surgery update
This morning they had to put a tube down my gpas throat to get the fluid out. They started him on antibiotics in case of pneumonia. When they came in tonight they said that there is a slight infection but it can get worse and that gpa needs to do the breathing treatments 10 times and hour, walk, and make sure he is…
Dad hospitalized and then moved to rehab facility
Hi everyone, I'm fairly new here. My Dad has EC and is 5 weeks post chemo/radiation and trying like hell to bounce back. He isn't getting adequate nutrition and yet again ended up dehydrated and ambulance was called yesterday by Visiting Nurse. Hospital worked him up and found that he was dehydrated, no acute medical…
My dad
I haven't been on this forum for awhile, but he recently did surgery and the surgeon said all the cancer was removed (he did the chemo and radiation prior) he seemed to be recovering ok, although he always had issues breathing after, until last week his lungs were inflamed and his breathing got so bad that they put him on…
Hope there is no delay in surgery...
Well, Brendon is in the hospital as of yesterday due to a blood clot just below the knee. With surgery less than two weeks away, we are praying that there will be no delay. He still doesn't eat much and still gets sick often. It's a struggle and we were so looking forward to getting this beast out of…
John will be waiting for Harmon
My darling John went to be in Heaven at 11:30 this morning. I miss him already.I'll post more at another time. Shirley
What are the chances of this?
I have joined a group of phenomenol ladies called "The Mourning Dawns" who have lost thier husbands to Ec. One lady lost her beloved in January 2000. She finally remarried and her second husband just passed away with EC in March. This poor woman has gone thru this twice. The reason I am writing is that WE HAVE to get the…
Turning point good or bad
This whole journey has been so difficult and mind blowing... My dad was Diagnosed with stomach cancer in feb 2009, by way of a blood clot in his left calf. He's been progressing along where we thought things were getting better, he was told he had stomach cancer and the kidney was affected... Affected that's all we were…
update on treatment
Hello everyone- We (it is always we) are now receiving chemo/radiation before surgery. Our plans are to have the surgery at Pittsburgh once pre-treatment complete. We are one week into the radiation and completed the chemo cisplatinum/5FU for five days and to be repeated again week 5. Has anyone else following this…
ArchTB...Thinking and Praying for you tomorrow!!!
Tom and Olya, May 17th...the day of Tom's MIE... You are in my thoughts and prayers tonight as I get ready for bed. I pray that God stands beside you and holds your hand tonight and takes away any of the scary thoughts you might be having. I pray that Tom's surgery tomorrow goes smoothly and is successful. And for you Olya…
Diagnosed with Stage IV yesterday: advice needed
Hi there, My name is Don and I am a young 63 year old man who was just diagnosed with stage IV esophageal cancer yesterday. The cancer has metastasized to me liver and I have some shadows on my lungs. My symptoms started 6 weeks ago and I have lost 25 pounds (some of which I needed to anyway). I am waiting to get an…
Is this normal? (chemo question)
My dad just started his six weeks of chemo and radiation Monday (May 9th). If the tumor responds, he will be able to have surgery in the near future. We all had high hopes that he would be one of the lucky ones who didn't experience the typical side effects, since he is so fit and has no other medical conditions. The first…
Help in dying husband.
Hello, I am new here. I am my husbands caregiver and he has esophageal cancer. He has been given about a month. We have been through every treatment possible and we are at the end. No more treatments. We would have been married 30 years in September, we married early and he is only 55. We have one son that is 19. This has…
Harmon Killebrew Moving to Hospice Care
http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news?slug=ap-twins-killebrew Harmon Killebrew is losing his fight with cancer and he is being moved to a hospice care facility. Jonathan
Hard time eating
I was diagnosed with esophegual cancer in Jan and had 5 chemo treatments and 25 radiation treatments in Marchand early April. My question is it has been over 3 weeks since my last radiation treatment and it is getting more difficult to eat every day. It feels like something is stuck right where the esophegy meets the…
Surgery is almost here!
