Hi, new here, I start chemo and radiation monday

I am a 65 year old woman. Geez that makes me feel old!
I was diagnosed with squamouS cell anal cancer after a colonoscopy and they found a polyp. April 4th. The dr called me 2 days later and said he needed me to come back in the next day. I knew something was wrong. I have been through every test they can come up with. I had a pet scan then they called and told me that it was clear, so I thought that meant there wasn't any cancer there so I wouldn't have to have any treatment at all. Nope. I was mistaken. Now they have me scheduled for 6 weeks of radiation and chem starting Monday. I woke up this morning and had blood in my stool and since it has been over 2 months since I had the colonoscopy I thought that something wasn't right. But I had to go the dentist and have 4 teeth pulled and lower dentures put in on Wednesday. I have been taking some antibiotics and pain pills. So that may have been a reaction to it. I will telll the dr about that when I see him Monday.I did go to my primary care dr this morning about it, but he wasn't too concerned about it. He said that if I had any major bleeding or pain to call him and let them know.
Has anyone had bloody stools before they ever had any treatments?
Blood in stool prior to treatment.
I'm really sorry about you having cancer and finding yourself in this situation. I'm 56 and have 3b breast and colorectal cancer and I'm nearing the end of my treatment lbs and final surgery hopefully. I had blood in my stools before I was ever even diagnosed it's not a uncommon occurrence. I would tell my drpoctors like you did and if your not comfortable with what your rod I just keep asking questions or get a second opinion. But i know that like I said I've had blood in my stools off and on since before I was diagnosed. I hope everything goes smoothly with your journey. My prayers are with you. and know that you can find a lot of information as well as a group of great people here on the boards that help and encourage it was a huge help for me in my journey.
~~ Kim
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Thanks. I appreciate any help I can get.
I am just so nervous about all of this. I have been reading everything I can find on here and other sites. I am allergic to some antibiotit's too. I had a bad reaction to levaquin and Cipro a few years ago and it gave me diarrhea with bloody stools then messed my tendons up and could hardly walk after only 3 pills, so was afraid that it was the antibiotic. But I have taken amoxicillin lots of times.
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I am so sorry to welcome yet another to our group, yet glad you have found us at this time. While we all have individual symptoms, dx, treatments, and recovery journeys, we share many of the same concerns. Never hesitate to ask questions here as surely someone will chime in with encouraging and helpful advice.
In answer to your question regarding blood prior to treatment...I sure did!! Often and a lot, it is eventually what led me to go in to see my doctor. By the time I was dx (now 6 1/2 years ago) I was severely anemiac and needed to take iron along with going in to get iron infusions to bring my red blood counts back up. I had had concerning symptoms for quite a while and was taking daily regular doses of over the counter pain relievers that most likely contributed to the excess bleeding. So, whatever the reason, yes, it is common.
Please be sure to get information regarding your dx and treatment from your doctors in a way that you understand clearly and do not question. Have them explain that if the PET scan was clear, why then the treatment? Is it possible that what they meant was that the colon was clear, but saw a tumor in the anus? Did they schedule a biopsy? I always remind folks that no matter how your treatment is being paid for, (insurance, the state, federal gov. or out of pocket) your doctors work FOR you and you have the right to ask any questions and expect answers before agreeing to treatment.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you proceed, and please keep us posted as youlearn more.
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Eihtakeihtak said:Froggy32...
I am so sorry to welcome yet another to our group, yet glad you have found us at this time. While we all have individual symptoms, dx, treatments, and recovery journeys, we share many of the same concerns. Never hesitate to ask questions here as surely someone will chime in with encouraging and helpful advice.
In answer to your question regarding blood prior to treatment...I sure did!! Often and a lot, it is eventually what led me to go in to see my doctor. By the time I was dx (now 6 1/2 years ago) I was severely anemiac and needed to take iron along with going in to get iron infusions to bring my red blood counts back up. I had had concerning symptoms for quite a while and was taking daily regular doses of over the counter pain relievers that most likely contributed to the excess bleeding. So, whatever the reason, yes, it is common.
