EC Awareness
With April being EC Awareness month I had written to our local newspaper, tv stations, and had no response. Nebraska's Governor Heineman did sign a proclamation and we were so happy for that. I had given our local GI doctor some of the items from the ECAN kit that I received. I had been feeling kind of down that I should…
I was stage III with 28 days of radiation and 2 rounds of chemo (Cisplatin & 5FU). On December 14th I had MIE surgery and recently completed my 3 month cat scan and all looks good. Besides the normal effects, I have had ongoing random periods where I get dizzy. This started during chemo and still has not gone away. has…
My dad's surgery on Monday, 4/25 @ Mayo Clinic - UPDATED 5/2
Last week we went to Mayo Clinic (Rochester, MN) to seek a 2nd surgical opinion for my dad. (Brief history: Dx’d Dec 15th Stage 3B. His post chemo/rad scans showed “no change” in the tumor, and slight growth in the one, regional, lymph node that was involved. Because he did not have a good response to his treatment, and…
How much Chemo
Does anyone have any information that would indicate the correct number of chemo rounds for T3N1M0. It seems that the "traditional" number is 6 but are that many necessary? I am wondering this because it seems that the less one does the better chance of reducing damage to other organs. I have heard sooo many stories of…
Just wanted to say hello
Hi to all of you. Many of you do not know me and I sure don't know alot of you. All new names on this board it seems. Since Vince's passing on Feb 23rd I haven't written much or contributed. I am sorry for this. Its very hard when you lose a spouse and I just feel so empty at times. I have a joined a wonderful group called…
The gates of heaven are opening for John
If anyone is looking for God or his angels they are surrounding our home waiting to welcome John into heaven. It looks like John has begun his final step of this journey. There were times we thought of it as hell but now when we look back we don't. God gave me and all who came in contact with John during his lifetime a…
God is good.........I was diagnosed with EC on 04/07 after having chest and pain between my shoulder blades for two years and a couple of months having difficulty swallowing. My PET and CT scans did not indicate any mets but I thought I was probably still looking at stage III since my symptoms had been with me for so long.…
First Endoscopy Tomorrow (*.*)
THANKS FOR ALL THE ADVICE YOU ALL GAVE ME. Here's the what came of it__I got a primary doctor & got my endoscopy moved to tomorrow instead of October. What should I expect, I'm really nervous of what will result. Good or bad its been alot of years I've been having problems so I think its the fact that after this test their…
Silent Reflux-A Personal Story
A couple of months ago I went to my ENT doctor to see what I could do about my constant sinus problems. Upon telling him the symptoms and then doing a through the nose scope right in the office, he said "You have acid reflux." I said "No, I don't". Never had any heartburn, burping up of food, or nasty taste. But he was…
Update on my Dad (Slydog11)
Hello everyone, my name is Katie and I think some of you know my Dad, Paul. He was diagnosed last July with StageIVb EC. He participated in a clinical trial at MGH and at first, we were getting really positive results from his CT Scans. I think his last post in November was when the doctors said that the tumor had shrunk…
One year ago.
I lost my dad to this beast. My dad was only 56 years old. I was such a daddy's little girl it was sickly how close I was with him. This has been one heck of a year for us. Having our car break and not being able to call him to fix it, opening up and closing up our camp with out him doing it all, opening up and closing our…
Data retrieved
He has Esophagel adencarcinoma stage III,Long ulcerated mass in esophaguus extends from 32 to 42 cm and extends to the GE junction. Radiological imaging states intense hypermetobolic soft tissue mass and thickening throughout distal esophagus into the gastroesophageal junction and lesser curvature and gastric fundus that…
My beloved father passed away on March 27th 2011
It is with great sadness to tell you that my beloved dad had passed away after almost a year battling with EC. He passed away 2 days before his 77 birthday. He had brain strokes as a result of EC at the end. He is in heaven and in peace with no more pain or suffering. Thank you all for your support last year. It is…
Mets to brain, any info about whole brain radiation?
My StepDad has EC with mets to lungs, brain and lymphnodes. He did one round of Chemo, wasn't working so Doc put him on Clinical Trial. He then started having right eye swelling with double vision (before starting the Trial). MRI confirmed several spots all over the brain. Doc started him today with 15 minutes of Whole…
Xeloda treatment update
Thanks to all who gave me encouraging words to help me through the disappointment of learning my cancer had returned. I haven’t been visiting the forum much because I’m trying not to obsess about my condition, and sometimes that means staying away from the computer. But I’m doing well right now. I just finished my first…
How long before you get full strength back?
