Appointment with John Hopkins
I met with an open surgion at JHU yesterday to look at my cancer and make a reccommendations. He indicated that my cancer with 3+3 gleeson, 4.8 PSA, and staged T1 was right for surgery if I wanted. They also had done a second opinion on biopsy and it was 3+3 too. Dr. said watchful waiting would also be fine for me but said…
I am scared and confused - recently diagnosed
I was diagnosed with moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma of the prostate on 12-30-2010. I am 53 years old in otherwise good health. My psa was 4.3. My last psa was 1.2 in 2007. Original biopsy report showed Gleason score was 6 (3+3), 8 out 12 bioposy cores positive, 4 on each side. Tumor represented 30% of total…
Radiation Oncologist or Medical Oncologist
As you all know - after robotic RP in Jan 2005 and external beam RT in Dec 2010 - my PSA in Jan 2011 is 0.4 - I have to continue to be medically followed. The confusing question for me is who should I keep visiting - Radiation Oncologist or Medical Oncologist? I request your experiences. Thanks. Subu
PSA rising slowly
Hi I am new here, had a radical in 08 PSA stayed a 0 form 9 months then went to .01 stayed there for 6 months then went to .02 last test in 1/11 was .08. Dr. said he is not overly concerned. Should I be? Steve
Enlarged Testicle
Hello everybody, first time post. I had a radical prostatectomy about 7 weeks ago and seem to be recovering well except for one thing. If I am on my feet for more than a couple of hours a day, my right testicle swells to double it's normal size and I have to sit down for a while. I talked to my surgeon about this and he…
question about H/T
have any of the members of this panel experienced weight gain while on H/T? whether it be big or small?
Placement of markers went south
Had my gold markers placed in preparation for my Cyberknife treatment and it went south. It appears according to my Uro that the bacteria in my body was already resistant to the antibiotics comonly used for the procedure. I wound up spending 4.5 days in ICU and 3 more days in general room. My Cyber treatments will be…
my urologist has prescribed me cipro to take for a month and then get re tested for a rising psa score. it is currently 5.8 and i had a radical in 2003. my psa has been steadily rising over the past 7 years. i apparently have rogue cancer cells in my prostate bed. has anyone on the panel been prescribed cipro for a rising…
radio active seeds
can anyone on the panel please share how radio active seeds are implanted in the prostate bed. is it major surgery?
Treating Advanced PCa
This post is for Janeebe3, Doctoro, and others with questions about treating advanced PCa. My husband, PJD, thought the following video link might be helpful. On October 28, 2010, Dr. Mark Scholz, a PCa oncologist, gave a presentation at a prostate cancer forum on “Treating Advanced Prostate Cancer.” A 90 minute video was…
Post surg,post radiation, post lupron. PSA begining to rise.
Back again. Davinci June 2009. Gleason 9. Pre PSA 17. Post PSA 7 then 8. 4cm tumor found in pelvic lymph. Had 38 radiation treatments Jan 2010 combined with Lupron therapy 3 shots. OCt 2010 PSA 0.02 Nov. 2010 PSA 0.04 Dec PSA .4 CLean bone and ct in Nov 2010. Called today to make appointment. Does Anyone have any input…
Brothers, I continue to be a member of the ZERO CLUB. IT was my 1 year and about a month test and came back Non-Detectable...YES! So glad I made the decision I did on my surgery. All is well and now after a cortizone injection into my arthritic hip I find great relief and the ability to walk nearly normal again. It's been…
Urological stint and ams800
OK question for all you guys that have an 800 installed . Did you have to have or were you offered the chance to put a stint in the spincter to hold it open forever. Just curious as my Doc installed one in me for fear it would close down somewhere in the future . With the stint in place I will be incontinant forever…
Cystoscope and CT Scan today
After 10 minutes of CT Scans with and without contrast and having a cystoscope my doctor has determined that nothing is wrong with any organ (bladder (and my sphincter is beautiful) kidneys livers lungs spleen etc in my body let alone any cancer…So I am blessed and happy about dodging another bullet today but not happy…
What do you guys think about abdominal CT scans after treatment?
