question about uploading self-photo
I tried twice to upload a photo on my About Me page. Is there a secret or special formula for doing this? Does it take a while to upload to the site? It says I've been "saved", but still no picture. Does the image have to be exactly 150x150 pixels? Thanks in advance. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ~LL
My recovery accomplisments today
I did my budget (that took brain power) I got my mind off cancer for a good couple of hours I went to the doctors and am now going to be taking calcium and vitiman D. I wish i would have started that long before now. (Mad at my oncologist for not taking my Back comlaints more seriously) I confirmed with my doctor my MRI…
Sad News
I just read in the Facebook group that AWK has passed away. She was the first to respond when I first came on this board last year, and she was such a source of inspiration for me and so many others here. Unfortunately, I do not have any more information at this time. I will share whatever I can find out. Chris
Chronic and incurable :(
Just finished my initial appointment at MD Anderson. My cancer is considered chronic/incurable. I will be in treatment for the rest of my life. The doctor said that I am not terminal, as other than cancer, I am in really good health... I restart doxil in another week or so.
Its hard
its my hard day today. I had really been trying to move forward since my last chemo. I feel bushed today. I feel fear. I dont even want to write. I feel unlistened to and misunderstood. Im trying to take things a day at a time right now but having a hard time. I really was doing good i thought. Accually i was doing good…
sex after hysterectomy and chemo
Ladies, OK, this is personal and embarrassing but.... Had my fourth try at intercourse since my hysterectomy and I still hurt (a lot) and have slight bleeding afterwards. I used the KY Jelly as directed. Doesn't seem to make a difference. I'm 3 weeks out from chemo so I don't think that would cause this. It has been 5…
3 year from Diagnosis
I got my official diagnosis three years ago today on my cell phone going through Boise, Idaho for my family reunion. This was just a month ofter my husband was diagnosed with bi-lateral kidney cancer. Stage III, grade 3b I think. Surgery two weeks after my husband had a kidney removed; then I did 18 chemos and 3 bracha…
Happy doctors
my medical oncologist had the report of my CT Scan today and was excited about the results. Except for one .7 cm new spot all others had either shrunk or disappeared. He feels very strongly that this immunotherapy drug is working. He had gotten a note from my Gyno-oncologist who also was very pleased with the results. I…
Thank you!
Thank you for all the inspirational responses I have received from my previous post. The first thing that comes to my mind is how will I survive this. My daughter graduates college in May and my son next fall so I really need to be there plus I am getting re-married this December. Not knowing what stage this is or if it…
Lymph Node Question
I have a question that hopefully someone can answer: received ct scan results and it says "highly concerning metastic disease in the interaortocaval region 3.2x3.2 cm; round solid masses in both iliac regions 3.2x2.8 and 2.3x1.9cm. Abdominal aorta is normal in caliber." Does anyone know what this means? My dr says she is…
Last Chemo but Questions Arise
I am totally jazzed that I finished my front treatment today. I was scheduled 2 weeks ago but we had a devi of a time getting the ANC/white blood cells to cooperate. Long journey and I may have not done it with grace and elegance but by golly 25 external, 3 days low dose brachy and 6 chemos.. I rang the bell, brought…
Having a bad day
Actually, a bad week. I'm not sure what's going on. Maybe it's my upcoming 3 month appointment and the next scan. Maybe it's reading on here that some of our sisters have had recurrences. Maybe it's because it's beginning to feel like fall here which always feels like the end of something to me. Every little ache and pain…
Good News For Mrs. Red
We are doing the happy dance around here this weekend. Mrs. Red's 4 month post frontline treatment appmt with her gyneoncologist was this past Friday and everything came back clear and normal. CA125 was lower then ever (6.8) and ct scan all normal or as the radiogist says, unremarkable. Getting to love that word! The…
New to this site - need help.
I have been diagnosed with High Grade Mullerian Carcinoma of the uterus from a phone call with my dr yesterday. Next Friday my dr will be doing an abdominal hysterectomy and also exploring my abdomen to see if the cancer has spread. She said on the CT scan my lymph nodes were enlarged and that concerned her. She will try…
Today is my one year anniversary!
