New Here & Looking for Info, Concerned

I found this website after doing a google search about Hemorrhoids. I am a 49/F and have had Hemrrhoids just about all of my life but never really had severe issues until about 10 years ago, I was having some pain, more then normal and started going to the Dr about them. My insurance at the time wouldn't allow me to have a colonoscopy or sigmoyd because of my age. Anyway, I just treated them the normal way and they finally stopped hurting.
Fast forward: I started having pain in both buttcheeks and I had never had that before so because I have spinal issues that require major surgery at some point, I attributed the pain to be coming from that after searching on google. So a few months ago my hemorrhoids flared up again to the point that I couldn't sit or stand without being in pain, never had this kind of pain. So because of heart issues, I can't use the normal PrepH because it raises my blood pressure. I went to a herb/vitamin store close to where I live and asked if they had something natural I could use in pill form and/or cream form and they did so I bought both. The pills I bought are called Beyond Relief which supports Vein Health, Circulation, Hemorrhoids and the owner of the store said he had lots of great reviews about how well these pills help with Hemorrhoids. So I began using the cream and taking 1 pill a day rather then the suggested 2 pills a day and within 1 week my pain was gone and a few days later I stopped taking the pills/cream. Well everything felt better until about a week ago, same pain as before so I am back taking pills/cream again.
I am starting to fill concerned about this issue because of things I am reading about anal cancer and people not being diagnosed with the proper problem. In my opinion my hemorrhoids are large but I have had a Dr tell me she's seen worse, well to me they are large and I have a lot outside and I assume on the inside, I rarely have any bleeding unless I eat something spicy that irritates them. I had my 1st colonoscopy 5 years ago and they removed some non-cancer polyps so I am due to have another here soon.
I hope I am not worrying for no reason but I am starting to get scared and worry I have more then just a hemorrhoid issue. What kind of tests can I have done of my anal area that would show if there is something more going on? I can't have a colonoscopy until the area heals enough to insure I will not be in even more pain. I know my anal area looks and feels like cauliflower and it also feels like there may be a hard lump in the area unless thats an inner hemorroid.
Sorry this post is so long, I am just trying to get some answers and suggestions of how to move forward and figure out what course of action I need my Dr to do, do I go to my Internal Dr or my Gastro Dr that does colonoscopies? Thanks for any help you can offer.
I'm sorry you are having all of these issues and concerns. My best advice would be to get an appointment with a colorectal specialist. My CR doctor is the one who diagnosed my anal cancer. I hope you have nothing serious going on, but please get it checked out by a specialist ASAP. I wish you all the best.
p.s. Please disregard the post below--it's spam and it's not the first time it's happened on this site.
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please go to the Doctor aS my tumor was described to me as a cauliflower. Sorry to be so blunt. Do not waste any more time. The good news is the cauliflower is the easiest tumor to get rid of because of its softness. i went to the doctor and they diagnosed hemorrhoids for three years!
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Agreemp327 said:Luv2Crochet
I'm sorry you are having all of these issues and concerns. My best advice would be to get an appointment with a colorectal specialist. My CR doctor is the one who diagnosed my anal cancer. I hope you have nothing serious going on, but please get it checked out by a specialist ASAP. I wish you all the best.
p.s. Please disregard the post below--it's spam and it's not the first time it's happened on this site.
Yes, a Gastro-intestinal doc or Colorectal specialist. It has to be someone who can do a digital rectal exam and really know what normal feels like and what cancer feels like. Then they will order a colonoscopy (or something like it) or an MRI for confirmation if they have concerns. Good luck! I hope your results will be good, but if not there are many here to help you through this.
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Thank you for the replies, I plan on setting up an appt with my GI doctor and see what he recommends, I have never seen my GI dr for anything other then having my 1st colonoscopy and for gallbladder issues. I hope there are some easy test that can be done as I am afraid of needles and i have anxiety issues when it comes to medical stuff/needles. I really hope this is just hemmorhoids and nothing else. Thanks
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Please see a doctor no delays.....been there
New on here so hope I'm doing it his right and you get this... I'm hitting all these things just to try and get this to you......Dont assume.... SEE A DOCTOR. Im not trying to scare you but back in 2010 I was bleeding. This went on and I let it go and kept bleeding for about 7 to 8 months and when I saw dark red I got to a doctor. I went and scheduled a colonscopy. Bad news was Dr. says it was cancer she told my friend, the good news was she thought we caught it in time. It was a tumor on my spinker muscle. I had the best cancer doctor and colorectal surgeon in NC and he stated he was going for a cure he told me five weeks of radiation and chemo together.I worked during the entire five weeks, it wasn't all bad. Everyone was suprised. Towards the end of the radiation it was alittle tough but after two major surgeries and the last reversable I am now cancer free and no colostomy. I have had no issues what so ever and I credit that to my surgeon. Would be glad to answer any questions you have. Good luck ..
