Another update
Labs, Dr.'s visit, and infusion day. Got the results back from my last CTscan today. All of my tumors have remained stable. My oncologist says that the 3/4 in tumor in my neck feels like mush and that two others look like they have a bad case of necrosis. It has been a year now that I have been on the immunotherapy drug…
Had to skip chemo again
UPDATE: 6 1/2 yrs. since hysterectomy and worried....
UPDATE: I had the appointment with my Gyneologic Oncologist Monday afternoon. He said that all felt well. He took a vault smear and did an internal exam with two different speculums (he wanted to see up high) and then he did a pelvic exam and a rectal exam. He said he would know in about two weeks about the vault smear,…
Grief and anxiety but why ?
I come here confused and just depressed , i was diagnosed with endometrial and ovarian cancer last July . July 2016, then like a flash i met my oncologist was scheduled for a total abdominal hysterectomy . I didnt have time to even think of what the surgery would mean to me . I mean I was already 44 years old , not…
I Feel Like I Failed Chemo
My first chemo after surgery was carbo and taxotere. I had some spread to lymph nodes, but only in the pelvic region. The taxotere was a half dose because I have such bad perpherial neuropathy already from the antibiotic levoquin. I did okay, so they upped the dose to 3/4's on the taxotere and I did horrible. Lympodema in…
Clinical Trials for UPSC Progression - Message for Barbershopbari
This message is for Barbershopbari, who posted Aug 21 on an older thread. Your wife's situation is similar to mine, but I had no fluid buildup, and I never received Avastin. (Apologies if I am confusing posts!) I completed a second line of treatment with doxirubicin liposomal + carboplatin in June. Treatments delayed…
My Mom not eating or drinking much
My Mom has been through 2 rounds of chemo plus radiation and is now 2 treatments into her 3rd round. the first 2 were tough but this 3rd round is much much tougher. before she would be down for 4-5 days and then would gradually get stronger and would be even in the kitchen again just before her next treatment. this time…
Five years!
Today is my cancer anniversary. Five years go I got on this rollercoaster ride. I am not cancer free or NED, but I am still here. It has been a lot of ups and downs, but many more good days than bad. I have discovered how really blessed I am. I have found out how much my husband loves me. My family and friends are…
Hair Dyes
I've been wearing a wig for a couple of months now as my chemo thinned my hair. I've gotten a lot of positive feedback on it. I'm 68 years old, nearly 69, and my own hair is a silvery brown. My wig was labelled as light brown, but it has a definite red cast to it. People tell me I look much younger with the wig as I don't…
I had a complete hysterectomy two weeks ago for endometrial cancer it was a grade one stage to it was more than halfway through the lining and started to get to the top of the cervix The recommendation from the oncologist and from the tumor board is 25 external beam radiation treatments followed by three Brachtherapy.…
Recently Diagnosed
I am new to this site and really gratefully that I found it. All you ladies have given me strength and courage for the road I have ahead. I had one day of spotting and the next day was in my dctor's office for a pap test and my doctor advised I would have to have a pelvic and internal ultrasound before seeing the GYN. Had…
Six years cancer free but still worried
HI all, I have been uterine cancer free for six years (and thyroid cancer free for three years). I still have the pain I originally had in the beginning that alerted me that something was wrong and led to them finding the cancer. The pain is worse and focuses in my frontal genital area, like the fatty area above the actual…
Allergic Reaction to Carboplatin, Question on Length of Time for Genomic Testing
I had UPSC stage IVb in 2010. After surgery, I had 6 rounds of Carboplatin and Taxol, which I handled fairly well. I did have a blood transfusion of packed red blood cells halfway through for shortness of breath and I had peripheral neuropathy. I never had any nausea and vomiting because of the Emend I was given. My cancer…
Article on Clinical Trials
I'd be very interested in hearing your reactions to this article. I have my own, but I'll share it later. I know sometimes there are problems with accessing links, so I've provided two. I'm guessing the second one might work better for most.…
Done with treatments and just want to help others!
After my hysterectomy, 6 rounds of chemo, and 3 brachytheraphy, I just want to help others now as they go through this journey (in person or online!) My follow up after treatments went well. My CA125 was 3.6, my exam was normal. I will have a CT scan, mammogram, skin cancer screening, survivorship meeting in a month, and…
Informative Mushroom Supplement Article
Anyone taking or thinking about taking mushroom supplements might find this article about their bioavailability interesting. http://supplement-facts.org/2012-6.php#.WZcROT6GPal Also, Mushroom Wisdom was given as a source for these supplements in an earlier post. I was googling about them and it seems they have some issues…
Cat Safety
I just had my second chemo. The side effects are worse this time, but mostly just the aches, especially my arms and the nausea, so I feel lucky. They upped the taxotere so I was braced for this. I just wanted to double check and make sure it's okay for my cat to lay on me and knead me with her paws. Will she absorb…
Chemo Resistant - Help!
