Finally some good news for my husband!
After having problems with anemia, weight loss, blood clots and other typical chemo reactions, we now finally got some good news. The PET scan showed 90% reduction in the size of Tom's tumor and no more malignant activity in the lymph nodes. Blood work is good. Weight seem to be stabilized at 158 (still 17 pounds short of…
Not sure how to word this
Today Hubby went for ct scan and doctor's vist.Doctor said his lungs sound good he looks good, his over all blood work was good a little highs and lows like white blood cell 3.9 normal 4.0-10 Platelet count 128 normal 150-450. Red Blood cell low 3.92 normal 4.50-5.90. Mean Corpuscular Volume high 102.1 normal 80-100.0 Got…
Update on Father
Hi All, Wanted to update you. My father isn't doing too well. Though his pain is lessening because of the radiation treatments and new meds (he's on Dexamethasone (THANK YOU SHERRI! I kept telling my mom to ask the Dr. about it and turns out she just put him on it!) and Methadone) he's continuing to get weaker and more…
Dana outside Chicago
How's your Dad doing with his treatments? We had to reschedule last Wed..no could go anywhere and the u of c infustion center was closed...so we did it Friday. Any good news to tell...I sure hope so. jan
Finally got my Grandpas results his tumor is stage II and it hasn't spread anywhere else. Thank God. What a roller coaster of hell and I know this is just the beginning. But I had a little sense of relief today after we found out it didn't spreadEveryone here has been so helpful and I know I will continue to learn so much…
Dumping syndrome with 70% esophagectomy, 10% gastrectomy and vagotomy
It is almost 6 months since 70% of my esophagus, 10% of my stomach (along with vagotomy) was removed for Stage Ia gastroesophageal junctional cancer. I have typical hyatal hernia symptoms (bloating, belching) which I can live with. What I find most difficult is the totally unpredictable symptoms which I attribute to…
Sorry I don't know why it posted so many times.
Finally got my Grandpas results his tumor is stage II and it hasn't spread anywhere else. Thank God. What a roller coaster of hell and I know this is just the beginning. But I had a little sense of relief today after we found out it didn't spreadEveryone here has been so helpful and I know I will continue to learn so much…
New problem for Vince
My poor husband can't seem to get a break. Yesterday he had 1 1/2 liters of fluid drained from his left pleura. After the drainage they did an Xray and his lung did not inflate back. So we went back again at 2:00 for another xray and it still did not expand. The radialogist told him if he has any shortness of breath over…
WooHoo!! WooHoo!! Yay!! Scan results
Got scan results. No evidence of disease. Next scan six months from now. Drs. pleased. Now, he can have his shoulder surgery on Monday. Has endured all of this with a torn shoulder rotator cuff. I hope Bill's continuing improvement is of hope to others on this journey. It is difficult, but there can be moments of great…
Ec stage 3 to 4 intense Pain
I am new to EC have had only 8 radiation treatments and with each one I get more and more pain. Have had 2 chemo treatments, feel despair, depression and fear, I would love to hear from survivors, I need some help in being positive and optimistic. Thanks Mary
I was wondering if someone can help me out. Should the surgeon be involved before any treatment is started or can that be something that happens later? Also has anyone had to have their primary care physician write a letter to the insurance to see if they will accept a hospital that is not in their HMO plan? The surgeon at…
I been observing the board but haven't posted
Hi I had a very good friend that recommended me to this board her name on here was MOE58, I understand she is no longer on here due to not meeting the policy guidelines, I am one of her best friends and my companion is a survivor of EC, she has been a great assest to me during my time. My companion had the IVOR LEWIS…
Latest on My Father
I'm asking AGAIN for prayer for my father. My dad has been in the hospital yet again since Tues. morning. His hemoglobin has dropped again which means he's still bleeding internally. They are mapping and going to give him several rounds of radiation over the next couple of weeks to try to stop it. He finally had a MRI done…
Stage IV b Clinical Trial at the UPMC
This is not medical advice. I am sharing information about a clinical trial which may be of interest to caregivers or EC patients. Any opinion is my own. I am not a medical professional and this is not an endorsement of any specific drug or procedure. This is not a recommendation. Use this information as you will.…
Vince's Pet Scan results
Hi Everyone. Well we got the results back today from Vince's Pet Scan and everything is stable. No better no worse. This is what it said. 1) No significant interval change compared to the previous study from 12-08-10 2) Tracer uptake is present along the posteromedial aspect of the right pleurawith standard uptake values…
Thank you William & Loretta & Everyone pray for us
I am a nervous wreck. Vince just left to go to Gainesville for his PET scan. His friend took him and its an hour and a half drive. He is barely eating a thing so needs the JTUBE.All the prayers everyone has going please help us out today.Vince and I need you guys and I so appreciate all everyone has written and done for us…
My husband was diagnosed with esophageal cancer at the age of 58 almost two years ago. Having lived a healthy lifestyle, came as a shock but dealing OK. However, as a caregiver, it has been very difficult and wondering how other's have coped with it.
