Brothers update
I've been away for a while. My computer's CPU decided it was sick and was working at about 12%. Still Which was more like my first computer with the 40 mg hard drive and windows 3.1, a 2400 baud modem, and 2 mg of ram. It would take 10 minutes to load a page so I haven't been able to read or post anything. I will slowly…
Please Help
Hi My husband is 44 and has JUST been diagnosed with a T3 N1 tumor EC. We are understandably devastated and need some advice if that is possible. What we need is some HOPE. We stated off at the Jacksonville Mayo clinic which is a 3 hour drive but luckily for us our neighbor is a doctor and said it was crazy to even think…
Crazy question...
I have a rather silly question. Steve's swollow test should be coming in a day or two. I was wondering if he will have a different feeling when he swollows or fluid goes down? I know his new stomach will fill up fast, but just wondered if it felt different going down. He has been perticular about how things felt going down…
Dad Lost His Battle
Dear EC Friends, It's with great sadness that I have to inform you that my dad lost his battle last night about 12:30 A.M. It's been a horrific 4 days in the ER, ICU and Palliative Care. To make a long story short, he basically died from the tumor bleeding and his body not being able to clot the blood because his liver was…
Where is Moe?
Has anyone seen Moe? I used to write to her, someone told me she has been blocked from the boards? I don't understand why?
Night Owls Unite
I am a night owl...always have been...everyone else is long asleep and I'm still awake..the dogs keep me company...or I will paint...do my best stuff at night. Maybe because it's finally quiet...just night sounds...you can finally relax a bit. How many night owls do we have on the board. I was a night owl even when I had…
John progress
I am not sure when I updated last. John was off chemo for the past three weeks to give his body a rest and to see if it was the chemo weakening him or the cancer. The Doctors came to the conclusion it is the cancer. Thursday he started some new chemo he has not recieved as of yet. He is still getting Hercepin and now he is…
6 WKs out of MIE and no appetite
Jim has had no appetite since having his MIE January 5th. He has been on the feeding tube and is getting enough calories to sustain his weight now. He is down about 16 lbs from surgery so I encourage carnation instant breakfast with whole milk and yogurt. I made lentil soup and homemade chicken noodle soup and he has had a…
New EC patient - Veteran currently going through Chemo and Radiation
My husband is going through Chemo and Radiation with plans for surgery once they can shrink the tumor. He was first staged last year as T2N1. It's already been a long haul, as he did not get diagnosed until April 2010 by the VA. This kind of hit us hard, as we just didn't know what to expect and really never heard of this…
Looking for advice
Hello all. I have only posted once or twice here but I read the posts almost every day. My 54 year old husband, Rickie, was diagnosed with stage IV EC October 8th. He is being treated at MD Anderson in Houston. When he was first diagnosed we were told the tumor was quite large encompassing his whole esophagus. From the…
Clean Scan....
I just returned from my 1 year checkup at Mayo. NED, clean scan. I am most grateful as this past year with chemo and surgery has been challenging to say the least. I continue to pray for all on this board as we battle this disease. God Bless............ Gerry
Finally got my Grandpas results his tumor is stage II and it hasn't spread anywhere else. Thank God. What a roller coaster of hell and I know this is just the beginning. But I had a little sense of relief today after we found out it didn't spreadEveryone here has been so helpful and I know I will continue to learn so much…
Scan is stable
Though we would of loved to hear shrunk a bit...stable is so much better than growing...he has only had two rounds of chemo so far for the recurence...his doctor called with the result as requested...hey they're learning..His doctors are very happy with the results since many tumors grow in spite of the chemo...his sister…
Jim's pneumonia
I wanted to thank all of you for your prayers for Jim with his pneumonia. He is on the second anti-biotic now and I see a tiny bit of improvement. He has had hydration for five days and the chemo nurses have been monitoring him and a nurse practioner. He has run a low grade fever and is extremely weak. He coughs a lot and…
48 hours post op..