I concluded six rounds of chemo three weeks ago and had a CT scan on Tuesday, prior to starting radiation. Today I got some devastating news: the chemo (carboplatin and taxol) didn't work. I had a radical hysterectomy in late November, followed by 6 rounds chemo, for Stage III Grade 3 undifferentited endometrial carcinoma.…
post menopausal endometrial lining 7mm
I just had a edometrial biopsy yesterday for a thicken endometrial lining of 7.2. I was having pelvic cramping but no bleeding. I have always had back problems so I didn't think much of telling the OBGYn of my recent leg pain radiating from my right buttock to my knee and sometimes to my calf as I went to the chiropractor…
Progress Report and Recommendation to Be On Aranesp
I'm finally getting around to letting everyone know about the progress I'm making with my UPSC. I was diagnosed in 2010 with stage IVb and had a reoccurrence this year with surgery in April where I had two bowel resections, one due to cancer which wrapped itself around my ascending colon, and one due to the fact that my…
Recurrence in my lungs
i just joined this group, looking for some experience/advice. I was diagnosed with uterine cancer just about two years ago, my treatment was hysterectomy, cisplatin and radiation, then caboplatin/taxol six rounds. It was rough, but I have been feeling good since my treatment ended about 17 months ago. My ct scans have…
Gastroenteritis after radiation.
I know this is a generic term, but did anyone else here experience long-term gastroenteritis after radiation? I had a serious problem during the treatment and have had issues on and off for the whole year and a half since. At first it was loose bowels but afterwards it became strictures and inflammation for months at a…
In the recurrence club now
My CT scan this week (done in response to a spike in my CA-125) showed multiple nodules in both lungs and a mass on the outside of my colon. My medical oncologist is calling it a systemic recurrence and says that there's now no chance of a cure or long-term NED. I'm having a biopsy this week for genomic testing; that…
New Here-tough decision brachytherapy or full pelvic
I was diagnosed with Grade 2 endometrial cancer and had a complete hysterectomy in Dec. After the surgery they staged it as IIIC1. I had 1 lymph node out of 8 positive (they removed the one during surgery) they said the tumor invades to the connective tissue of the cervix but does not extend beyond uterus. I have had 2…
Breast Issue
I went for a screening mammo early July and they called me back for 3D imaging. This happened once before in 2015 and then they did u/s also. In 2015, the radiologist felt that nodules, cysts and calcifications seen were not concerning. Today's imaging and u/s different story. Many more calcifications grouped in right…
Possible Screening Test for Endometrial Cancer
This could be a game changer. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/mayo-investigator-is-developing-a-screening-test-for_us_59528e4fe4b0c85b96c65d0f?ncid=engmodushpmg00000003
Improved UPSC Outcome with Treatment of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
I want to share this case study - Improved Metastatic Uterine Papillary Serous Cancer Outcome with Treatment of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. You can read the study at this link - http://imaging.ubmmedica.com/all/editorial/cancernetwork/pdfs/2014-02-afrin.pdf My mother was diagnosed with stage IIIC2 UPSC in June of 2014.…
New to site-Possible Uterine Cancer Questions for Members
Hi everyone, I am happy I found this site. I am still in the diagnostic stages to determine if I have any cancer of the uterus, but it has been a long few months and would love your advice! I am 46, I think still premenopausal, though could be fully (was always bad at keeping track), and though my last pap smear was…
discouraging appointment
Feeling very discouraged. Went to 6 weeks post chemo appt. The point, as I understand it, is for the oncologist to see how we are doing. So a friend went along. I said I was feeling well but had questions. In the course of conversation he said WHEN it comes back. . . not if. Granted I have stage 4B. Also I have to take…
Continuing Good news from update from reoccurrence from Oct. of 2016
Hi Ladies: I wanted to update everyone from my reoccurrence of UPSC from last October of 2016. I had a CA 125 blood test done on Monday, July 31st which showed my level to be 19 which is in the normal range. In May it was 26. This is very good news for me and I am very happy about this. I had a 3 month visit with my…