Germinoma brain tumor survivor Question
I was diagnosed with a brain tumor at seventeen years old. I am thirty seven now. The tumor was erradicated with radiation and chemo. My doctors said the tumor could never return. Does anyone know what this prognosis could be based on? Can germinoa brain tumors appear twice in a person's life. What are the statistics for…
Is it normal to feel nauseated after completing brain radiation? It's been 3 weeks since I completed my radiation therapy and a week after being weened off steroids I've been feeling nauseated, I still have my appetite but I can't eat well because I get nauseated every time I put food in my mouth.
Issues caused by Astrocytoma...anyone else been there?
I have been diagnosed with a grade II Astrocytoma in my left temporal lobe since August 2009. I actually had a partial resection and a stereotactic radiosurgery done, no chemotherapy. I have been doing relatively well since then. I work full time and am a single mom. During the last year, I have been through a few things –…
My fiance Dinos surgery is this Thursday,Sooooooooooo nervous!Its in his left frontal lobe,They say his speech could be effected because of its location.We live in Chicago burbs and are having a blizzard right now.What can I expect after his surgery?Pain?How can I help him better?Chemo and radiation to follow in 3…
Any early signs/symptoms and if you could in detail? Trying to see if my mom symptoms were just passed off and were missed. Thanks.
I have been having seizures and was admitted to the hospital by the neurologist as they thought i was having a stroke. An EEG shows something is wrong in my left temple and it is causing seizures. My speech, my right arm, fingers, right eye, right foot, and the past few days my left hand is affected. My most recent visit…
Germinoma Germ cell
Hi my name is Jalanie I was diagnosed with germinoma germ cell tumor in my brain when I was 16. My pituritary gland no longer functions. I take a harmone replacement called cortef. I had chemo thepapy and 17 treatments of radiation. I was also left with adrenial insufficency and diabetes insepidus. I am 19 years old now…
questions reg 2 rounds of WBR
Hi everyone, I usually monitor and post on the Lung Cancer site, but thought I may be able to tap into someones expertise and experience here on this site. My wife was originally dx'd w/ stage IV nsclc in Sept 09, then further tests revealed mets to the brain ( 7 lesions) so they addressed that first w/ WBR. After the WBR…
Well,surgery was last Thursday.Up to 75%was removed.Recovery is gonna be very hard.His right side of his bodyis very weak,about 10% use.He,s now in a rehab.Cant bring him home.He,s very confused and ANGRY!He,s not the same man right now.His speach was greatly effected too.Chem and radiation to begin in 2 weeks.Im…
Need some experience info
Hello, I am from the colorectal board. I have a brain tumor that is large and in the middle area of my brain. The docs are mixed as to if it is cancer or begin. It is pushing against my brain stem and causing me vision problems big time. You can see a MRI image of it on my expressions page. It has to come out. Has anyone…
Anyone else dealing with the side effects of whole brain radiation
My loved one had whole brain radiation following surgery to remove a metastatic tumor. (She had breast cancer that spread to her brain and lungs) She is two years post radiation and is now having cognitive problems. She has a lot of short term memory problems and even some dementia now. She has done some really strange…
New , , ,and will fight
Hi all. I was diagosed with level 4 glio-something-or-other; I really don't care. Alice (in Wonderlaand) has her Jabberwokky to fight .Now I have mine. The love of God, the angel he sent me (Irina), the prayers & support of friend make my 'will & strength' to fight even stronger. The TEMADOR and rides in the RapidArc is my…
Hey everyone! Doing pretty good!
Just wanted to say hi and let everyone know that I have done pretty well since surgery last monday - full week tomorrow! I don't have any results yet, they sent my tumor - well, the part that they took - to MD Anderson. Was told that I probably won't know anything for a couple of weeks. I am kind of expecting chemo soon,…
Surgery tomorrow...