Today is the one year anniversary of my hysterectomy! My doctor thought he got all the cancer with the surgery and the chemo was a preventative to kill off any other stray cells floating around. I had two CT scans after surgery and they both showed nothing. I go in for my checked up next Wednesday and hopefully my…
In shock UPSC IIIC diagnosis (Incomplete Staging) Update
Hello all, I previously posted on this forum about two weeks ago about my mom. I am in shock right now. Bad bad news… So my mom had her hysterectomy plus 19 pelvic lymph nodes removed on Tuesday. Although the initial surgery was supposedly successful according to the gyn-onc, the pathology reports came out today and it was…
Maybe a recurrence
Hi, I was 23 months NED but now the new ct scan shows nodules in both lungs that were not there the end of May.. They are small the biggest one is 9x7 mm and I am waiting for the Dr. to deside to see what they are going to do. I heard that MMMT uterine cancer likes the lungs. Have any of you wonderful ladies had this.
MD Anderson-- what can I expect?
I leave on Tuesday for treatment for my recurrence/residual ovarian cancer. I was just curious what I can expect as far as treatment, tests, time? I was told to expect 3 days, but expect 5-7 business days. We are driving from the panhandle of FL (9 hours). Just curious...
I do not see a separate section for cervix cancer?
Is Cervix Cancer considered Uterine Cancer ? I was diagnoise with Stage 3 Cerix Cancer and finished treatments just over 2 months ago. Pet Scan scheduled Oct 21st. I am pretty much stress about that upcoming scan since than I'll know whether or not the 7 weeks(5 days a week) of Radiation and 6 weeks of chemo (Once a…
Here we go again... possible recurrence
I just got off the phone with my reg. gyno and am now nervously waiting for a response from my gyno-onco-surgeon. So I had low grade stage 1A endometrial cancer and everything was removed except for one ovary. I was 40 and opted to leave one behind. In the last 4-6 months, I've felt bloated at first but I thought I was…
Question for after being done with treatments
Im not to sure that im too happy with my medical oncoligist right now. It seems he went from being very axious to getting me in to do chemotherapy back in June, when i started, to not being too concered about my cancer comming back. I have MMT also known as carsinisarcoma uterine cancer stage 2 grade 3. The pathologist and…
I just had a major meltdown
I can sympathize with LindyLu. I HATE this cancer; I hate what has happened to my body; I hate what has happened to my mind!! I have been stressing over my nine month checkup for the past week which I THOUGHT was tomorrow. It was today! My calendar in my purse is a regular monthly calendar but my refrigerator one starts on…
Saw my Radiation Oncoligist today. This is what i think.
So i saw my radiation oncoligist today. He is such a nice doctor. I love how kind and how much he cares about what I think. He considers how i feel about what is going on with me. I told him i had forgot what he had said to me back in june when i first saw him (we had discussed a lot and i had forgotten some of his…
Round 4 of Immunotherapy
Monday was round four of the immunotherapy treatments. My lab work was all good and I am almost not anemic anymore. Just .2 under normal. I will have a CT scan in two weeks, but my Onc. Is not sure if it the results will be accurate some growth could be my immune system attacking the tumors. He says that the way I feel and…
not a proud moment
Just needing to vent here. My doc's office left me a text this morning asking me to confirm an appointment. I have a scheduled pre-chemo educational session appointment for tomorrow, but the text was for the next day. I called the office thinking they had just given me the wrong day. I was shocked when they said it was…
Hi all, Firstly i want to say a million thanks to all the lovely people on this website - which i referred to at every stage of my mum';s diagnosis and treatment. My mum was diagnosed with uterine carcinosarcome (MMMT) in late May. She has a total hysterectomy in early June. Oncosurgeons were very happy that it was stage…
Ned was short lived.
As most of you know I was diagnosed with Uterine Cancer Stage IIIC2. And the chemo treatment was 6 rounds of chemo ( Ifex/Mesna/Taxol). Which I completed Mar. 25th 2016. I started with pain in my right hip Sunday evening to Monday morning Labor Day weekend. I had family over on that Sunday and just thought pain was due to…
Feeling alone as it gets toword the end of chemo. How did you handle it?
Hey, im getting closer to being done with chemo. this thursday it will be done. I am glad for that. Im glad to know what the plan is for radiation. I really am. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel more than i did before. I even had some really good days last week and felt more hope for the future. I dont want this…
CT Scan
i had my first CT Scan since starting on the,immunotherapy drug, Keytruda. I won't get the official results until next Monday when I have my next infusion and doctors appointment with my oncologis. Today when the radiologist,who reads my scan, came in to unhook my port access and said that all he saw was shrinkage and some…
Update about me and a question
I've now had 10 out of 28 external radiation treatments, and having no major problems so far (knock on wood). The technicians at my radiology center are so nice. At first I found the machine itself kind of scary, but am learning to think of it as my friend. I met my brachytherapy doctor on Friday and really liked him.…