Need all the Help I can get (including Second Opinions)
Hi, I am new to the board, but I need some help. I am as scared and distraught as many of the members here. My dad is suffering from Stage IV Esophageal Cancer with Mets to his liver. He has been going for chemotherapy at Sloan Kettering and so far the chemotherapy has not been working. They are saying it is Terminal and…
Mets to bones (Spine and Ribs)
Hi Everyone, I have some sad news to report. My mom was doing really well after her esophagectomy in October 2010. We had a great Christmas season. Unfortunately, she started complaining of a sore back. The doctors did an xray and it came back okay, so she started physio but it still wasn't getting any better. On Thursday…
Scan news
John has had a really tough week. He got his chemo treatment a week ago monday. He had a few reactions while recieving it. It pretty much went down hill from there. He had no appetite and no energy. On friday he was in emergency getting hydrated. Still eating very little on monday we thought maybe a feeding tube would…
My fiance is Stage 4 EC met to liver...
My fiance has Stage 4 met to his liver (two lesions 2cm each). Esophagectomy 4/2009, also due to familial polyps had a 80% colectomy 2/2010 and misc pancreatic area biopsies of polyps 11/2010 and diagnosed stage 4 right before Christmas with a prognosis of 3-5 years. To this day he is 6' and 130lbs. He is on 3 types of…
discouraged and frightened
I had initially joined your discussion back in June and have found it to be most supportive and educational. This is my first post to your site. My 69 year old husband was diagnosed with esophageal cancer stage 1VB back in March. He had never had any health issues up to that time and led a fairly active healthy lifestyle.…
Steve is going to surgery
What a year its been, but we finally got a surgery date. There is no visible tumor on the inside of the esophagus, the PET says no mets to other organs. Surgery is scheduled for Feb. 16th. We are both excited and scared at the same time, but know this is the best option. The surgeon is very good. I have heard many good…
How do you know if you are Her-2 Positive. Is it in the Neu part of the CBC blood test. If you are high does it mean you can get Herceptin? I have tried to look it up and can't find info Thank you Pray for Vince please His Pet Scan is tomorrow. Love barb
Monster storm heading for our backyard
We're right outside of Chicago...NW IN and they are predicting 20+ inches of snow...which in my opinion is 20+ too much.... We're as ready as we can be...just so the electricity stays on....if not, well there are three dogs here...so that's one for each of us to cuddle with. Our newest boy just arrived from Mobile...I…
In early May 2010 my father was diagnosed with Stage III(a) adenocarcinoma of the esophagus. He went to the doctor because he was having trouble swallowing his food. As he said, food would "get stuck" and he would have to spend 10-15 minutes clearing it (or waiting for it to go down). As it turns out, this problem was due…
Grandpa just diagnosed
My grandpa (68 yrs. old) has just been diagnosed with EC. What we know so far is that there is a mass (about 3cm) at the bottom of his esophagus where it meets the stomach. We were told the cells are moderate which they said is much better than poor. Blood work was done before his scope which came back normal for his liver…
Dr. Luketich at UPMC
Thanks to William for recommending Dr. Luketich for my husband. I took a chance and sent him an email yesterday and I was overwhelmed to see that he responded late last night(Sun.) He will call us this sfternoon to discuss my husband's case. I will report back after we hear from him. What a caring doctor!
Tomorrow is my one year anniversary
Hi everyone, Tomorrow December 8th is my one year anniversary of the Ivor Lewis surgery and I just wanted to say how wonderful it is to write these words because right after I could not see this far ahead. I saw on Caring Bridge that our Kim's Dad is celebrating his one year anniversary today and feeling pretty good,…