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First let me say that I'm sorry that you are having to deal with all these physical problems and the natural fear that goes along with having things happening to your body that you don't have answers for. Fear of the unknown is the worst!
Google can be either your best friend or worst enemy. Most things on the internet can't be trusted unless you can be positive that they are from a reputable source. Web MD and MedScape are two of the worst. Keep checking symptoms there and all roads seem to lead to cancer.
You said you couldn't have a colonoscopy until you could insure that it wouldn't cause even more pain. Try to think back to your first colonoscopy. How bad was the pain? The doctor sedated me so there was no pain and no memory of pain during mine. Afterwards, I was a bit crampy for a day, but the pain was no worse than before the procedure. I don't have a high pain threshold and I also have general anxiety that goes through the roof when it comes to medical procedures. The Dr. also failed to see any cancer. This is a common occurrence. He found and removed 3 benign polyps and definitively told me that I had internal hemorrhoids. The plan after that was to treat the hemorrhoids during office visits.
Colonoscopys are great for finding colon cancer. As for diagnosing Anal or Rectal cancers, they aren't very reliable.
I was fortunate in that my cancer diagnosis came quickly, but it was no real thanks to the dr. who did the colonoscopy. My symptoms progressed so rapidly that he referred me to a surgeon, and she is the one who diagnosed the cancer. She also treats hemorrhoids, so find out if you can have a colonoscopy done by a colorectal surgeon, make sure you explain all your concerns and symptoms, that way the surgeon will have a heads up before looking and be more open to the idea of something besides hemorrhoids being at the root of your problems.
Try not to worry until and unless you know you have something to worry about. I know that's easier said than done, but it will surely help to ease your mind. As far as your anxiety goes...there are many ways to combat anxiety. You can safely Google those techniques and trust that they will help somewhat. If all else fails, ask your dr. for a little something to help you over that anxiety hump that may be keeping you from addressing this problem.
I wish you all the best and hope you don't end up needing this forum. If it turns out that you do, please know that you are welcome and that you've come to the best place for support to deal with this horrible disease. The members here are the absolute best at giving advice, suggestions and moral support. I know for me personally, Whenever I've posted, someone or several someones was always quick with compassion and information and that's been a blessing.
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Do Not AgreeWisteria83 said:Luv
First let me say that I'm sorry that you are having to deal with all these physical problems and the natural fear that goes along with having things happening to your body that you don't have answers for. Fear of the unknown is the worst!
Google can be either your best friend or worst enemy. Most things on the internet can't be trusted unless you can be positive that they are from a reputable source. Web MD and MedScape are two of the worst. Keep checking symptoms there and all roads seem to lead to cancer.
You said you couldn't have a colonoscopy until you could insure that it wouldn't cause even more pain. Try to think back to your first colonoscopy. How bad was the pain? The doctor sedated me so there was no pain and no memory of pain during mine. Afterwards, I was a bit crampy for a day, but the pain was no worse than before the procedure. I don't have a high pain threshold and I also have general anxiety that goes through the roof when it comes to medical procedures. The Dr. also failed to see any cancer. This is a common occurrence. He found and removed 3 benign polyps and definitively told me that I had internal hemorrhoids. The plan after that was to treat the hemorrhoids during office visits.
Colonoscopys are great for finding colon cancer. As for diagnosing Anal or Rectal cancers, they aren't very reliable.
I was fortunate in that my cancer diagnosis came quickly, but it was no real thanks to the dr. who did the colonoscopy. My symptoms progressed so rapidly that he referred me to a surgeon, and she is the one who diagnosed the cancer. She also treats hemorrhoids, so find out if you can have a colonoscopy done by a colorectal surgeon, make sure you explain all your concerns and symptoms, that way the surgeon will have a heads up before looking and be more open to the idea of something besides hemorrhoids being at the root of your problems.
Try not to worry until and unless you know you have something to worry about. I know that's easier said than done, but it will surely help to ease your mind. As far as your anxiety goes...there are many ways to combat anxiety. You can safely Google those techniques and trust that they will help somewhat. If all else fails, ask your dr. for a little something to help you over that anxiety hump that may be keeping you from addressing this problem.
