Good Info to Have When Considering Clinical Trials
The following is an article that appeared in the newsletter I receive from my local hospital--Northside. It discusses the purpose for clinical trials, with which I think we are already familiar. However, I thought the suggested questions to ask if someone is considering a clinical trial were good and worth sharing. Testing…
Once again, I come to my friends here for advice and support. I am having some difficulty. I feel like I have gone backwards in my recovery very suddenly. I am almost 10 months post treatment. And one year since diagnosis. I tend to be constipated and this has not changed. I take Miralax every night and I was taking a…
I was diagnosed in March with high-grade 3b anal cancer. First PET scan showed FDG of 18, which I was told today was very high. Got the results of my second PET scan today and FDG is 4--"probably" still irritation from radiation therapy or could be more cells lurking around. Two lymph nodes on the original scan were gone…
Are ulcers a side-effect of treatment?
About 2-1/2 weeks ago, after eating, I started having big pain under my navel area that lasts for hours. It's the classic site of duodenal ulcer pain. I started Mylanta 4 x day - it cut down the pain, but gave me lots of watery stools. (Apparently, it's the magnesium in the formula. Who knew?) Since I couldn't find a…
Bicycle riding
Of those of you who still have rectal-itis of some kind, have any of you been able to go back to bike riding? Maybe with a specialty seat? Or is my bike going to end life as an expensive spider condo? It would be a good way for me to build up stamina again. Than you for your time.
Thank you for being here ...from a newbie!
Hi all, This is my first post but I have been hanging out on this forum for a few weeks. I have gained so much valuable info from everyone on this forum. I just can't thank you enough! My story is much the same as most here regarding the delay in diagnosing my anal cancer. Looking under every rock except the one linked to…
aftercare after removal of perianal squamous cell carcinoma in situ
I have had it excised a few days ago and to say that I'm in pain would be an understatement. I am finding it very difficult particularly having a bowel movement. I'm taking pain relief, antibiotics as instructed but the pain is unbearable. I'm told not to bathe but can rinse off in the shower. I'm sitting on an ice pack…
Still in a hellish nightmare
Hello friends 8 months out of treatment and NED!! But still in an immense amount of pain. Since finishing treatment I have done hyperbaric oxygen treatment, I am getting ganglion impar nerve blocks (no relief) and the next plan is spinal cord stimulation. Has anyone had success with any of these options? Is healing even…
Biopsy scheduled
I saw Dr. Robert Lee today and he was just as nice and confidence inspiring as I imagined he would be. He showed me what things look like on his screen. It is true that the small mass is right up against my heart. It is also right up against the Esophagus. This makes sense because when I take a deep breath these days,…
Territorial scoping
I had a discussion with you all a little while back: colo-rectal surgeon vs gastroenterologist. I wanted to stick with the board certified colo-rectal surgeon who had diagnosed me. So, I called for an appointment to have my follow-up scoping done as a colonoscopy since I've never had one before. The doctor's surgical nurse…
Medi-port removal timing?
I got a call today out of the blue from a hospital surgery scheduler - she wanted to schedule me for a port removal on Tuesday. Yipes! Apparently, the oncologist's office requested it following my recent visit to her. Since I planned to schedule the follow-up CT scan and scoping/biopsy for October, I am afraid this is too…
Bleeding and distended stomach
I am 1 1/2 years post treatment. My last colonscopy was in April and all was good. I just so my onc and all is good. I recently posted about my potassium levels being low due to some meds and now they are normal. Onc told me I don't need another colonoscopy 2 years. So last weekend was Memorial Day weekend and I spent a…
Radiation scar tissue manipulating hip joint?
I had surgery, two rounds of chemo and 6 weeks of radiation therapy to my pelvis for anal cancer in the spring of 2005, by fall the scar tissue that formed where my legs meet my trunk was so bad it seriously reduced my leg movements and I believe the scar tissue manipulated my left hip so badly my left leg is now seriously…
Anal cancer stage 3b
Hello i see a lot of posts with encouraging news . With a recent diagnosis at stage 3b, i am nervous about my Pet scan coming up now that I have completed the treatment. Can any of you with the same stage share your experience ? Thank you
Results are in
Oh my!!! My oncologist just phoned. My CT scan is clear! I wasn't expecting to hear the results as she is away on leave, but she doesn't go until tomorrow & my results were on her desk so she rang. 20 months post treatment.Yippee! (Can you tell I'm excited?) Next appointment 1st October for physical examination, Mri…
Great news!
