Good news if you like to limbo

grams2jc Member Posts: 756
Saw my RO today and got the results of last week's brain MRI....The lesion that had been 4 mm is now, 3mm, they think that is the measurement but they said it was indistinct and very hard to measure. The other lesion which at last MRI was 1.4 cm is now 9 mm. He didn't rec. any immediate cyber knife treatment because he says this could be scar tissue or completely dormant and we wouldn't know for sure about that without a biopsy, which he didn't really want to do. I don't want a biopsy either but also do not want to be snuck up on again,so he is going to set me up with a consult with the cyber knife doc and see what he says. Next MRI is in 3 months.....Limbo anyone?

Best thing, it shrunk more, nothing new popped up,and maybe I will eventually get over these rads side effects.

Frying your brain really is a lot to deal with, maybe I should start talking to teen-aged drug users, as long as I can remember what I want to say that is, LOL

Wishing everyone the best possible results of any test and many happy healthy days,



  • butterflylvr
    butterflylvr Member Posts: 944
    I think this news is encouraging. Like you said nothing new popped up and nothings gotten bigger. I think waiting 3 months for the next MRI might be a good thing. If nothing has worsened in that time it will bring part of your confidence back with each passing month. You are such an inspiration to me. Keep that sense of humor...

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Congratulation with Encouraging news
    your news have a big promise for the future. Please keep your positive attitude and great sense of humor. Wishing you quick recovery from this demanding treatment
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Three months seems like a long time but, it will be here before you know it. Decrease is always better than an increase so that is good. I imaging that they are hard to measure in a scan.

    I do hope the cyber knife radiologist will be able to help you.

    Do hope you feel better soon and in the mean time enjoy that new grand baby.


  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    SIROD said:

    Three months seems like a long time but, it will be here before you know it. Decrease is always better than an increase so that is good. I imaging that they are hard to measure in a scan.

    I do hope the cyber knife radiologist will be able to help you.

    Do hope you feel better soon and in the mean time enjoy that new grand baby.



    Unfortunately you will have
    Unfortunately you will have to take the wait and see approach which is excrutiating. But the news is encouraging that the lesions could be dead tumor residual. which is great news. you know giving it 3 months is hard on the psyche but good on the body/brain. giving it time to heal and you to recover. This disease is so hard because one always lives with the what ifs. No definitive end. Someone asked me if I put it away between onc visits. I said it is always there, my life is forever changed. but that I try to not live in fear but i think about it all the time. people who dont live with it cant imagine. Enjoy the 3 months of healing, I hope you get the answers you need from the cyber knife doc!!!!
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    carkris said:

    Unfortunately you will have
    Unfortunately you will have to take the wait and see approach which is excrutiating. But the news is encouraging that the lesions could be dead tumor residual. which is great news. you know giving it 3 months is hard on the psyche but good on the body/brain. giving it time to heal and you to recover. This disease is so hard because one always lives with the what ifs. No definitive end. Someone asked me if I put it away between onc visits. I said it is always there, my life is forever changed. but that I try to not live in fear but i think about it all the time. people who dont live with it cant imagine. Enjoy the 3 months of healing, I hope you get the answers you need from the cyber knife doc!!!!

    I like that there was shrinking
    and nothing new--that, to me, is very good. Like carkris said, we try not to live in fear, but, hey, we're human. Some days go well and others--well, it just comes crashing down. This is the real bi**h of this disease that no one understands unless they're living it--it's always there. Whether in the forefront or the background.

    I'm hoping you can have many more good days than bad--that is all any of us can hope for.

    Praying for you, sweetie.

    Hugs, Renee
  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    Thanks everyone!
    Was just hoping for the perfect, definitive answer. Kind of hard to learn to deal with anything other than black or white....gotta learn to love shades of gray now.

    On another note, will be cutting back my work hours on 4/2, filing for social security disability and only working $1010 a month or less. Thankfully I can stay with my current employer, just leave my full time position and go to an easier part-time slot.

    Looks like I will have more time to ride the pink bus!

  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    grams2jc said:

    Thanks everyone!
    Was just hoping for the perfect, definitive answer. Kind of hard to learn to deal with anything other than black or white....gotta learn to love shades of gray now.

    On another note, will be cutting back my work hours on 4/2, filing for social security disability and only working $1010 a month or less. Thankfully I can stay with my current employer, just leave my full time position and go to an easier part-time slot.

    Looks like I will have more time to ride the pink bus!


    Yes the grey
    However, the job front news is seeming more certain. It also gives you more time for being good to yourself and recovery.
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member

    Yes the grey
    However, the job front news is seeming more certain. It also gives you more time for being good to yourself and recovery.

    I GET IT!!!!
    Trying to get over the side effects of brain rads is unreal! I was told to expect fatigue but I've never experienced such overwhelming fatigue in my life! I don't know how you continue to work! You truly are my inspiration!
    I am FINALLY weaned off steroids..... I HATE that drug! It caused me a lot of misery!

    I am so happy that there's nothing new on your scans....Thank GOD!
    I had 3 small spots show up on my last scan....knocked my socks off! Had 10 radiation treatments....and had no choice but to take steriods to prevent swelling in thevbrain....

    Wishing you all my very best!
    Hugs, Nancy
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member
    MAJW said:

    I GET IT!!!!
    Trying to get over the side effects of brain rads is unreal! I was told to expect fatigue but I've never experienced such overwhelming fatigue in my life! I don't know how you continue to work! You truly are my inspiration!
    I am FINALLY weaned off steroids..... I HATE that drug! It caused me a lot of misery!

    I am so happy that there's nothing new on your scans....Thank GOD!
    I had 3 small spots show up on my last scan....knocked my socks off! Had 10 radiation treatments....and had no choice but to take steriods to prevent swelling in thevbrain....

    Wishing you all my very best!
    Hugs, Nancy

    Smaller is always better
    Smaller is always better right. You are a very positive strong funny lady for sure. I hope you kick this cancer back to the Hell it belongs in. Hugs
  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991

    Congratulation with Encouraging news
    your news have a big promise for the future. Please keep your positive attitude and great sense of humor. Wishing you quick recovery from this demanding treatment

    This is good news and I pray
    This is good news and I pray that it just keeps on coming for you!

    Hugs, Angie
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    grams2jc said:

    Thanks everyone!
    Was just hoping for the perfect, definitive answer. Kind of hard to learn to deal with anything other than black or white....gotta learn to love shades of gray now.

    On another note, will be cutting back my work hours on 4/2, filing for social security disability and only working $1010 a month or less. Thankfully I can stay with my current employer, just leave my full time position and go to an easier part-time slot.

    Looks like I will have more time to ride the pink bus!


    This is very good news
    This is very good news Jennifer!

    Hugs, Lex