Change in Eyesight

EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member

I finally went into the eye doctor last Thursday.  During chemo my eyesight was all over the place.  I remember the day I had my port removed - I could not even see good enough to sign the consent form.  With or without my glasses, everything was a big blur.  Then some mornings I would wake up and I could see every leaf on the trees that were way off in the distance but other mornings, they were just green blurs.  

Well, I got a huge surprise when the eye doctor told me my eyes had gotten MUCH better - especially the left one that was really bad.  She said the reason I couldn't see with my glasses was that they were way, way too strong.  She also said I didn't even need a bifocal in my left eye anymore and the right one was just a little off.  

But, she also told me that even though it's been 10 months from chemo, my eyesight could still be changing!  Has anyone else had this??  My oncologist originally told me to wait six months from chemo before getting my eyes tested.  I hate to shell out $400 or $500 for glasses only to find out in a couple of months, I need new lenses.  On the other hand, I want glasses I can see out of!!!  I wonder if I could wear contact lenses??

She also told me I have the start of cataracts but they're nothing to worry about.  She said most people, by the time they're 65 have the start of them and it could be years before I would need surgery.  






  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,168 Member

    Well that's an interesting development!  I've kind of noticed that my vision is off, too, but nothing like you've described. I wear progressive bifocal lenses and I find myself tilting them to find the sweet spot to see out of them depending on what I'm doing. 

    I used to wear contacts, but not for the last 6 years because my eyes are too dry to wear them anymore. Glasses are a lot easier except when it rains or they fog up. ;-)

  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    edited October 2016 #3
    Chemo did bother my eyes

    Chemo did bother my eyes quite a bit.  Sometimes I had a hard time reading road signs and small print when I was trying to read printed material.  I saw my eye doctor every year and the first time he said that chemo had nothing to to with my eyes.  The next two times he agreed that chemo was causing the problem.  i also would move my trifocals around to try and see better.  Now that I am not on chemo, my eyes seem to be getting a little better.

    Lou Ann

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    edited October 2016 #4
    I was the first of my three

    I was the first of my three sisters (even though one is 1 and a half years older than me) to start etting bad eyes. Last christmas or so, which was before cancer, i knoticed i needed reading glasses to read the small print of things.  Its kind of a funny story really.  My kids used to go to the dollar store and buy glasses because they wanted to be the ones who needed glasses. Well when i first started noticing i couldnt read medicine bottles I asked to borrow my daughters.  She ended up giving them to me.  They are now mine.  Any ways i find myself wearing them more and for more things.  I dont know that it has anything to do with cancer because it does run in my family.  My mom was about my age when she started wearing glasses.  My older sister is just lucky i guess.  My oldest brother wears glasses.

  • txtrisha55
    txtrisha55 Member Posts: 693 Member
    I wear reading glasses and

    I wear reading glasses and stated wearing them around the time I turned 40.  The strength has gone up during the last 20 years. I am up to 2.0 for small print and the computer. Driving I am fine and can see without glasses. Idid not notice if chemo changed my cision or not I guess I just thought it was getting far no problems at the eye dr so I am good to go.  Trish

  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    I notice!!!

    I wore glasses before chemo- but my eyesight is definitely blurry at times and other times not so much.  I asked the Dr. and she said she didn't think it was a side effect but I should check with my eye Dr.    I am like you - didn't want to spend the money before I was done with chemo as I'd like to know if my vision will come back after being done for a while.  My hubby took over the driving duties so I am fortunate to not have to worry about that.

    I am due for a vision check and I am curious enough to at least go in and see what he thinks.  Sure hope it just clears up.

  • pinky104
    pinky104 Member Posts: 574 Member
    edited October 2016 #7
    Nellasing said:

    I notice!!!

    I wore glasses before chemo- but my eyesight is definitely blurry at times and other times not so much.  I asked the Dr. and she said she didn't think it was a side effect but I should check with my eye Dr.    I am like you - didn't want to spend the money before I was done with chemo as I'd like to know if my vision will come back after being done for a while.  My hubby took over the driving duties so I am fortunate to not have to worry about that.

