Primary medulloblastoma in children
a colleague of mine just found out their child has primary medulloblastoma, does anyone have information about studies done using either chemotherapy and or radiothion therapy. please help
Any suggestion to combat Fatigue and how to keep yourself preoccupy during recovery process
Hello everyone, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor recently and since underwent 2 surgeries for removal. I did well after surgeries but what I'm struggling with is fatigue and mental breakdown. Since I'm a very social person, I'm used to being around people all the time. Going through recovery, I find it mentally draining…
PTL-Post Transplant Lymphomas - in the brain
my husband (40 years young) was told he has 2 PTLs one on the left hemisphere and one on the brain stem. 4 years ago he had a kidney transplant. we are at the end of chemo (just this week) and in 3 weeks he will have another MRI. The previous MRIs showed no growth but also no shrinkage. We have an awesome medical…
Astrocytoma, Anger and Other Health Issues
Since 1975, my husband had Type 1 Diabetes. October of 2008, we discovered he needed a transplant and after being on the transplant list for only two weeks, he received a simultaneous kidney/pancreas transplant on Christmas day 2008. Less than six weeks later, during a routine physical his primary care doctor discovered an…
Your The Best
Im leaving the site this morning. The reasons are personal. I want to thank you for your kindness, courage and support you have given to the memebrs here. I want to wish you the best very best of health and happiness. I will miss your spirit and love for one another Heart of Soul
"JoeyPup 1" please reply to me
You typed to me last week regarding brain mets from esphogeal cancer and radiation. I need to know more about it and you mentioned you are a nurse caring for someone with this situation. I am a wife, caring for my husband, who just found out he has a brain met to his cerrebellum part of his brain and is doing whole brain…
Petuitory Gland Tumor
I am a 2 year survivor of Esthesionueroblastoma, and recently was told I have a Petuitory Gland Tumor, still waiting on MRI results and more lab work. Just wanted to see if anyone on this site has had or heard of this type tumor and what they dealt with. S
GBM grade IV following Cardiac By Pass Surgery
Has anyone else been diagnosed with GBM grade IV after going through cardiac bypass surgery. My husband had a triple by pass in October 2008 and now in February 2010 he was diagnosed with GBM grade IV.
june 2010 Anaplastic astrocytoma in thalamus
My mom (64 yrs young)was just recently diag. with grade 3 anaplastic astrocytoma & they say it's inoperable. Does anyone know anyone who had a tumor in the thalamus location. It's devastating to our family & I think we are all still in shock. First they spoke about doing cyberknife treatments now it's changed. Now they say…
to the nurse who replied to me under my other post
please write to me again, I wrote to you under my other post, you will see it. thanks Linda
husband has stage four esphogeal cancer now met to his brain
My husband was having balancing issues and heaches, ct scan and mri showed l 1/2" tumor to his cerebellum area of his brain. he has to wait two weeks until chemo is out of him then they are suggesting radiation. Does anyone know anything about cancer to this part of the brain and also about radiation, what to expect, side…
Need advise on whole brain radiation. Please help
Hi, I had lung cancer and lobe was removed 2 months ago. I just had a mri that shows i have 5 small c cels in the brain. Doctor recommends whole brain surgery since there are 5 tumors, but i know there are other options but am confused which way to go. the tumors are small.I have heard of gamma knife but dont now if its…
Nausea *after* Temodar?
I'll be checking with my doctor on this this week, but I want to ask about others' experiences as well. I finished up a six-week round of daily Temodar and radiation within the past two weeks. Reportedly, 99% of my tumor (grade 3 anaplastic oligodendroglioma) is now gone! (I know they grow back, but having it mostly gone…
stereotactic radiation
Has anyone been treatment for brain cancer using this type of treatment, my husband is stage four esphogeal with a new met to his cerebellum area of his brain. I am trying to find out more about this treatment option vs whole head radiation. thanks for your help. Linda
my husband was told he has stage 4 brain cancer 5 weeks ago
I am having a hard time dealing with this and I do not know what to expect. I am hoping he will survive for a while. He has had 10 treatments of radiation and he is going to have another scan in july to see if the treatments helped. he is at home but he has to use a walker. will he be able to walk normally. This all came…
Exposure to computer video terminals and monitors - possible link to Brain C?
I know that the current rage is the link between cell phones and brain cancer, but I have a more personal linkage I am curious to investigate. Because my original tumor was never linked to any known cause by any of my specialists at the time, and in view of many recurrences, I have my own pet theory which may or may not be…
Its been 6 years, when does it get better?
