Losing my mother and my best friend
I have read so many posts pertaining to people suffering from cancer. I have even read about people just like me who spent their lives caring for a loved one who had been diagnosed with cancer. I lost my mother three weeks ago. She died of cancer. She fought for so long but eventually her cancer spread from her lung to her…
The Miracle of Cards
I don't normally post here, but I watched a movie-(DVD) tonight entitled " The Miracle of the Cards"..it was as inspirational as Lance Armstrong's "It's Not The Bike"; in fact, it is upbeat and worthwhile for any cancer patient.. Nanuk (from Colorectal Cancer Forum)
Hello Everyone, My son who was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2004 died this past July 2006. His tumor was called a Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, or mpnst for short. His was very rare & from what the doctor said he was only the 8th documented case in the country. He never complained, he was never in any pain…
Yale Brain Tumor Center
Is there anyone out there who has knowledge regarding the work of Dr. Joseph Piepmeir and his team practicing at the Yale Brain Tumor Center, Yale University/New Haven CT?? My cousin is 56 years old and was diagnosed just under a year ago with Glioblastoma Multiforme, Stage 4. He has had 2 surgeries, radiation, and has…
New to the Network - Brain Tumor Survivor
My name is David Lancaster, I have a Grade 3 Astrocytoma Brain Tumor. It started out as a Grade 2 Glioma tumor, which has over the years proven to be inoperable. I was a Boiler Maker at Nooter Corperation for 10 years until I had my first seizure in 1999. Since then I've been put on disability, and am unable to work. I am…
26 yr old Mom w/anaplastic astrocytoma has questions
My daughter is the patient. She will soon start Temador and 6/week radiation treatment. Does anyone have any suggestions or helpful hints for any of us? We are really scared, but also optomistic...is this normal?
My husband had his oligodendroglioma tumor removed in Sept.06& had 33 radiation treatments. Then it came back & he has now had it surgically removed again (sept. 07). This surgery recovery has been much more difficult & one of the biggest problems is his confusion. He often does not know where he is. I can point things out…
New and want to ask what I should ask
January of 2004 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and 2-4-04 I had a bilateral mastectomy. They did a head scan and noted some activity, I forget how they put it. I had an MRI recently, due to some symtoms that medications were not curing, and the area that they had noted had grown so they say that I have a "lesion" in my…
My son
My son passed away on Valentine's day 2002. He had Pilosytic Astrocytoma/optic pathway glioma. He was three when he was diagnosed and died and the age of 5 1/2. We did many different chemos and even gamma knife, we opted against full brain radiation because of his age. I am so lonley and miss him daily and feel guilty for…
Disease-Free from Malignant Glioma after Cotara
A congratulatory email I sent to Dr. Patel at Med. Univ. of S.C.: Oct. 10, 2005 To: Dr. Sunil Patel, Dept. of Neurological Surgery, MUSC cc: Holly Auer, Charleston Post & Courier cc: Dr. Henry Brem, Chairman, Scientific Res. Ctr., NABTT cc: Dr. Stuart Grossman, Project Leader, NABTT cc: Dr. Robert Lustig, Abramson CC,…
Ready to fight Glioblastoma 4, could use some help
Hello my father was diagnosed with GBM 4 today. He had a biopsy on tuesday that was quite successful in removing much of this evil tumor. The tumor is located in the back right side of his brain directly after the cranium which allowed for a smooth surgery. His left peripheral vision is lost. He is 66 years old and quite A…
update on my mom with glioblastoma grade IV
My mom's tumor is very large again. She has been in the hospital since the 7th. She started to get stroke like symptoms again as well as being very weak. They admitted her and two days later she went into acoma. They did a Cat Scan and could see that she had massive brain swelling and alot of fluid building up pushing on…
Fearless Sister - GB 4 - any stories to share?