    I am due for a vision check and I am curious enough to at least go in and see what he thinks.  Sure hope it just clears up.

    Blurry vision

    I frequently have blurry vision.  I am nearsighted (which is getting better with age) and I have astigmatism (which is getting worse with age).  A year or two after chemo, my eyes started getting itchy.  I thought I'd picked up an eye infection when I had my eye exam.  It turned out I have extremely dry eyes.  I was put on various over the counter eye drops (Systane, Refresh, or GenTeal) but I was still having problems, so I got a prescription for Restasis.  Even with that, I still have dry eyes, so I have to supplement with Systane or one of the others in addition to the Restasis.  I often have symptoms of blurring, which are helped by repositioning my trifocal lenses, cleaning the lenses (the antireflective coating gets dirty extremely easily), or using the over the counter eyedrops.  I try doing those three things in that order.  When they don't work, I go for a new prescription. 

    I remember reading on here at some point that the people who have had robotic surgery are put into some odd position that sometimes affects their vision.  I don't know if that's true in any of your cases or not, but I am mentioning it just in case.   

  • CheeseQueen57
    CheeseQueen57 Member Posts: 933 Member
    edited October 2016 #8
    Vision problems

    So after 3 months I'm still having swelling of the optic nerve. It's debatable what's causing this. Perhaps the amiodarone I was on. Perhaps anemia.  Despite being on prednisone for almost 3 weeks I don't notice any improvement. So my oncologist yesterday just drops the fact that they did discuss the remote possibility of a metastasis cause. So I'm freaking out. They are not really thoroughly investigating this because they think it really isn't a possibility. So I'm going to get myself to a specialist that knows something about this at Penn. I hate this. 

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member

    Vision problems

    So after 3 months I'm still having swelling of the optic nerve. It's debatable what's causing this. Perhaps the amiodarone I was on. Perhaps anemia.  Despite being on prednisone for almost 3 weeks I don't notice any improvement. So my oncologist yesterday just drops the fact that they did discuss the remote possibility of a metastasis cause. So I'm freaking out. They are not really thoroughly investigating this because they think it really isn't a possibility. So I'm going to get myself to a specialist that knows something about this at Penn. I hate this. 

    CQ, I am so, so sorry that

    CQ, I am so, so sorry that you are going through this. Hopefully the specialist can determine a solution so that you can get back to healing from this dreadful disease. Hang in there! Kim


  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    edited October 2016 #10
    Cheese, It is good to hear

    Cheese, It is good to hear from you! Sorry about the eye issues still bothering you. I hope mets are NOT the cause. It is crazy that they drop that on you then do nothing to verify it.  How are you doing otherwise?

    Love and Hugs,


  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member

    Vision problems

    So after 3 months I'm still having swelling of the optic nerve. It's debatable what's causing this. Perhaps the amiodarone I was on. Perhaps anemia.  Despite being on prednisone for almost 3 weeks I don't notice any improvement. So my oncologist yesterday just drops the fact that they did discuss the remote possibility of a metastasis cause. So I'm freaking out. They are not really thoroughly investigating this because they think it really isn't a possibility. So I'm going to get myself to a specialist that knows something about this at Penn. I hate this. 

    Ugh- NOT OK

    That is NOT OK to drop that on you - don't they know stress is so bad for our bodies?!  I'm glad you are taking control and getting to a specialist!  Many thoughts and prayers go with you- let us know what you find out.   (((HUGS)))

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    edited October 2016 #12

    how are you doing otherwise?  So glad to hear from you despite the crummy news.  I'm glad you are persuing this and hope you finally get to the bottom of what's going on.  Everything started out so well and now it seems like one thing after another.  Enough already.

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    Cheese, that's awful! I hope

    Cheese, that's awful! I hope the specialist gets to the bottom of it. And like the others said, it's good to hear from you!

