HOw to tell if you have bone mets?

sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member

Went for my yearly check up and when the Dr. ran her hand down my sping in my lower back it was tender.  She said to watch it but that now that I have had time to think.  Two months ago  had to go to the accupuncturist because I had terrible pain in my leg from the sciatic nerve.  I haven't had back pain but my back has felt stiff.  Of course I sat all day in my job so I thought it was just that.  I have also thought I need a new mattress because I feel stiff in the morning and tired when I wake up.

Am I being a hyperchondriac or do I need to insist she does a scan?


  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    Talked with the Dr.'s nurse

    Talked with the Dr.'s nurse and she talked with the Dr.  Dr. is not concerned since it is not true pain and said if it persists to let them know.  When I asked the nurse how long on persist she said another two weeks.  I said this has been going on for over 2 months I think it qualifies as persistent.  I really don't like this Dr.  When I went in for my yearly all she ever does is listen to my heart and lungs, looks at my scars and leaves.

  • McMarty
    McMarty Member Posts: 212 Member

    Talked with the Dr.'s nurse

    Talked with the Dr.'s nurse and she talked with the Dr.  Dr. is not concerned since it is not true pain and said if it persists to let them know.  When I asked the nurse how long on persist she said another two weeks.  I said this has been going on for over 2 months I think it qualifies as persistent.  I really don't like this Dr.  When I went in for my yearly all she ever does is listen to my heart and lungs, looks at my scars and leaves.


    Hey, I would make someone check!  Good greif that's not much of a yearly check up!!  I have mets in my spine and it is painful.  Kind of like laying on a bad bruise.  Sometimes it makes my leg hurt.  Instead of worrying and wondering, just get it checked!  That will take a load off your mind.

    They can see mets from my arm and leg and shoulders on a regular x-ray.  I imagine they can see the spine bones too.  That's an easy test that could really help you get rid of that nagging question.



  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    McMarty said:


    Hey, I would make someone check!  Good greif that's not much of a yearly check up!!  I have mets in my spine and it is painful.  Kind of like laying on a bad bruise.  Sometimes it makes my leg hurt.  Instead of worrying and wondering, just get it checked!  That will take a load off your mind.

    They can see mets from my arm and leg and shoulders on a regular x-ray.  I imagine they can see the spine bones too.  That's an easy test that could really help you get rid of that nagging question.



    Marty, you were really

    Marty, you were really lucky.  It took me nearly 4 years to get my bone mets diagnosis and I had Xrays, bone scans, CT scans and 3 PET scans.  Finally, finally finally in 2009, one brave radiologist called it bone mets on a repeat bone scan.  A bone biopsy confirmed it.  The mets was in about 3-4 ribs.

  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

    Marty, you were really

    Marty, you were really lucky.  It took me nearly 4 years to get my bone mets diagnosis and I had Xrays, bone scans, CT scans and 3 PET scans.  Finally, finally finally in 2009, one brave radiologist called it bone mets on a repeat bone scan.  A bone biopsy confirmed it.  The mets was in about 3-4 ribs.


    To answer the original question:

    "Pain is the most common presenting symptom. Pathological fracture rarely occurs without a history of a few weeks or months of increasingly severe pain. In some cases the patient has tried to ignore or deny the symptoms. Sometimes a painful bone lesion is thought to be a "muscle pull" or a "sprain" and strong pain medicines are prescribed, allowing the patient to continue to tolerate very severe pain before the true nature of the problem is discovered. Systemic symptoms may also occur, such as hypercalcemia."

    "Breast cancer metastasis most commonly affects the spine, ribs, pelvis, and proximal long bones."

    For me, the pain was confusing.  It was persistent, but it would give me a month or so off here and there.  Each time it came back though, it was worse.  I also presented with 3-4 broken ribs (not pain first). Hope this helps!

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member


    To answer the original question:

    "Pain is the most common presenting symptom. Pathological fracture rarely occurs without a history of a few weeks or months of increasingly severe pain. In some cases the patient has tried to ignore or deny the symptoms. Sometimes a painful bone lesion is thought to be a "muscle pull" or a "sprain" and strong pain medicines are prescribed, allowing the patient to continue to tolerate very severe pain before the true nature of the problem is discovered. Systemic symptoms may also occur, such as hypercalcemia."

    "Breast cancer metastasis most commonly affects the spine, ribs, pelvis, and proximal long bones."

    For me, the pain was confusing.  It was persistent, but it would give me a month or so off here and there.  Each time it came back though, it was worse.  I also presented with 3-4 broken ribs (not pain first). Hope this helps!