My sister is battling GB 4 at the age of 27. It has been an amazing journey. She is on Temador and always looking into alternative treatments. Ambrotose has been a huge help to her. I have become a healthier and all around better person because of her and all I have been learning about this cancer. I am wondering about any…
Sloan Kettering
I am about to begin IMRT radiation and Temador for a low-grade atsrocytoma. Right now I am debating where to seek treatment. Has anyone here been treated at Memorial Sloan-Kettering? What was you experience like there?
hi i am 23 year old male who has recently had a tumor remove from my brain i was looking for others who had expierenced this. i did not have anyone there for me the whole time
My husband was started on Avastin when an MRI found that the temador was not working. Just wondering what others experiences have been with Avastin. We were told it was not a cure but could buy 4-6 mos. He is tolerating it very well...no side effects. I understand it has just recently been approved by the FDA. Would…
My UP Date on My Tumor MRI and treatment
We are so Excited but we will not let our Guards down. But we got it on the RUN! It feels so good! It was a long Day Pretty much 12 hours at Duke, But Very Worth IT!!!!! With our Faith and Prayers from everyone, and DUKE It's working.READ POST BELOW Still be getting treatments every 2 weeks and another MRI on the 6th week.…
caring for spouse sept 2009 posting date RE: sleep and impulsive behavior
patient with anaplastic astrocytoma biopsy only, radiation, temodar, and DECADRON Problem: he is up many times a night. He gets lost within the house, forgets where the bathroom is. he also has weakness in his legs from Decadron How do you get sleep so that you can be alert and make sound decisions. This is one of my…
About Bra
Hello Ladies, What is about bras? Can you suggest soft with good support for small breasts A-B? Thankß
please help me
I'm really scared. My mom told me today that my step dad has to have a cat scan done this friday bc he's been having headaches a lot lately and hasn't been feeling well. The first thing that popped into her head and my head was brain tumor. My dad died in 2001 bc of a brain tumor. This family can't bear to go through this…
His feet are turning blue?
Hi We got news last week that although hubby has a new growth, it hasn't done anything since the last scan a month ago so he will stay on temodar for another 2 months before the next scan. Hubby was diagnosed with GBM in March 09. Over the weekend, he has been complaining that his feet and legs are swollen. Today they…
Husband has Astrocytoma Grade 2, sudden new symptoms
Hello, My husband was diagnosed with his Astrocytoma Grade 2 on August 6, 2007, after his first major seizure. We have been going to Evanston Northwestern Hospital in Evanston, IL. He received 6 weeks worth of radiation, and for the most part life went back to a new normal. A few months ago he started having much more…
Temporal lobe tumors
Anyone who has gone through this, I can use any helpful info. Last week, after two CT scans and an MRI, I was told I have two small tumors in the temporal lobe of my brain. I have already seen an oncologist who put me on steroids. Tomorrow I have a full body scan, Wednesday I see an neurosurgeon, and Thursday the…
astrocytoma level 3
Has anyone had any experience with Dr Chicoine at Barnes hospital St Louis Mo. or Has amy one went trough the Gama Knife treatment, will it repair large tumors, Wher else is there to go in Missouri but Barnes Hospital
Information on Financail Aid for College
Hello All, I'm a 18 year senior in High School and brain tumor survivor. I plan on attending the Academy of Art University, San Francisco in the summer of 2010. My family can't afford to help me with any of these cost. I need to know if there's any sources to help me with grants,scholarships and student loans. Thank you…
Supplements/Herbal remedies Other treatments?
My boyfriend was diagnosed with non small cell lung cancer in April of last year. In November of last year he found out that it spread to his brain. I've been doing alot of research on supplements that may help him. I've found a few that sound promising. I was just wondering if anyone has tried anything that had any…
inoperable(brain stem) pontine gliomas
Looking for anyone who has this or is a caretaker of someone who has it. Any information you can share with me.
Really need some help!
Hello, My aunt passed away will be a year ago October 1st. She died of Sarcoma Cancer. We have recently found out my cousin has Brain cancer (3 tumors) and also Uterine cancer. The doctor's say the cancer is now in the blood stream. She just found all this out yesterday. She had brain surgery yesterday as well. The issue…
My grandpa was just diagnosed with brain cancer and he is having respitory failure. He has also had prostate and bladder cancer. Can these types of cancers be related to each other?
I just started temodar and I wanted to know if anyone had ideas about hair color? I am getting married in 2 months, I really want to do my hair. The temodar I am taking is a low dose 1 week a month. Thanks, Tina