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member

    Vision problems

    So after 3 months I'm still having swelling of the optic nerve. It's debatable what's causing this. Perhaps the amiodarone I was on. Perhaps anemia.  Despite being on prednisone for almost 3 weeks I don't notice any improvement. So my oncologist yesterday just drops the fact that they did discuss the remote possibility of a metastasis cause. So I'm freaking out. They are not really thoroughly investigating this because they think it really isn't a possibility. So I'm going to get myself to a specialist that knows something about this at Penn. I hate this. 

    I'd poke that oncologist

    I'd poke that oncologist right in the eye and see how HE (or SHE) like it!!!  So they just drop this little tidbit and walk away??  I would be furious!  This is all you need!!  

    I would like for ONE DAY for our oncologists have cancer - go through one of our treatment days or when we're puking our guts out or dreaming over and over that people in black masks are slashing us with razor blades or wait for days and days for test results....I bet that would make them think a little bit about what their poor patients are going through and have a little empathy! (((Susan)))



  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,168 Member
    edited October 2016 #15
    I'm with Eldri!

    Do these doctors even hear themselves when they say such insensitive things? OMG, you can poke one eye Eldri, and I'll be right there with you to poke the other! 

  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    Cheese, it is good to hear from you

    so sorry for the news you,recieve.  There had to be a more sensitive way to,tell,you instead of just dropping it,on you like a bomb.  I don't really understand why he needed to tell you anything if they really didn't think that was it and had no plans to,persuade that route.  Just gave you unnecessary worry.  I am glad you,are seeing a specialist.  I think,that oncologists are so,schooled,in their specialty, that they don't always know things that aren't cancer related.  I have had several instances where my oncologist has said that he doesn't know and has recommended my GP or a,specialist.  I also think that they,often try to,find a cancer related answer to all our health issues.

    Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    That insensitiity is so hard

    That insensitiity is so hard to deal with.  We definetly dont need it.  Hey its good to hear from you.  I have been thinking about you

  • CheeseQueen57
    CheeseQueen57 Member Posts: 933 Member
    I have been struggling

    Like Becca, I'm about to begin the last of my first line therapy with 3 internal treatments.  I had to delay the  beginning because I had a horrendous UTI.  I ignored it an attributed it to the external radiation and it was indeed an infection.  I suffered for 3 weeks.  So that took a lot out of me.  It's still not resolved.  I'm scheduled for my first internal on Tuesday.  But these eyes are really bothering me.

    I've decided to get some counseling because I'm having trouble keeping my head in the right place.  I hope it will help.  My son won a an Alaskan cruise for June and he is gifting it to us.  I really want to be in shape to take advantage of this gift, even though a 10 day Alaskan cruise sounds kinda like a nightmare to me right now. 

    Trying to keep my head above water.  Some days I'm sinking but I havent' gone down  yet.  Thanks for all your concern, love, and support.  And even if I"m not on here a lot, I'm thinking of each and every one of you and your journey and keeping you in my prayers, sisters!

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,168 Member
    edited October 2016 #19
    Lesson I'll take to heart

    That is such an easy mistake to make and you probably aren't the first to do so. I'm hyper-alert to any stories about how others have weathered RT as I begin that next week and I am prepapred so far with Immodium, Aquaphor lotion, AZO, Poise pads and Depends in the house. Your experience will have me calling the doctor before I use the AZO even though I'm just the type of person who would do the opposite normally. Thank you and I'm crossing my fingers, eyes and toes for you to be able to enjoy that cruise!

  • CheeseQueen57
    CheeseQueen57 Member Posts: 933 Member
    Don't forget the Culturelle

    MA...I took the probiotic Culturelle and had no diarrhea with external radiation. Hope it helps. Good luck. 

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,168 Member
    edited October 2016 #21

    Yes, I started taking it right after my 2nd pelvic wash and so forgot to mention it. Thanks for having my back, though!