Biopsy was negative for cancer! What a relief!!! Next appt in six months. I'm 3 years post treatment. Ann
August 22nd. Scan Results
Update: I had my CT scan on August 22nd. and it shows the area of "low attenuation" on my liver has decreased in size. Also, the pelvic lymph nodes were "not well seen" on this latest scan. I saw my med onc on August 26th. and he is keeping me in close-watch mode, so I'll be scanned again in 6 months to monitor any…
Information on Research to Improve Anal Cancer Treatment
This is very interesting information and I hope you will all take a few minutes to read it. I am encouraged that there is so much ongoing research to find ways of better detection and treatment of anal cancer. http://www.cancer.org/cancer/analcancer/detailedguide/anal-cancer-new-research
To sandysp
Though I was often taken to task for my comments on this forum, and for opinions that too often fell outside those of the majority, you were always very kind to me and I've never forgotten it. I seldom check in anymore for a variety of reasons, but mostly for having moved on, but just read about your PET scan concerns. I…
First post=treatment scan coming up
we head to Seattle Tueday so I can have my first scan on Thursday. I FEEL that it's all gone, I BELIEVE that it's all gone and yet, I wonder about being too positive? If I'm wrong, I'll have farther to fall. CRAZY MAKING! Question: do all of the follow ups involve a PET scan for you? Seems like alot of radioactive material…
Low Iron
My wife had Colon Rectal cancer 8 years ago. She has had all the scopes on time. The last one only had 1 polup in June of this year. Her family Dr ordered more blood test this week as a follow up to her regular check. The iron levels are really low. Is this a major cause for concern? some things I have read indicate that…
Stage IV need advise tonight
Hi Pals - I have a hilar node in my RUL & a nodule in the RUL. The thoracic surgeon said he can remove both. I am on the OR schedule. My oncologist says that she recommends my geting chemo rather than surgery at this time The regimen would be 2 rounds of 5FU & cisplatin ea. 28 das. apart. Then do a PET. See the response.…
Cancer spread to breast??? (rash)
Can the anal cancer spread to the breast a few years after treatment? I had a mammogram followed by a sonogram of a dense area in the right cleavage (midline of cleavage), back in spring, 2013, following my chemo & radiation treatment. A week ago, I developed what I hoped was a poison ivy rash (from being around my…
Another exam
I had an exam under anesthesia this morning. The dr said everything looked fine. He took a biopsy so hopefully the biopsy is negative. Even though everyone was nice at the Surgery Center, I'm glad this is over with. Whew! Ann
Changing Drs so Mad right now
Oh my gosh I'm so mad right now..Ok so I forgave my internal medicine dr because he missed diagnosed me. He thought he was treating a hemmrhoid but it was cancer. So I have been on antidepressants because the chemo caused me to go into depression, so I thought. I was on Celexa and Lamictal. I had my blood levels taken…
Health care exchanges
Well, the numbers for the ObamaCare exchange are out and i went to a meeting where it was all explained by government workers. It was explained that some groups will see insurance rates soar, because that is the way the law is written. Of course, I am in that group! I am so sorry that I voted for Obama, who I now dub…
When to expect improvements?
I finished treatment on July 8th for stage 2 squamous cell carcinoma (anal canal lesion, tumor began erupting through my skin while awaiting the surgery date, and local lymph nodes effected). I naively thought that after a few weeks, I would start feeling a lot better. But. alas, no. I'm weak and have lost more weight…
Visual exam of treatment area
I was diagnosed with Stage I anal cancer in March. Don't have to do chemo. So far I've had four radiation treatments out of 28. Here's my question: The radiation oncologist wants to examen my genitals and the skin around my anus every Wednesday. I knew he would be looking at my skin, but I thought that meant the skin on my…
Squamous cells
Did anyone else have their cells typed as squamous on their initial biopsy? Should I stop surfing around on the internet about cancer? Sometimes I read things that don't ease my mind, they frighten me more than I already am.
Hi Everyone I was Barb5454 and I'm having all these computer issues with this site. So I had to change my user name. Anyway, I'm trying to lead a "cleaner" life. I was told that anal cancer was not hormorne related. I am not on a vegan diet. Do you think it would be ok to eat tofu? I'm 55 and post menopausal and I'm 1 1/2…