No one tells you this
Great article about a topic that’s rarely discussed. https://www.self.com/story/this-is-what-sex-after-gynecological-cancer-is-really-like
Disappointing PET scan
Hi, ladies. I haven't been very active on the board lately, trying to resume a somewhat normal life after Germany and hoping for good results from my scan. Unfortunately, the scan results were not great. Three weeks ago I had my scheduled scan and while the good news is that the cancer has not spread to my liver, pancreas,…
3 months of Taxol/Avastin
Hi everyone- I have been taking this treatment weekly for 3 months and it has been pretty awful. For some reason, the Taxol made my whole head miserable. I've had horrible mouth sores, loss of taste, hair thinned out, and worst of all, sore throats and sinusitis so bad it eventually became infected! At the end of the…
Odd/possible TMI question
I was just told last Wednesday I have uterine cancer. I see Gynecologic Oncology tomorrow. Back in May I was on a cruise. The last night of the cruise I was in horrible abdominal pain. I wound up going to the doc onboard the ship. When I got off the ship there was an ambulance waiting for me. I had an abdominal CT scan,…
Immunotherapy for endometrial cancer
I just found an article published online on 11/09/2017 discussing Immunotherapy for endometrial cancer. Here is the link: https://shar.es/1PBlp0. It is on the OncLive.com website.
Help with differing treatment recommendations
I'm relatively new here, and very glad to have found this discussion forum. I wondered if anyone has received different treatment recommendations from gyn/onc and medical-chemo/onc? Gyn/onc strongly recommends 6 chemo, but chemo onc recommends 3. It feels like the decision is now on me, and it's hard to be in this…
A new path forward...
Hi Ladies...well, the results of my PET Scan were not good (I did not expect they would be). The lesions in my liver were arrested in Germany, but there is progression in the lymphatic system that lights up my whole torso like I was covered in fairty dust.I HATE PetScans! They light up every little spec of anything that…
International Strategic Cancer Alliance
Has anybody ever heard of or used this organization They’re in my backyard http://www.isca.us/services/ Has anybody ever heard of this organization or used them. They’re in my backyard.
Head Breaking Out - Day 29
I had my 2nd round of chemo Oct 25th. Most of my hair is gone; but I have not shaved my head as yet. Today - my head has exploded in small pimples. I have been washing it every other day and keep it covered by a chemo cap during the day. Im looking for suggestions how to care for my noggin. Thanks!
Really good news!
I was pretty well convinced that I was facing another recurrence. Well, guess what? I had a clean PET scan! The history for me was diagnosis of carcinosarcoma in Nov. 2015 (hysterectomy, frontine treatment of carboplatin and taxol chemo and brachytherapy) and recurrence in March 2017 (treated with pelvic resection surgery…
What makes you feel good
So ladies what do you do that makes you feel good? Especially when undergoing treatments... I thought it might be nice to share the "little things we do" that improve our wellness or feel like a treat when things are hard during chemo/radiation/post treatment For me my almost daily practice of yoga is what keeps me…
how soon after surgery did you start the chemotherapy?
Hello everyone, I had a hysterectomy (left both ovaries in) in June and subsequently diagnosed with endometrial cancer (endometrioid type, FIGO grade 2 , stage 2 - incomplete staging since no lympy node was removed) Last week I had another laparoscopic surgery where my ovaries, omentum, appendix and a 6 cm solid mass…
First surveillance appointment
I had my first survelliance appointment yesterday. My CA125 was 3.3 (my Dr. high fived me when she told me too!) and my exam was normal. I also had my first bone density test (since chemo can affect the bones too), and it was normal. She said, I am normal lol . My friends may disagree, but she's the Dr. and should know :)…
Blood clots - DVT and PE and cancer
I learned the hard way that cancer, chemo, tamoxifin, age, fall, inactivity, or surgery could cause a big problem! Yes, they mentioned blood clots the day before I started chemo, but no one stressed how high risk I was! Finished surgery, chemo and was feeling great. Then went for the scheduled CT scan and WOW - DVTs in…
Abbycat2 checking in
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your e-mails to me regarding your concern for my welfare. I want you to know how much that means to me! Though I may not come here often, all of you precious women are never far from my thoughts and my heart. I just got back from a cruise with family and had a wonderful time. I…
Has anybody heard from Don'sWife (Nancy)?
