How far along is this cancer?
Hello, I received news today regarding my brother-in-law and am looking for help. A few weeks ago he was having trouble swallowing- feeling as if the food would not go down. He is 46 yrs. old. He had a light procedure on Thursday and CT scan. The doctors were amazed at how this tumor was rather large near his breast bone.…
Vitamin C IV Therapy
Although my brother,Joe, is still waiting for the biopsy test results he has heard of vitamin c therapy and would like very much to have that option as a comlementary treatment to whatever the doctor has planned. I have done allot, a whole lot of research in the last week or so on everything to do with EC and understand…
no appetite
Please do you have any suggestions to help my husband eat . He is at his high school weight which is 179. He has been recieving Herceptin and 5fu since early Dec. He looses about a pound a week. He has no trouble eating its just that nothing looks good. I know its not my cooking. HaHa Have to keep that humor. Do you think…
High grade dysplasia
My 75 year old husband has had Barrett's esophagus for the past 9 years. On his last endoscopy it showed an area of high grade dysplasia. His local doctor in Fort Myers sent him to Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville Fl for conservative treatment specificaly radio frequency. Unfortunatly the results of the mucosal resection showed…
Latest on Jim and Linda
Hi Friends, I haven't been online much since returning home from Portland, Oregon where Jim had his MIE on January 5th. We are home and settled in and he is progressing well. We have adapted our lives to the j-tube and he is maintaining his weight. He is still weak & building his strength. I want to thank all of you here…
scan results
Hello All, It's once again time to celebrate. Results of my CT scan were good! I was diagnosed in Nov. 2007 with stage 111 EC. After chemo and surgery I am still disease free. I praise my Lord for taking care of me!!!!!
I think our Christmas miracle is almost over
First I want to wish all on this list a new year of hope, courage, and wisdom to make decisions that are so difficult at times. I have not posted in quite a while as we have been enjoying what we called our daughters Christmas miracle. We had a wonderful time of visiting family and friends . My daughter even got out the…
Hi All My husband is still feeling the awful effects of chemo. I was about to have his hospitalized and decided to take him to our redular dr. He prescribed an abdomenal ultrasound on Monday. we got the results back yesterday. It said Uniform echotexture is noted throughout the live. The spleen is unremarkable. The…
Asking for Prayer!
My father was taken by ambulance about an hour ago to the hospital. He was throwing up, dizzy, weak and white as a ghost. He was just at the hopsital yesterday getting 3 units of blood as his hemoglobin was low again. He was scheduled to go back today to finish getting mapped for an additional 14 rounds of radiation to try…
from Moe
HELLO EVERYONE, This is MOE i am sorry to say I was banned by CSN, for standing my ground, of course we had a room monitor in the chat room and on board called SOCCERFREAKS, and because I was good friends of with someone that was already banned but was under his wifes account and me under Jeff's acccount they banned all…
My father has been diagnosis with Esophageal Cancer T3 N1 Mx
Hi everyone, My father has been diagnosis with Esophageal Cancer T3 N1 Mx. He is currently 60 and in very good health. We are awaiting a pet scan which will be performed tomorrow. The mass in his esophagus is 10cm. His doctor is recommending him to do pre chemo and pre radiation then surgery. What I am worried about is pre…
Advanced Esophageal Cancer
I have a friend that has been diagnosed with advanced esophageal cancer. He already has a first and second opinion on treatment. They have both recommended surgery first and then chemo and radiation. He is refusing to do this and has decided to try to fight the cancer with diet. I do not know that much about esophageal…
Update On Keith Rodney (Boston67
Greetings, Tomorrow begins the next phase of Dana Farber and my fight against EC, phase IV. I am at home following a sucessful J Tube implant into my Duendum. It was a must more significant procedure then I was expecting. The operation was on Thursday and I was discharged to home on Tuesday. I believe the procedure went…
I got a Letter from the Governor
Today I got a letter from the Governor of Pennsylvania sealed and stamped stating April Esophageal cancer awareness month from here on out!! Today is also my mothers birthday, so what a great present for her as well!
My husband was just diagnosed with esophagael cancer
We don't know any details yet. Trying to figure out what kind of questions to ask before they set up a regimen.
how is MelanieL?
I was wondering how Melanie was doing with her hubby's EC journey....
