*Abbreviations* for all our Newbies
AC - one of the five most common types of chemo given to women with BC. Iit's probably the MOST common drug combination given to women with node-negative (hasn't spread to your lymph nodes) cancer. AC includes two drugs: doxorubicin (Adriamycin), and cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan). AI - aromatase inhibitors ADH - A benign…
Some tips from CSN
Welcome to the CSN! Below are some tips to help you get started following and posting on the boards. You can follow your preferred discussion board to get notifications of new topics and comments. To follow a board, navigate to your preferred board and then select the bell at the top, followed by your notification…
Rib pain
hi, anyone has any home remedies for rib pain? My mom has breast cancer with bone and liver mets, and she has been feeling pain in her right rib. If you guys could give me some home remedies or treatments for rib pain other than radiation that would be good! Thanks
I was diagnosed with DCIS January 2. From my first mammogram in November to surgery in March, I have struggled. I hear that DCIS is not cancer because it’s non invasive. I read that it’s pre cancer. Anyone else with DCIS struggle with this? My treatment has been the same, to some extent, as if it was cancer. I even feel…
New here. Anyone decided to do the OFSET Study? Diagnosed 1/14/2025. Had DMX. Found lymph involvement, I of 2. Oncotype 16. Her2-. I'm simply terrified of chemo, Ac-T. My gut is to run far away from it. With that said, the Study offers possibility of another option- hormone therapy only. Anyone decided to do the Study,…
Suggestions for sleep positions after lumpectomy
I'll be having a lumpectomy in 2 weeks, left side. I usually sleep on my stomach or left side. That's not going to work! Will I need to sleep on my back? Maybe sleep on a recliner? Any suggestions?
anyone decline hormone therapy after surgery and radiation?
I had a lumpectomy in November for stage 1 (.8cm) ILC with sentinel node biopsy (no spread). That was followed by 21 sessions of whole breast and targeted radiation. My Onc score was a 6 so no chemo needed. My tumor was HR+, HER-. My oncologist told me my chance of recurrence with the hormone therapy is 3% and doubles to…
Hormone therapy for ILC
stage 1, Grade 1 ILC discovered during a preventative mastectomy. Did not spread. It is estrogen receptive, so hormone therapy is recommended. I started anastrozole 5 days ago. I developed hives. Is there a hormone therapy out there with less side effects? I m 62.
I was diagnosed with bc 4 months after 2 brain surgeries to correct essential tremors. My feelings are all over the map. One minute I'm still in shock, the next I'm convinced I'm superwoman and can handle anything, the next all I can think is "damn, I've got cancer". Has anyone else experienced this? How long did it last?…
I'm so lost and confused
September 2024 I was diagnosed with melanoma and squamous cell carsanoma. I have mohs surgeries and excisions to remove them. Once the biopsies started taking place and the removal started taking place I began to have severe headaches on the left side of my head along with left ear pain,left jaw pain,and pain in the left…
HR+ Her2-/Menopause Treatment Options
Hello, I have HR+/Her2- beast cancer, and the treatments have thrown me into instant menopause. Are there any non-estrogen-based over the counter meds/foods/natural things I can use to help? I'm in a lot of pain with the menopause itself on top of the cancer. At the same time, I don't want to take something that will feed…
New-IDC with Triple Negative
I recently got diagnosed with IDC with triple negative. Trying to wrap my head around all this. Waiting for genetics results too. I have less than 2 cm lump in my right breast. I am doing a lumpectomy early Nov. What is the triple negative? I understand it means the tumor does not grow from estrogen, but what are the other…
How to manage
I am in treatment for breast cancer, and it has been almost 4 months since my initial diagnosis. I feel sometimes like I don’t have any control over anything and that I am at the mercy of the care providers. I feel like I am waiting. My feet and ankles were really swollen before my first surgery and after this second one…
Taxol and Neuropathy
Hey All! I am getting ready to finish up my AC/Cytoxan cycles and move into my 12 weeks of Taxol. During AC, I have been doing the ice packs on my hands and feet to help prevent neuropathy. Will I need to worry about that during Taxol or can I finally leave these cold packs behind? 🤣Those are the longest 15 minutes of each…
Am I supposed to have learned something?
