The miracle wasn't a miracle after all
Good evening to all the wonderful brave people on this board. My life has been turned upside down again. The reading of the CT scan of November was a so called miracle to us. It showed that the liver spots had disappeared and the cancer was holding .They said it was an unexplainable event. We were so happy to have a little…
Surgery or not
After radiation and chemo, my doctor reported the my PET scan showed no cancer. He then said it was up to me if I still wanted surgery. This was never optional before. He wants me to see the surgeon and do research. If there is no cancer why cut out my esophagus? I contacted a support group and they wrote back: "because…
Grrr...if it weren't giving him nutrition...I would cut that darn feeding tube!!!!!!!
GRRRR....darn feeding tube clogged again... More coke, nothing... Another night without nutrition and a loss of another 3 lbs... A trip to the ER this morning... And a HUGE THANKS to Nurse Scott!!! who was able to unclog Brendon's feeding tube... WITHOUT us having to be at the hospital more than 30 minutes!!!! YEA! So,…
Irinotecan side effects
Anybody have any suggestions on what to eat when severe diarrhea sets in? Rickie has had 2 weeks of erbitux and Irinotecan and this past week the diarrhea started. He has lost almost 20lbs this week. We are at the doctors now getting fluids and the erbitux only. His swallowing has improved and he is able to eat more foods…
Taste Buds
Does anyone have trouble getting taste back after surgery. It has been 5 weeks and nothing really tastes good to my husband. He is doing well other than back pain.
Well, just as we expected.... It looks like we are having a BOY!!!!!!!!!!!! I went for my 12 week ultrasound and the tech was pretty positive (took a picture of the proof) that I am carrying a little boy!!!!!!!! We are sooo excited and have the name picked out: Nicholas Anthony(Anthony for my dad). Of course, this cannot…
Just wanting to say hi and hoping for a little advice
Hi all my name is Ann, I have been coming on this site for the last couple of months, it has been so helpful to me, I found it whilst looking for something that would help my husband the bark cure, orange juice cure and ginger cure just felt like someone was trying to make a quick buck out of others heartache(the internet…
List of states declaring EC Awareness Month
We are steadily making progress in the state Esophageal Cancer Awareness Month Proclamations! Thank you to all that are joining in trying to make a few phone calls and or 1-2 emails to make a difference in esophageal cancer awareness. This is just the first step---WE CAN & WILL make a difference in the future in the…
Stomach problems
Hello all, I seldom post but try to get on-line as often as possible to keep up with your discussions. I am 8 months post-op Ivor-Lewis procedure and from what I have been reading here I have pretty much gone through the same problems and maladies as most of you. I am currently having problems keeping food down and seldom…
I am happy to report a clear CT scan
I had my CT scan this morning and my oncologist gave me the results this afternoon. I am happy to report that God has been kind enough to allow me to have another clear CT scan. I am grateful to God and to all my friends here for their prayers and kind thoughts. Best Regards, Paul Adams McCormick, South Carolina DX…
Please help! Suggestions needed
I was wondering if anyone could share with me any ideas for things to eat on a soft food diet. My husband has been having great difficulty swallowing and is becoming limited to soft or liquid foods. The doctor does not want to put a feeding tube in at this time as he feels that it will delay the much needed chemo…
April EC Awareness-Nebraska
Nebraska will be announcing April as Esophageal Cancer Awareness month. They approved the request just 3 days after submitted. Thank you Kim for emailing how to get this done. Linda
Taking a much needed break and will meet Jim's Sherri in person in Florida
Vince has been gone for 3 weeks and the sadness is overwhelming at times. i need to get away so my 90 year old mom and I are going to Ft. lauderdale today. We will get to my Friens Lin's house tomorrow and stay until Tuesday. Afeter that we are driving to Oviedo and I will finally meet Sherri who I have developed a special…
Got to get away.
Don went to Oncologist yesterday. She was pleased with his progress and does not want to see him for a year. Monday we see the Kidney Dr to see what plan of attack will be done on the kidney. We are not doing anything until late April. We are going on a much needed vacation next week. No more doctors, hospitals, etc. We…
Low energy, difficulty concentrating, "chemo" brain
My husband, Gale, 46 years young, was diagnosed with esophageal adenocarcinoma IVa in Jan '09. He had 5-FU/cisplatin/radiation treatment, followed by esophagectomy in 5/09, and was given adjuvant chemo post surgery with gemcitabine/taxol. By Feb '10, he was having problems again, and he had a j-tube placed and more…
HER2+ Testing and Insurance
What has everyone's experience been with HER2+ testing and insurance covering it? I have BCBS insurance. If it isn't covered, how expensive is the test? Thanks everyone!
