Question for anyone with drain bags..

MMO3 Member Posts: 44
..Hi friends,
Although I have already checked with my doctor (well fill in doctor as MY surgeon is on vacation) I phoned into the on call doc regarding two totally different colors im finding in my drainage container holders. Instead of the light red (pinkish)Im use to emptying-Im seeeing a dark coffee like color,,now noticing green tint tea color. When i called and spoke to on call doc he stated that its potentially due to a clot thats trying to pass however that was three days ago now and the one is still draining that darker color but no fever or anything. Has anyone experienced this?


  • Jobi
    Jobi Member Posts: 211
    Hi, I have had the bags, and I do remember my doc telling me that if it turned a greenish color, that I should call to have it checked right away. Insist on an appt. - even if it is to see the nurses. I would hate for you to have more pain as a result of this.

    Good luck!!!!!!

  • MMO3
    MMO3 Member Posts: 44
    Jobi said:

    Hi, I have had the bags, and I do remember my doc telling me that if it turned a greenish color, that I should call to have it checked right away. Insist on an appt. - even if it is to see the nurses. I would hate for you to have more pain as a result of this.

    Good luck!!!!!!


    THANK you
    ..i will if it could lead to more discomfort ans pain, I will make that appointment Thank you for your reply Dorene.

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    MMO3 said:

    THANK you
    ..i will if it could lead to more discomfort ans pain, I will make that appointment Thank you for your reply Dorene.


    MM03.. did your RN instruct you on
    how to milk your drain's? Also, continue to call your Surgeon with any, and all
    questions ..

    This is all new to us, and we have questions -- so if you are concerned .. go in
    and have your tubes and and bulbed looked at. Dorene is right .. get in asap.

    Let us know..

    Gentle hugs ...:)

    Vicki Sam
  • MMO3
    MMO3 Member Posts: 44
    VickiSam said:

    MM03.. did your RN instruct you on
    how to milk your drain's? Also, continue to call your Surgeon with any, and all
    questions ..

    This is all new to us, and we have questions -- so if you are concerned .. go in
    and have your tubes and and bulbed looked at. Dorene is right .. get in asap.

    Let us know..

    Gentle hugs ...:)

    Vicki Sam

    U gals are the best
    I just need to express that over and over.. i sit here on the couch with racing thoughts and concerns not only for me but my family and when i view discussions and have the slightest concerns...SOMEONE appears to calm my anxiety and well, just help accept this better and love you all.
    thank you Vicki Sam
    I go for a follow up tomorrow anyways the 27th..and will ask questions- I tend to button up when im there but certainly cant imagine anymore discomfort with this so will certainly inquire more.
    thx again
    angie- mmo3
  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    VickiSam said:

    MM03.. did your RN instruct you on
    how to milk your drain's? Also, continue to call your Surgeon with any, and all
    questions ..

    This is all new to us, and we have questions -- so if you are concerned .. go in
    and have your tubes and and bulbed looked at. Dorene is right .. get in asap.

    Let us know..

    Gentle hugs ...:)

    Vicki Sam

    I just came home from the hospital last week with drains and was told about the normal changing in color from the more bloody to pinkish, but to call if anything else. The nurse did reassure me that sometimes there are color changes depending on how long you've had them and that does not necessarily mean a problem, but just to call. While on the drain issue, as I said I've only had mine a week and my doc is already talking about taking at least 2 out (I have 4), he even mentioned all 4.....does that seem too soon ????? Good luck and prayers to all!
  • MMO3
    MMO3 Member Posts: 44
    eihtak said:

    I just came home from the hospital last week with drains and was told about the normal changing in color from the more bloody to pinkish, but to call if anything else. The nurse did reassure me that sometimes there are color changes depending on how long you've had them and that does not necessarily mean a problem, but just to call. While on the drain issue, as I said I've only had mine a week and my doc is already talking about taking at least 2 out (I have 4), he even mentioned all 4.....does that seem too soon ????? Good luck and prayers to all!

    to mee it sounds too soon but had two removed last friday due to low output I also have two left in one on eachside but they are also the drains that have produced more drainage. So tomorrow i was going to assume they take them out (its my second week this thurs) since the bilateral. But due to my output yet..thay may just stay in for another cpl days to week. One lady said hers were in up to a month and another 5 weeks YIKES thank u for your replying its such a comfort...hugs to all!

