anal cancer who is afraid of chemo and radiation
2014-10-23 I am trying to find someone in Las Vegas to help a friend of mine with anal cancer. He is losing hope as he is afraid of the chemo and radiation that has been suggested to him to cure his anal cancer. He lives with his 90 year old mother and is a retired car salesman. He has lived and worked all his life in Las…
scan results
I met with my chemo-oncologist last week and I am happy to report my first post treatment scans are clear, no sign of tumor NED. I also had an appointment last week with the colo-rectal sugeon for my anascopy however she felt I was not healed enough for the procedure and rescheduled me for November. I told the doctors how…
CT scan result query
If a scan shows that one has no evidence of disease (NED), will it actually say that?
Two years!
Today I am celebrating my two years of getting past cancer! I'm having lunch with a friend who is marking her 27th anniversary of sobriety today. So a non-alcoholic toast to us and to everyone in this community as we help each other get through. Also, a very happy birthday to Martha! Janet
interventional radiology lung biopsy
Hi everyone, I had the second procedure/third biopsy of the cystic consolidation on my lung today. So far so good. They didn't find anything yet. The pathologists take usually about four days and I have my appointment with my Oncologist on Friday so I should know much more by then. The Surgeon who did the biopsy said that…
No Evidence of Disease!
Three words I love to hear! Thank you my forum friends for your support. I TRULY appreciate it. Judy
I posted my first blog
I posted my first blog on Anal Cancer https://whydoihaveanalcancer.blogspot.com
digestion tricks that have helped me
I'm one year, 9 months post treatment. Mitomycin and 5FU destroyed my digestion and gave me gastroparesis. As we're left to find our own solutions post treatment to problems that result from treatment, and after trying many things, most of which have failed, I've come up with these things that mitigate the inability of my…
Leg Cramps while exercising
Hi everyone, I have another one that has hit me all of a sudden. I started exercising on the treadmill. I could only walk at a 2mph pace for only 15 mins! Just 2 months ago I was doing 30 mins at 3.5 mph. First it is the rectal bleeding after 20 months post treatment, now I can hardly exercise??!?!?!?! What in the world is…
New to forums and in need of support and understanding
I had squamish cell carsanoma on my anus Two yrs ago. Iam 50 now. Iam had a few friends to talk with while they went thru breast cancer so that has been nice. But it is not anal cancer different recovery Iam learning. So I got on this sight two days ago and began reading and for the first time in two yrs I not only found…
good news after EUA
I had an exam under anesthesia 2 weeks ago. It included a biopsy so I had a bit of healing time, stayed home from work for a few days and needed percocet for those days. Feeling much better and met with my surgeon today. We talked through all the post-exam stuff I had been feeling and he was very clear in explaining things…
Post Treatment
I had my first PET scan and it came out No Evidence of Disease! I know this is just the beginning of my journey but, to those of you who have been on here awhile, thank you for your help, advice, encouragement and knowledge. You empowered me. (Yes, one can tell the radiology tech that they don't want to be catheterized…
Rectal Enteritis
Hi everyone, I'm 20 months post treatment. And now the fun begins. Before I begin I need to throw in a disclaimer as far as my words go. I don't know if they will be bad. I'm on and off of this site because I work full time. I wish I could be on here more. Anyway, I have been terribly constipated. And today the dam broke…
Cancer gone!!!!!
Just went for my 3 month check up and the PET Scan showed that the tumor is gone and the biopsy did not show any cancer cells. What a relief until my next check-up.
