More whole brain experiences wanted
Hi everybody, my 72 year old father has thyroid ca that has mets'd to his brain. He had a single lesion in an inoperable location. We got several opinions and went with the general consensus to do whole brain (15 over 3 weeks) than SRS. It appears that the tumor was 'killed' but he is having horrible side effecgts from the…
Problem of No Taste
Hi Everyone - My husband, Jerry had 12 hour brain surgery where they got ALL the tumor. However, due to it being Cancer and some stray cells he underwent 33 radiation treatments. Now he is in the recovery period after all the radiation and his biggest problem right now is NO TASTE and NAUSEA. He has 3 different meds to…
Hi again everyone, I stumbled upon this online and wondering what you guys think - http://www.thedcasite.com/dca_how_it_works.html http://www.medicorcancer.com/dca-therapy.html There's not talked about this DCA therapy, although it sounds promising.
GBM IV with new growth at 15 months
Hello My dad was diagnosed in Dec. 2009 and followed what seems to be the standard protocol; surgery, radiation and temodar. Things had been going well until this week. His MRI shows signs of new growth. So I am wondering what this means. The doc's just keep telling us that the original diagnosis still remains (12- 18…
Glioblastoma Multiforme IV
My sister in law was diagnosed with Glioblastome Multiforme IV in her temporal lobe 20 months ago. It is inoperable and not curable. How do we know when she has had her limit on chemo? She is in the hospital right now due to her platelets and white blood cell count being too low. The platelets were a 4 last week after they…
Brain, Liver, Colon, Lung, and Adrenal gland Melanoma
My husand has been diagnosed with brain, liver, lung, colon,& right adrenal gland melanoma cancer. They have said 6-8 weeks to survive if treatment didnt work and only maybe 6 months if it does. We are Christians and believe in miracles. It all started from a mole on his back. He had it removed in 2007 and a few lymph…
cyberknife after whole brain radiatio
I need some information on side effects of cyberknife after whole brain radiation. I'm hearing that there could be somepretty bad swelling. Can anyone give me more information?
Does Having Radiation Rule Out Future Surgery
Does Having Radiation Rule Out Future Surgery I read a statement where someone said that having radiation treatments rules out being able to have future surgery. Does anyone know if this is true. I'm trying to decide whether to have radiation along with chemo on my grade 2 Oligodendroglioma. This might help me make the…
Cancer Treatment Centers Of America?
Has anyone out there been to this place?Should I believe there better then the rest?
Anyone have experience with lung cancer metastasized to the brain?
My mom was diagnosed with lung cancer 2 weeks ago then last week they found 2 spots in her brain. She is currently taking dexametnason (which she hates). She starts whole brain radiation on Thursday for 15 days then sometime in early April will start chemo for the lung cancer. She is just 72 years old. We have been told…
Upcoming MRI in two hours
I'm full of worry. See I was diagnosed with an AA3 in August of 2010. Since then everything has been according to doctor's rules and a bumpy yet predictable road through this dis-ease. Suddenly in Jan 2011, my docs tell me there's enhancement! It could be radiation necrosis (where the radiation has deaden part of the…
Glioblastoma multiforme in the corpus collosum and spreads into the right and left hemispheres. Cal
My Dad is 74 and was just diagnosed with a glioblastoma multiforme in the corpus collosum. They said it spreads into the left and right hemisphere and is called a "butterfly tumor". They have given him 5 more weeks to live. They said it is inoperable. They said any treatments they could give would not really help enough…
Has anyone had Gamma Knife and whole brain radiation?
I had gamma knife following surgery that removed a brain tumor 15 months ago. My onco. suggested whole brain radiation to prevent future tumors. I don't know the side effects of that, and last week I had an mri and a small spot was seen where the previous tumor was. I may need gamma knife again. Im scared...I am 36 and…
Feeling goofy....
