Anal Fissure

BBdogs Member Posts: 39 Member

I used the search but didn't come up with much.

I am 3 years NED (yea!).  I have had endless bowel issues and rarely have a solid bowel movement.  I woke up this morning and plop, plop as usual but unusual was all of the bright red blood that accompanied it.  I am in severe pain.  I have a call into the colo-rectal surgeon who follows my cancer.  In the meantime I have been reading up on possible causes.  Fissures caught my eye.  Anyone have experience with them this far out from treatment?  Thanks in advance!



  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    So sorry this happened to you.  I have had episodes of bright blood with BM's before and it causes me some anxiety too.  There can be several causes for this post-radiation, one being fissures, as you mentioned.  However, I think one of the most common causes is bleeding caused by stool passing through a radiated intestine.  As my radiation oncologist explained to me, radiation thins the intestinal lining, thus causing the blood vessels to be closer to the surface.  When stool passes through, bleeding can easily occur.  I'm glad you have a call into your doctor and I hope your fears can be allayed.

  • BBdogs
    BBdogs Member Posts: 39 Member
    mp327 said:


    So sorry this happened to you.  I have had episodes of bright blood with BM's before and it causes me some anxiety too.  There can be several causes for this post-radiation, one being fissures, as you mentioned.  However, I think one of the most common causes is bleeding caused by stool passing through a radiated intestine.  As my radiation oncologist explained to me, radiation thins the intestinal lining, thus causing the blood vessels to be closer to the surface.  When stool passes through, bleeding can easily occur.  I'm glad you have a call into your doctor and I hope your fears can be allayed.


    Thanks mp327, I have an appointment at 1:00.  I have just never been in this much pain before, even peeing is like burning hot lava (might feel) running over my bum.

  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member

    I'be been told fissures are extremely painful, feel like broken glass is the description. I hope you get some relief soon