Please be sure to get information regarding your dx and treatment from your doctors in a way that you understand clearly and do not question. Have them explain that if the PET scan was clear, why then the treatment? Is it possible that what they meant was that the colon was clear, but saw a tumor in the anus? Did they schedule a biopsy? I always remind folks that no matter how your treatment is being paid for, (insurance, the state, federal gov. or out of pocket) your doctors work FOR you and you have the right to ask any questions and expect answers before agreeing to treatment.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers as you proceed, and please keep us posted as youlearn more.
thanks for responding. I asked them about the pet scan. I had an MRI, Ct scan and a 2nd colonoscopy along with the regular exam. My dr used a metal clamp when he took out the polyp but it didn't come out on its own. It was still there over a month and they had to put me to sleep and take it out. So he did another colonoscopy while he was there. I had a 2nd polyp that he took. Must not have seen it the first time. So the next day I had the Ct scan with contrast. Then had the pet scan. He said that there wasn't any other spots besides what he had already found anywhere else. He found some suspicious looking spots in my anus. They had talked about doing the surgery, but decided against it. He said that this is the best way to go. I have been debating on every thing but this does seem to be the best decision from I have read up on.
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Froggy32....Froggy32 said:Eihtak
thanks for responding. I asked them about the pet scan. I had an MRI, Ct scan and a 2nd colonoscopy along with the regular exam. My dr used a metal clamp when he took out the polyp but it didn't come out on its own. It was still there over a month and they had to put me to sleep and take it out. So he did another colonoscopy while he was there. I had a 2nd polyp that he took. Must not have seen it the first time. So the next day I had the Ct scan with contrast. Then had the pet scan. He said that there wasn't any other spots besides what he had already found anywhere else. He found some suspicious looking spots in my anus. They had talked about doing the surgery, but decided against it. He said that this is the best way to go. I have been debating on every thing but this does seem to be the best decision from I have read up on.
Well it certainly sounds like you have had a fair share of testing done (as well as your earlier mentioned dental work)...its amazing what we can do when we have no other choice isn't it?
If you are confident in your medical team than "full steam ahead" and soon this will be in the rear (lol) view mirror. I did ask my doctor when first dx how many cases of anal cancer he had treated prior to dx myself. While the number wasn't extreme, I was reassured that he had experience. There are saddly some medical people that continue to lump colo-rectal and anal cancer together in the same boat, and while they may be neighbors, they are in fact different with a different prognosis.
Again, you will be in my thoughts for smooth sailing as you move forward, please continue to come here and we will all get through this together.
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Eihtakeihtak said:Froggy32....
Well it certainly sounds like you have had a fair share of testing done (as well as your earlier mentioned dental work)...its amazing what we can do when we have no other choice isn't it?
If you are confident in your medical team than "full steam ahead" and soon this will be in the rear (lol) view mirror. I did ask my doctor when first dx how many cases of anal cancer he had treated prior to dx myself. While the number wasn't extreme, I was reassured that he had experience. There are saddly some medical people that continue to lump colo-rectal and anal cancer together in the same boat, and while they may be neighbors, they are in fact different with a different prognosis.
Again, you will be in my thoughts for smooth sailing as you move forward, please continue to come here and we will all get through this together.
thanks. I will keep checking this board. I have been lurking around here for a few days since I joined.
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Blood in my stools is what sent me to the doctor to begin with. I saw my (former) internist first, who incorrectly diagnosed me with a hemorrhoid. Since I was 54 and had not yet had my first screening colonoscopy (recommended at age 50), she referred me to a colorectal surgeon to do the colonoscopy and take care of the "hemorrhoid." After telling the CR surgeon my symptoms, she immediately walked me into an exam room and did anoscopy exam on me. She told me straight out that she was 99% sure I had anal cancer. Two days later she did a colonoscopy on me, at which time she took a biopsy, which confirmed her diagnosis. So, to answer your question, I and many others had blood in their stools prior to treatment. In fact, that is usually what sends people to the doctor prior to diagnosis.
I know the thought of going through this treatment is scary. However, it is doable. I went through it way back in 2008 and am still here and doing pretty well. Some of the memories of side effects have even started to fade for me. You will get through this, you will. It's great that you have found this site because the support here is great! Ask questions, seek advice, vent--whatever you need from us to help you get through this. I wish you all the very best!