I had one last year prior to surgery but from what I read these abdominal CT scans give the equivalent radiation of 500 chest x-rays in one scan or 3.3 years of natural radiation exposure. Having said that, last week I had a drop of brown blood in my urine and then the next time I urinated a drop of red blood and then the…
4 More Months
I was in to see Dr Latini at U of MI today. My 4rd visit with her. I was hoping to hear her say she could install the AUS next week. Nope. Never happened. I got to watch the trip up to into my bladder. Talk about exciting photography!!! Wow! Still lots of healing needs to be done. I see Dr. Latini again in 4 months- on May…
SBRT Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy
Hi my friends, I dropped in from the Uterine board. Can anyone recommend an outstanding medical center for SBRT? Or better yet an outstanding Rad. for SBRT. Thanks, Starfish
Hormone Therapy aka ADT
HORMONE THERAPY aka ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) or TIP (Testosterone Inactivating Pharmaceuticals) Below is a link to an excellent article from PCRI Insights Newsletter (Nov. 2010) on ADT aka TIP written by Dr. Mark Scholz, a nationally known and well-respected oncologist specializing in PCa. Dr. Scholz is…
prostate cancer
help for a friend from a survivor of anal cancer
I am in need of some inofrmation to help a friend who has prostate cancer. He is 46 and was diagnosed as stage four aggresive prostate cancer. He had surgery 6 weeks ago and just got his results for his psa levels. It was a 2.3. Not what he was expecting. He is in a tough spot. The dr. who did the surgery at Fox Chase said…
Has anyone used Calypso Medicals GPS for the Body Machine?
I have looked at thread topics back about 2 years and have seen no mention of this machine. I assume is it is similar to the Cyber Knife. Instead of the gold seeds, it uses what they claim are improved Beacon Transponders that are implanted in the prostate. They allow the machine to detect slight movement in the prostate…
Sollen feet
My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer about 5 years ago and it has spread to his bones and some Lymphnodes(I think). He won't go into detail about it with me but I know it's terminal. He recently went on a road trip from Ontario to Florida with my sister and her husband and since he left, his feet and ankles have…
Nutrition Consultation -- PCa and Cholesterol
I just had a consultation w/a nutrition specialist at UCSF to see if there's anything I could do to decrease my PSA and cholesterol levels through diet. I've read and seen all of the common advice about both problems but didn't think it would hurt to get specific advice. There are other threads here about PCa & diet but I…
pathology report
I recieved my pathology report ,it showed gleason score 3+4 7 tumor involved right and left posterior , right and left anterior, vascular invasion not identified perineural invasion identified tumor multicentricity: multicentric foci of invasive carcinoma are present high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia :…
Modified Citrus Pectin
I stumbled across this the other day, from the ACS website: http://www.cancer.org/docroot/ETO/content/ETO_5_3X_Modified_Citrus_Pectin.asp?sitearea=ETO It says that MCP "...studies appear to show that MCP makes it difficult for cancer cells that break off from the main tumor to join together and grow in other organs." In…
Latest published results for CyberKnife Treatment option
Here are the latest published results for CyberKnife treatments which will help guys with localized new PCa cases (low-risk prostate cancer patients) when deciding on a treatment option. The biochemical progression-free survival at 5 years was 93%. The short term side effects were resolved within 1-3 months from treatment…
radical prosectomey jan4 2011
I will be going in tomorrow radical prosectomey lymph nodes seminal vessels , and havent spoke to anyone who has had this surgery
It's a start....
BOSTON — A blood test so sensitive that it can spot a single cancer cell lurking among a billion healthy ones is moving one step closer to being available at your doctor's office. Boston scientists who invented the test and health care giant Johnson & Johnson will announce Monday that they are joining forces to bring it to…
Diet to bring down PSA
I had IMRT treatment in 2006 and my PSA went down to it's lowest poit to about 1.2 from 4.2 in about six months. I recently joined this discussion board as my PSA last year was 1.9, and two weeks agao it was 2.2. I exchanged thoughts with several people, "KONGO" is one and a member on this site, and a few others are…
One treatment being scratched from my list--HIFU
Trying to do my homework on various treatment choice options after initially being rushed towards davinci by my doctor. now I am looking at everything but saw this today and don't think Ill be signing up for HIFU soon. Friday, 10 December 2010 BERKELEY, CA (UroToday.com) - In Austria, costly hospital medical services that…