My mom had breast cancer and resisted testing, or even admitting that she was struggling for years. When she initially told me and my sister that she had found lumps in her breast I immediately asked what she needed or what was she thinking needed to happen next. Her response still haunts me. She said she was going to…
Heavy feeling of legs
Hi, my mother has stage 4 breast cancer and the cancer has metastasized to the bones and liver. She is currently on enhertu, but she has been feeling heaviness and numbness in her legs. Is that a normal side effect of the medication or should we be worried? Also if anyone is experiencing this please give us solutions if…
NewPost New Member
Hi, I’m new here but I needed to post. I have stage 4 breast cancer that metastasize to my bones, brain and spine. I have 4 kids I’m a single mom and my kids father passed from a massive heart attack 7 years ago. All I do is cry 1am till I pass out, sleep and eat!! I stay up and cry feeling low! I haven’t really grieved…
Metaplastic breast carcinoma
Hello! I was diagnosed this week with metaplastic breast carcinoma. It is HER2 positive, weakly estrogen positive, and progesterone negative. I’m feeling overwhelmed and looking for others with similar diagnoses. I’m have an appointment at a cancer center later in December. Thanks for your help!
TNBC identified .Any suggestions?
Hello Everyone, I am writing on behalf of my mom (Age 61)who has just been diagnosed with breast cancer . Right breast .BCS Surgery has been performed and today I received final biopsy report which states : Invasive breast caricoma , NST . Grade II (7/9) TNBC ptNM stage - pT2 N0(sn) 4 lymph node free identified and all…
Proton Therapy for Breast Cancer
Anyone know of any proton therapy for early stage breast cancer?
Can a ultrasound sometimes not show a mass
hello, This last week I went in to have my mammogram done and I had been feeling a lump in my left breast. So they marked where they could feel it and sure enough on the mammogram there it was a mass right behind my nipple and also microcalcifications cluster together and attached to the mass. Radiologist said ACR BIRADS…
Is Breast Cancer Overdiagnosed?
My husband wondered if breast cancer is overdiagnosed so I googled it and found these articles. The Norway study is very recent. Has anyone else ever thought about this? I'm going to ask my oncologist if she thinks I might fall into the "overdiagnosed" category referred to in these articles based on my type of cancer and…
Worst fear come true
hello, My mom has just been diagnosed with IDC this week. She is my best friend and my only parent I have left. This has been one of my worst fears and I can’t believe it’s happening. Just looking for some support and/or advise on how to cope and also support my mom on this journey. I literally wanna break down but I know…
Wife breast cancer
I have been taking care of my wife with stage 4 breast cancer the last 4 years. Is there such a thing as chemo brain. She can be nice to everyone but me. Been married 41 years. anything I do is wrong and we argue often or I just listen to it. am I doing something wrong? Any comments/suggestions welcome.
Just wanting to be happy after cancer
Did You have a full life before you found out? How did you react to the news? Are you feeling defeated now that chemotherapy and radiation treatments are done? Are you struggling with what you used to look like vs how you look after cancer? If you are like me, I wish to talk to you about your journey and what you’re doing…
Hair loss ten years after chemo
Hi - I am posting this a bit greedy and needy as in I've just found this place and now I'd really like to gather some info I had breast cancer when I was 36. It has been a horrible 10 years but you get there. I don't think anyone really gets that. But anyhow, I can kind of cope with all the depression, anxiety, all that…
Is there anyone on the KEYNOTE 522 Regimen, or has been on it? I am searching everywhere to find someone to communicate with on this. I am recently diagnosed with TNBC and the KEYNOTE is now apparently the Standard of Care. Please answer if you can. Thank you. (Jan. 2025)
Tram Flap and Complications
TRAM FLAP RECONSTRUCTION AND ABDOMINAL BULGE/PAIN I had the Bilateral Pedicle Tram Flap in 2012. Less than 3 months later, my abdomen began to grow larger and, very painful. After chemotherapy finished, I began to investigate...being an RN, it’s in my nature to look at online journals. I knew something was wrong, but what?…
ER+ HER2+ breast cancee
hello all, I was diagnosed with ER+, HER2+ breast cancer this past September. 1A, grade 2. No lymph node involvement. Lumpectomy. I qualified for a trial that my oncologist recommended. No chemo, 20 rounds of radiation, Phesco shots every 3 weeks for approx a year, and Letrozole estrogen blocker for 5 years. I’ve completed…
Mental Health for Breast Cancer
What types of mental health therapy(ies) have helped you?
Hematomas after a double mastectomy
I had a double mastectomy two weeks ago, They put the prevena plus wound vac on me and when they took it off 6 days later I had developed hematomas! I got instructions to wash with soap and put silvedene cream on them twice a day. Can anyone give me any suggestions????? If this happened to you!
Dry sinesus
The latest symptom from chemo is dry nasal passages. Not sure if it the change in weather or the heater that kicks up at night. This is new for me as I have never had this problem before. Has anyone ever had this happen? If so, what did you do for the problem. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you, in advance,…