post op visit

Had my post op visit today.  It has been 4 weeks since my hysterectomy.  My doctor recommends chemo which is to start next Tuesday.  Even though my cancer was microscopic and removed with my hysteroscopy, because it is uterine SC he wants me to have 3 to 4 rounds of chemo.  I will be given Paclitaxel and Carboplatin.

I was going to start back up  at work next week, but since I am starting chemo, I am going to take another week and see how I feel.   

On my way home from the doctor, I stopped and ordered take out Italian food.  I had a half glass of wine with my meal when I got home.  Just needed to take that "break."

Just another step in this journey.  I hope by Christmas this will all be over with.

As always, all you ladies give me strength, support and encouragement.

My prayers to each and every one of you.



  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    That sounds like a good plan,

    That sounds like a good plan, Sandra. Better safe than sorry. Chemo is no fun but is very do-able. Good luck and keep us updated on how you are doing. Kim

  • hopeful56
    hopeful56 Member Posts: 73
    Kvdyson said:

    That sounds like a good plan,

    That sounds like a good plan, Sandra. Better safe than sorry. Chemo is no fun but is very do-able. Good luck and keep us updated on how you are doing. Kim

    Thank you Kim.

    Thank you Kim.

    From reading about affects of chemo, just getting some anxiety not knowing.  I know you've been there.

    I appreciate your response.

    Thank you.


  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    Sandra thanks for the update

    I know this must be overwhelming- you can read the thread here "ladies going through chemo" for great information.  VERY important to drink LOTS of water before, during and after not only to flush out the chemo but you must stay regular - it tends to stop everything up.  Chemo is cumulative so 1st one may not hit you as hard as the ones going forward.  It's good to think about eating really healthy and supporting your healthy body.  I did that by incorporating a naturopath into my cancer care.  It helped with the neuropathy and side effects of the all the drugs.  I know the others will be along with other good info and good wishes.  Please feel free to keep asking and sharing  (((HUGS)))

  • derMaus
    derMaus Member Posts: 558 Member
    I was very apprehensive

    I was very apprehensive before my first chemo. I knew I needed it, heck, I *wanted* it, but the idea was unexpectedly scary. Know that you can ask for Ativan or something similar; I did so as soon as I sat down and it helped. Then it's just a matter of them putting in an IV (if you don't already have a port), and starting a bunch of drips; they'll give you a bunch of 'buffer' drugs before getting to the real chemo part. Except for the hair loss and some tiredness, I did fine until right before my 4th treatment, when the cumulative effects kicked in. Even then it was tolerable, though. I'd suggest getting probiotics into your system sooner rather than later, I was late to do so and wish I'd started sooner. My naturopath recommends 8 strands, 40 billion. In this case more is better, although I should think anything would help. Also, glutamine can help with neuropathy -- something else I wish I'd started sooner. Best wishes, and please keep us posted. B

  • Donna Faye
    Donna Faye Member Posts: 427 Member
    Ask about steriods

    The chemo would have been fine IF they had told me that steriods can cause problems. Did not prescribe tapering and 3 days after first chemo I ended up in ER from steriod crash. After that they had me taper off and was fine. Also ask about blood clots and your risk. I got blood clots and now on blood thinner shots. To me this is the worst part but come Dec. they assure me I can stop the shots. YOU cannot ask enough questions so grill them on anything you need to know. I am 77 so if an old lady like me can do it and come out OK, you can too. Best of luck!

  • Kinableu
    Kinableu Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited September 2017 #7
    I had about the same

    I had about the same diagnosis and they proposed the same treatment as you Sandra, except I also had brachytherapy. The chemo drugs were well tolerated for ten days or so, then it hit me. I don't know which was worst but I had to take leave from work. Do not try to work but take it easy and let yourself heal and rest. You might be fine but things can happen. You might call chemo a rollercoaster ride until they can hit upon the best balance for you  of treatment and symptom management.

    i had hives from the Taxol and had to go to emergency. they started giving me a big dose of Benadryl with the dexamethosone I was taking for nausea. That kept the hives down but the dexamethosone made my blood sugar hit almost 500. I had to start insulin and metformin which made me throw up so now I am on jardinace and it helped. and they slowed down the drip and treatment took an extra hour. The Taxol caused hair loss aching joints and exhaustion. The carbopkatin caused shooting leg pains and numb hands and feet. I was prone to trip and fall because I could not feel the ground under my feet and had to go to the hospital again when a fall made my big toenail detach. It was not fun. I still have neuropathy constipTion and get dehydrated.'I am 2 months post treatment still not back at work.

    Am I sorry? No Everyone us different. But don't try to be Superwoman during chemo. You will be on very strong drugs and will have something new to deal with every day. This is a tough battle.

     Best of luck to you

  • hopeful56
    hopeful56 Member Posts: 73
    Thank you

    Thank you ladies for sharing all your experiences.  I know you have all been there and can understand what I am feeling now.

    Just want to get it over and done with.

    I appreciate all your suggestions.

    Thank you for your support.

    As always, you are all in my prayers.