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Thank yoump327 said:Froggy32
Blood in my stools is what sent me to the doctor to begin with. I saw my (former) internist first, who incorrectly diagnosed me with a hemorrhoid. Since I was 54 and had not yet had my first screening colonoscopy (recommended at age 50), she referred me to a colorectal surgeon to do the colonoscopy and take care of the "hemorrhoid." After telling the CR surgeon my symptoms, she immediately walked me into an exam room and did anoscopy exam on me. She told me straight out that she was 99% sure I had anal cancer. Two days later she did a colonoscopy on me, at which time she took a biopsy, which confirmed her diagnosis. So, to answer your question, I and many others had blood in their stools prior to treatment. In fact, that is usually what sends people to the doctor prior to diagnosis.
I know the thought of going through this treatment is scary. However, it is doable. I went through it way back in 2008 and am still here and doing pretty well. Some of the memories of side effects have even started to fade for me. You will get through this, you will. It's great that you have found this site because the support here is great! Ask questions, seek advice, vent--whatever you need from us to help you get through this. I wish you all the very best!
It is all so scary. Now I have an earache from my dental work. At least I hope that is why it hurts. I know I have to hang in there. Thanks for all of the advice.
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I understand the scary. I'm sorry your having dental problems too and I know that when I would have pain it problems anywhere else in my body it would scare me thinking that the cancer had spread but I'm lucky in that I don't have any metastasis to any organs so my fears were just that fears but I understand why you have the just continue to let your medical team know what's going on with you that's the best bet. And yes hanging in there is what you have to do but I know that can be tough at times too just reach out when your scared or having doubts I hope you have fa and friends there for you and like many have said here you can post and someone or several someone's will respond to you. Your not alone. Your in my thoughts and prayers and know tgat on the boards her vent, cry, holler, talk about anything you want don't be embarrassed ive talked here about things I didnt feel like I could anywhere else and there was always great support from people who had been there and done that. So again your always in my thoughts and prayers. I hope and pray your dental pain gets better.
~~ Kim
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ThanksKmessier said:Fro
I understand the scary. I'm sorry your having dental problems too and I know that when I would have pain it problems anywhere else in my body it would scare me thinking that the cancer had spread but I'm lucky in that I don't have any metastasis to any organs so my fears were just that fears but I understand why you have the just continue to let your medical team know what's going on with you that's the best bet. And yes hanging in there is what you have to do but I know that can be tough at times too just reach out when your scared or having doubts I hope you have fa and friends there for you and like many have said here you can post and someone or several someone's will respond to you. Your not alone. Your in my thoughts and prayers and know tgat on the boards her vent, cry, holler, talk about anything you want don't be embarrassed ive talked here about things I didnt feel like I could anywhere else and there was always great support from people who had been there and done that. So again your always in my thoughts and prayers. I hope and pray your dental pain gets better.
~~ Kim
I will certaonly be back on here. I have been feeling pretty good today. Cleaning my bedroom and setting up a coloring area. I love to do adult coloring. It keeps me busy.
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I'm glad your feeling better today and that you fixed you the place to color. I bought myself some colored pencils and two adult coloring books last week, I dont have any hobbies that don't require being outside and I've not felt like getting out. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
~~ Kim
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ThanksKmessier said:Froggy
I'm glad your feeling better today and that you fixed you the place to color. I bought myself some colored pencils and two adult coloring books last week, I dont have any hobbies that don't require being outside and I've not felt like getting out. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
~~ Kim
I have been coloring for a few years, when I had to have my ankle operated on.
I also love to bake and decorate cakes, make candy and scrapbook. My picture on here is a candy display I made for a sweets competition. Everything in it is candy except the frog, tray and ice bucket.
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i like to do woodwork and garde. I like to cook too but I don't have a appetite so I don't cook very often. I don't bake much though. That's awesome the picture your very talented. I think coloring is a very good hobby and I've enjoyed doing it. Oh I like to play backgammon and I found a app and I can play the computer or anonymous people online so I do that.
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KmessierKmessier said:Froggy
i like to do woodwork and garde. I like to cook too but I don't have a appetite so I don't cook very often. I don't bake much though. That's awesome the picture your very talented. I think coloring is a very good hobby and I've enjoyed doing it. Oh I like to play backgammon and I found a app and I can play the computer or anonymous people online so I do that.
