911 Victims' Compensation Fund
For any exposed to ground zero during, or immediately after the 911 attacks, the 911 Victims' Compensation Fund now includes anal scc in their covered conditions.
Follow up testing
I am 4 years ned as of last month. My chemo doc cut me loose in May and told me no need to come back; to let my gp do my bloodwork. I quit going to the radiologist 2 years ago. I am still going to the colorectal surgeon (although I had no surg ery) every 6 monThs. I get a ct scan yearly but the chemo doc said I don't even…
What to do next?
Hello. I wanted to see if I could get advice on how to proceed with treatment for my mom. She was diagnosed in June with Stage 2 Anal Cancer. She finished chemo and radiation in September. The radiation oncologist was hopeful but said if the tumor did not resolve then she would need surgery--which would mean a colostomy.…
Any others with Stage IV anal cancer?
I am a 43 year old male, diagnosed in March 2014 with metastatic anal cancer w. spread to lymph node and liver. Following a second opinion, I started chemotherapy in April w. high doses of avastin, carboplatin and taxol.... every three weeks. In September, I was told by doctors there was no evidence of disease in anal…
"the price of survival"
This document is from the Neuropathy Association's website. The doctor discusses ways to deal with chemotherapy-induced neuropathy and notes how neuropathy is one of those "price[s] of survival" that we must pay in order to live through cancer treatment: http://www.neuropathy.org/site/DocServer/Dr._Jeong_Oh.pdf?docID=2381
I am thanful for all of you. And remember, no matter what you are going through, you are much better off than than the turkey sweating grease in your 350 degree oven lol. Laz
Positivity and its benefits?
Hi guys, Ages ago when we were chatting to the consultant, he mentioned that though it isn't yet scientifically proven, there is a benefit to being positive on cancer patients. Something to do with chemicals in the brain, he said that those who are positive do a lot better. Does anyone know about this? If so, can you…
Post-treatment goals, fingers crossed.
After living through cancer treatment, I have achieved my first post-treatment goal: on Saturday, I got to see the new 12th Doctor land on BBC America in his TARDIS! Yes, in the past few years, I've become yet another Doctor Who fan. Better late than never... .^_^.
Had my MRI on Tuesday. That is unusual as I normally have it on a Friday. I was told that it was because I was on a 'general' list which was probably due to the bowel type radiologist appointments either being full or that there wasn't a bowel radiologist available. I am not due an appointment with my oncologist unil…
Strep B UTI
Hi everyone! What I thought was a bowel obstruction was in fact Strep B UTI!! I was told it's because of the cancer I had and my immune system is low. This is the 2nd time this year I had this UTI. However, the PCP I had before didn't tell me what kind of UTI I had.My new PCP is awesome and she wants to do further testing.…
Fissue issue >_<
I apologize for being a pest, but this is currently, by far, my most troublesome problem; after today, I'm not sure I can stand it much longer. No proctitis, but I have, on biopsy, "mild chronic inflammation", "focal mild squamous dysplasia (AIN-1)", and "parakeratosis". The latter causes very dry skin to the point of…
NED visits again
I had my six month check up with my oncologist yesterday and was told the results of my CT scan and lab work - everything is fine. My next appointment with oncologist is in a year instead of six months. He was very optimistic. I'll have another CT scan and lab work next year. Insurance didn't approve another PET scan which…
Vanity query regarding hyperpigmentation of skin.
My skin tone is sort of fair. When I had radiation therapy, my "diaper area" and upper inner thighs turned a sickening charcoal grey-black color. I'm really glad that I was forewarned! Now, 4-1/2 months later, my skin color is that of a very deep tan, far more than I ever get in the summer. It's been this way for months…
Here's hope for everyone!
Was diagnosed with advanced stage 3b AC in March, went through chemo and radiation ending mid-May. My doc was not optimistic as tumor was so large and had extended into vagina and a couple of lymph nodes. Doc did an exam a couple of weeks ago and couldn't believe I was the same patient--he could feel nothing, rectally or…
Hi guys, Do you know how long it takes for inflamation to go down after treatment? Last year, my mum's only real symptom of her tumour was a pain in her butt bone, I don't know the scientific word. She still has that pain 1 month after treatment and it still hurts her to use the toilet, so she is worried that the treatment…
anal mapping????
