Need a Little Boost

survivorfam Member Posts: 41
edited March 2014 in Esophageal Cancer #1
My husband, Kevin, had his esophagectomy five months and 3 days ago. He was pronounced cancer free on Dec. 16. On Apr. 4 a PET/CT revealed an active lymph node. May 7 and he received another cancer diagnosis. For the most part I stay pretty positive about the situation, but as Kevin approaches the beginning of a new chemo/radiation process, I am feeling a little droopy. I think I would feel better if I knew they would eventually remove it but its proximity to his trachea doesn't lend itself to that.

I guess I just want to hear some words of encouragement after a long day of arguing with insurance people to get approval for his new chemo. It just seems like they try their darnedest to wear you down while time slips away.

Sorry to be whiny. I'll have a better outlook tomorrow.


  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    Prayers coming your way

    Like Kevin I had my surgery in December of last year. The surgeon assured my wife and I that everything looked great and that sending the surgical materials to pathology was "just a formality". When they sent the surgical materials to pathology they found cancer cells in one lymph node.

    After two months of recovery from surgery, I started my chemo regimen. I am now in round five of a six round chemo plan. I was disappointed in the pathology results but happy that is was not found is some distant organ in my body. The chemo process has not been without side effects but not as bad as some I had heard about. Keeping a positive outlook is key.

    It sounds like you won your battle with the insurance company and that is great!! Kevin is lucky to have a champion in his corner like you. I thank God every day that my wife is here to help me through the tough times and I would bet that Kevin feels the same way.

    So you have a treatment plan, and you have insurance to cover it, and you have each other for support. All very positive things!!!!

    We will be praying Kevin's new treatment plan is successful and as mild as possible.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams

    AKA "paul61"

    McCormick, South Carolina
  • survivorfam
    survivorfam Member Posts: 41
    paul61 said:

    Prayers coming your way

    Like Kevin I had my surgery in December of last year. The surgeon assured my wife and I that everything looked great and that sending the surgical materials to pathology was "just a formality". When they sent the surgical materials to pathology they found cancer cells in one lymph node.

    After two months of recovery from surgery, I started my chemo regimen. I am now in round five of a six round chemo plan. I was disappointed in the pathology results but happy that is was not found is some distant organ in my body. The chemo process has not been without side effects but not as bad as some I had heard about. Keeping a positive outlook is key.

    It sounds like you won your battle with the insurance company and that is great!! Kevin is lucky to have a champion in his corner like you. I thank God every day that my wife is here to help me through the tough times and I would bet that Kevin feels the same way.

    So you have a treatment plan, and you have insurance to cover it, and you have each other for support. All very positive things!!!!

    We will be praying Kevin's new treatment plan is successful and as mild as possible.

    Best Regards,

    Paul Adams

    AKA "paul61"

    McCormick, South Carolina

    Thanks, Paul. I was just
    Thanks, Paul. I was just having a little pitty party. I'm feeling better now and am sure it was your prayers that did the trick. I just needed to refill my tank with people who know what we are going through. Sometimes wellmeaning friends and family have a way of undermining my faith and resilience so thanks again for the booster.

  • oriontj
    oriontj Member Posts: 375
    Hearing that just takes the
    Hearing that just takes the cool right out of you.

    Have as many pity parties as you want..I've had lots of them. There was no surgery on the lymph node for my husband either...trachea in the way.

    But agressive chemo and radiation gave him the time we have now...I don't look for trouble just do one day at a time...and live in the now...

  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    oriontj said:

    Hearing that just takes the
    Hearing that just takes the cool right out of you.

    Have as many pity parties as you want..I've had lots of them. There was no surgery on the lymph node for my husband either...trachea in the way.

    But agressive chemo and radiation gave him the time we have now...I don't look for trouble just do one day at a time...and live in the now...


    Jane listen to orion
    Hi Jane,
    I am a December surgery survivor too. It has been a long 5 months and I had a positive lymph node found at surgery besides the one they already knew about. So I have already had my chemo clean up regimen. It is alright to have a pity party, I think of them as being more trying to deal with it parties. Orion has some good advice, take the one step at a time approach. I do that. I don't walk around thinking I have cancer and might die, I just do my treatment plan, pray and ask others to pray and then whatever the drs tell me, I might question but then I take the step forward. It is disappointing to have setbacks but you know our Kitten told us to dance in the rain and she kept plugging. So we all will be praying that your husband gets the treatment and it fixes this problem promptly. It is harder I think to be the caretaker many times because you want so much for your loved one to be free and done of this cancer journey. prayers always and stay strong,
  • Betty in Vegas
    Betty in Vegas Member Posts: 290 Member
    See my cherry tree post. And know that on the ACOR list, a good friend Jimmy, had the same thing as your hubby--a node. And know that it has been beaten back and he is again NED.

    You can certainly have hope and I hope that you will see this as just another step on a winding journey.

    If you ever want to just talk and cry, do email me from the blog or site and I am happy to listen. A LOT Of folks here did that for me. And continue to do that for me. I have been so blessed by everyone here.

  • survivorfam
    survivorfam Member Posts: 41

    See my cherry tree post. And know that on the ACOR list, a good friend Jimmy, had the same thing as your hubby--a node. And know that it has been beaten back and he is again NED.

    You can certainly have hope and I hope that you will see this as just another step on a winding journey.

    If you ever want to just talk and cry, do email me from the blog or site and I am happy to listen. A LOT Of folks here did that for me. And continue to do that for me. I have been so blessed by everyone here.


    Thank you so much.
    Thank you so much everyone for your encouraging words. I am feeling much better. I'm still arguing with insurance but I have faith that things will get worked out in time to begin treatment on Tues. Our only son is graduating from high school this week and I am sure that is adding to my feeling "fragile" these last few days. I am ever thankful that Kevin will be sitting beside me during the ceremony as ten months ago we weren't even sure he'd be here.

    Please know that each of you are in my prayers. I didn't know about this site during our initial battle. I am so greatful to have all of you here for this next phase of our cancer journey.

  • K_ann1015
    K_ann1015 Member Posts: 500
    better to be whiny looking for support---than to give up!!!!

    KEEP WHINING!!! We actually know right where you are coming from----
    my dad had his surgery 12/7/09 so we are far from that cancer free stage---but so know how you feel---I realize that all of us don't jump on the "survivor bandwagon"--- because it is such a roller coaster an one just never knows with this kind of cancer.....

    I know about anatomy---but I still have the urge to just say "TAKE IT OUT!!!' just keep praying--posting here and-- loving your husband---he needs you now like never before---so even when you feel you can't do it---just take a deep breath and know you won't regret swallowing a little concern to make him feel better for a bit........

    you won't regret it... Hang in there---just know there are MANY here in your smae boat---one thing I notice is that there are many---but also some that don't ever post----but still get SUPPORT from other's posts----so don't be shy---ask for what you need!