I like your name.
I usually have a bunch of candy made up to give for gifts and stuff. I haven't done a lot since march. Those were for a casino my daughters and I go to every once in awhile. They had this big competition and paid us to be in it. Plus gave us meals and rooms for each team. We had a good time, but I don't like going on the weekend.
My oldest daughter and I used to have a bakery. We made a lot of shaped custom cakes for a few country singers in Nashville. But we just do custom orders from home now since my hubby had a heart attack a few years ago. So we just work when we want to now. I love making things. My daughter tells me that I have attention deficit disoder but in crafts, because I jump from one thing to another!
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I think that is so neat what you do and that you have your daughters to do things with. I have 2 sons my oldest is a lawyer and my youngest is in the AirFoece he's a Senior Maater Sergaent (sp) hehe hes been in for 19 years and is almost ready for retiremen. Unfortunately they both live a long way so I don't get to do much with them. I wrote you a private message using this sites messaging system. If I'm not mistaken and I can be the chemo has given me what I learned here as chemo brain and I can't remember things right. Anywa I was thinking that you start chemo today but even if I got your timeline wring and it's next Monday that you start chemo I want to wish you the best of luck and will keep you in my prayers and thoughts that everything goes smoothly. I guess I'll try to get some sleep. I have treatment this morning but I've been having diarrhea and it keeps me up but maybe it's slowed down enough that I can rest if not sleep.
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Yes, it is todayKmessier said:Than
I think that is so neat what you do and that you have your daughters to do things with. I have 2 sons my oldest is a lawyer and my youngest is in the AirFoece he's a Senior Maater Sergaent (sp) hehe hes been in for 19 years and is almost ready for retiremen. Unfortunately they both live a long way so I don't get to do much with them. I wrote you a private message using this sites messaging system. If I'm not mistaken and I can be the chemo has given me what I learned here as chemo brain and I can't remember things right. Anywa I was thinking that you start chemo today but even if I got your timeline wring and it's next Monday that you start chemo I want to wish you the best of luck and will keep you in my prayers and thoughts that everything goes smoothly. I guess I'll try to get some sleep. I have treatment this morning but I've been having diarrhea and it keeps me up but maybe it's slowed down enough that I can rest if not sleep.
thanks, I go in at 12:00.
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Good morning,
I also had bleeding which sent me to the ER first, because there was just so much! Scared the daylights out of me. That was my first symptom...I thought. But looking back, I had some odd pains in one particular area, rectally, for about a year prior to the bleeding, which I ignored because they went away after a BM. I don't know if it was connected to the cancer or not. The day following the ER trip the ER made an appointment for me with a Dr. otherwise they wouldn't release me from the hospital. I had family visiting from CT and it was just a couple days before Thanksgiving, so no way was I going to stay in the hospital. My first colonoscopy was 11/30. I was 55 and had never had the baseline colonoscopy at 50 the way they recommend. I was diagnosed with 3 benign polyps and internal hemorrhoids. The heavy bleeding just continued, and other symptoms started showing up pretty quickly, so the day after the colonoscopy I had an endoscopy, and a couple weeks after that I had to swallow the pill camera and had one of the hemorrhoids treated (banded) in the office. Things progressed pretty rapidly from then on. I had what I called "the grape" appear externally, it was exquisitely painful and I would only let the Dr. look but not touch. Doc said it was a thrombosed hemorrhoid that he needed to put me out to deal with, so he did that a couple days later. Sigmoidoscopy found 3 more benign polyps. and the doc said it looked like someone elses bottom...not mine from the first look a month and a half previously. He took some biopsies and sent me to a surgeon to deal with the thrombosed hemorrhoid, because he said it was beyond his scope and the biopsies showed carcinoma in situ. One week later and I had surgery, and some extensive biopsies were taken which came back as squamous cell carcinoma of the anus/rectum. Still scratching my head about that. Turns out the tumor was 5 cm. and right on the anal/rectal line. Further testing showed that the tumor also infiltrated my vagina. What my Doc originally thought, before the PET, CT and MRI was a T1 or 2. Ended up as T4 N0 M0. They still show me staged at Stage IIIb, which is incorrect. It should be IIIa, because if it's in the vagina also, it's included in the Stage III3 only.