I wish you all the best and hope you don't end up needing this forum. If it turns out that you do, please know that you are welcome and that you've come to the best place for support to deal with this horrible disease. The members here are the absolute best at giving advice, suggestions and moral support. I know for me personally, Whenever I've posted, someone or several someones was always quick with compassion and information and that's been a blessing.
Colonscopys are one of the best ways to detect anal cancer early. A gastrentrologist that normally does colonoscopys may not be the best doctor choice as they mainly look at the colon area. A colon rectal surgeon is the doctor that is trained to diagnose anal cancer and can diagnose anal cancer during the colonoscopy. Even though a gastroentrologist did my colonosopy he referred me to my colon rectal surgeon to confirm the anal cancer diagnosis. Had I known at the time I would have gone to my colon rectal surgeon initially. This delayed my treatments by about three weeks not going to my colon rectal surgeon. I was diagnosed with anal cancer in 2008 and am so far cancer free.
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Colorectal surgeon
Is the best way to go
I had my colonoscopy 2 1/2 Yrs ago with no issues. I then went to the gastro to have what I thought was an external hemmoroud checked 1 yr ago. I was told it was just in a bad spot and would eventually have to be surgically removed. Of course I wasn't worried and put off going to a surgeon until now when it was really driving me crazy, only to be told that it wasn't a hemorrhoid. Please get to a surgeon and get checked!
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Colonoscopy Scheduled
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. I had another flare up where I couldn't sit down again because the pain was bad a few days ago so I called my GI Dr and they examined me and I told them how much pain and problems I was having so they decided it was best to schedule my 5 year colonoscopy sooner rather then waiting until Sept. I am scheduled for my colonoscopy the 26th of June and they are also going to band some internal H Roids while they are in there. They do look inside my rear while at the Dr with a speculum and light and didn't seem to see anything bothersome. My GI Dr is one that can tell if there is cancer from what I have been told. He did my 1st colonoscopy 5 yrs ago. I have been better since the flare up until I took my Linzess today which causes loose stools so now I am in pain yet again.
To top things off I have also been having a burning sinsation when I go pee and thought maybe that was cause from the HRoids but everyone is saying its probably a UTI so my Pcp has called in an antibiotic for that to see if it gets rid of the burning issue while urinating. I really hope that this problem is just a HRoid issue and not cancer related but I am a little worried. I am a sissy who is soon to be turning 50 and when it comes to needles and tests that require them,surgery etc I have issues with low tolerence of pain etc. and needles scare me to death. Not looking forward to this colonoscopy and hope the HRoids are better by then but the prep will probably cause the pain to come back like it is now
I will keep you posted
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UTILuv2Crochet said:Colonoscopy Scheduled
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. I had another flare up where I couldn't sit down again because the pain was bad a few days ago so I called my GI Dr and they examined me and I told them how much pain and problems I was having so they decided it was best to schedule my 5 year colonoscopy sooner rather then waiting until Sept. I am scheduled for my colonoscopy the 26th of June and they are also going to band some internal H Roids while they are in there. They do look inside my rear while at the Dr with a speculum and light and didn't seem to see anything bothersome. My GI Dr is one that can tell if there is cancer from what I have been told. He did my 1st colonoscopy 5 yrs ago. I have been better since the flare up until I took my Linzess today which causes loose stools so now I am in pain yet again.
To top things off I have also been having a burning sinsation when I go pee and thought maybe that was cause from the HRoids but everyone is saying its probably a UTI so my Pcp has called in an antibiotic for that to see if it gets rid of the burning issue while urinating. I really hope that this problem is just a HRoid issue and not cancer related but I am a little worried. I am a sissy who is soon to be turning 50 and when it comes to needles and tests that require them,surgery etc I have issues with low tolerence of pain etc. and needles scare me to death. Not looking forward to this colonoscopy and hope the HRoids are better by then but the prep will probably cause the pain to come back like it is now
I will keep you posted
You can get an over-the-counter med called AZO which will stop the burning feeling. It also turns your urine fluorescent orange, but just use a panty liner. Your Dr. can give you prescription strength of the same stuff (It starts with a "P", but I forget the name), but the over-the-counter worked fine for me.
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WisteriaWisteria83 said:UTI
You can get an over-the-counter med called AZO which will stop the burning feeling. It also turns your urine fluorescent orange, but just use a panty liner. Your Dr. can give you prescription strength of the same stuff (It starts with a "P", but I forget the name), but the over-the-counter worked fine for me.
