Blood in Stool (On/Off) for 6 months, Now Many Swollen Inguinal Lymph Nodes

kindindependence Member Posts: 1 *
edited October 2022 in Anal Cancer #1

Hello everyone,

I am a 41 year old male.

For the last six months or so, I have been seen small amounts of blood in my stool (on and off). In the last few days, my groin area has started feeling dull pain - and when I massage both sides of my groin, it is fairly obvious that I have several swollen inguinal lymph nodes (at least three on the right side and at least two on the left side).

In these last few days, I have also had very loose stools and the small amount of blood that I see is usually at the end of the bowel movement.

I am very scared. Everything I am reading about cancer of the Anal Canal with swollen inguinal lymph nodes appears to be very negative. But, at the same time, this looks somewhat obvious that this is what is happening.

It is now past 11pm where I live in Missouri, so I can't even find a doctor to talk to.

I feel like I am losing my mind.


  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member


    Fear and anxiety over all the what if's will drive a person insane in life, especially when it comes to health, yet so many of us (myself included over a decade ago) put off taking the most logical step of seeing a doctor at the onset of symptoms until we are on the edge. Of course we usually stagger to that edge in the middle of the night.

    I hope now you have been able to talk to a doctor and schedule a visit. In 2011 I too had pain, bleeding, and swollen lymph node in my groin but had other family life things happening and never considered the fact that my own health was equally if not more important. I am female and told myself I probably just needed a hysterectomy because I was in my 50's and then must have had a hernia because I seemed to have to strain a lot to feel as though I had fully "pooped"...

    One day I bled so much that I felt faint and nearly passed out...I waited still until this happened again and then finally called to say I needed to be seen asap!! I got in within a few days and soon after had a diagnosis of stage 3b anal cancer!! I can't truthfully say I was shocked, in fact maybe even more a sense of relief to have an answer, a medical team, and a treatment plan in the works. Though my mind was still racing, I think I actually started to sleep at night.

    It was rollercoaster ride for a while and over the past 11 years a few crazy twists and turns here and there, but over all I feel great today (mindful that none of us know what tomorrow will bring)...I am active, I travel, I spend time with friends and family, and this past weekend danced up a storm at my niece's wedding...Im back to doing life in ways I couldn't even think about in those pre-diagnosis what if days.

    Please come back to let us know how you are doing and know that whatever situation you are in, likely someone else has been there or is right now and that you are NOT alone, we will help you through. I will have you in my thoughts as you move forward.


  • drpearl
    drpearl Member Posts: 28 Member

    Finding the right careteam is essential. If you aren't near good doctors, there are some assistance programs out there to help with transportation/travel costs.

    Find out for sure what's going on. Then get a second opinion if you feel that would be helpful. Wishing you the best.

    I was Stage2. Don't delay, the sooner the better to get started and be done with treatments.

  • drpearl
    drpearl Member Posts: 28 Member

    11years!!! Thank you for posting that you're " back to doing life" that is a great replacement for the usual cliche of "normal" I need to see that there is longevity, not just this one day at a time stuff!