My doctor has said I will need to have this done? Has anyone here had it done? What exactly is it and why is it necessary? Are there any negative side effects? I feel I've been through a lot of trauma down there already having had a squamous cell carcinoma in situ removed surgically and am unsure as to whether I'll do this…
Met with Oncologist today
No more scans! No more biopsies! No surgery! They don't even call it a tumor and it's definitive as definitive can be at MSKCC which is probably as good as it gets - It's not any kind of cancer on my lung and definitely a metastasis is ruled out at this point. I almost feel like it's unfair I should be this lucky. I hope…
So Scared
Hi I'm 21 months post treatment and I'm getting side effects from the radiation now. I had bleeding and narrowing so I was told to go on Miralax and a bulk laxative. I don't get diarrhea I'm the opposite. Anyway, I was ok for awhile but now my stools are narrow again and my stomach is distended. I'm 55 years old and I look…
I'm 2 yrs post treatment and 2 years post my "all clear" " I have been going through rectal and anuscopes every 3 months, I think they think its a stage 3 and they want to keep a close eye on is as there is a lot of scar tissue. The exams are getting rougher as they are extremely painful, I have one coming up in Dec and…
Update from Laz
Dear Friends, I was away for a couple of weeks looking for work after more than a year of hiatus. I was going to interviews, working interviews like crazy and far away, because there is no dentist jobs where I live. Finally I have work 4 days a week even though it's 1 hour 45 minuts away. I was excited and anxious to start…
Received word last night from primary care doc that "Scans were all fine"
So after two days of incredible stress, especially yesterday not hearing back from the doctor who ordered the CT Scans, I got an email last night from my primary care doctor in Provincetown that the "Scans were all fine and Happy Halloween" All I can say is that waiting to hear back about scans is pretty horrible. Again, I…
Recurrence question and info on AHCC
Hi everyone, Just to let you know, if it helps, my mum is buying something called AHCC which is suppoed to prevent or cure HPV. I think it's to do with Japanese shitake mushrooms, has anyone heard of it before and used it? It might be worth trying as it says it can 'irradicate' the virus. We saw something on the tv early…
Hi all - treatment finished!
Hi guys, Just thought I would let you know, my mum finished her 5.5 weeks of treatment on Wednesday just gone. She actually managed to go for a 5 minute walk this afternoon! She's getting bored with not being able to do her normal things, anxious about whether the treatment has worked and fed up with having to rush to the…
And the oncology and radiation oncology verdict IS.....
I saw the oncologist and radiation oncologist today. They said all the mentions of lymph nodes on the CT scan were insignificant "because it was read by Betsey". If anyone else read the films, the report would have been only 1/3 as long .^_^. [Drum roll please!] The cancer is gone!
PET or MRI ... Doctor is getting back to me today on which he will order
So for a long time I was hoping for a CT Scan or PET Scan and now I am going to get it. He said not a CT Scan but either a PET Scan or an MRI. Now I am nervous. Those feelings are back all over again. I had a check up from the surgeon six months ago where he stuck a scope up my butt etc. and he said everything looks great…
Scared I have anal cancer. 20 years old, mother recently died of colon cancer
I'm a 20 year old male and a few weeks ago while cleaning myself in the shower I discovered a small, hard bump inside my anus. It is internal, but does not go in very far. I suspect that it is on my sphincter. The bump is very small in size, probably a little bigger than a grain of sand. I was able to view it in the mirror…
New to forum and scared
Here it is... If my cancer is not everywhere they will do total hysterectomy, colostomy, if in bladder remove bladder and another colostomy. I live alone and don't have family able and close by... they are sick themselves. I am very nervous and anxious and scared. I have a 30% chance if it is not everywhere, but that's a…
I can't believe I made it this far!
Wow what a nightmare of a journey have I been on. I think last time I was on the forum I was in agony with pain and radiation burns. Not to mention the fatigue had me pretty much bedridden. I did finally get the pain under control which helped tremendously. I have also completed my radiation three weeks ago today. It has…
I had a sigmoidoscopy with biopsies on October 10th & saw the colo-rectal MD today. The mild dysplasia is graded as an AIN-1 (low grade anal intraepithelial neoplasia). No treatment, re-scope & biopsy in 3 months. (Doc says, "Low grade dysplasias rarely become cancerous.")…
Recurrent Anal Cancer Current Treatment Options
Good Morning All, I am very impressed with all the members on this site and lots of useful information!! I was diagnosed with Stage II Anal Cancer and had the standard 6 weeks of Chemoradiation and was pronounced NED. Now, about 2 1/2 years later, it appears the cancer has returned. I am meeting with specialist for…