Hey everyone....I am having a little tough time. Go to my surgeon tomorrow - hope to have some results from two weeks ago. My thinking is not working the way it used to - my speech is goofy, been a little scared today and a little confused. The doc has me on steroids and an anti-seizure and I am hoping I can go off the…
My husband now 34 years old. He is facing Lung Cancer since Oct 2007. Today he has metastasis to the brain and have had 2 times gamma knife radiation. Since last treatment I noticed he has some short memory loss. This is something temporary? Does anybody in this group have had this treatment? Thank you, Nubis
WBRT and Dementia Rate
Wootz I found this article earlier and I found a very small incidence rate of dementia after WBRT... 11% only a very small percentage. LATE SIDE EFFECTS OF RADIATION THERAPY TO THE BRAIN A review of the role of radiation in treating brain metastases would not be complete without a discussion of the late sequelae of…
In treatment for Glioblastoma right temperal lobe grade 4
I am a 43yr old married mom to a 8 and 10 year old. Imagine my surprise to find out I had this after almost no symptoms. I was diagnosed Jan 3 and had surgery Jan 9th. I am nearing the end of my treatments now. Well..1st round. I have never been so terrified in my entire life. It took me 2 months even just to sit and type…
long term effects of radiation
Hi, I am a college freshmen and just found this site a few days ago while doing some research. I had a brain stem glioma when I was 3. I went through chemo, a bonemarrow transplant, and had high doses of radiation. The radiation caused me to lose my hearing and it stunted my growth. I have had many surgeries on my ears. I…
Recurrent GBM and Clinical Trials
In May of 2009 I was diagnosed with partial complex seizures from ‘a lesion’ on my right temporal lobe of unknown origin. The next few months I struggled with finding the right dosage of Keppra and then Dilantin. All of this was not adding up for me as a healthy 42 year old young wife and mother of two. So I got a second…
HBOT due to Radiation Necrosis on Optic Chiasm
I wanted to just let you know that my husband had his first "dive" today with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. I've posted before that he's sustained vision loss, pretty substantially, due to radiation necrosis. It's on the optic chiasm, and we are hopeful we are going to see some very positive results and ideally a full…
Meningioma Front Tempural Lobe - Newly diagnosed
Last September I was referred to a Neurologist for problems I was experiencing after taking the drug Reglan for nausea from chemo for breast cancer. A brain MRI was done, and a meningioma was found. The Neuro felt it was not anything to worry about. I have since changed Neurologists, and three months after seeing the new…
update on my fiance...nearing the end
I want to thank everyone here for the support Ive recieved on here.My fiances fight is already coming to an end.Way sooner then we were expecting.We did everything right but its already time for hospice,I brought him home 4 nights ago.Family and friends have flown in from everywhere!Love surrounds him.Im not sure how it…
Whole Brain Radiation - Melanoma - What To Expect?
What else do you tell yourself when naked fear once again seeps inside your bones and curls around your heart to hang on for dear life, Cancer Sucks. Driving home Bob and I become lost in our own thoughts, each trying to catch our breath with the news given at his doctor’s appointment. I notice tears falling slowly against…
Scared to post, but I too have GBM V
I was diagnosed with the tumor on 11/15, surgery on 11/17 and home on 11/22. He got 99% of the tumor on my left side. Got the diagnosis about 10 days later and it completely turned my world, my family and friends, and my dreams, upside down. He told me on average survival rate is about 18 months for people that choose not…
Mets to brain...please help me feel better about this
My mom is 56 and two months into treatment for stage four breast cancer. So far she is responding well with hormones, radiation, and IV medication once every 3 weeks. She has cancer in her breast, a single lymph node, spine, hip, and skull. The spine was rebuilt and she is recovering like a champ. They had to do an MRI of…
Adult PNET
My wife has a golf ball sized malignant level 4 tumor in her thalamus region. We have had a shunt implanted to relieve fluid build-up because the tumor is pressing on the 3rd ventricle. We are getting conflicting advice on treatment strategys from her doctors. Focal radiation to treat just the tumor ( both full spinal MRI…
New and looking for advice
Hi everyone. I'm not really sure where to post this. So, I'm posting it here. I am a caregiver to my husband who is 24. He was diagnosed August 2008 with a brain tumor. We have been told that he has a low grade brain stem glioma. It's not very common for his age. We were told by an oncologist last month that this tumor…
glioma tumor
first Id like to ty all for letting me know Were not alone.my brother has a glioma tumor and has had surgery and is starting chemo,radiation the cancer is very aggresive 3/6 mon without therp, and less than a year with .my question is how will the chemo and rad affect his time left ? Please help
My husband passed away
On Thanksgiving. After a 10 month battle, with many ups and more downs, he passed peacefully in his sleep. I think he was waiting for Thanksgiving, he had been really looking forward to the big family get together. I felt like life was on pause while he had cancer, it revolved around treatments, side effects and dealing…
BRM Treatment from the Beijing Clinical Cancer Gene Research Center in China.
Hello There: My father has GBM, grade 4 & after posting on this website I received an email from a rep. from Beijing Clinical Cancer Gene Research Center in China. I have since spoken with the rep. & I'm a bit on the fence about the authenticity of it all. It claims to be a new gene based treatment approved by the FDA in…