I think it's Pyridium you're thinking of.
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UTIWisteria83 said:UTI
You can get an over-the-counter med called AZO which will stop the burning feeling. It also turns your urine fluorescent orange, but just use a panty liner. Your Dr. can give you prescription strength of the same stuff (It starts with a "P", but I forget the name), but the over-the-counter worked fine for me.
I am not sure if I have a UTI or not but my Dr called in a medicine called Macrobid which I have never taken before, I am allergic to all Sulfa drugs and a few others. I am not sure if I even have a UTI cause the strange thing is that when my HRoids are hurting really bad, stinging and so painful that I can't sit then that is when I am feeling a burning sinsation in my vagina when needing to pee etc. Can the pain from the HRoids cause such an issue? When my HRoids are not hurting then I don't have the burning in vagina, so strange. Thanks
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My insurance at the time wouldn't allow me to have a colonoscopy
Please remember if your insurance company is giving you a hard time about approving a colonoscopy or for that matter any other necessary procedure, you can always file a grievance with your insurance company. They all have grievance procedures you can obtain.
If you choose to file a grievance, it is important to ONLY include evidence to support the need for the procedure. NO-NOT include statements concerning your fears or feelings.
Symptoms would be considered evidence. For example: blood in fecal matter, anal/rectal pain, excessive mucus discharge, diarrhea and any other relevant symptom would be included in the statement of facts.
At the end of your statement of facts, you would request your remedies. No insurance company would ever deny anybody of any age coverage of a colonoscopy procedure based upon documented evidence as I provided above.
I took Blue Shield to task on two occasions and won both grievances in just a couple of weeks time each.
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ColonoscopysLuv2Crochet said:Colonoscopy Scheduled
Hi Everyone,
Thanks for all the replies and suggestions. I had another flare up where I couldn't sit down again because the pain was bad a few days ago so I called my GI Dr and they examined me and I told them how much pain and problems I was having so they decided it was best to schedule my 5 year colonoscopy sooner rather then waiting until Sept. I am scheduled for my colonoscopy the 26th of June and they are also going to band some internal H Roids while they are in there. They do look inside my rear while at the Dr with a speculum and light and didn't seem to see anything bothersome. My GI Dr is one that can tell if there is cancer from what I have been told. He did my 1st colonoscopy 5 yrs ago. I have been better since the flare up until I took my Linzess today which causes loose stools so now I am in pain yet again.
To top things off I have also been having a burning sinsation when I go pee and thought maybe that was cause from the HRoids but everyone is saying its probably a UTI so my Pcp has called in an antibiotic for that to see if it gets rid of the burning issue while urinating. I really hope that this problem is just a HRoid issue and not cancer related but I am a little worried. I am a sissy who is soon to be turning 50 and when it comes to needles and tests that require them,surgery etc I have issues with low tolerence of pain etc. and needles scare me to death. Not looking forward to this colonoscopy and hope the HRoids are better by then but the prep will probably cause the pain to come back like it is now
I will keep you posted
When you go for your Colonoscopy be sure and tell them to turn the camera on before inserting. I had had a Colonoscopy a year before all my problems started and when I asked my Dr he said they may not have had the camera on and my tumor was very close to the anus. Other than that I have no others suggestions. I am 10 years cancer free now. Good luck and God bless.
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FriendlyMikeFrendlyMike said:My insurance at the time wouldn't allow me to have a colonoscopy
Please remember if your insurance company is giving you a hard time about approving a colonoscopy or for that matter any other necessary procedure, you can always file a grievance with your insurance company. They all have grievance procedures you can obtain.
If you choose to file a grievance, it is important to ONLY include evidence to support the need for the procedure. NO-NOT include statements concerning your fears or feelings.
Symptoms would be considered evidence. For example: blood in fecal matter, anal/rectal pain, excessive mucus discharge, diarrhea and any other relevant symptom would be included in the statement of facts.
At the end of your statement of facts, you would request your remedies. No insurance company would ever deny anybody of any age coverage of a colonoscopy procedure based upon documented evidence as I provided above.
I took Blue Shield to task on two occasions and won both grievances in just a couple of weeks time each.
That is good advice. I have had to file a couple of appeals with my insurance company when they denied payment of a procedure which my doctor deemed as medically necessary. I won both times, thanks to getting my doctor to write a letter on my behalf, explaining the reason why the procedures were necessary. If you can get your doctor involved, it can help make your case.
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