Steve continues to recoup. Out of ICU and in his own room. He stood up at bedside today and did leg lifts. We continue to move forward. Thank you for all your prayers. William....he told me not to go buy him that fishing pole yet, because I would buy the wrong kind.........lolol..........he trust me to manage his care with…
Hi everyone, My grandpa started radiation and chemo Wednesday. He hasn't experienced any side effects so far besides for not being able to sleep much. I was wondering when the effects typically start? He is getting 5FU through a port for 96 hrs. I am praying that he won't experience the horrible effects of this treatment.…
Hello everyone: I appreciate having found this site very much. My husband was dx with EC Stage III, in the month of December. He has undergone chemo (3 drugs, 5FU, Cisplatin, and Taxol), and 25 sessions of radiation. He did well considering he began treatment with anemia caused by the bleeding of the tumor. He did not need…
Dad is in the hospital - low white blood cell count/fever
My dad (Stage 3, into his 3rd week of treatment) has been in the hospital since Saturday. My mom, when changing his J-tube bandages, noticed he was warm, took him temp which was 100.4. She called the doc who told her to bring him to the emergency room. Long story short he has had a fever of 99 to 100 since Saturday and his…
Steve is out of surgery, doing well!!
Steve is out of surgery, surgeon is pleased with results. Margins clear in eshophagus. Now we just wait for path report on nodes. He is awake very allert. BP running a little low right now so getting some blood. Thanks to everyone for their prayers. I will keep you updated. Nancy
ACS is a sponsor of birthdays...
Unbelievable when you see on TV that they sponsor birthdays for cancer survivors..because all cancer survivors want another birthday... William you have again my best wishes at another birthday cancer free...Cheers jan
We finally got the coveted N.E.D. from our Oncologist today-No Evidence of Disease!!!!!!!!! All the blood work and scans are within normal i.e., No recurrence of esophageal cancer, no activity with the leukemia. We have re-test in June then at second anniversary of surgery in September when all is still unremarkable we…
sharing good news!!
Hi, Just found out that my cat scan on Monday is unchanged!!!! No signs of cancer around. My dr said he was very pleased with it. I was operated on 12/09 and now finally I move on to every 6 month CAT scans which pleases me very much. Hope this gives hope to those awaiting surgery. So glad I found this site with so many…
Remembering our loved ones
All, We have lost so many loved ones recently and driving home tonight I heard this song and I wanted to share it with the group and post it in honor of all our brave warriors who have left us far to soon . . . Remember, I will still be here As long as you hold me, in your memory Remember, when your dreams have ended Time…
So frustrated
I went for about a month and a half with an "open throat." Closed up on Wednesday evening, so here we go AGAIN...uggh....just venting.
thanks, tess
Just to update all of my friends on here, my mother passed away last Saturday at home with all of us by her side. Thank you so much for all the kind words, thoughts and prayers, it would make it very hard without all of you. Although it is very hard to deal with at times, I know she is in a better place and always with us.…
New - MIL dx w/squamus cell EC yesterday
One cancer at a time was not enough apparently....my mother has SCLC w/mets to brain and spine. Yesterday my MIL was diagnosed w/squamus cell EC. Inital findings are that it is just in esophagus, however surrounding lymph nodes are swollen. They are doing PET today and putting in a feeding tube this afternoon. Any advise…
My Knight in Shining Armor
Vince is still in the hospital after getting his left pleura drained. The fluid on that side was not malignant. We never did here back from UPMC but it really doesn't matter as our onc has called for hospice to come for Vince. He is so weak and tired that he could never do another treatment. My wonderful, big strong…
William Marshall-- BTL
Hello again, My brother in law came back from MD Anderson this week and started his first day of Chemo yesterday. He went to work today. Anderson wants him to take Chemo only once every 2 weeks to see how he responds. They did not want to do Chemo & Radiation because if they would they would need to give him less Chemo and…
Just had a good scan report 6 months after surgery for stage III
HI everyone, I was diagnosed with stage III oesophageal cancer in Feb 2010, underwent Chemo, then surgery, then chemo. It has been 6 months since my surgery and 3 months since my last chemo treatment. Today I had another good report for my bone and CT scan. Is this a really good sign? Does anyone know the percentages for 6…