interventional radiology
Hi all, I have been sleeping most of my life away. It feels good though. I have not been able to stop the pain medication completely but try not to take it on schedule to see if I can go longer each time. I am sleeping through the night now even though it's a small four hour dosage so that is a good sign. The next biopsy…
Anal cancer T1/NO/MO
Firstly, hello to everyone I am new to this web page! Wow, it hurts to have to write that subject line. My mum was diagnosed with stage 1 anal cancer about 8/9 weeks ago and she is just over 2 weeks away from finishing her chemoradiotheraphy. Unfortunately, she suffers badly from anxiety and the thought of reading anything…
Talk: Late effects of pelvic cancers by Daphna Gelblum, MD of MSKCC
I went to a seminar called "Life After Cancer" as my first big solo trip. I drove 45 minutes to Newburgh, NY and was able to stay the whole day, then drive home again, jiggitty-jig. I was exhausted for days, but did it. This talk was given by Dr. Daphna Gelblum, radiation oncologist at Memorial Sloane Kettering Cancer…
NCCN Guidelines Version 1.2015
I hope all of my AC friends will see this post and go to the website for the National Comprehensive Cancer Network to view the latest version of their guidelines for the diagnosis, staging and treatment of anal cancer. While there are but a few changes, a couple of them are significant, as follows: 1) The previous…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the PM spamming from earlier today. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of private message spamming. If you received a message from rita44556 prompting you for money,…
Talk: "Financial Considerations" by Adria Gross
This information came from the same seminar that the talk on the late effects of treatment, 2nd annual "Life Beyond Cancer", 20 September 2014, held in Newburgh, New York; organized by the Hudson Valley Cancer Resource Center of Montgomery, New York. Ms Gross operates Medwise, an insurance advocacy company in Monroe, New…
First Post Treatment Scans Today
I have my first post treatment scan today, I'm sure I will only see the technichan but hoping my wonderful radiologist pops her head in while I'm there. I see the chemo oncologist on Monday so I am hoping she will have the results for me, if not I see my colo-rectal surgeon on Wed and am sure by then I should have some…
Disappointed but not surprised
I asked my surgeon to try doing the DRE and anoscopy in his office instead of outpatient surgery. He agreed with the caveat that I had to tell him as soon as it was too painful to continue. So this week I went in, having taken valium as he suggested both to relax all of me and to relax the anal sphincter. He had barely…
New here, need some advice please
Hello everyone! I really need some help and I'm hoping I'm not bringing up something that's already been addressed but I probably am. I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer on Dec 31, 2013. I had an ostemy done at the end of January and a port-a-cath inserted in February. The tumour was advanced enough that my surgeon…
My Day in Urgent Care
I began to have pain breathing deeply last night before choir and thought it was indigestion. I got a little better and was able to sleep but woke up in a lot of pain early this morning. I had to call Dr. Lee, my Pulmonologist anyway for appointments for bloodwork soon and a CT scan in October. But they said to go to…
biopsy results
Hi everyone, I heard from Dr. Lee and Dr. Mendelssohn (the GI) doctor. The needle biopsy came back negative (Yeah!) which should mean that the consolidated cystic mass is not cancer. BUT, somewhere along the way in doing the Bronchoscopy the pathologists said were Squamous cells. He said he is going to press the…
Question Please; what does "A typical Squamas Cell Undertermined Signifigance" mean?
Hello All. Had an anal pap smear - the test results came back. What does "A typical Squamas Cell Undertermined Signifigance" mean? I am a stagee III base of tongue SCC survivor. HPV / non-smokre or drinker. Last treatment was January 2012. I have had all clean scans NED ever sicne. About a month ago I had a mean rash that…
who had an APR and a colosomy bag.....how is it and any regrets
I am scheduled to have APR(Adominoperineal Resection) surgery with colostomy bag on Oct.6, 2014 @ University California of Irvine due to stage 3 anal cancer. Not sure I am making the right decision. I went through chemo( 5FU/mitimyicin) and 33 treatments of radiation in 2013. was considered "cured" in Dec 2013, however…
CT Scan Tomorrow
Going tomorrow for another Chest CT Scan. This time with Contrast and the slices of the scan are 1 - 1 1/2mm and over lapping .75 - 1mm . I think they are usually slice around 5 mm. Pulmonologist requested this type of slicing. Interesting - - didn't know about the slicing. With the last two scans, showed 2 small spots on…
Good Info to Have When Considering Clinical Trials
The following is an article that appeared in the newsletter I receive from my local hospital--Northside. It discusses the purpose for clinical trials, with which I think we are already familiar. However, I thought the suggested questions to ask if someone is considering a clinical trial were good and worth sharing. Testing…
Once again, I come to my friends here for advice and support. I am having some difficulty. I feel like I have gone backwards in my recovery very suddenly. I am almost 10 months post treatment. And one year since diagnosis. I tend to be constipated and this has not changed. I take Miralax every night and I was taking a…