    PET/CT works for me

    For me PET/CT is the most sensitivetest. CT with contrast worl ok too. Please ask your doctor to order the test. You cannot rule out anythins until you run any test,

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537

    PET/CT works for me

    For me PET/CT is the most sensitivetest. CT with contrast worl ok too. Please ask your doctor to order the test. You cannot rule out anythins until you run any test,

    mine was pain
    I had so much pain in my ribs, went to dr. A ct scan done, er doc said most lukely pulled muscle. Asked him to send to onco. Then a week later couldnt make it up a flight of stairs, pain in hack and legs.
    Got home and was in so much pain sitting.
    I hads mets, too numourous to count. They were from mu upper neck thru my spine, ribs, both clavicles hios pelvic and the worse area was my pelvic region!
    The thing that got me most was I had bone scans, 4 major surgeries, and ct scans all within a year og the mets. Howw nothung showed, then all of a sudden it was throughout me. bSo I dont know how all of this works. At least o
    Nce it was diagnosed, I didnt have to continue to wonder why I hurt so bad.
    Now I am just happy when I am able to do things.
  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    camul said:

    mine was pain
    I had so much pain in my ribs, went to dr. A ct scan done, er doc said most lukely pulled muscle. Asked him to send to onco. Then a week later couldnt make it up a flight of stairs, pain in hack and legs.
    Got home and was in so much pain sitting.
    I hads mets, too numourous to count. They were from mu upper neck thru my spine, ribs, both clavicles hios pelvic and the worse area was my pelvic region!
    The thing that got me most was I had bone scans, 4 major surgeries, and ct scans all within a year og the mets. Howw nothung showed, then all of a sudden it was throughout me. bSo I dont know how all of this works. At least o
    Nce it was diagnosed, I didnt have to continue to wonder why I hurt so bad.
    Now I am just happy when I am able to do things.

    Surprised got a call to schedule bone scan

    Ater talking with the nurse who said the Dr said to wait till the pain was persistent I thought that was it.  Over the weekend I decided I was going to call this week to the cancer center and complain about the Dr. and request a different Dr.  Low and behold first thing this morning the hospital calls to schedule a bone scan!  I am still going to change Dr.'s after I get the results back.  My first oncologist was great he took the time to talk to me, explain things and his attitude was we were in this together and I had a voice in decisions.  The one I have now never seems interested.  She whizzes in and out and if you try and talk about side effects she would blow them off as just side effects.

  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

    Surprised got a call to schedule bone scan

    Ater talking with the nurse who said the Dr said to wait till the pain was persistent I thought that was it.  Over the weekend I decided I was going to call this week to the cancer center and complain about the Dr. and request a different Dr.  Low and behold first thing this morning the hospital calls to schedule a bone scan!  I am still going to change Dr.'s after I get the results back.  My first oncologist was great he took the time to talk to me, explain things and his attitude was we were in this together and I had a voice in decisions.  The one I have now never seems interested.  She whizzes in and out and if you try and talk about side effects she would blow them off as just side effects.

    I am glad that you are being

    I am glad that you are being vigilant and having this checked out. Hoping for the best!   Hugs!!!! 

  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member

    I am glad that you are being

    I am glad that you are being vigilant and having this checked out. Hoping for the best!   Hugs!!!! 

    bone scan clean

    bone scan clear and oncologist said see you gp.  Will never go to her again.  Have a meeting scheduled to talk with the head of the cancer clinic.

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member

    bone scan clean

    bone scan clear and oncologist said see you gp.  Will never go to her again.  Have a meeting scheduled to talk with the head of the cancer clinic.

    good news

    Congrats. Very good news. Good luck with head department. Keep us posted

  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    good news

    Congrats. Very good news. Good luck with head department. Keep us posted

    "All Clear" .. great news - indeed!!!

    HIP HIP HOORAY - what an ordeal, new Oncologist, the waiting game, lack of information, side efforts brushed off as IF!!!!   grrrrrrrrrrr

    Please keep us updated on GP appointment,  when you have time.

    Strength, Courage and HOPE for a Cure.

    Vicki Sam



  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

    bone scan clean

    bone scan clear and oncologist said see you gp.  Will never go to her again.  Have a meeting scheduled to talk with the head of the cancer clinic.

    So happy that your scan was

    So happy that your scan was clear!!!  Sorry you had a creepy onc, but you will find a keeper.  Big, big hugs!!!

  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member

    bone scan clean

    bone scan clear and oncologist said see you gp.  Will never go to her again.  Have a meeting scheduled to talk with the head of the cancer clinic.

    Get a New Oncologist**

    Absolutely agree with you .....get a new oncologist girl.   You are Triple Negative?  and the onc. sez 'see ya' ??   That does not sound right to me..........when was your last PET Scan?   Let us know what the Head Person says.

  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    GlowMore said:

    Get a New Oncologist**

    Absolutely agree with you .....get a new oncologist girl.   You are Triple Negative?  and the onc. sez 'see ya' ??   That does not sound right to me..........when was your last PET Scan?   Let us know what the Head Person says.

    Never had a pet scan.  Since

    Never had a pet scan.  Since my last chemo in Jan 2011 all they have done is blood work.

  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member

    Never had a pet scan.  Since

    Never had a pet scan.  Since my last chemo in Jan 2011 all they have done is blood work.

    PET Scans

    They give me a PET Scan about every 18 months.... I'm beginning to think that the Scans cause more damage than we know too....but oh well.    I sure hope you get an Oncologist you will have more faith in this time .....and....again.....I really love that Bedspread  :)