Hi everyone... I had left a message under a previous discussion that I am having surgery tomorrow, but noticed it wasn't too obvious. So, anyhow, I am having surgery - my tumor appears to either be larger - maybe a higher grade - or there is a slight chance that it is necrosis. The surgeon says we won't really know until…
what to expect with radiation
Anyone have radiation for two different sites at the same time? My mom has two grade IV GBM's not resected. the have shrunk considerably from their orgional size. she is finishing up her 4th cycle of chemo ( avastin, temador, and cpt-11) and will begin 42 treatments in about 5 weeks. We are visiting her radiation…
13 yr old with Pilocytic Astrocytoma
My niece is 13 years old and was diagnosed with pilocytic astrocytoma on September 30th, 2010. The baseball-sized tumor was removed successfully on October 4th, 2010. When this first happened, the doctors told us there would be a week of recovery and a month of physical therapy. She was in ICU for six weeks and is…
Im hearing lots of this new drug!Antone out there on it?Please give feedback!
Non-surgical GBM grade 4
My 64 year old mom was diagnosed on 9-25-2010 with 2 Glio’s. She is just starting a clinical trial with Duke. The clinical trial is to see the effects of Avastin, in combination with CPT-11 and Temodar, prior to radiation. I don’t see too much discussion about non-surgical tumors. . which worries me. Duke has received a…
hurry up and wait!Are we running out of time?
We saw the nerosurgeon today,Not looking good on being able to remove any of my fiances gbm(glioblastoma multiforme)tumor.Its in his left frontal lobe and surgery good take away his speech.We should know more Monday.Its only been 3 weeks and since we found out about this.No real warning signs.He,s having problems already…
Stereotactic Radiation
Wanting to find out if anyone has had stereotactic radiation and their experience with it.
left frontal lobe gbm
We find out friday if my fiances GBM tumor is able to be removed,Its in his left frontal lobe,Im nervous about the surgery!Help!
In need of what to expect
My name is Yvonne,Me and my fiance were engaged on Christmas day!New years day I brought him to the ER thinking he was having a stroke,Lots of tests later we find out he has Glioblastoma metahome stage 4.He had a brain byiopsy last week and a fuctional mri Saturday to see if surgery is an option.His tumer is located deep…
Cell Phones
There is an interesting article under the Yahoo health section that addresses the possible link between cell phones and glios. Should be read as I have always questionned cell phones as a contibutor to the increase in brain cancers.
Temodar advice/info
My husband who is 28 is about to start taking Temodar for his oligodendroglioma III. We are still waiting on a deletion report to determine if radiation is needed but the Temodar is a definate. This is our first course of treatment so we have no idea what to expect except what the doctors have told us. Any info we should…
whole brain radiation
my husband is starting whole brain radiation next week because he does not meet the criteria for stereotatic radiation, actually the doctor suggested surgery then radiation but my husband does not want surgery. He has one tumor approx. 1 1/2" long in the back on his celebellum. Does whole head radiation work and what are…
Life After Brain Tumor
Hi, I am new to this site. I had a brain tumor recection Feb 2006 followed by a year of Temodar. I have never been the same since. I take medication to sleep at night, to wake up and keep functioning during the day, and for depression. My quality of life has never been the same. I was wondering if anyone can relate? My…
gliomatosis cerebri -- what can we expect
Hello, My wife has gliomatosis cerebri and about two years ago the part that could be removed was. The rest was intertwined in her brain and continues to grow. There does not seem to be a big group of us and if asked I can answer questions on what we experienced so far. What I would like is to connect with someone who is…
When was the last time, you did something for the first time?
Good morning everyone, here's a little food for thought ( I am not including my cancer stuff), I actually had to think for a while, so that means I need to be more adventurous, slowing down over here =) It was right before christmas, I had started dating I guy, a REALLY nice guy, never thought he'd be my type but the more…
Anyone dealth with Oligodendroglioma III
My husband was newly diagnosed with an Oligodendroglimoa III. Orignally his tumor was an Astrocytoma and for 3 yrs I learned about it and now I need to learn about this one. Anyone have a story to share? What worked what didnt?
decadrone tapering too fast!!!!!
My husband has a brain met and did 15 sessions of whole brain radiation, doctor tapered decadrone too fast I believe, he ended up in hospital room with total mental confusion, now is home again. has this happened to anyone else?? thanks Linda