SURGERY RESEARCH for Brendon - Please post if you have had surgery to remove your esophagus - Please
To everyone - I'm doing a little research on the Minimally Invasive Surgery...or other surgeries that are available. Please respond and let me know the following: 1. What stage your cancer (or your loved ones) was in? 2. What treatment you had prior or after surgery? 3. What surgery you had? 4. What complications did you…
dry cough after surgery
My husband had his esophagus removed on Feb. 23 by Dr. Luketich at the University of Pittsburgh. I must thank Bill and Loretta Marshall for directing me to this wonderful doctor! The surgery went very well. My husband was in the hospital for 5 days and then he recuperated at Shadyside Family House in Pittsburgh for 10…
Frustrating/endless delays
My apologies for what is about to be an uneducated rant, but I desperately need some affirmation as to whether or not this is warranted. Having experienced dysphasia and ongoing weight loss since October of last year (which was unsuccessfully treated as an ulcer) my mom was scoped 2 weeks ago and her cancer was found. It…
Update on my dad and prayer requests
My dad (age 66, stage 3 EC) finished his 5th and last week of radiation last week. He has not been able to eat recently, but thankfully has the J tube to help. Over this past weekend, he also began having trouble swallowing. He is severely fatigued, and sleeps almost all day and night. He went this morning for his weekly…
Stomach Pains
Paul had his diagnosis 6 weeks ago with mild swallowing issues. Over the last 4 weeks he has started to get stomach cramps and no matter what they prescribe or what he does, he can't get any relief. Sometimes it's after he eats, no matter how bland the food is (poached eggs etc) just wondered if this was a symptom of the…
New prayer request
Don is recovering very well from Hernia surgery. Now we have another thing to face. Before he had his EC surgery they had found a small spot on his kidney. When they did another CT scan a couple weeks ago they said that there had been no change in the last 3 months which we thought was good news. However, they now see…
Just got my treatment plan
Last week everything came together. I am diagnosed as stage III T3N1 and so far M0. This will be confirmed by a PET CT this week. Dr is recommending 3 rounds of chemotherapy (ECF) followed by surgery then another 3 rounds of chemotherapy. I get my port installed tomorrow and start the chemotherapy a week later. The surgeon…
Just diagnosed with Stage IV and terrified! Need help please.
It has only been two weeks since my initial endoscopy, but it feels like an eternity. I originally went in for gastritis and came out terrified with the news of the possibility of EC. Four days later when the biopsies came back it was confirmed that I have it. Then it was on to the PET scan. My wife and I figured since I…
Update from Linda and Jim in Idaho
It has been a while since I posted and I saw that someone asked how we are doing. Jim is progressing very slowly in his healing and emotional status. The pneumonia really set him back and discouraged him. I believe he is finally over that struggle, and now the issue is the eating and the feeding tube. He is fearful of…
Up coming surgery
Thank you all for posting your experiencs her for all to see. Mine in at the GE juncture , did Chemo and radiation for 5 week at Jefferson in Phila, I am diagnosed stage two with a pet scan that said it had not spread before treatment started. I am done chemo and radiation three weeks now and have another Pet scan next…
Father Newly Diag. with EC Stage IV w/mets to Liver
First and foremost, so relieved to find this Discussion Board and will certainly visit and use it often. Thank you all for being so open and helpful, especially to those of us "new" to this nightmare. My father was diagnosed last week with EC. Initial diagnosis was T3N1M0, to be treated with chemo and radiation followed by…
My dad's EC seems to have popped up in his lung
My dad had surgery to remove biopsy a 1cm nodule that "lit up" on PET test and grew slightly in the last 3-4 months. He will be in hospital until at least Monday. The dr says he heals well and is not worried about recovery from this procedure. They will be taking to the oncologist for the next step and are taking this 1…
Just found out
I am newly diagnosed. This week actually. I went in Monday morning for a upper GI because I had been having problems swallowing and 15 minutes after I left the test, my family Doctor was on the phone for my wife and I to come in. Originally it showed up as a 4cm mass. Thursday I had a CT performed which determined that it…
Initial consult with Thoracic Surgeon - What to expect and questions to be asked...
It has been a few days since I logged in here, but a few days can make a world of difference! As a result of much prodding on my behalf, mom will be going to see a Thoracic Surgeon at an esteemed Cancer Center tomorrow. Waiting ROUND 1 will soon come to an end. Fortunately, she has been far more accepting of my sister and…