NCNN Clinical Practice Guideline for treatment of EC
National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Clinical Practice Guideline in Oncology for Esohageal Cancer V2.2010 (July 19,2010). This is a 57 page guideline full of information about the latest treatments and diagnosis of Esophageal Cancer. For those with questions this may be a helpful resource.…
Update on MD Anderson Clinical Trial and Dad
All, I joined my dad in Houston for his evaluation appointment at MD Anderson. I have to tell you that the facilities, the staff, the doctors there are amazing --- there are so many other hospitals there it is like a city unto itself and so much construction. Not sure about the Health Care bill but construction and…
Wanted to share some good news today....
Steve has had some esophageal bleeding, so they did a scope today. We found out it is what they call radiation esophagitis. They tell us it will heal. The best news is there is no visible tumor on the inside of the esophagus!!...........Now we wont know about the scans until Monday and we talk to the surgeon, but we are…
Off to a very slow and rough start, but treatment finally began this week for my dad
Hi everyone: My dad (66 years old) was diagnosed with advanced stage 3 EC (at the GE junction). It has penetrated 5 layers of the esophagus, is in 8 regional lymph nodes, no metastasis. (Can someone help me with the TNM classification for future reference - thanks) His first endoscopy which found the tumor, was December…
We're getting another dog...
This blue merle...Am/Can Champion Sandance Stargate, Vaughn will be coming from the same gal that sent us our amazing bi blue sheltie...Redbaby... I'm a firm believe in dogs and cats as stress relievers....when Tom was so tired a year ago September...little Red never left his side....he knew that Tom needed to pet him and…
Hi Please refer to the post of MLBROOKS852 on electrolytes and weakness. Sherri and William have you ever heard of this. I just e-mailed Dr. Gibson at UPMC to ask him about it as Vince has been diagnosed with it. Barb
Question about electrolyte levels and severe weakness
Last chemo was in September, just before a fractured hip happened at the end of September. In December, the Most recent PET, EGD, and CT revealed nothing seen. Dale is eating well, taking protein supplements and should be getting stronger.......right? Well, he seems to be getting weaker, losing a few more pounds, and got…
Status of My Dad
Hi All, To update you...my dad was released from the hospital yesterday afternoon. They ended up putting a filter in his leg because one of the doctors thought he saw some very small what he thought was residual stuff/clot (not sure what the medical term is) from his major clot that happened back in April/May. Originally…
Feeding Tube to be inserted Today
Hi, I have surgery today to insert J tube feeding tube into my small intestine at Brigham and Woman's Hospital in Boston. It is an inpatient procedure with three days of recovery and training for the J Tube. I will begin Chemo Therapy once the incisions have healed properly. A J tube was needed because my cancer has…
Question specifically for those with pre-op and post-op chemo
HI, My father has stage 2b, had pre-op chemoradiation and then the MIE on Dec 3rd. The pathology revealed 1 lymphnode of 11 removed with residual active tumor. William has given me great advice and today the oncologist recommended(at my insistence) that my dad have a 9 week course of post-op chemo, but dad isn't sure he…
don't know!
Hi everyone! My husband was diagnosed with EC a year and a half ago. After surgery and radiation/chemo the cancer was gone. Now they found cancer in his abdominal lymph nodes. He is young, turning 40 this month. Anyone know if Cancer Treatment Centers of America is a good choice?? Could really use some advice.
Not understanding the DR's right now....
I have been running every day whether for my brother Raymond or for a new position in my workplace. I just now saw everyone's post on my last note about my brother deciding not to have surgery. I guess I didn't get back on here for a bit because I have been a little depressed that no matter what I told him he will not hear…
Things Improving After Breaking Free from a Medicare Advantage HMO
Because so many people diagnosed with EC are over the age of 65, I wanted to share my personal experiences dealing with my dad's health insurance company. My dad had a Medicare Advantage HMO policy through a small, regional insurance company. My dad was diagnosed with EC in November 2010. He had complained of symptoms…
My dad
My 78 year old,relatively healthy father was just diagnosed with stage iv esophageal cancer with mets to liver and lymphatic system on Dec 18th 2010. He has finished 11 radiation treatments, has had a port placed and is to receive chemo starting Jan 26th. His appetite is poor, and painful over liver area.. The doctors give…