change my weight just as easy but that's not in the cards. Oh well, I keep on going to WW without the scale changing much. Hope to lose at least 15 lbs by our east coast sisters meeting in…