Wow, it's been a while since I've had much time lately so this is the first time i've actually been able to get updated on everyone. I'm so sorry to hear about all of the newly diagnosed. Loretta and William, just wanted to tell you my grandpa will bring up things that you said in your conversation and I know that it has…
MIE date confirmed - May 17th
Hi, It's been a while since I've been to this site. Lot's of new names, and sadly lot's of new diagnosis. I am wishing everyone to stay strong and keep on fighting! You are not alone. Tom's surgery has been confirmed. Next Tuesday, May 17, he will have a "robotic" MIE at MSKCC ("In this case, I'd like to talk to the…
Doctors and reflux
My daughter has acid reflux often. She talked to her doctor about it and my EC. She told the dr/ she took OTC Prilosec and Zantac. The Doctor asked if it helped. My daughter said, most of the time. She said there was nothing to worry about unless her food stuck when swallowing.WHAT??????? I never experienced the acid…
Pain managment after surgery
I am scheduled for surgery monday morning and i have been given the option of the IV drip button or the epidural for pain. Does anybody have any advice on which one to use. I will be having the MIE surgery.
Coronary Stents, Blood Thinners and Esophageal Cancer Surgery
I was diagnosed with EC on 04/07 and have made a couple of posts. I appreciate the support and prayers of everyone on this site. A special thanks to William who advised me of the MIE surgery. To summarize, after all the tests, PET/CT/EUS I have diagnosed as Stage II (T3N0M0) with radiation and chemo starting within the…
Hello from Jim and Linda
It has been a while since I posted. I read the posts daily and pray for each and everyone. Jim continues to heal after his MIE in January. He is gaining strength and will have good days and bad. I am gathering documentation to get him into the Clincal trial at University of Washington in Seattle. His case will be presented…
Update on visit to the Oncologist
Hi all Just wanted to update you all on Marks visit to the Oncologist, I get so full of hope when we go well its more like hope and despair all kind of mixed up the hope is that they will say actually we have made a mistake and Mark is not Stage iv, and the despair is that actually Mark is definately Stage iv. We had a…
Have questions about Dad-going on 4 weeks post chemo/radiation
Hi all My Dad was diagnosed with EC in November. Had a endo US and I don't have the staging info in front of me at the moment. It is advanced and I can post specifics if important. He had 7 weeks of 5 day per week radiation and would have had the same of chemo but his port got infected so he missed 2 weeks. He has…
Cancer has metastasized
Well it's official, Derek's Cancer has metastasized into several areas of his body. So we have decided not to continue with the chemo here in Canada, but try an alternative treatment at the CHIPSA Hospital in Mexico. The Coley's looks really promising. I would like to know if anyelse has tried this treatment.
John gift to his Mom
John is still here on this earth. We have been given another bonus week. Many precious times together we managed to stick into another 7 days. We don't see John hanging on thru the day. Right now my son and I and of course John is watching In Harms Way for the second time this morning. One of his favorite movies. It has…
Scan results
What a week we have had! On Tuesday we traveled to MDAnderson for CT scan, x- ray and lab work. On Thursday results were given. The words we had been waiting to hear were said. Many of the lymph nodes are now "resolved", as well as sites in the bones that previously had shown slight metastasis. No metastatic disease was…
My ex-husband and father of my two children was diagnosed with esophageal cancer a few days before Christmas. I found out that he had a tumor on his esophagus in mid-December. On the 22nd of December, we were informed that it was malignant. A few weeks later, following many tests, including a PET Scan, it was discovered…
Endoscopic esophageal surgery - post surgery experience
I have completed chemoradiation and am considering endoscopic surgery. I would appreciate hearing from people who have had this surgery. What was recovery like? Has it changed the quality of your life? Thanks for whatever you can share with me? Jennifer
When I see Mom
It's been a while since I've posted a note here...but looking for some desperately needed advice again. Mom was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer in the beginning of March (Stage II). Unfortunately, because I live over 1/2-way across the country, the only support I have been able to give is over the phone and with a card…
Curtis's Cancer
Since I last was on Curtis was in the hospital because of his low blood counts. Everything got better and they took him off of chemo for a week. So I took him to Vegas and we had a blast! We got back on Saturday and he started chemo again on Monday. Now he again feels bad and I worry so much. He weight this time has slowly…
Mets to the peritoneum
Hello all: I'd like to be in contact with someone who is in a similar situation.Here is the situation: Caregiver for my husband who is 47,diagnosed 03/10 with EC adenocarcinoma GEJ first staged III,radio and chemo combination,then aborted esophagectomy when peritoneal carcinamatosis was spotted during surgery. The best…