When I was 8 my mom was diagnosed with brain cancer. For 10 years she faught it, having several major surgeries and going through some of the worst pain a person could go through. Growing up the focus of our family went directly to our mom because of how sick she was. We never did family trips, did family game night. Our…
My mom has GBM. She finished radiation therapy/temodar on April 22. She had an episode of brain swelling on May 24, when the doctors took her off dexamethasone. An MRI done at that point showed what appeared to be tumor regrowth, although the brain swelling made the findings unclear. She was put back and dexamethasone and…
Recurrent GBMTumor- any experience w/ Avastin and CPT 11
Hello. My mom was diagnosed w/ a GBM and had surgery in October of 09. They were able to remove the whole tumor. She did the 6 weeks of radiation w/ 125 mg of Temodar and is currently finishing her 5th round of Temodar 250 mg, 5 day per month, 23 days off. She's been taking decadron off and on since the surgery, but more…
I woke up today morning, took a shower and when I was putting my clothes on. Rafael told me: "I think I'm having a seizure again". So I ran in towell to help him lay down in the sofa and then I remembered doctor told me if a seizure happens again. Put a pill of Lorazepan under his tongue and that will help to stop the…
Avastin and Cumodin?
My husbands oncologist and neurosurgeon have decided that our next step is Avastin and CPT-11. I was wondering if anyone has been on Avastin and Cumodin? My husband had a pulmonary embolism last month and has been on Cumodin since then. He's already had some issues with bleeding and his INR being too high (had a nose bleed…
Proton Therapy
I recently completed 29 treatments of proton therapy in Oklahoma City. The facility opened last August. I have a low grade, brain stem glioma and the primary symptom is double vision. My first MRI after treatment of 2 1/2 weeks showed a 20% reduction in the tumor size. I have another MRI in one week. I am interested in…
Procarbazine experiences please
After 3 years of Temodar as follow-up treatment for a resected II/III oligo tumor, I was diagnosed with a recurrence (same type and class). My neurosurgeon declared it inoperable; my oncologist has changed my chemo to the PVC "cocktail". I'm toward the end of the first cycle (no more pills, one more vincristine shot), and…
Your Location,type of Brain Cancer?
Just curious, but it seems there is an epidemic of Brain Tumor's in young people in the United Stated. My 15 year old daughter was diagnosed in 2005 with Oligodendroglioma stage 2. It has returned and she is scheduled for surgury this month. I'm intrested how many people have brain tumors and where they live. Her…
wanting to know were to login to chatt about cancer?
its boe i like to talk with uall again can someone help me thanks,i have kemo and rad comeing up soon
How Do You Measure "Quality of Life?"
Making monthly visits to one of several Professional Menders, I'm given a questionnaire. I'm asked to check off any complaints or problems I'm having (beyond that fact that nobody looks at the thing anyway). The survey asks me to rate my "quality of life" on a number scale, zero ( = in the tank) to five ( = walking in tall…
Just got diagnosed with Anaplastic Astrocytoma Grade III
Hi, my name is delia, and I just got diagnosed with an Anaplastic Astrocytoma Grade III, after more than 2 weeks and the neurosurgeons were trying to figure our what type my tumor was, they thought it was a Lymphoma, but ended up being an Anaplastic Astrocytoma Grade III. They did the biopsy, and more than likely my tumor…
Dilantin - does anyone have intermittent wild swings in their blood counts?
Every 12 months or so, my dilantin level - which normally sits within the therapeutic range suddenly soars to toxic levels (24 - 25), for no apparent reason. After the most recurrence of this phenomenon, my neurologist dropped my Dilantin dosage from (400mg daily x 7) to(400mg daily x 4 + 300mg daily x 3). Within 3 weeks…
Temodar anyone?
Hi Im on temodar 280mg 5 days on 23 days off. I took the last dose 3 days ago but still feel very yucky. When does this get better? What patterns have you noticed with your cycles? I plan to be on this for 2 years so looking to get a better grip of what Im up against. My neuro pain in my leg is much worse also? Thanks
unusual lession/tumor
Thank you to anyone reading this. I have a 2.6cm mass growth on my right thalamas for the last 2.5 years. The neurosurgeon thought it was a low grade glioma and scheduled me for surgery. When he got to the site he could not see any tumor. Biopsy was taken in 3 places according to mapping software and instant path came back…