I see she was logged in this past September but I don't think she's posted for awhile. She had UPSC like me and went through h*ll during chemo too. I was just wondering how she's doing. Love, Eldri
Low platelets/hemoglobin/white blood cells
Hi ladies, Has anyone experienced very low platelets/hemoglobin/white blood cells after treatement? My platelets strarted to dive after my 4th week of Cisplatin/radiation so they stopped the cisplatin but I continued radiation for 10 more treatments. During my last week of treatment my radiology oncologist started having…
asking doctor's questions, Cancer Treatment Center of America?
Is it unrealistic to want to ask a question of the radiololgist oncologist before the appt 1-2 weeks away? My gyn said the side effects of radiation may be worse for smaller people (could include permanent diarrhea or urinary issues), which made me wonder if the radiation does more damage because it's too strong for that…
New therapies
This is a link for an article that appeared in a newsletter from Dana Farber's Susan F. Smith Center for Women's Cancers: http://blog.dana-farber.org/insight/2017/10/human-touch-surgeries-new-therapies-brighten-picture-endometrial-cancer/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=>> READ…
Very Good Pet Scan Results
Hi Ladies: I have some very good news regarding the recurrent UPSC cancer I was diagnosed with in October of 2016. I had a pet scan done this past Tuesday the (17th of October) and there is NO evidence of cancer or even a trace of it. My CA number came way down to a normal range in May of this year and has stayed at a…
ncg007 Checking in
Haven't been active on this board for awhile and just checking in. Heartbreaking to read of all the new members and those that continue to fight, and happy to read of the successes. For those that don't know me, I was diagnosed in June 2015 with Stage IIIC1, Grade 3, Mixed 50% Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma(EAC) and 50%…
Hey Jairoldi, how are you doing?
Hey Jairoldi, have you started your radiation yet? How are you feeling? Love, Eldri
Surprising CA125.
Hi Ladies! I am bummed. I had a new CA125 test done and it came back at 325, so my new oncologist is sending me to San Jose for a Pet Scan next Friday. NOT what I wanted to hear just 8 weeks after returning from Germany, especially since there are no symptoms that I can point to. I have been really wracking my brain to…
Cheese Update
Seeing oncologist tomorrow but just read my CT scan online: PELVIS free fluid: Increase in now moderate volumeascites. There has been progression of peritoneal nodularity. The findings are consistent with carcinomatosis. Progression of peritoneal carcinomatosis. Let the games begin!
NFL is not all pink
This makes me happy and is applicable to the thread on "ALL Cancers month". Progress. I will be paying attention this year to not seeing only Pink on the field. "Crucial Catch" is a good theme, as many cancers can be caught by early detectiion, it's just that early detection of breast cancer can and should be done and…
My whine for the day
I am the kiss of death for doctors!! Every time I find a doctor I like, they leave. About two months ago my oncologist/gynecologist sent me a letter that he and his PA are no longer seeing patients who are not in active treatment after his other PA died. Today I received a letter from my beloved Dr. Roth that as of the end…
It's not OUR cancer - in fact it's targeted to those under age 25 with lymphoblastic leukemia - but I rejoyce every time I see more treatments coming online. All cancer patients been stuck with the same ole chemo crap way too long, time for a change - and a cure.…
J&J's Award Overturned re: Baby Powder
Team Susan-Facing Forward: Support her AND the Foundation for Women's Cancer
Ok, Team Susan - Facing Forward, I'll be running a virtual/shadow 5K with you here in Central Penna. I donated to your team on the Foundation for Womens Cancer website. <Content removed by CSN Support Team> This is how Nancy Brinker built the Susan Komen Foundation to better inform all of us about the types of breast…
Ding! Ding!
I never felt like ringing the bell when I finished chemo because I still had radiation to get through and then I lost my dad without getting to see him when we were originally supposed to have gone for a visit the week I ended up having having my surgery. That will haunt me forever. My one year anniversary was Aug. 31, but…