Don had EC surgery 4 months ago and still does not have a lot of energy. He has some good days and some bad. He thinks he should be feeling better than he does, but he has had some set backs. Hernia Surgery and a fractured Clavical that is still giving him some pain. How long does it take to start feeling good again Reba
Prayers for Billy and DanaM ANSWERED
First and foremost, I give all the Glory to the Lord and thank Him for His humble servants who have been my support through this experience. There are no accidents, coincidences and you’re never “lucky.” The week before our scheduled surgery in Pittsburgh, my husband was having cold feet which I understood. But I…
Just Diagnosed - Awaiting Staging
I had an endoscopy last Thursday and it revealed I have an adenocarcinoma in my espohagus near the stomach juncture. My symptons leading to the scope was occasional difficulty in swallowing (quite recent) and pain in the chest and between my shoulder blades and quite a bit of burping. The chest pain resulted in 3 stents in…
Dad newly diagnosed- lengthy response to William's questions
Hi All: I decided to start a new post. This will hopefully be enough information for some feedback. I will start with William’s questions to me, since I think that will provide all the answers. I’m apologizing in advance for such a lengthy post! 1. Dad is 58, will be 59 in June 2. I am the oldest. I have one sister who…
Throat stretching
Hi all Just wanted to ask whether anyone here know's anything about stretching the throat, what is involved and is it beneficial, I am asking because Mark, stage iv, is having more and more trouble swallowing, we are seeing the oncologist on May 5 so want to ask as many relevant questions as possible. Thanks to Sherri I…
Just a reminder to everyone that Billy is meeting with Dr. Luketich today with surgery scheduled for tomorrow!! Please keep them in your prayers. Both Dana and Billy were 2nd guessing their decision to head to Pittsburgh. I talked with Dana on the phone Easter morning and I think got her head back on straight!! :-) So,…
I'm a 76 year old man with a mechanical aortic valve recently diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Physicians recommend an esophagectomy. I would greatly appreciate hearing from someone who's undergone the process, how it affects their quality of life, etc. Thank you, Billcan
Question about post op chemo
For those of you who had postive nodes from surgery path report. How long after surgery did you have post op chemo? Thanks Nancy
Am I too old for surgery?
I am just about to start Rad/Chemo (chemo includeS Xeloda). I am 78 years old in fair shape now .....What about after rad/chemo? I don't know if I am a candidate for MIE? What is the oldest MIE patient? Is there anyone here?
Dad diagnosed Friday. What questions should we ask?
Hello everyone. I'm new here. My father, 58, was diagnosed with esophageal cancer on Friday. I live in Texas, he's in California, and I am getting the news in bits and pieces, so I'm apologizing in advance if I don't have enough information to give a full picture. This is what I know: he has been having difficulty eating…
AGS (Dammarane Sapogenins) Anyone Know Abount this new treatment?
Has anyone tried or know any additional info on the AGS Cancer cure. Does the old saying, if it sounds to good to be true...... hold true on this one as well? I have read some info on types of cancers shown some success, but nothing on bone cancer. Thanks Gail
I have been thinking about you.
Hi, some of you know me and others new here don't, but I wanted to let you all know that I read this e/c website alot still and have been thinking about alot of you. Another holiday tomorrow, they are not easy once you lose a loved one. Life is really never the same but somehow we get through these holidays. Diana and I…
New result from bone scan
Just received a phone call on my bone scan done this morning, apparently they feel that the cancer may be gone in to several of my vertebrae, which really shocked me since my scan in Feb showed only slight deterioration in one disc, probably caused by arthritis. A MRI of 2 weeks ago only showed the same spot on one…
To Sherri and Sally
I wanted to express how sorry I am for the loss of Jim, and Sally your dad. I'm sorry I didn't get to offer my support and prayers earlier. Both of you were of great inspiration and support during my dad's journey. It's one of the reasons I logged back on, to find out how your loved ones were doing. It's like a kick in the…
Has anyone had their Esophageal Cancer that has metastasized gone on remission?
I need some hope. You may remember, I have EC, and have had surgery. After two months of no cancer, I broke my neck and found out my EC Mets to the bones. I was wondering if anyone has had something similar to this and has had success with chemo and radiation? I know each individual case is different, but hearing someone…