    ALSO if you read some of my above discussions- it can indeed an infection of some sort if removed too soon so, dont be afraid to speak up. good luck to you also
  • jessiesmom1
    jessiesmom1 Member Posts: 915 Member
    Drainage color
    Hi MMO3,

    I have drains on 3 separate occasions. Lucky me, right? The colors ranged from deep red to nearly clear depending on how long they had been in. Bits of tissue and clots can be seen sometimes be seen, also. I have never had any fluid that appeared green in any way. That would probably send me running to the doctor or nurse practitioner. I am not one to call for everything because my dad is a doctor (an internist)and I have learned what qualifies as important. Green discharge qualifies in my opinion. Good luck.

  • tufi000
    tufi000 Member Posts: 745 Member
    eihtak said:

    I just came home from the hospital last week with drains and was told about the normal changing in color from the more bloody to pinkish, but to call if anything else. The nurse did reassure me that sometimes there are color changes depending on how long you've had them and that does not necessarily mean a problem, but just to call. While on the drain issue, as I said I've only had mine a week and my doc is already talking about taking at least 2 out (I have 4), he even mentioned all 4.....does that seem too soon ????? Good luck and prayers to all!

    When the drainage goes down to 3 or less on the gauge they will take them out. I had 9-10 drains after the flap surgery and no problems. Anything but the light pink needs to be looked at ASAP

    Hope this info helps
    All the best to you
  • MMO3
    MMO3 Member Posts: 44

    Drainage color
    Hi MMO3,

    I have drains on 3 separate occasions. Lucky me, right? The colors ranged from deep red to nearly clear depending on how long they had been in. Bits of tissue and clots can be seen sometimes be seen, also. I have never had any fluid that appeared green in any way. That would probably send me running to the doctor or nurse practitioner. I am not one to call for everything because my dad is a doctor (an internist)and I have learned what qualifies as important. Green discharge qualifies in my opinion. Good luck.


    drainage color
    THANK U as it IS ALL helpful and get why green would be a red flag but called two nights ago on it and already feel intimidated by this doctor..for one i always feel rushed and two i feel he is not as compassionate as my cancer doctors. He is the reconstructive surgeon that fills ya with silicone and or saline....i just dont feel as comfortable and feel he thinks i may be a baby..he told me that some do that and he would probably just remove them both tomorrow when i see him> He also denied me of more pain meds which is fine i guess as i understand but seriously dont like being constipated and told him i would never over abuse them...I am in such pain and discomfort yet and only on Ibuprofen...He even denied my zanex for anxiey. CANT wait for my woman doctor to get back from vacation. That is why i dont want to call again and will just wait for my follow up tomorrow BUT DO APPRECIATE everyones feedback!
    Goodluck just the same lady friends
  • MMO3
    MMO3 Member Posts: 44
    eihtak said:

    I just came home from the hospital last week with drains and was told about the normal changing in color from the more bloody to pinkish, but to call if anything else. The nurse did reassure me that sometimes there are color changes depending on how long you've had them and that does not necessarily mean a problem, but just to call. While on the drain issue, as I said I've only had mine a week and my doc is already talking about taking at least 2 out (I have 4), he even mentioned all 4.....does that seem too soon ????? Good luck and prayers to all!

    drains out too early
    sorry i was mistaken ..the discussions i tald u to review were in my last posting subject titled 'I know everyone's situation is different but..' it is in that discussion where someone told me their experience about drainage bags out to early..go review if interested.
    luck to u also! cuz i too think it sounds too soon but maybe surprised and they will say no your not ready to have them out yet afterall..
  • MMO3
    MMO3 Member Posts: 44
    tufi000 said:

    When the drainage goes down to 3 or less on the gauge they will take them out. I had 9-10 drains after the flap surgery and no problems. Anything but the light pink needs to be looked at ASAP

    Hope this info helps
    All the best to you

    3ml very much helps so thank you!
  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
    MMO3 said:

    drainage color
    THANK U as it IS ALL helpful and get why green would be a red flag but called two nights ago on it and already feel intimidated by this doctor..for one i always feel rushed and two i feel he is not as compassionate as my cancer doctors. He is the reconstructive surgeon that fills ya with silicone and or saline....i just dont feel as comfortable and feel he thinks i may be a baby..he told me that some do that and he would probably just remove them both tomorrow when i see him> He also denied me of more pain meds which is fine i guess as i understand but seriously dont like being constipated and told him i would never over abuse them...I am in such pain and discomfort yet and only on Ibuprofen...He even denied my zanex for anxiey. CANT wait for my woman doctor to get back from vacation. That is why i dont want to call again and will just wait for my follow up tomorrow BUT DO APPRECIATE everyones feedback!
    Goodluck just the same lady friends