After all the testing you have had, they should have staged you prior to you beginning your treatment today. All those tests you had should have given you a T, N and M score which they use to stage you. ASK YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT THIS!
I wish you all the best as your treatment progresses. This first week you shouldn't notice too much in the way of side effects. The Radiation treatments are cumulative, so the farther you go in you treatment, the more side effects you'll be having. We are all here with advice and we have great shoulders to lean on when things start to get rough. I'm glad that you've been lurking and reading posts here. That should give you some idea of what to expect. If you have ANY questions, don't hesitate to ask. I'm serious about that. No topic is taboo here, and no one will think you silly for asking.
Don't feel embarrassed...ever. We have all been through so much. Some have it easier than others...and some have it far worse, but we all have this same damn cancer in common which makes us all brothers and sisters in this journey.
Stick with your hobbies, and maybe even keep a journal. One day flows into the next and while you're going through treatment it feels like it's endless. I had no interest or motivation to do much of anything, and all my hobbies have been neglected. Even the coloring! I wish you all the best as you begin. I know what you mean about all the projects that you begin and bounce from one to another. Exactly what I have done...but that's just me and I can't blame that on cancer. Nothing holds my interest for very long no matter how gung ho I am when I start something. My craft room looks like a bomb went off and I'm not even motivated to organize my stuff.
Stay strong. You WILL get through this. There were times when I felt sure that I couldn't continue treatment, but you'd be surprised what you can do. You do what you need to do because that is your only option if you want to be cured.
Hugs...lots of virtual hugs from all of us here. Whatever it takes for you to get through this...do it. No one can tryly understand unless they've been through it themselves. I hope that you have help at home and a good support system in place. Now, while you are feeling relatively well is the time to shop and stock up on healthy foods and other things you may need. I think you should anticipate what you may need and get it now while you still can shop comfortably.
A few of the things I found indespensible were...Charmin Toilet paper, Aloe baby wipes (no alcohol), Chux disposable pads for the bed, Mens Boxer shorts, loose pants, shorts or skirts, Soft 100% cotton polishing cloths-for cleaning off the ointments (You MUST have all ointments off before each rad treatment) and patting dry after bathing. (These I bought at Amazon. 17"x11", a 6 pack was around $6 I think), Aquafor ointment-the big tub, generic is ok. I bought a sitz bath but never used it. I just sat in my tub...a LOT! Panty liners, pads and eventually Depends. You may end up not needing the Depends, but I did, and I'm still using them for anal incontinence.
Hopefully, others will add to this list, because I'm sure that I've forgotten things.
You're in my thoughts and I wish you well.
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Thank you wisteria
I appreciate the lists and all of the advice. I have been using depends for a few years off and on. I have IBS and OAB, so sometimes I never knew when it was going to hit me. I have been on disability for 3 years because of it and a few other things. So I know all about that. I have a bedside potty, I may have to put in here if it really gets bad. My husband and I live in a big old house, just the 2 of us. But my oldest daughter is only about 50 miles away. The other ones are 100 miles away and stay busy all of the time. I have had offers from my cousins and friends to come over and help me if I need them, so I think I will be fine.
I will make a point to check on that list. I already have a stash of pads and depends. And since I had to have my teeth pulled the other day, I have bought ensure and trying out different drinks like that.. Thanks again
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Hi Froggy, just want to wish
Hi Froggy, just want to wish you good luck as you start treatment! Lots of good advice to be found here, and support. The doctors never discussed staging with me, the main issue was determining if it was rectal (adenocarcinoma) or anal (squamous cell carcinoma) because of the location. And I was quite relieved that it was squamous cell because that meant I would not be getting an ostomy bag and the survival rates were really good. And it was passing blood and mucous that got me to get my butt checked in the first place, too, in September 2015. I am only 63 so... gotta get ready for work! I will be thinking of you and checking back.
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Squirt bottles!
Not spray bottles, peri-bottles. A few weeks into treatment things got uncomfortable down there and I did not want to wipe, blotting was it. So I had one bottle with a weak baby soap solution for after BMs and plain water in the other for rinsing and for urinating. I was still working so I couldn't do a lot of tub soaks.
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