    I think any green is
    I think any green is something that needs to be looked at right away. I am not a doctor, but green is usually an indicator of infection. I think your doctor should have seen you right away.
    Don't let them brush your pain off. Some surgeons have a timeline they try and fit ALL patients into. Some heal quicker, some slower, and there can be pain issues for some. I was one that had horrible post mastectomy pain syndrome and it took me five months to accidently find a doctor that started me on to my pain doctors. From what I have read on the discussion boards, many women have problems with plastic surgeons not taking their pain seriously enough. Remember they work for you! Make them listen!
    It may help to write down exactly what type of pain you have (burning, throbbing, skin hypersensitivity,shocks, sensitivity to hold or cold,feeling like you were hit with a baseball bat, etc) and exactly where you have the pain. I did that with my surgeon and she took my pain much more seriously.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    MMO3 said:

    drainage color
    THANK U as it IS ALL helpful and get why green would be a red flag but called two nights ago on it and already feel intimidated by this doctor..for one i always feel rushed and two i feel he is not as compassionate as my cancer doctors. He is the reconstructive surgeon that fills ya with silicone and or saline....i just dont feel as comfortable and feel he thinks i may be a baby..he told me that some do that and he would probably just remove them both tomorrow when i see him> He also denied me of more pain meds which is fine i guess as i understand but seriously dont like being constipated and told him i would never over abuse them...I am in such pain and discomfort yet and only on Ibuprofen...He even denied my zanex for anxiey. CANT wait for my woman doctor to get back from vacation. That is why i dont want to call again and will just wait for my follow up tomorrow BUT DO APPRECIATE everyones feedback!
    Goodluck just the same lady friends

    I hope your woman doctor
    I hope your woman doctor gets back soon. You need someone to treat you with compassion and I am not sure the surgeon is. Hoping the ibuprofen helps with your pain.

    Good luck,

  • Jobi
    Jobi Member Posts: 211
    MMO3 said:

    drainage color
    THANK U as it IS ALL helpful and get why green would be a red flag but called two nights ago on it and already feel intimidated by this doctor..for one i always feel rushed and two i feel he is not as compassionate as my cancer doctors. He is the reconstructive surgeon that fills ya with silicone and or saline....i just dont feel as comfortable and feel he thinks i may be a baby..he told me that some do that and he would probably just remove them both tomorrow when i see him> He also denied me of more pain meds which is fine i guess as i understand but seriously dont like being constipated and told him i would never over abuse them...I am in such pain and discomfort yet and only on Ibuprofen...He even denied my zanex for anxiey. CANT wait for my woman doctor to get back from vacation. That is why i dont want to call again and will just wait for my follow up tomorrow BUT DO APPRECIATE everyones feedback!
    Goodluck just the same lady friends

    Oh, I get so angry when I come across doctors who are dispassionate! I have had that happen, and I changed docs two times before finding the perfect fit. It is so important to have a doctor who "gets you" and shows compassion. Otherwise, you will not ask that questions that need answers. Also consider taking an outspoken family member with you. I always had a friend or family member with me to say what I couldn't.

    I can't help you with the pain issue with anything other than prayers, but for the constipation the old school remedy of prunes worked for me. 5 a day. Also, if you go to the health food store, there is a tea called Smooth Moves. Sounds silly, but if you get this tea - ONLY DRINK 1/2 OF A CUP. It works that well within an hour! I was skeptical until I tried it and it is all natural.

    You are in my prayers.

  • Debbye48
    Debbye48 Member Posts: 17
    Jobi said:

    Hi, I have had the bags, and I do remember my doc telling me that if it turned a greenish color, that I should call to have it checked right away. Insist on an appt. - even if it is to see the nurses. I would hate for you to have more pain as a result of this.

    Good luck!!!!!!


    I had my bags taken out Feb. 29, 2012 but had to put them back in March 28, 2012. Have you heard of this